HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-04-09, Page 1Incorporated 1855 The ., �tAK CAPITAL. and RESERVE $8,800,000 93 Branches in Canada A Genera, Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR, LBTTrr3 nF CREI)Ii'. BANK b10NE'sr O.i,,1)ER,S Swings Bank Department Interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL, 9, 1915. 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 40 4 Q 4 AL 0.4 ea 4 A very large range of the newest in Ladies' ready -to wear • Waists, made up in Voiles; nluslins, Piques, etc., in many styles a o and nicely trimmed. These goods were very popular last season and they aro prettier than.ever. as -0 a. Range ,' price from 1 to $4 0 4 LgDIES' 1 c cz o 'f 7 4 4 4 4 4 m 4 4 4 A large selection of Ladies' ready made House Dresses, very. serviceable and will stand a lot of wear. Price is very reasonable 4 Also many styles of Misses and Children's Dresses to choose from. 1%'� `� a • g u CC1 a.1f o Are yon prepared for the spring housecleaning .time. Mike ® this store Stour laenrlgtiartt'rs for your wants n ,t Curtains, Carpets, Rugs, sa Window 9i ds, Mops, • • C 1r n pelf Sweepers, • 4 • et• 4 • • • A • • • 410 Have you chosen your new spring hat? We will be pleased o to -have you call and look over our new styles for spring and summer. 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 4, A as paint 4 4 4 4 A 4 4, 4, 4 4 s • elerho No.9 ALL P ` PER Oall and see otir new wall- paper. Very pretty paterns and popular colors to choose teem . Call for sample book. All Prices Popular eyesiwfS N 4 e We sell only . tS an 1lia arnishes NO 37 r.ts-a--,. °416 v.1 Rupture Expert Here LOCrA.L, NEWS. Seeley Who Pitted Czar of Russia *.i►fa."ayvr {ar e.ir ejr a (,aped to Groderich. Mr Win Klapp visited relatives in w. H, Seeley of Chicago and Phi - Stratford over Sunday, ladelphta, the noted truss expert, Mr Henry Randall, of Lchdon, visi- ted relatives here over Sunday. 11lr W Burgess, of Wingham, spent the week at the boric of Mrs C Fritz, Mr and Mrs Oscar Miller of Berlin. were the guests of Mr and Mrs Jacob Howald over the Easter holidays. . Mr Herbert Howald, of Stratford, is visiting friends in Detroit, Mich, and Cleveland, oyer the Easter holi- days. Parents who have children old en- ough to start going to public school, should see that they begin 'next Mon- day. Mr George Kibler, a member of the ambulance corps, 34th Battalion, 0 E. F., of Guelph, visited at the home of 'Mr C Feltz over Snnday. Tho directors of the Zurich Agri-. cultural Society met in the Town Hall last Thursday .for the puriiose of revising the fall fair prize list; A number of changes were ui.ade svhioh will appear in the list when it is print; „,,t, -.4:V:12141$1 ei' f the friends of Mr and llrs•W L Sp -Vert eathered .at their home on MonrOsty. to help to celebrate the 88rd auuiversaaT of their wedding clay. , During the evenings program--. m I me they were presented with a hands some Morris chair. Friend's were present from Creditors, Dashwood .tend Zurich. Miss Best of Toronto, formerly of Senforth, and daughter of Mr Frank Best, leaves in a couple of tveeles for the Old Country, where she will do her o part atnursing thewounded. soldiers will be at the Bedford Hotel and will remain in. Goderieh, Wednes- day only, April I4th, Mr Beeley says : The Spermatic Shield as now used and approved by the United States Government will not only retain any case of rupture perfectly, affording immediate and complete relief, but closes the open- ing in 10 days on the average case. This' instrument received the only award in England end: in Spain, producing results wi4thout surgery, barmf>:il injeotions, ',medical treat- ments or prescriptions. Mr Seale has. documents from the United bitates Government, Washington D ;C., for inspeotion. All charily oases without cherge, or if any in- terested call and ho will be glad to show sante without charge or fit them if 'desired. Any one ruptured should remember theeiiate and take advantage of this opportunity. paint that has stood the test for many years. for every surface, Call for color cards. - A special Produce of all kinds. taken �.EETE o ZURICH • 4, i 4, a s 4 4, 4, • 4, 4 4 4, 40 • 4 0 4, 4, al 4 8 4, 40 4, • m 4, 4r 0 •8 4 4 4 4, 4, 4 4 4v 4, 0 4, • 4, 4, 0 4, e 4, ' Causes of The War Prof. Reithdorf, of Woodstock Col- lege, addresseci1b large gathering in the `Toad I. a11, Zurich, on Tuesday evening frthe lecture was given un- der the au aices of the Tri Mu Broth- erhood, and \vas an interesting one, as the professor arrived in America from Germany about twelve years and is well acquainted in the methods and ways of militarism in the father- land. He stated in -his address that he was as loyal a German as any and loyed his couutry as well as any, but that he was bitterly opposed to the fora of Government, the compulsory militarism and the aloofness of the higher classes in Germany. Ile said that a poor man had no chance to better his conditions of life but was S.Expr lv t looked down upon by the better class r aassi tart. teach miss eB' es especially the soldtere'Re alsostated Paban assista,ut, teacher lit the Its i 1 ° ''ch�athe runs figlatinrr f:he battle el the man" c School e few years ag'o anct'aet German -Canadians in Canada and many friends here will wish: for ber�pleadecl•for more loyal support from cafe return, 1 the residents who are of German de - While the ordinary ono cent stain p lscent, Blood sloes not count in this will be accepted in payment of the war , tax on a letter or post card, the war tax stamps will not be accepted in pay- ment of the postage on any class of mail. The public should bear this in mind, also that letters not prepaid with a war stamp by the sender will besent to the Dead Letter Office. War stamps aro not required an Newspapers, Books Photos, Music, parcels etc. uNOT!GE W e, the undersigned Police Trus- tees hereby ask the residents of Zurich to please remove all rubbish ashes and. other truck, and keep the streets of our village clean of any obstruction, Do not speed horses or automo- biles within the village limit. There is a rase course on the Fair Grounds. We would ask for better order generally. Constable O'Brien will see that the above is enforced. Zurich, March, 24th, 1915. H Well, H Yungblut, F W Hess. Millinery Openings We beg to announce to the Ladiesat - Dashwood and vicinity that we have:. added a Millinery Department to our business. Our Spring Opening in charge. of. Miss Crawford will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday March 23rd and 24th and following days. • You are cordially invited. G. KELLERMAN & SON tag it 44 o• 1 1 1 4. 4, 4, 4, 4 WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The members of the 'Women's in- stitnte will meet ab tbo home of Mrs 0- Douglas, Zurich, on Wednesday eyeeing, April 14th, ab 8 o'clock. IIAY COUNCIL The members of Hay council met in the Town Hall last Saturday. All were present After the routine busi ness was disposed of the following ac- counts were passed: E Warm, fixing road, $2; MunicipalWorld, subscrip- tions and blanks, $11.G0;L Wurtr, taking C Rupp to 'Woodstock . $7.10; Bell Tel Co, L D tolls for February $18,85; Independent Tel Co, supplies $2.04; W G Hose 8 nmcnthe salary $ ;00,00; P Mcisaac, 8 months salary $250.00; J Jetrey balance on poles 25c; J England damage to plow, $2. Tho council will meet again on Sat- urday, May 1st, at 2 o'clock, p. m. 1t' Hess, Sr, clerk. SO Wail:y:6%14 war, he said, its the environment, and therefore German -Canadians should support and feel proud of Britain, who gives her citizens a free country to live in. Itis remarks left a good im- pression on the largo assemblage and "God Save The King" was sung with deep fervour and enthusiasm at the close of the meeting, Dr. Hardie, dentist, -at Dominion House, Zurich, on . Wednesday and Thursday April 14th and 15th. Will have ice cream, sundaes every Saturday evening. The good home- made kind. S. Kuepfer Zurich, HOLIDAY VISITORS Mrs C Lindenfeld and children, of Exeter. Mr 13 E Hess, London. Mr Roy Appel, Stratford, Mr W 0 Goodwin ,Goderieh. Mrs A Zeller, Detroit. Misses E Bennie and E Heyrock, Loud111ron. Irvin D Smith, London. Miss Carrie Gallivan, Clinton. Mr Alvin Suretus, Toronto. Mr A 11cCcirmicl , Berlin, Miss A. Koehler, Toronto. W. Brown, London. Miss M. Brown, Stratford, 13011-N'. 4. 1 r= tell41i4}4fi �t ++4112raggeMIND 41! Sh i e with You. will want a pair of new shoes to go that new spring suit. We handle the Invictus, made by Geo. A. Slater, Derby and McPherson for men, and the Gracie and M cPherson for ladies. These are our leaders. Also cheaper grades. We can please you. See our spring display. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. The Home of Good Shoes .Y ida2atr X1444 1D• eer4+4 3vaitzG+ b'Y :Jay.r,'.a }44,4.+r 4 CZ.•.".. T' ZY41'60101Q 'x'.4:441.4 assaassSSSii?IC1i1G ass Sou hcntt—At Santa Monica, Cal - to on 11I tirch 8th, to Mr, and Mrs. Pred.Soutbcott, a son. 1)IE1:) Joynt—At Tlensall; on April 1st, George Toynt, aged 41 years. Antos—In Exeter on March 25th, ' Thomas A. Amos., M. D., in his 55th gear, Hawkins --On the London Road North, on Monday, March 20th, John 'Rawlins, aged 54 years and 7 Months, Singular ----In Exeter on March 27th Johanna singular, relict of the late Jarnes Si ,talar, aged 08 years, 10 months and 2 days, Rollins -7n Stephen, London Road South on March 25th, Elizabeth Balkwill beloved wife of William Rollins, in her 76th year. Kyle—In Tuckersmith, on Tuesday, March 30th, 1915, William Kyle aged 78 years and 9 months. We have received man lin e sof new SPRING 000 and are putting them on display. You are cordially invited ed to call and look over same. New Prints, Gingham Dress Goods, Etc. HOUSE DRESSES A nice lire of ready to wear house dresses at reasonable prices. Very serviceable and good, material. WALL PAPERS A new shipment of Wall Paper just in. Call and see sample book. JFJp .Y Ve��S DO �" s S BLAKE ONTARIO 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. ,1. 4, 4. 4. '+/ 4. .t. 4. 4. 4. .5. �• , E. AA EL 4 4, `'t. 144 b E. 4 I*44-1,t�,04I +0 .1.4.4+1 '.iO4g/., „4„i,. .,R +44 ttetel" ".a„yt¢,E," ,,, ,.g {.�`t,a'„' '' ^,i"'�-1-1 : 1s, Saal .1.4.,1., . ,t� •..: •; •:..4-4.4 4.4, +4.4.4-44 x.4.4.4. 4.4,.:.4o+4$+4.4.+4. 4.4. I^ 4. Young 11T ori, the most critical of nil clothes buyers, 4. come and hee the stunning ' models tlt:tt, are here in Tailored Clothes Acknowledged. to be the 44, finest of YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHES:- Thera are Wor- steds, Tweeds, Cheviots, Sol'ges 3t1 iit.W colorings and handsome patterns. 1a:ery Suit shows all the ginger drat r•eal.tusl'ion Red good' taste will sanction Moderate Pizees Always `. 4 r 4