HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-04-09, Page 4THE HERALD
issued every Thursday afternoots.kowthe
Victoria St. Zurich, by
iellnP.nw F.,. HESS and CI-IBSTRA L tint Uli
SUE$SCRIPTioN peen $1,00 A s''.EA,Ft
subscripton $,5o trIct1 Instrictlyadvance ,
Rates for display and contract advertisements willbe
given ontropliation.
Tr anslent notices such aN emponittenrsociet
etc., so cents per line for first inserticn and s centsper
ine foreaels subsequent insertion.
Notices of entertainments, sociale etc. at which an
ad miss ion fee is charged or a special collection taken
will. be charged tor at the regular advertistng rates
Net ices of religioas or other meetings the object of
which i6 the benefit of the community and nor for per-.
ona I or sectarian interest or gain, will be cheertuly
.hfe rted free.
• Estray advs. $ t for three insertions.,
No paper discontinued until all arrearages ate paid.
Changes for contract advertisements must be in the
office by 6 p. nt.Tuesday, otherwise they will ne left
over until the roliowing week.
Advertistnents without specific directions will ht.
inserted multi forbid and charged accordingly. Tran-
sient advertismenrs must ne paid for in advance. '
Address all communications to
Men are busy repairing the Bay—
Bald pier
Bayfield fall fair will be leld
next 5th end ath of October
jatnes W Doyle of Mt, •Ctermel
has sold one of his furriest° a 'Rowe
of McGillivray,
T H Cook Clinton has sold .his
livery business to Frank P. rthte of
Goder lob township.
The Canada Temperasioe Act will,
probably be voted on in Perth
county on June 24th,
Mrs Robert Elliott,of the Gc-sh—'
en Line, Stanley, has rented the
residence of Mrs James Wallis. at
Bayfield, and will move into it in a •
few weeks. -
A dog. supposed to ba affected
with ralnee, was shot in Harpnrhey
near Seaeorth A proclamation
has been issued ordering all flogs
in Seaforth to be tied- or shut up.
An investigation is being made
into cirournsatncee connected with
the death of the late Mr Bell who
was killed by being trampled oia leY
a horee at Fullerton Foul play
has been suspected.
Rev Fr Fostef of Ridgetowu,
and formerly of Mount. Carmol re—
cently underwent an operation for
stomach trouble at hospital of the
Mayno Brother of Rochester. Minn,
The operation was successful and
Fr, Forster is making satisfactory
Miss Kate Weutzel, sister •of Mr
William Weutzel, Crediton, died in a
Detroit hospital last Sunday. Deceas-
ed had lived in Detroit for many
years. The remains were brought to
Crediton for burial, the funeral being
held on Wednesday.
George Joynt, one of Hensall's
most enterprieing business men died
last Thnrsday after a few week's ill-
ness. He succumbed to an attack of
pneumonia and his death has cost deep
gloom over the residents of that town.
He was engaged in the evaporator
business and. also collected ashes
throughout this section for many years.
His wife and three small sons survive
him. The funeral was held on Mon-
day and was largely attended.
1 t • The following is the result of Easter
Promotion Examination or S S No 12,
Jr IV to Sr IV, maks to pass 486—
Percy Schoch 611, Henry Schilbe
570, Daniel Miller 500, Norman Gas•
cho 501, Theodore Steinbach 462,
AlfredlUeidinger 424, Lorne Pfile 402.
Brill to Jr IV, marks to pass 435,
Morley Witmer 504. Roselle, Saline
522, Annie Sabine 459, Joel Gesell°
Jr III to Sr ItT, marks to pass 890.
.01.rilon Witmer 570, Ina Living -
good 443, Orville Steinbach 427, Lil-
lian Simms 899, Oscar Fleischauer
871, Urban Pfile 887, Heibel [hut -
man (absent)
jr II to Sr If, marks to pass 868.
Vernon Schatz 402, Ada Witmer
474, Alvin Waltere 400, Prank Badonr
811, Theresa Mei 286, .featneene
• tae 257, Lorne Fleische 281.,\
' All Pt I and Pt II classes to pase 24'2
Pt 11 Sr to Jr If—Bernice Schoch
• 201, Myrtle Masse (absent).
• Pt 11 Jr to Pt fir--Gertio Schilbe
839 Edwin Gsscho 906 Albert, Flei-
schemer 288, Nettie Meidinger 215.
Pt (c) to Pt I.T. Jr—Lillian Bose:142,
Lambert Witmer 202, Lillian Bader
248; Susie Waiters 220, Elivabeth
Dadoer 158. .
Pt I (i;) to Pt 1 (c)—Greta Scbilbe,
• Erwin Schiihe, Idello, Schoch,
Pt I GO to Pb 1 (n) —Edgar Masse,
Gordon Mittel:.
Miss M Sparks,
Mr Henry Kraft, Town Line east
is oonfined to hisbed through ilhaess.
His many friends hope for his
speedy recovery,
Our teachers left on Thursday to
spend their Easterholidays in other
• The Ladies Aid. of the Evangelical
church will render a oanta,ta, entiti.
ed tbe Ten Virgins on Sunday, the
18th April. Rev S. A. Oarriere of
Grand Bend is also expected to give
an address on the same occassion.
A special oollection will be taken.
The particulars will follow latex.
Confirmation servioes were held
in the Lutheran church on Sunday
last when a class was confirmed.
Mr Thomas H. Klumpp has sold
his barber business to Mr Wesley
Wolfe, who has taken possession.
Mr and Mrs Henry Truemner and
Mrs Ernest Rader spent Faidav at
the home of Mr and Mrs Adane
The Sports committee have again
arranged to have a gala day on
June 3rd and if it is carried out as
we have heard it will certainly be
much better than on any previous
Mrs Sylvanirs Witmer, of the.
Babylon line, spent the week with
-relatives here.
We are very sorry to report this
Week the very serious illness of Mr J.
E. 'Henry Principal, Dashwood Piiblic
Sdhool. He had gone away for the
holidays not feeling the best and on
Saturday p, rn., he was suddenly
stricken clown with syncopes and
nerve collapse, and for several hours
very little hope was held out for his
reeovery. He is doing now as well as
can be.expectect Mr Henry has not
been in .good health for some time and
asked the school board to be released at
Easter. They however persuaded him
to finish oat the term, which is now
impossible. Mr Henry is an anabitons,
energetic ande•faithfal teacher and by
his removal:the profession loses one of
its most able and successful teachers,
Mr Menne -Steckley is wearing ee
smile—its a 'boy.
Mise McKay is spenclinp, the holi-
days at her home in Thamesford.
Miss Ve:rda, Talbot is visiting her
uncle at Thamesford.
The little daughter of Mr Ed Den-
omme is very ill .at present with pneu-
NVhile on their way to ohnroh last
Sunday, Mr Joseph Oesch, Sr., and
son met with a serious accident. They
were driving along the town line, jest
west of Blake, when the horse took
fright and became unmanageable. The
buggy was upset and the occupants
hurled to the road. Mr Oesch, who
i.5 an old man oyetaeighty, was severely
shaken up and bruised. The boy
escaped mihurt.
• Stewart's Trees
Have a 52. year reoord built up on
the strong foundation at
Quality and Right Prices.
We have for this spring a good
supply of the best varieties of
Apple Trees, clean, healthy stock,
free from disease. Also other fruit
trees as vell as a fine stock of
Send your orders in now direct
to the Nursory.
R. R. No. 4, Goderich, Ont.
Goderich. Rural Phone 6 on 7.
Notice to Debtors.
In the estate of Jeremiah A.
Oorriverm late of Drysdale, Ontario,
111 erchnn 1, deceit sea
Notice is hereby given that the busi-
ness lately-carriedon by the •bite
jerriniali A. Corriveau at Drysdale,
has been sold. 1 have handed over
the book Recounts of the said dezeased
to John Lteporto, R. R. No 2, Zurich,
for collection, who has full anthority
to (olleet and give receipts for saeie,
All accounts must be settled by tbe
‘,61.st day •of April 1915, and any ace
eon its reined fling unsettled at that
ante will bo banded to my Solicitors
Goderich for collection..
Maga 27th March, 1015,
Seraphine Oorriveart, Adm inistratrix
of estate of Jeremiah A. Corriveam,'
Mr John McEipley attended the
meeting, of the Hydro•-Electrie •cam-
aniission held in Toronto.
tOlies Johnston le engaged with
Me Geo Elliott for the -summer.
The Board of Health met in the
Town hall Varna on Saturday, March
Mrs Richard Robinson bas left for
,a visit with friends ab McGregor
Mr Chas Roman hae paxehased
Lane Durham bull from Mr. Robb
geobelemere of the Bronson Line. .
. •
MreGnenbilton and baby, of Detroit
is visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr and Mrs John Laporte of the
Bauble Line.
Mr James Derma:nom set •doing a
mashing business selling war books. Of
eourse James is a hustler, and when
he takes a hold of anything he makes
it a success.
Mr Regis A Denomme has moved
to his new home on the 14th con, and
his many frienbs wish him success.
Mr Peter Mousseau, wife and family
of McGregor, and Mr Prank Mousseau
wife and family, of Hensel], ars visit-
ing at the home of Mr and Mrs Alex
Mousseau at present.
Mrs George Pollock has moved to
Zurich where she will make her futuie
Mr E Desjardine of Grancl Bend
and Misses Bertha Dricharme
Edith Denomme visited at the horn
of R N Denomme on Sunday.
Miss Edna Dow, graduate nurse
of Toronto, is visiting her ' father
She volunteered to go as a Irar.S('
with the Toronto University cont—
ingent who leave about the middle
of April.
Appropriate Easter servioes were
held in the churches of Exeter last
Quite a number of residents ef
Exeter are on the sick list ta t pres
ent. -
it,, S. Richard and two sons airve
left for Frobisher, Sask„ to prepare
for the spring work on the land.
Mr and Mrs Michael Eaorett of
I Brantford have returned to Exetea
to reside,
.A. 8, Deavitt is seriously ill et
his home here.
W. R. Pellock has resumed his
position with J, B. Scott in the
creamery after a cornetts in the d al ry
clepertment of the 0 A. C , Guelph
T. Elliott bas accepted a position.
as tailor in Blythe and has left for
that town.
The Spring show held on Wed nes
day of last week was a great success
and the large crowd present evinced
much interest in the4udging. Hensel)
Band rendered suitable music for the
Mr Alex McPherson is recovering
from his recent illness.
Win Welsh, of Toronto, formerly of
this place, spent last week with friends
Mrs L 0 Yaeger of the west is Visit-
ing her parents, Mr and Mrs Habkirk.
The eitizens of Hensel] were greatly
shocked to hear of the sudden- death
of John Hawkins, of the London
Sixty,five dollars were realized for
the Patriotic Mind last Wednesday
• eveniug when Valley Farm was render-
ed by the dramatic drib.
Miss Esther and Mosier Alfon
Leibold of Stratford event the Eaeter'
hofidaysin Hensel.' en it iei ii y
Mrs Mary Ano.Morris of Watford,
spent Easter with her brother 'Mr
Peter Wooley, and other blends.
• Duncan McMartin is reeoverh g
frou w severe attack of pneumonia.
Mouth iareathia0,
Gbildsteu end pownups, toe. '+'
should be warned .against meuta 4
,ereatelue, Breathe through the y
nose, es the air is warmed and .
hltered of ,clust as it passes :
through the JAW!, ,Keep the nose
free of vlistruetions and avoid
the •use ca soiled handkerchiefs, tg
as they are can:lees of disease 4"
germs, Physicians should he con. ..
t* suited to promote nose breath- +.1
+ Mg, Poisonous germs may eater,
and the irritating dust partielea
-s+ may make openings in the sensi.
tive linings of the nose, throat 1,
y. and lungs and permit germs to f.
., get ,a foothold for producing 4.I.
colds.a.nd more serious affections.
And That Nation's Request That It Be
Spelled Serbia.
The request of the nation heretofore
known itt western Europe as "Servia"
that Its name be hereafter spelled
"Serbia" is ,onlY reasonable, "Serbia"
or "Serbyn" beitg the correct form.
The letter "V" is a comparatively late
coiner into alphabets. 'The Greek has
none; "b" is used instead. ,"Victoria"
thus becomes 'Biktoria," but is pro-
nouneed the same.
Old S1111`013i0, whence Russian and
the Serbian dialect are derived, bad no
17," but two forms or "b," one denot-
ing the "v" sound. Early •Latin also
used "b" for "v," as does modern Span-
ish, and unlettered persons long con-
tinued tu confuse the letters. Thus a
Celestial! father would carve on a rude
tombstone in the Catacombs for his
baby daughter, "Birgo" instead of
"Virgo"—virgin, In modern Italian
dialects "v" and "b" are to some ex -
.tent interchangeable.
English writers have often used
"Serb" to distinguish the entire race
from "Sullen," a subject of theaittle
kingdom. In the native tongue there
is only the one word. It is often hard
to preserve in English letters the exact
Serbian form of a word. The adjee,
tiye "Serbian" itself looks much like
"Crpsk." And the word is sometimes
spelled with an "o" in English—Sorb.
—New York World.
Belgium's River and the Stream of
Which Campbell Wrote.
There is Yser, and there is Iser. "We
have read mach lately about the river
Yser in Belgiutn, 'bn both banks of
which there has been heavy fighting.
Whenever the name of the river has
appeared in Print it has recalled
Catupbell's brief but stirring poem,
which tells of the river Iser, and some
readers. forgetting their—history and
geography, have wondered if in both
cases the same river was referred to.
Some years hack Campbell's "lichen -
linden" was a favorite poem for dee- NBIL.M1311
Imitation itt tbe schools, and it adorned rt:Egrt CLCOIgt
Many of the school readers. Its first -
Cream ',Watite
. '
have made arrangements with Silverwoods
Dairy, London, to take eream at the
Feed Store, Zurich, on Wednesday
of each week untilfurther notice,
Cream is tefited when brought to my store
and paid for on delivery. Price paid this
week was 34 cents per pound.
Cream must be at the store not later than
1 o'clock, Wednesday afternoon .
L HUM Feed Store Zurich
Check :Looks
For General Stores
7E are selling agents for Appieford's
J popular counter check books. Our
prices are the same as city travellers
charge yon for ihem. Let us know your
wants and we will cheerfully ,:show you
samples and quote prices.
Herald Printing Co. Phone3O
Ulla Mee
1)]4 1J1 IN
Fret.h ard Salt Meats
Bologna Sausages., etc
Tungblut &
..„...._ ' „
stanza goes like this:
On Linden, when the sun as tow,
All bloodless lay the untrodden snow,
And dark as winter was the flow
Of Isar rolling rapidly.
The rhythmic flow of the words
makes tlie poem easy to commit to
memory, which explains why it was
frequently selected for declamation.
The river Iser, or which Campbell
wrote, is in Bavaria and is a branch
of the upper Rhine. On its banks was
fought the battle of Holienlinden.
'when the c..ombinied. 'i'ench and Bawl -
Man armies defeated the Austrians.
Then the Freud.) and Bavarians were
allies. In the fighting tibout the river
Yser they are eneinies.—Eartford Con -
occasion. rant.
On andafter April 15th all lettere
and poet cards mast bear dm war fax
stamp of one cent, 'Be careful not to
mail your correspondenee wilh out the
necesssary stamps on the envelope as
it will be sent direct to the dead inline
office if the war stamp is not an. Call
at our office and we will supply you
with the necessary stamps,
• • Oxygen Caltes.
Solid oxygen in cakes like soap, eas-
ily turned into oxygen of the gas form,
is a new substitnte for the tanks of
coMpressed !..mygen used in breathing
apparatus for coal mine rescues, in the
machines for supplying oxygen In
cases of extreme sickness and in n
great many manufacturing processes.
The cakes of oxygen rapidly turn into
the gas when pInced in contact with
water, in touch the same way that
carbide is turned iiito acetylene gas.
A pouncl cake- or solid oxygen will
make more than two cubit. feet of the
gus,—Saturday Eveuitig Post.
How Railroads Have Grown.
To show how rapidly railroads de-
veloped in the Enited States, in 1828
there were only 8 uelee, in 1880 42
Miles, in 1540 2,800 tones and in 1550.
50,000 1111108. The present railroad
mileage in the 'United States is pp -
ward of 356,000 miles, or equal to sev-
eraltracks aroundthe globe, while the I
teed mileege of the world is more
then 640,000 miles, all built in less
than a hundred years. •
A new shipment just itt of
Bon •Bons, Chocolates, etc.
' The best that money can
A large variety of Comic,
Patriotic, Scenic, etc., Post
Cards, all prices.
We also have the Flag
Gum, Spearmint, Etc,
Leading Brands of Ciders.
Oysters in Season.
Classified Ad I
i •
FOOT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries.
Public &e. Office, ou the Square, 2nd.
door from Hamilton St. Ooderich.
' Privat e funds to loan at lowest lutes.
W. Ps.ounrour, K C. J. L, KILLOnAN
R. E. B. BALFOUR, graduate
'Western University, .late of
the Military Hospital mil Victoria.
Hospital, London. Office in the
building formerly occupied by the late,
Dr,McLaughlin, Dashwood.
R A. 5. MattEINNON late House
Suygeon, Erie County Hospital,
Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi-
dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity
Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the
House Staff, New York Palyclinice
Medical School and Hospital. Drug
store in nonnection. Office, Zurich,
• Ont.
Te,e'r 1414.M-RIW,
A retlable man to sell
STOOK IN ZURIU11 and auao
. Farms For Sale
210 acme of good farming and
fruit land. 2000 peen trees of which
1000 are in bearing, good, plenty of
wator, good bondipg, Well fat] epd Rad
partly drained. For particulars
apply to Daniel Smith, R. R. No. 2.
(loon ty.
St .rtnow ILI the hest selling lane,
eland for Itstt of Spline OffelitigS
tcnd terms to agents Liberal oo.rn—
lfljrsious . Handsome Free Outfit.
atone & Wellington
The Foothill 1\Thseries
(Establizibed 18i17)
We have a large stock of these
on hand. Estimates given and con.
;tracts taken. All kinds of exterior
and interior finish for houses matte
to order We hf:tnd'e all kinds of
Naval Rank. Building Material. Call at Planing
On the basis of Vessels completed 21)111,
and Vessels under construction the
xarikoe the following flattens in naval
Staacling, is': ' Greet Britain, 1; Ger- 1 (AL sl, FiLyIscH
, „ i
Martz 2; United Straps, 8; France, 4; • . , : .0
'Japan, 51 Rags% al. Xtalle it; Austria*. PitliNE,
lit14' ecp %kbuom York A33200=14 - wisthof