HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-04-02, Page 4ROSE TO THE ` OCCASION. THE A.iall NOE , • Too Good to Miss, issued every Thursday a kttorney Thomas C Iiirinsmade +3oesii t object to a good stow, even If Zurich, by it's on him, Ile tells this cyte. "The .other day ,til old colored man .cavae sauntering up to are in my yard. fternoon from the \, Victoria,�, t. + CHESTER.RESS anti nerrwt HERALD PRINTING OFFICE $uBSCRIYTiON PRICE $1.00 A YEAR [l, $ subscripton ilit,59 strictly in advance , ADVERTISING TERMS, Rates for displayandcontractadvertisenaeats %lithe given on app Transient notices such as legal, cotposatioc,so C. to cents pa line for first insertion and 5 1wr ine for each subsequent insertion. Notices of entertainments, socials etc. at which air adititlss ion fee is charged or a spacial collation `r `Cot Will be clr•rrged for at the regular ads ei't ng.e rt of+ Notices of religious or other meeting t not far It of'' which is thebenetlt of the community • aidonal or sectarian interest or gain, will be :cheortuly' wetted free. Estray advs. $ i for three insertions. t51re paid. i No paper discontinued until all errearag •tits trust be in the ', Changes for contract advertisements ise mus well tea, Office by.6 p. m. Tuesday,week. over until the following Advertisments without specific dadirectigly•ns wilr ne inserted untitl forbid and charged sient advertismenrs must ue paid for in advance. THE HERALD. .Zurich, Address all communications to His Chance to Tap the Legal wr•:se i HENSALL DA where there was ;l big pile of rubbish. 1 .iuhv.' 1 said. •111o1nin , Morse Toni. Don't yotx ldebrailt }eft on Saturday Mrs George Trott \v"' that rubbish t hauled away?' 'Alt's Hl''what'll you tube?' t askeri for Port Stanley, where she will make th gallery rn "'What' a load, tin' 1 think It'll take her home with'kter tlattghter, Airs Peter th block. les' about two 'loads.' Zettle. Zee Spring lie "I'll give you 7fi cents a load; 1 told Wednesday w him Jo'hrt l'irueger's sale on Tuesday ed• A g you reitienil�e' ins, do you, Marse afternoon was well attended. Good of cattle some very him. prices were obtained. h „'Wi3y. sure, John.' Elmore 'Oesdh, barber, who has frac h d "'Well, you re>ytelnber when I was nil been workingfor Thos 'Klump, left James Bonthron p d nd ;tor W l y' craps ra you pleaded up guilty in police court?' e Wednesday for "Zurich where be 'has i ,Sate' 1 said accepted a similar 'position. ,'Au' you charged me $14 an' 1 ole\ger said a doggone \voed:' D'for S sinkboiner left on Satin:- "John hauled the rubbish at $1 a day '£ora visit with her daughter, Mrs art l load, and 130 made three loads of it." - "John •S I3ulnble, Sarnia. 1 �tileYelarxi. News. 'The auction sale of John. K Ehlers local talent in th T on takes place on Tuesday, April 6th. As d MrEhlers has much valuable stock and many imulements for sale a large crowd is looked' for, recently joined her husband here, They will live at the ofrearphotohe e Petty oo . Show held re on as fairly well attend- ed. exhibition wits given' horses andoa. e and animals were shown, hron has purchased the cottage formerly owned a occupied by Mrs Laing. Mrs D A Cantelon andson, ar- rived a few days ago. McMartin is laid a'n sok of pneumonia. Valley Farm was by O o Wednesday evening t e audience. Miss Gertie Petty ed. from Stratford Hospitalshe recently graduated a THD RSDAY, APRIL 1, 191.5 COUNTY NEWS Mrs. B Spencer, afor mer resident of Stanley township massed away at her home in Saskatoon, inn :.on March 9th. Deceased is a sister of R J. Richardson township clerk E Merner. Bayfield, has bought a tug and will engage in the fishing business out of Bayfield daring the coming season Ray Cantelon, son of Mr and Mrs David Cantelon, Clinton, has join- ed the 3rd contingent at Edmonton R P Bell of the Bell Foundry hCo Seaforth, was badly urt at Aments' sawmill Be was run• ning the saw when tele chain flew off hitting him on the leg, frnotur- ing it badly. Alfred. Sutton, who recently tnsoolld his farm on the •nth con and who had an auction stile on Monday has engaged with iuohert Carrow, near Seafortb, fur the coming year, and has move I this week. up with pre33nted Town $ilii o a good biz has return where 9 a nurse. Mrs Kaiser has already knitted with her own hands over thirty pair of socks for the Belgium Relief Fund. Duncan Hay, who has been •in the mercantile business in 1(.tppen for many years, has sold his store and stook to Robert Brownli t', who took possession on April lst, Mr Hay will take a well earned rest BEA:NTERMBA:DOW Tb e Unique Club bad a very intere- esting meeting lash Thursday evening. The feature was a joint debate of the Unique Club and"Sri Mu Brotherhood of Zurich. The subject was resolved:. The fanner does'inore for the welfare of the community than the inanufact- urer. The speakers for affirmative were W H Edighoffer, Henry Krueger, Oscar ltlopp and for the negative, 0 Fritz, W Seibert and P Lamont. The speakers ably defended their sine sides and brougbt out many strong p A short programme was given which was enjoyed by all. '-The judges then gave their decision in Brotherhood, they winof Mu Winning by one point_ THE HERALD CLUBBING LIST FOR 1915 Herald and Daily Globe +3 r a Weekly Globe1 7 " Daily Mail and Em- pire.. 3 " Weely Mail and Empire 1 Toronto Daily Star 2 rr tt Weekly Star.:. 1 Daily News 2 " London. Free Press Morning Edition.... 3 Evening Edition.... 2 Weekly Edition..... 1 " London Advertiser Morning Edition.... 2 Evening Edition.... 2 'Weekly Edition..... 1 " Farm & Dairy • 1 Fanners Advocate... 2 " Montreal Family herald and Weekly 1 tar Weekly Montreal .1 Witness GC 0c CC ' LC 5 75 85 75 85 Mr Jesse Horner of Detroit is visit- ing his brother J W Horner. Mrs 0 Truemner and son, Hilton, are visiting friends in Milverton. Mr Wal Decker spent Sunday eve in out burg. 1\tiss Myrtle Horner is spending this week visiting friends in Varna. 50 90 85 t, DEBENTURES Issued for Short Terra of Years Coupons Payable Half-Yeariy NEGOTIABLE Mr Geo Joynt is recovering from a severe illness. EXETER. Dr. T. A. Amos, a wellknown', physician of this town, died last Thursday after a few- days illness. He was taken down with pneumonia and his condition was grave from the beginning. His son, William, of Stratford and his daughter who is living out West were here for the funeral. Frank Case has moved to Hansell to reside, Bert (dillies has been transferred from the Bank of Commerce at Lindsay to the Exeter branch on account of illness Elmore Harness has left for Lon don where he has enlisted in ; the Mounted Rifles. The funeral of Mrs Sinclair. who died at the hone of her daughter: Mrs William Bagshaw, at the advanced age of 94 y ears, was held on Monday. Mrs William Rollins, of the Lon don road, an old and esteemed re silent, passed away last Thursclt.S evening. She had been an invalid for quite a number of years A husband, two sons and an adopt'_d daughter survive, The funeral was held on Saturday, Word was recently received al, Crediton of the death of Gottfreid Mistele, of Detroit, son in law, at John Wind, whioh- occured on: March 23rd. Miss M Sparks has resigned' her duties as teacher here and has left for her home in Hensall. 90 90 75 75 40 85 Money To Loan $8000.00 private funds to loan on first mortgage at current rate of inter- est. Apply to A. F Hess Herald Office, Zurich. The .loytown Trip. We weather— For to beam in blue. We made the trip to Joytown And we All Pulled Through (-Atlanta Constitution. Cream Wanted I have made arrangeineilts with Silverwood$-• Dairy, London, to take eream at the Feed Store, Zurich, on Wednesday of each week until further notice.. Cream is tested when brought to my store and paid for on delivery. Price paid this week was 34 cents per pound• late' than Cream must be at the store not 1 o'clock, Wednesday afternoon. I. HUDSON, Feed Store Zuricht Applying the Active Test. Rennie Was telling his parents about the wonderful things he sew in the circus sideshow. "And what do you think," he said- -there was an a ^.mless Woman who played the piano with her feet." Little sister Ruth, who is taking mu- sic lessons, piped up: "I'll just bet she can't span an octave with her toes." -London Standard. A Daughter's Laughter. ; With increasing amusement he laughed. Because of his daughter's wild laughter; Then he said, "Though I seem to be daught, 1 am sure that my daughter is daugh- ter." augh-ter " —Ladies' Home Journal. The March to the Battlefields. or Canada's Men on the W The above is the title given pioture that will for many years t conte be a highly prized treasure It is a photographic reproduotion showing the 82,000 men of Canada' first contingent breaking cam and on the march to join the Con- tinental forces, It shows miles end miles of the white tents and the marching men, It is the most nspiring sight. The size is 20x46 inches, ally ready for framing. This picture is sure to be a nopnlar 85 souvenir of war as far as :Canada is eoncernet3, and will be in. great rieniend, It is owned by The Fami- ly ly Herald and Weekly Star, of Mon. treal, and a cony is being presented to all outbeOritlerS to that great rlatinnal weekly newspaper, The i,'ttnhily Herald, Montreal, whose an'r14Criptinn of one dollar a year is received from this date for a limited period. d His Counter Thrust. The Other Side's Counsel (fercely)- I suppose you were brought up to tell the truth? The Goaded Witness -No, I wasn't. The Lawyer -Not brought tip to tell the truth: What do you mean by that? The Witness -My folks intended me for a lawyer. -Buffalo News. . Breaking a Mirror. She broke a mirror on her hub, .And now she's sorry. . She doesn't care about the dub, But 'tis unlucky; there's the rub That causes worry. —Kansas' City Journal. ;;It Was Plain. k1ess Zurich ngent Ort TRADE MAFi$,s DF_SIeNS CoPYRIGii'rS Anyone sending s sketch and desCription ref asca`&tiy"tsrur 6ntee tntasentten iipobain blypata10.KCtnimu ,Anne strlctlyeenfldentinl. t1ANDBDOniateint•t nairgootrunna aetithouhMuinkecapnb f' 1i eaat atotlte, Iv)thotlw charge, la the Sofpliolic Ifittertcatto Mei., liritailowouilrTi n°wc:l:my Journal. Canal 't, )'Car, postage erepalrl `toad r. art ne3w1 ;y�22``y� p� tt Inti iii 9S111iyts1ptdaNnt • �v •i r.. n+ , Notice to Debtors. In the estate of Teremiah A. Corri\roal late of Drysdale, Ontar'io,, ierchant, deceased, Notice is hereby given that the busi- ness lately carried on by the late leremia,lt A. Corrivean at Drysdale, has been ;:old; I have banded over the I,r, ,lc `neCoitnta of the said lecettserl '0 Jobn Laporte, R. R. No 2, Zurich, real' collection, who has frill authority [0 e011( et and give receipts for some All ,accounts must be settled by the 121st day of Ayir'l 1916, and any no citlit1s remaining unsettled at . that will be handed to HIV , Solicitors at, Goclerich for collection. li,l.l ecj 27111 March, 1915. of CorriveaIi, Adrninistratrix of estit.n of 3uvttiniali A Cot•rii'ecie, deceased. DRYSDALE \Ve are pleased to stats that Mr. Obris Uueharule, .who Cias been sick for some time, is able to be around U 5e Check oo 5 For General Stores E are selling agents 'for Appieford's popular counter check books. Our prices are the same as city travellers. charge you. for ihem. Let us know your wants and we will cheerfully ;show you samples and quote prices. Herald Printing Co. Phone30 I Zurich Meat 1\4Classified MARKETII DBAI.TnitS• IN Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc CAS ii FO» MINS t� Ill DES T . ngblut & a.chert` 071 it1 "1 presume, illy boy. you are not aware of the way sailing vessels proceed when the wind is unfavor- able, so 1 will tell you. Tliey tack." "I see the point.” -Wisconsin State Journal. Where They Flourish. I. never saw a purple cow, . But goodness knows It's just because 1 never go To poster shows. —Spokane Spokesman -Review. again, The two children of Viva; l edfoi.tl. nurse, of Loudon, are visiting, " at Chas, D. lledard's for a few weeks. Mr James Denomino bus taken tbt• agency from a firth in Brantford fi, sell books about the nal'. We \visl, him success. 1‘,t1'Maxie.). COrriveal] is busy cutting wood for Mr Peter Oorriyean. Ma), is a hustler. 'While Mr Peter Corriveaiwas chop- ping grain with Incigasolille engine . a. few daye ago, a part of the engine•' broke which lctuves the chopping mill idle until repairs are blade. Afr Ernest Den olnme has allgagetl will] Mr J. At Manson for the _tau1u- mer. Then They Quit. "What's the trouble here?" "The bellboys are irii n strike.". "Want. more pay, 1 t,uppose?" "No. A man came in little while ago and asked to have \Vnldislatsce Szcburess paged."-Chtcngo Elerilld. Permanent Inquiry, We frequently investigate. Our zeal -no one elan doubt t! And then. We lncet the question great, "What shall we do about it?" Washington Star. In the Sanctum. Reporter -now ineehof an obituary do you want about the pian with a rebbee neck? City 1•ditor--stretch it to half a eel- ulnn,-Philadelphia Ledger. But, by the Way. ¶A res there itman with soul to dead that :lever to his friends has said, •'Smith's car, you say, is very fine; taut, by the way, haveou seen ine?, Mixed. "Has your son any arduous duties, Mrs, Nurich?" ' "1'in afraid not. He says there ism'; .lair thing athout ills jell that nae likes.” --Puirfiffe ress.- EiiItOrt A. new shipment just in of Bon -Bons, Chocolates, etc. The best that money can buy A. large variety of Comic, Patriotic, Scenic, etc., Post Cards, all prices. 'We also have the Flag Gum, Spearmint, Etc. _ Leading Brands of Cigars. Oysters in Season. McCORMICK'S RESTAURANT LEGAL CARDS. I'ROtll)FOOT, K1LI GRAN; St PROUD. FOOT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Puhlia au. Office, on the Square, 2nd. door front llainiitou St. Goclerich, Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. PROUAFOOT, K. C. J. L. KILLORAN W. PROUDFOOT, Jit, MEDICAL CARDS R. E. B. 13ALFOUR, graduate, 'aduate• 'Western University, late of the Military Hospital an3 Victoria;. Hospital, London. Office in the building formerly occupied by the late Dr.McLaughlin, Dashwood. I - 11111 A. 3. MacKINNON late House. Surgeon, Erie County HIospital,, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the, House Staff, New York Palyclinia Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office; Zurich,, ' Ont. A reliable man to sell . HARDY CANA IN ROWN STOOK IN 7URIOHAand HURON • Farms For Sale 210 acl'eS of good • fanning ..alai fruit land. 2000peaoh trees of which 1000 aro in bearing, goon, plenty of \Vater, good building, well fenced and partly arid nodparticular's apply to Daniel Smith, R. R. No. 2 Zarich. County, St at now at tile, best selling time, $"enc for list of Spring Offerings end terms to agents Liberal oorn- rrit.sions, Handsome Free Outfit, Stone ep Wellington 1 The Fontbill Nuseries (Established 181 7 ) 'FOi ON.T0 1b q S1uo.t fes! Laths!ths! We have a large stock of these on hand. Estimates given and conn - bracts taken. All kinds of exterior and interior finish for houses t'nade to order We hand re all kinds of Building in� Material. Call at Planing f 1i11, PC( NB 9 .tt,.i 1 :waste � rl