HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-04-02, Page 7•
What le Gobi; Ow inthe f gh1auils
and teeevlauds of Auld
i Scotia.
The Perth County Council are to
erect a sanitarium i;i the Muir of
• Auch terardea',
.. A case ;of anthrax hats occurred
at the farm of High Longs, Lismest,
occupied by Mr, Adair,
Edinburgh National Relief Fund
now amounts to over $525,000 and
the Midlothian Fund to over $75,-
1?ecently about 200 recruits ,from
all over S.utherlandshire arrived at
the 'Territorial. headquarters at
Lenge Town Council :have been
threatened with court martial if
their lighting arrangements are
not iroclified.
The Duke of l;uecie.uch has been
appointed Lord -Lieutenant of the
County of 1)umfr.iesshire in succes-
sion tohis late father,
Damage to the extent of about
$00,000 was done ;by fire. on the
premises of the St, Vincent Motor
and Cycle Co,, Glasgow,
It is intimated that the fleshers
of :Glasgow at meetings held in; the
city, have decided to .advance ` the
retail price of meat by 4 cents per
The body of a Territorial soldier
was discovered on the main Duna -
fern -dine to Edinburgh *line at the
North Junction signal box, Inver-
In Scotland the marriage rate has
been increasing, a Blue Book show-
ing that the figure in 1912 was 6:85
per 1,000, an increase on the year
Recruiting has been brisk at
Dumfries and recently about 40
Hien haveoined Kitchener's army
and 47 the•Territorial Reserves.
The magistrates have been. con-
sidering municipal interests and
other matters in connection with
any possible raid that may be made
on Edinburgh.
Owing to the increase in the price
of flour the 4-1b. loaf has been ad-
vanced one cent in Alyth, Blair-
gowrie, Burrelton, Coupar-Angus,
Mergie and Newtyle.
One of the few remaining aurviv-
ors of the Indian mutiny has just
died at Hec'kmondwiks, in the per-
son of William 'Salmon Holt, at
the age of 81 years.
The Clyde shipbuilding -statistics
11or the past year show a decrease
of a quarter of a million ton in
ships launothed, The total tonnage
launched was. 465,000.
Improvements are to be -carried
out at Saltcoats harbor. The Town
Council have agreed to - borrow
$30,000 to meet the expense of re-
•stoeing and renovating it.
Two men,. Henry Skelton, trim-
mer. and John Anderson, deck
hand, belonging to the trawler
Eagle, employed by the Admiralty
on patrol duty, were drowned at
The ancient annual custom if
burning the olavie at Burghead
was prohibited by the Chief Con-
stable of the County, as the glare
would have been visible out on the
Moray .Firth.
A case of drowning occurred in
the Caledonian Canal near Inver-
ness, the victim being a young lady
named LenaMackenzie of Bun -
drew, who apparently stumbled
over the embankment in the dark.
Lord Rosebery, president of the
Highland and Agricultural Society,
proposed at the general meeting of
the Society that a contribution of
$6,000 be given. by the Society to
the Prince of Wales' National Re-
lief Fund.
The Motherwell Town Council
have resolved to establish a separ-
ate polies force from May 15th
next, and to sever connection with
the county police. Inspector G.
Armond, Motherwell, has been ap-
pointed ebief constable of the new
Great alarm was created recently
in Gourouck by two shells dropping
• in the town. It turned out to be
two shots were fired tram the fort
at Port,kil aoros•s the girth of Clyde
from Gourodk at an outward bound
steamer that .failed . to stop when
Rear jansie i
An old woman, unable to road,
en receiving a letter from an eb•
sent son asked a friend 'to read it
to her. The writing was so bad
that the friend, hardly able to
make it out, read •atanlmeringlq,
"Dear moth—mother, x---1---te,-•
take" ---whereupon the old woman
cried out gleefully. "It's from dear
Jamie, sure enough 1 He always
etutltered 1" a
Once a mother leas used Baley'e
Own Tablets for he,z4 little ,;ince-she
will use no other medicine, She
.ices the l,a:blet+e art an
quickly realizes
safe aeanedy and tripe
that via give ,stfi'e restate, Con-
cerningthein Myth R, L, Wright
Penna%t, Sisk., writes t "/ havel
used Baby's Own Tablets. toil my
three babies and think so Hutch of
them that I, always keep them in
the house." The Tablets' erre sold
by medicine dew1en or by mail. at
25 cents a, box from The Dr: Wil-
liams' Medicine Co,, . Brockville,
When Sir William Van Horne
said many years' ago that the
C.P.R. by undertaking the weak of
irrigation east of Calgary, would
Make tth:e wilderness to blossom
like the rose, he was derided, but
to -day this prophecy may be raid
to be a literal fact. At any rate,
millions of. acres have not' only
been reclaimed by the !company,
but the whole. district hag been
so improved and beautified that
there is now a general clamor for
irrigation in sections which .are
still untouched. Deputations have
gone to Ottawa to stir the Govern-
ment into undertaking the work
outside the proprietarial-limits of
the C.P.R., on the lands which
seem to require this treatment to
produce similar resullts to those so
gratifying and profitable on the
C.P.R, wands.
As one result of this demand On
the part of the people of Southern
Alberta, Professor Fairfield, super-
intendent of the Dominion Experi-
mental Farm, Lethbridge, con-
vinced farmers that with irrigation
production will not only be greatly
increased, but permanent homes
established on the prairie, which.
can be rendered naturally beauti-
ful when irrigation works are avail-
able. The professor laid great
stress on growing alfalfa corn,
which meant more fodder for live
stock, more fertility of !soil, im-
provement to all crops. Resolu-
tions were passed asking the Minis-
ter of the interior to carry out
irrigation works,. or to arrange for
an extension. of the C.P.R. systemi.
For This One Day.
For this one ay—
Grant us sight to see the road,
Creep plainly on our winding
And grant us strength to
For this one day.
For this one day—
Guide our feet the road along,
Let not our weary footsteps
Help us lift a stave of song
For this one day.
For this one day—
Let us not see the mud beneath,
But know the gold above the
And smell the wind 'frau off the
heath .
For this one day.
For this one 'day—
When bowed at eve for benison,
Grant that upon the uphill way
Our passing smile has gladdened
On this one day.
How a Sid Wolllau
bear the
Call Regain Health
"For years I was thin and delicate.
I lost color and was easily tired; a
yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on
my face were not only mortifying to
my feelings, but because 1 thought my
skin would never look nice again I
grew despondent, Then my appetite
failed. I grew very weak. Various
remedies, pills, ,tonics and tablets 1
tried without permanent benefit. A
visit to my sister put into my hands
a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. She
placed reliance upon them, and now
that they have made me a well woman
I would not be without them whatever
they might cost. I found Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills by their mild yet •searching
action very suitable to the delicate
character of a woman's nature. They
never once griped me, yet they estab-
lished regularity. My appetite grew
keen—my blood red and pure—heavy
rings under my eyes disappeared and
to -day my skin is as clear and un-
wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr.
Hamilton's Pills did it all,"
The above straightforward letter
from Mrs. J. Y.'kodd, wife of a Well-
known miller in Rogersville, Is proof
sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are
a wonderful woman's medicine: Use
no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's. 25c.
per box. All dealers. or The Catarrh -
ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario.
The ohap who is buried in obli-
vion is also a dead one.
Nfraard'at Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
The Robeek Smile.
This is Rear -Admiral cle Robeck,
the Iristhman' of Swedish descent,
who has ,succeeded Carden in con-
trol of the Dardanelles fleet. Heeis
a brother of Baron de Robeck.
Made the 'Clyde Themsels.
The river Clyde has been 'brought
to its present draft by dredging,
and the Scotch are very proud of
it. A party of Americans scorned
it one clay. "Call . this a river:?"
said they. "Why, it's only a ditch
in comparison with our Mississippi,
or 3t. `Lawrence, or Hudsan."
"A.weel mora," said a Scotch by-
stander,• "you've got Providence to
thank for your rivers, but'we made
this one oorsel's." •
Chest Colds alld Iloarsiless
Quickly Rubbed Away
"Nerviline" Gives Speedy Relief and
Cures Over. Night,
Got a cold?
Is your voice raspy—i`s your chest
congested or sore?
If so you are the very person that
Nerviline will cure in a jiffy.
• Nerviline is strong and penetrating.
It sinks right into the tissues, takes
out inflammation and soreness, de-
stroys colds in a truly wonderful way;
Rub Nerviline over the . chest—rub on
lots of it, and watch that tightness,
disappear. Nerviline won't blister, it
sinks in too fast—doesn't simply stay
on the surface like a thick, oily lini-
ment would. if the throat is raspy
and sore: rub it well outside with Ner-
viline, and use Nerviline as a gargle
diluted with warm water. Just one or
two treatments, like this and Yourou
voice and throat will be quickly nor-
mal again.
Just think of it—for forty years the
largest used family medicine in this
country-Nerviline must be good,
must quickly relieve .and cure a hun-
dred ills that befall every family. Try
it for earache, 'toothache, coughs,
colds, sore chest, hoarseness and mus-
cular pains in every part of the body.
Large family size bottle 50c.; trial
size 25c, at all dealers.
It Is Nov Superior to the German
It is good to have it from Sir
John Fr.enoh that the British artil-
lery, at various points along the
front of twenty-five miles held by
the Allies, has increased its ascen-
dancy over the enemy's batteries,
says the Glasgow Citizen, It is
also -eminently satisfactory to be
told that our men, have obtained a
complete mastery over the enemy's
snipers. Very many of the casual-
ties hitherto sustained have been
due to this camp-aign of pot -.shots
Organized by the Genmans. It has
been said that they have trained
marksmen for this work, but, given
time, our people. we fancy, can al-
ways reach equ•aility in anytihing,
and in much human effort, superi-
ority.. We entered the campaign
deficient in guns and men. 7.10 -day
matters are on a different footing.
The adverse balance in field a,rtil-'
lery and guns. of heavy calibre has
been pretty well adjusted ; the nu-
merical inferiority in men is being
rapidly lessened if it has not been
altogether made up. Moreover,
there have been evidences, in much
61 the reeent fighting along ' the
western front, that the Allies have
already secured a moral aaeendan-
cy over the Hun levies. In Poland
something of the same influence is
observable. The compliment paid
to the Princess Patricia's Canadian
Light Infantry, by Six John French
will be -appreciated from end to end
of the Canadian Domini,o;n. They
have had their baptisms of fire and
emerged from it with. lustre.
It is easier for a girl to throw a
young man over than it is for her
to hit what she throws at.
Last year the gold ontput of the
Transvaal was 8,976,139 ounces,
valued at £36,&88,075.
eponto shoo
Tudor Speaks
She I{uti No Fnith. in Them. But
the RQSnits alld Health Obtained
cion,iueed Her.
Grates Cove, Trinity Bay, Nfld.,
IVIarc r 291111 (Special).—Among the
.thousands in Newfoundland who
pin their faith to I)od,d's Kidney
Pills is Miss- Mary Bridget .Wha-
ban,.ieaclier•in the Roman Catholic
School here.
"I .am exceedingly grateful. to
t)odd':s Kidney Pills," Miss, Whe
lan,states in an interview. "I was
'very much rundown in health.
Close confinement to my work
brought on my trouble,
"Reading of the many cures by
Docld's Kidney Pills I began to use
them and I must confess with very
little faith,
"Before I had taken one box I
was not only cared but my strength
was growing rapidly, and I feat a
great improvement in every way."
Miss Whelan gives, the real rea-
son of the popularity of Dodkl'-s
Kidney Pine, They do not cure
the ailment aimed at at the expense
of some other part of the body,
They build up health all over the
.body. They do this by curing the
,Kidneys. Cured Kidneys mean
pure blood,
Retailed- Glory.
_"Mother wants a penn'orth of
glory divine..'
"We don't keep that," said the
"Oh, yes, you do," the little maid
retorted. "We've got it here be-
fore. Mother puts it down the drain
in the back yard."
Then. the chemist knew that the
"glory divine" *as another way of
saying chloride of lune. .
Mlnard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
Quite So.
"Longevity, after all, is largely
h matter of diet."
"Indeed! I had the impression
it was largely a matter of time."
k Granulated Eyelids,
ae Eyes inflamed by expo-
sure to Sun, Rust and Wind
quickly relieved by Murine
yes Eye Remedy. No Smarting.
- just Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Muatue Eye
SalveinTubes25c. For Book oltheEyefreeask
Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
'l'errorff, :wove but Worse Below.
Kate (just returned)—Yes, Ihap-
pened to be in that. very city when
the German aeroplane dropped the
Alice—Didyou run for the cellar?
Kate --No, I heard there were
rats there..
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eto.
Pat Replied.
An Irishman. having recently ar-
rived in New York', got employment
with a .wood merchant, Later he
was ordered to take a load of wood
some distance away. Having gone
half his j•:iurniy he came to a steep
hill, and while the horses were
struggling to get to the top liis boss
happened to meet him,and seeing
the horses in such difficulty, and
Pat sitting on tdp of the load, he
stopped him and exclaimed "Do
you think the horses havent got
enough to do without hauling you
up the hill?" Pat, fixing, himself
more comfortably on the load, said,
"Is that what you stopped me for I"
"`Yes,""., replied the boss. Then,
with a crack of the whip, Pat re-
plied, "Gee up ! It's a. poor ship
that can't carry the captain.
Po whom it iiiay. concern; This is to
certify that I have used MINA1ID'S LINI-
MENT myeelt as well es proscribedit in
my practice where n liniment was re-
gttiredl and have never failed to get the
desired effect.
Noticing that Harry was a trifle
downcast when the dinner was
about half over, his young wife ex-
claimed gayly c "Cheer up, Harry,
the worst is yet to. come," Her hus-
band glanced up quickly, and with
a, despaifaiog gIanee inquired:
"What! have you trade a pie ?"
btlnard'a t.lnlntont for sale evcrywhare.
IID. 7. issrt
ai i*oatil'alvter4 M ihi-
ts.lfitci liy' trill ditivy divl8l,O 1, Ot..
'tan, tgi41, there were .e'tiGiit iti t.
lzrisli3 ? 00lette to In yields of Ma
liud fat that they must comrrl.ella
the attention of every progressive
d yaxitzn,
)11110 best Cow in one herd gave
only 4,158 pounds of milk arid only
,155 pounds of fat; the average Of
the whole 'herel was only 3,712
pounds of milk and ,136 patinds of
fat. In a herd near by the poorest
yield of any otic cow was 6,666
}wounds of milk and 278 poirndle 6f
fat; the herd average was 7,206
pounds of milk and 342 pounds of
There were several individual
yields of over .eight .thousand
pounds of milk, while one good
grade cow gave 14,400 pounds of
milk and 562 pounds of fat.
Coming to the .cost of feed, plen-
ty of herds had an average cost per
cow of from forty to fifty;five dol-
lars; even at these high figures
the net profit above the cost of feed
ran up to forty-six and fifty dollars
as the herd average.
Such results are full of meow -
agement for the ownera. and au-
gur well for the future of cow test-
ing in .the Maritime Provinces.
Other dairymen may well strive to
emulate these records of fifty and
ixty-five dollars_ clear profit above
the .cost of feed as made by good
individual cows. -This sensible me-
thod of determining the respective
merit of -each cow as a.profit maker
lays a solid fotindation far building.
np a singularly interesting herd
from a inodern business standpoint.
—C. F. W.
• Guaranteed
Never known to
fall; • acts without
pain in 24 hours. Is
soothing, healing;
r "1' 9 takes the'°siing right
out. No remedy so
quick, safe and sure as Putnam's' Pain-
less Corn Extractor. Sold every -
Where -25c. ner bottle.
" Ceaseless Toil.
"I want you .to understand," said
young Spender, "that I got my
money by hard work."
"Why, I thought it was left to
:you by your rich nnele."
"So it was, but I had hard work
to get it away from the lawyers."
Messrs. Pigeon, Pigeon cC Davis,
patent solicitors, Montreal, report
that 147 Canadian patents were
issued for the week ending Febru-
ary 23rd, 1915, 116 of which were
granted to Americans, 14 to Cana-
dians and 17 to residents of foreign
Of the Canadians who received
patents 7 were residents of Ontario,
3 of Nova Scotia, 2 of Saskatche-
wan, and 2 of Quebec.
Get•ling Back at the Judge.
A judge in remanding a criminal
called him 'a scoundrel. The- pris-
oner replied, as he was leaving the
courtroom, "Sir, I am not as big
a scoundrel as your honor"—here
the culprit stopped, but finally add-
ed—"takes me to be." •
"Put •your words closer to-
gether." said the judge.
You will find relief in Zam-Buk !
It eases the burning, . stinging
pain, stops bleeding and brings
ease. Perseverance, with Zara.
Buk, means cure: Why not prove
this 7 .sU Drarppistz_and Stores.—
internal and external, cured With-
out pain by our home treatment. 'hirrite
Cob Limited Colling Dr.
d, Ont n Medical
Choose your variety and
ask your grocer for
eativeS rove SALE,
H. W. D&'WSeat, Ninety Oolborno Street, -
J. Fruit, Stock, Grain or D8iiy. Fenn,.
write H. W. Dawson, Brampton, or 00
Colborne St., Toronto.
B. W. DAWSON, Oolboruo St., Toronto,
i TATOES. Catalogue fire, M<Conne.l
& Son. Pert Burwell, Ont,
tier, 5Write 9 o SJames 4o,'mat on, tra¢6
new Wheelock 18 x 42
Automatic Valve
Complete operating condition,
flywheel, frame, belt, cylinders,
and all parts. Can be shown
running at present time.
Will .sell at less than half
cost Brice.
73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto
What Is You
Mirror's Story
You can't have a beautiful
complexion for the asking.
Made in Canada
used regularly will remove blem-
ishes, and make the skin: smooth,
ciear and sound.
Vaseline Cold Cream contains
no animal or vegetable fats. It is
sterilized in the making and. deli-
cately perfumed.
"Vaseline" preparations are for sale
at all Chemists and General Stores.
on "Vaseline" in original pack-
ages bearing the name, WIESE-
ING CO,, Consolidated. .
Illustraied booklet free on request
"Oder stern" N Bottom 0-0
Freight Prepaid to any Railway Station in
Ontario. Length 15 Ft., Beam 8 Ft. 0 In.,
Depth 1 Ft. 6 In. ANY MOTOR TITS.
hipeciflcation No. 271 giving engine prices on request. Get our quotations
on --"The Penetang Line" Commercial and Pleasure Launches, ,4tow
boats and 'Canoes.