HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-04-16, Page 1t• 1
"• A very large range of the newest in Ladies' ready -to wear
Waists, made up in Voiles, Muslins, Piques, eto., in many styles
'+ and nicely trimmed. These goods were very popular -last season-
-• and they are prettier than ever.
• Range in price from $1 to $4
o A large selection of Ladies' ready made House Dresses, very s
. serviceable and will stand a lot of wear. Price is every reasonable •
Also many styles of Misses and Children's Dresses to choose 4
• from•. •
♦ ••
• •
tl Ou.seciean i n g .
s •
• Are you prepared for the spring housecleaning time. Make •
• this store your headquarters for your wants. •
Curtains, Carpets, Rugs,
I Window Blinds,. Mops,.
Carpet Sweepers, •
Call and see our new wall• •
paper. Very pretty paterns •
and popular colors to choose •
from. Call for sample book. s
. A.I1 Prices
Designs I
y Have you chosen your new spring hat? We will be pleased :
4 to have you call and look over our new styles for spring and i
• summer. •
• We sell only ••
• -•
•• - •
.. f
Paints arid Varnishes 1
• • A paint that has stood the test for many years. A special w
paint for every surface. Call for Dolor. cards. •
i •
• •
Produce -of all kinds taken ••
• w
e •♦
• •
• 4.
• a
Telephone No.9
* a.-Arx4"06i ra4,s s 4** 41. IA
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Clean-upl- Clean-up!
Sucker fishing time is here. -
Make Zurich a . pretty and clean
village as well, as a busy village,.
Cash is'Ifing at E, Appel's. Bring
your $ and see what' you can buy. -
Miss F. Rader, of Dashwood, spent
a few days this week at, the home of
Mr L Kraft.
Mr G F Bissett, of , Saltsfe rd
Heights, spent Sunday in town with
with relatives.
We will -serve Neilson's famous .lee
cream on Saturday as usual, Mrs
Mr Henry Schnell, who bas been
visiting here fora few months, has re-
turned to Chepstone, Ont.
The Sunday School services of the
Lutheran church will begin at a; a m
next Sunday instead of 2 p m. This
plan will be adhered to e during - the
summer months.
Mr J Preeter has shipped over fifty
tons of sett onions from Zurich this
spring. This industry is growing
larger every year and the need of a
railway out of Zurich to handle .the
large shipments is more needed ` than
ever. -
Remember that the big sale of the
Ontario Clothing Co is ending on
April 21th, at 10 p. m. and everything
will be sold for next to nothing
prices during the last font days, so as
to save expense of hauling goods away
from Zurich. iVlost talked aboid store
in this yicinity.
The following interesting statistics
of the local post office is taken ' from
the report of the Postmaster General
for the year ending March 81st,1914.
The gross revenue of Zurich postoffice
was $11,127.80;: money irx:ders iss Xs
$8,488.01;: arders and notes'parclij
$5,291;51; salary and allowance
$628.72. -
Word was recently received from
Peter Randall, son of Henry Randall,
who is serving at the front with the
first contingent,that he was badly
wounded and did not expect to be able
to be well enough to ever go on active
service again. No particulars of the.
wounds he received or where he re-
ceived them is given in the letter.
The Department of Agriculture is
organazing in Ontario 22 rural scho-
ol fairs, which will include participati-
on by over 45,000 children. The sug-
gestion" to the children regarding the
advisability of their growing this year
a potatoe war crop, and that the pro-
ceeds from the sale of the crop will be
applied to some potriotic cause, has
met with gratifying response. From
present indications it is a safe estimate
that between 45,000 and 50,000 bush-
els of potatoes will be grown by the
schoolchildren for this purpose.
At the Seaforth spring stock show
held last Thursdaythe following ing won
prizes in the carriage and roadster
class: Roadster horse in harness—A
E Close, Seaforth; G Koehler, Zurich.
Carriage horse in harness— J Decher
Sr, Zurich; G Corinth, Zurich.
Carriage team in harness— W
Waldo, Henaail.
J Decker, Sr, also not 2nd prize, for
general purpose team. The show was
a splendid success.
Incorporated 1855
93 Branches in Canada
A Genera, Eankind
Business Transacted
Savings Bank Department
Interest at highest current rates
Zurich Branch
R. T. DUNLOP, Manager
Messr G R Hess and H Gellman
spent Sunday in London.
Dr. Hardie, dentist, at Dominion
House, Zurich, on Wednesday and
Thursday April 21th and 22nd
Mr Ferdinand Howald, of the Luth-
eran Seminary, Waterloo, visited his
home here last week.
Lost -Last Saturday, a purse con-
taining a small sum of money. Kindly
return to Herald Office if found.
Mr Conrad Volland has purchased
25 acres of land from the Canada Co.
Mr Volland has had this land leased
for .a number of years.
Pure-bred S C White Leghorns.
Wybkoff's and Spelman's strain, Im-
ported, Eggs 80c per dozen. Wm
Leibold, Zurich, Ont,
No war stamps are necessary on
letters containing correspondence if
they are marked printer's copy on the
outside. Our correspondents will
therefore use the envelopes supplied
when.a one cent stamp will be suffi-
The members of the Lutheran
Church held their monthly., social ev-
ening at the home of the pastor, Rev
W C Miller, last Friday evening. The
red and blue sides had completed their
canvass for new members and the los-
ing side, namely the reds, had to pre-
pare a supper and programme on that
evening. A fine supper was first par-
taken of by the forty members present.
After the supper an interesting pro-
gramme was rendered, consisting of
violin and piano duetts, solos, trios,
choruses, instrumentals, speeches. etc.
A debate Resolved that Education is
more desirable than Wealth, was ably
dealt with by the sides chosen, the
negative winning out by four points.
After singing God Save the Jing, and
expressions of thanks had been passed
for the royal entertainment and sup-
per, all returned. home highly elated
with the success of the evening.
The Post Office Department, having
given notice -a week or two ago in con-
nection with the War Revenue Act,
that all letters and postcards mailed in
Canada for delivery in Canada the
United States or Mexico, and letters.
mailed in Canada for delivery in the
United Kingdom and British possessions
generally, or wherever the two cent
rate applied should in addition to pr-
dinary postage carry a one cent stamp
as a War tax, and also notiffied the
public that such war tax, while it
should be paid preferably by the post-
age stamp marked "War Tax", could,
if such stamp were not available, be
paid by an ordinary one cent postage
stamp, is now issuing further notice to
the effect that postage stamps may be
used for the prepayment of war duties
on bank cheques, bills of exchange,
promissory notes, express money or-
ders, proprietary or patent medicines,
perfumery, wines or champagne, as
well as upon letters and postcards,
postal notes and post office money
orders, the intention being to provide
facilities in those portions of Inc
country where exercise stamps are not
readily available, This in view of the
fact that postage stamps may be ob-
tained at all points over the whole
country, in many places where there
is no Collector of Inland Revenue and
no Inland Revenue stamps could be
obtained, is a distinct convenience to
the public, and no doubt will be large-
ly taken advantage of.
MoClinchey---On Town Line, April
6th, to Mr and Mrs Wm McClinchey
a son.
Sinallacornbe--In Hensen on April
9th, to Mr and Mrs F W Smalla-
conihe, a daughter.
Bedard—In Stanley, on April 10th,
to Mr and Mrs Joseph 8 Bedard, a
Taylor ---In Exeter North on Saturday,
April 8rd, John Taylor, ased 80
years 11 months and 1:9 dayp.
Cameron--Evans-'In Stanley, on
Aprilith, Ida Victoria, youngest
daughter of Mr and Mrs Wm
Beans, Stanley, to James A.
Oaineron of Toronto, son of Mr
AO Mrs Thos Cameron, Bayfield.
Farm for Sale
Lot 17, con. 3, Tuckersmith, Huron
County, contains 100 acres, well drained,
well fenced with wire, and in a good state
of cultivation. On the premises are two
bank barns 54 by 00, with cement stabling.
Water in stable, room for 30 head of cattle
never failing well at house, with windmill
and cement tank at barn. One and one-
half story brick house, in good repair, one
acre orchard, half mile to school, on good
road, 211 miles to Seaforth, 1* miles to
Egmondville, telephone and on rnral mail
route. Purchaser to have privilege to
work on farm at once. Farm must be
sold to close an estate. Further particulars
made known by applying on the premises
or address Mrs Caroline Grieve, L R. No 3.
Seaforth, Ont. pd 40,
Millinery Openings
We beg to announce to the Ladies of
Dashwood and vicinity that we have
added a Millinery Department to our -
Our Spring Opening
in charge of Miss 'Crawford will be
held on
Tuesday and Wednesday
March 23rd and 24th
and following days.
You are cordially invited.
=ash -wood.
i+!r 411II U H * - 00111*M4 U 4 I* {ti8Mif .S Hi4U XE?M
1 New Spriug Shoes
1 ......_____ i
You will want a pair of new shoes to go with
1 "' that new spring suit. We handle the
Invictus, made by Geo. A. Slater, Derby 1 These are our leaders. Also cheaper grades.
McPherson for men, and the Gracie
and McPherson for ladies.
S These are our leaders. Also cheaper grades.
We can please you. Sep our spring display.
.. g
C. -FRIZZ Zurich I
gg an
Butter and e s taken in exchange for shoes.
The Home of Good Shoes
iitrQ4• 14s-rp*f41•1Mr1111-{{i.01144111•Nrf{Oi00{i110MMli{40+Mft:
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�re you goiig
to paint this spring? If so, we can supply you with the famous'
Ready -Mixed Paints
For floors and verandahs or anything that needs paint. Nona
better and few as good.
New and up•to.date Shoes
at popular prices.
More new waists, aprons and ready-made dresses
and dress goods just opened up. All our lines are
stocked up with the latest and best that money •
can buy. Come and see for yourselves and be
IIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIfIIIiIUIIIIIICglllllllllllillllu ul.lila+Iliii4',il��' , il'rf.iiilifllulllllllilll'!lilll11;1f ii�llilll!i'1111111tilllillillllllillllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllli!iillll�[Illllllllilllllilll(111'!II!l11811pi1111111(IUllll➢- i�
+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4.444.
4 Robinson Folding Bath Tub.
An invention that should be hailed with delight by every
person who does not have access to a regular bathroom. The
3 great majority of people in small towns and in the country
,'ii.. are deprived of this great luxury and necessity This is your
opsortunity to supply your home with modern bath faoitities
• at e very few dollars costs.
4. Thousands already in use
• Guaranteed against any defect of manufacture
for 10 years.
We have secured the agency for the