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Zurich Herald, 1915-04-02, Page 5
. --•-..— TIE CHURCHES L - SERVICES. CIIS lJzz' VAN, GR Sunday, German 10.00 a, m. rt Junior Y. P. A. 1.00 lrp, " Sunday School. 2,00 qr " (Service) English 7,00 << " Teachers meeting 8.00• `` rs Mon., Tri•MU 13rotherhood 8.00<< << Tuesday, Y. P. A. 8.15 ,: t, Wednesday Player Meeting 8,00 Friday Teachers Training Class 7.30 " choir practice 8.80 " " Ladies Aid meets 1st Monday of each month at 7.80 p. ill. LUTHERAN CIo110II SERVICES German, Sunday English 10.30 a. in. 7.00 p. Bible School 2.00 p. ixl. Men's Mis'n'ry S Tuesday 8.00 Luther League Friday 8.00. p. m, L A S 1st Tnes'y of month 2.30 p, n7. You are cordially invited to take an active part in all these meetings and services. "Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. Luke 11.28, LOCAL NETS Let us know the names of your visitors over the holidays. Call at the Postol ice for yollr Eas ter cards. A nice line on hand. Miss Florence Hartleib visited friends in London on Monday. Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, LTO FIRE 1Nsv'Rnrio PLATB (?LASS INSURANCE `A.UT0DI073IL1C INSURANOri PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLEOTED ACOD ENT SUR&NOE Herald Office Zurich DASHWOOD • O SIS:®E STOR Better Canadian Babies re ie before CQiI chickens a ncl eve Calves s babies in these days of higher educe' tion. Thousands of clonals are spent by our Governments to teaolt ushowtoeat'e for and feed calves and chickens, but diel you ever bear'of one dollar 'being spent to teach Canadian mothers hoW to care for their babies either before or after birth? . Thousands of babies die every year because their Mothers a not know how to care for their chiidren. 1Tow many calves or chickens die from the sane reasons? Not many. Why? Because we have made a gully of their recantre• meats and knowhow they chonlri be cared for, and because .aur Grantor gives.them thn Power 1..0 11r:10 thorn- selvosio a certain degree n.lmnst frmn bifith, Rabies not being able to help them-. selves, there is all themore reason why mothers should -fib themselves, to hall the babies What chance have babies to become healthy Catnadinn Citizens if. mothers ren not k11ow how to care for them? Oily Governments spend thor1snai(1s of dollar's to deal with hog cholera, but where is there al' dollar spent to staniIi- out tuberculosis in babies? Even the doctors do nob seem to stnclp the baby; their time is taken up doctot'ing admits that had they. been given proper care when babies world have grown rip healthy and strong and wonlrl not have needed a dbctor'•so frequently. Babies are riot born "strong" ^or "weakly"; they are l ora just as their mother, brought them into the world and even the weakest little mortal can be made healthy .and strong if its mother will only use common sense and good jnd,gment in the care of her child. 1\'fotha1s shonld join in themovement. for Better Canadian Rabies and learn from those who have made a stnlly of babies jnet what to rio and what not to do to have them grow rip healthy 'happy children. that (log and "re mimed to the earth Again?" "Nonsense!" "You mny sneer andsneer, but there ' ea3i- believe all tial m acro tihousanal:t who gration, I'm almost a believer myself. unite a number from town attended the concert at Dashwood on Tuesday night. Mrs CEilber, and daughter Miss Dora, spent a few' days at London this Week. Miss Flora Hess, of the Collegiate Institute; Goclerich, is spending the holidays at her home here. Farmers who have New Ideal man- ure Spreaders and need repairs for same can get them by leaving their orders with ine. Louis Prang. World's population 'numbers to -clay 1,900,000,000, an increase of 140, 000,000 in 4 years. The great war 1 will reduce the number by millions. F. Hess and Son held their annnal delivery of Mn,ssey-TJnrris' farm hil- t -dements on Wednesday. A large number of farmers went to Hensel) and retnrned with n load of these pop- nlar implements. I havea large -stock of all the latest and best in M lis' Ladies turd Children Shoes. Call and look over our lines before: you buy ,eisewllel'e. We elan save you money. Repairing Promptly Done Mr Jacob England an?l wife, of near Swift Current, Sask., have moved back to Ontario and will make their home ill Dashwood. They intend to remain in Ontario, for the section they lived in oat west `va, a total fa ilure last yen.r. They were guests at the home of Mr D S Faust recently. There is a wrong impression aboard that the tax of one per cent on bank circulation applies to the public. There will be no lax or (reduction on the withdrawals of deposits in banks other than the 2 cents revenue stamp requested to be affixed to each cbegne. The one per cent taxon a1 bank's note circulation is paid by the chartered hank'of Canada and amounts to over one million dollars. t1ION LIKE March shooed its iina like lenden- cies on Monday. One of the worst snow storms of the blunt visit,+rl this section on that•dn5 and with tihe in tense coli prevailing at the time made things Very unpleasant fur the time being. The breather has since.i}ruder• :tied and ib is hoped that the "s'orm- of the winter are now over. Butter and eggs taken, in exchange for shoes. David Pfaff' Dashwood - Ont IMPLEMENTS e d the dog Sift vevereca ail o'b4 ititeriOIt 1st Old pain• ( ..a and be - waited for further instructions, stover llrinly pan "`What on earth did you do headr?'": Yore lrirn and not only howled again, called MM. Bowser from the bead a* but finished up with u menacing g.' vigorous eta.teiuUg of the oar - pet U1 u a1 ci acid a the stairs. t "Because I'm going' to give this dog pet with all Pour feet, a show;" answered Mr. Bowser, "1'm'. -What is it now." shouted 11Zrs, BoW- going to. give him something to eat and ser. then study him." "The blame cur won't let the move; It happened to be the cook's night i believe he's going triad! You'd better oft' or there would have been a riot in ()pea a front window and yell for the the 1.itCheu. As it wns, fir. Bowser police!" cleared the pantry for the dol;, stud "W don't want to arouse the whole when there was nothing more to eat neighborhood and tpeve e t e mlaughing he returned to the sitting room, Mrs. at you, 1 Bowser enure down just then to selling eto fIsPtlie�expressiolt of ytilelf mout t11e "1 never heard of such a silly in all my life. Why don't yo71 turn ' same S ae as i twas?" . Can't yon slip him out?" "Let rue tell you something," replied down and open the t'ront door?" Air, Bowser: "There's a familiar Tool. Mrs. Bowser ,said she'd try it, but �' • cue. There•'s nn ex- she didn't. The dog decided to take a about that dug's fn and made at. pression about the month which msat,- view of the second story n and had. ealti a Memory. 805, now, but fast ns start. She beard. min coaling true as you live one of the best friends just time to reach her bedroom anwind 1 ever knew had ;lust such an exllres• shut the door when be banged ag slop; 01)00 my word, 1 , belles a the it He tore around for a minute or sum of ,Vial linker. who dicer two bwo and then got downstairs and drove a( ani ago. has passed into this do... Mr. Bowser ou to the lounge and stood ••'l'lam'a it had better pass out again. before him stud growled'and chuckled 1,11 'men the door stud you jump at and gurgled. in 0 way to freeze the biter. ' btuud It was evident that the soul of "VA do nothing of the kind. That Will Baker had shut his eyes and felt expr,•ssion almost clinches my belief Ids bupleasness when the 'family cat in fraw migration• Suppose it should mature to his rescue. She had been lick be 1l; mall of my friend come bark to 1„1 in the fight, but she had been taken earth again? `lee him tool: at me! ip :ulna Ise and li:itiu't a farm shoW. Why, woman, that say!"enls to under- Burning to recover tier lost laurels stand every word I say!" trier hiding for fifteen minutes ander 'tVe11, you can talk over old times the bei!. she had sneaked downstairs, 1(11(1 all �,f a sadden she lauded ou the dog's luno:; The son! of Mr. Bowser's incl chew was both pained and sur- prised at the sharpness of her teeth and tl.e length of her claw's. Ile made 1 w 1u us around the sitting room, three around the parlor, and then there was a smash, n crash stud it howl. cV ith the cal clinging to his back and d potting in ten hours a day the dog taken a bender through 0 parlor win- dow; and the P,owsels were saved. "And this," said Mrs, Bowser as she after Mrs, Bowser, axltbe down . nd d t Mr.Bowser and rrhe soul objected -that ss feet dog planted on i THESE WAS A DIIXUP F011 A FEW SEC0::iWS,. Hear that bowl? There's something ,about it to remind me of the voice of Some one who 1 have known. 1 won't do any driving away until I've had a look at the animal." Mr. Bowser put on bis hat and pass- ed svitli him, and I'll go upstairs," repliedwas getting ready for another out. The dog sat at the gree howl. and Mrs.. Bowser. "If he suddenly runs he mad and bites you don't blame any but choked it ori into a whine as the one but yourself." door opened. As no clubs were thrown It's queer, mighty queer;' mused or cuss words nsed he made bold to Mr. "It's r after n s q e r," m the jump the fence and enter the yard. He ; clog's Vase. after a isWill Baker's was a long. lank, ill used bobtailed dog clog's to a If its comes Bker's who had evidently cut loose from home! earth in the dot.or 0 clot; I'll backcto and was freelancing around the 00011 a bank onn tin]. formA dog a o talk, but if try. Mr, Bowser was about to atter 11 yell and scare the Maniac out of .1 this is poor Will there ought to be some way Of making sure of it. Doggie"— year's growth when Mrs. Bowser spoil I The clog didn't wait for him to finish. Binders, Mowers, all kinds of Cultivators, Discs and Fer- tilizer Drills, best and light- est made, all steel. Manure Spr.aders and all kinds of plows and repairs always in stock. Look at our Cutters. Sleighs, Buggies, and Wagons before buying else- where. GRAY MOTOR ENGINES 1* 1:T. P. $75; 2i;. II. P. $8.5; 4 11, 1.$125; 6 If. P. ;175; 8 H. P. $285: 12 IT. P. $375; all warranted first class. At the old .SStand:— Snw11'P Dealing Our Motto" ed it all by opening the (1(1(11 rand (1e' i [le lifted his head cold indulged in a got downstairs and found lir. Bow minding: tong ilr;twu .!fowl which made things " "Well, why don't you ttdrive 111111 a pale Need and trembling and his knees rs(tt!c. bending under him—"this is transmi- awav, ur has he turned out to be are ••l�or beaten', sake. but what is go- 1 „i 1t1uu ,s It ." old friend of yours?" lug oil down there:'" shunted Mrs. Mr. Bowser snapped his lingers. and Bowser. as the dog came trotting up the steps The dog howled. 1 was going to he was ushered into the hall and last: him if the soul of Will Maker had returned to earth its this foram when he"-- q:here was another howl. It was louder and longer than the other, and these was something so uncann3' about and save his dignity, but it was a vain it that Mr. Bowser found chills racing ` up turn down soul bock. [Ie determined lthe coldtironhere was a was being moved up if a urn the soot of Will Bilker the wobble of his tut spine, and ' �t• ally tiv• down his sp , it " "1 thought—I thought"— he stam- mered, tain mered, but she pointed to the broken window and interrupted: "Yes, I know, and that's the result of itl You'd better let souls and dogs and transmigration atone and find some boards to nail over it till tomorrow!" Mr. Bowser tried to work op a bluff YIrJT TIE ANSWERED RIGHT through to the sitting room. '1'be fanl- A. young Gelman 11•i5 being meal in� ily eat was lying under 0 chair and seemed asleep, but it didn't take her court, nnrl the =questioning, by the law- over the thousandth part of at second ver:: on the opposite side began. Ito wake up and light on that intruder "Now, Armlet, what do you do?" I Where was a mixup for a few seconds, "Fell?" nsk�d tl1P. German. I during • which Mrs. Bowser ran up - `"When you was k, nt coarse,'said' stairs. Mr. Bowser' got a chair, and th' 11wyer cat and dog rolled over each other on strict forthwith, but he u1' •1 knees took his breath away. ``V>'. 1 wont the flogs 'Phew the cat flew upstairs -"I. know," said the lawyer, but • what at?„ '—.®".'".. ` At a bench." "Oh, Lord!" groaned. the lawyer,: "where do Son work at a bench?" ROD AND GUN "'rho Steelbead" the Great Gamy Trout tii'tt 0001es oat of the Ocean, }� the s111 jest 01 au fullers .115 the well 11110A 11 writer 13o1111ve tle Dale in clic April issne of. Rod awl Gaut in Canada published by W. J. Taylor, Limited, ',V oo lstoCk, 011 t. "The Wise Fish" t)1 "riltrla Hubbard, is a I1t01l0roals icht1y,llogical (dialogue in which Sol Pike. Jerry \[1 blur). Bill Tench, Pet ;11.1'orsh, .10 nay 11011011,'1'ttu Gudgeon I iniluey (tray ling and others of their ills take part. The IForest l,'ire Problem in Algonquin Park it dealt, with Li. Vise and the {lilting department 1.1111 Gans and A.til;ililniij011 clepari- oleMtare 0151106'(1 i 11(uost this to 1nth. iu ltdd!11011 to those named tlxern ar( mlulry oilier 5tarin5 and ariieles eat in 'hrest to. the readers of 1111 o at11 :or ,(raga%ine. illess Sz Son, 1 ARE INSTArjLING A nnluber of new (devices r ; i111 and 'making •provetncnt`i,; in our., p1111 plant? which will enable us lo tl, job work as nen,tly anti (juicl.i5 as ally city olnee. Lat your next jut,, 110 0(11110)' Ianl1• largeor small it is, (10(1 we will 1/1 1100 51)11 1,1'11ib W1111,11 1110 111) is right Our pricos are els right; 13o loyal to lionlo 1111111.1. 'lel' 1 e5; HER Phone 30 I LO Got AUCTION 'A ALE t)F Farm Stock ...In a vnetory." "What hind of a factor)?" "In a Niel( vnchm'y." "Yon nelhl•e bricks?" " t f• I ick4 " Nn, the rnctory i ulna(; n "Noce, ;11n1ler, listen," said the last ycv, what .you mnl,o in the fact ry? "Eight toilers nvee( "Nit. tin! What sloes the factory Make?" I dnnah : a lot of nlrulev, l ilul) �Ve will arld'Ill•110111111 1:0 a1} address i11 ('1 111 c'a to Jan i a, 101( for 7.5 cel ts. 44444444.4444444.44444,444444.1. owsert } s 0 s prem@ftS \Po )n T,'1t 3. Con 1 ', Bronson L'n0. .1,tv, ?3 n1'ln ilort1) of Dav11w11011. min TUESDAY, APRIL Gth 1915 at 1210 u'olool( 1" 1ol1ocv108 1 111rie t'1511128 wit by Willow; hor,eris• lug 7 got by Albiuu; 1 horse ri,in r 5 gontly 5,,nthpar•ta 1 mare 1151ng 5 gotby port'. •rAT'1' Ll colt' due. 10 0111 11) April, I now duo to :Alf in \Ing•. 1 cow'dao to calf in Sept&'n- a101., 1 Holstein 0 )w 11;1wly calved 1 1'iol.tein •ow, 1 oil dna to calf in 1)eo., 11 hcifors ltd„ Kral to be with calf, 0 steers 11si(ig 11, " lwif�1; riseou 2, 4' heifers rising t, :!,fuer, 'i-ing 1, .4 kir calve,, 1 spring all, I grade \u1.;11, lint! 1 3'ear o1.1.- 1-1:)(1 i,l.-1-1 )(1 W, [0'}'1l SOWS (1110 in May, 3 s•1wa s.ike, 4 (4;(0 hogs. SHB81' 1.l>e t 4 .slterp, 1 run . Zurich *, 4- ea41 ` i 11 ` Frie'4. atie Conies, Back to Earth In r the Formof a Dog. •E• '111'"1).•00 Or' S lL,1 due All •;nav1 of tirl.nn awl under et -11; s't l' rh it as 1r 1"ant, 8 months credit will 1)e given 1n twill..vi l joint Mute:;. f . per cent per (•1))'1,11 (1i1'f ar mash on credit anlen01 . t .$&H.Bossefiberry,Auctione. ers. John K, Egli ems, Pro- prietor. By M. QUAD, 40 Copyright, 1915, by the 'McClure •Ec .*� Newspaper 31•ndicate. •`� •E+ . Mt. Bowser smoked and read. Thenhe chileked the paper away and talked to the east. Theu he nunlmcd'the air of a song. Then he luul(ed at the clod(. 'filen he rose u11 and stretched and ,yawned. What he would have clone next can- not be told, as tate nlonl'nfej bowl of ti dog cane from the street to cause Mrs. . Dowser to exclaiul: "Morey uu me, lnit go out and drive,t that beat5t away:" coin -By George, but that's a euri8119 eitieneet" exclaimed Mr. Bowser as he I • got up. "It was only this afternoon that I was rending a long 'article on transmigration, and here a dog c0lfl0 hovrli11g'111 front of my door." "1 don't see any curious coincidence' about it," retitled Ml's. Bowser. "If ;You had been receding a long article about Nonli and his a111 the dog `awould buys come in.at the same. se go out.,anti club hint away." "I'll do nothing of the sort, flow can we ,tell 1111)1 the soul of some of oar dead friends bats not )eased Into •';•:'.r .: ,+. ,a:n .,r.1t.7•- �:-%�.a.,.a4t4e.^.'kµr.'�-•f ,.r9F;".:"✓"�..Ki;ki ..Ir. it mob: l '`\ We'll tell you hew hi three words—use less gallons. That's the thing to go by in Paint—not the price per gallon, but the number of gallons required plus the length of time it will wear and look well. "100% Pure" Paint costs about half as much, countil the surface it covers, and wears two or three times as long as ordinary paint. You pay by the gallon—both for the paint and for putting it on. The Paint that is cheapest for you is the paint that spreads easiest and covers the «, most surface. "MADE IN CANADA" has a covering capacity .of 900 square feet of surfica per gallon one coat, as against S00 square fact cover©d by haled -mixed Lead a -d Oil—or-000 square feat covered by low prig a -. r.pared paint. And as further proof—if you will !wild us the dimensions of yur house, we will tell you rho numb: of s .lions of ` I00)b pure Print required to diver it thoroughly. No charge .` o this service. Ask for (t eory of our interesting book "Towns and Country Ionic)". It is free to our friends. Chas. Hartleib, Zurich, Ont. D. Tiernan, Dashwood, Ont.