HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-04-02, Page 1ZURI
'Vol. XV.
- -•
® spRING
oWe take pleasure in announcing that our
i11 exay penin
will be held on
March 26th and 27th
and following days, when eveaything that is new
and popular for this season will be shown. Miss
$ Clifton is in charge.
We your attendance.
New ring Goods
-* We have just opened up the largest shipment
of Spring aLd Summer Goods this store has ever
shown and we would advise making you selections
early as repeat orders will lie out of the question this
year in, many lines, especialy so with Import Goods.
ress Goods
We showing the celeiirated Priestly Line of Dress Goods o•
� ascrepes,
� this season in all the different styles and makes . Such
• voiles; gaberdines, ottomans, serges, barbicans, eto.-and .in all. o
the leading shades, blues, browns and blacks, these are especially
• strong this season. ••
, ash +0 s •
Crepe wash goods are all the rage again this season wed
will be very soarce, we are showing a nice range in plain, s
neglige a
the trade A
stripe, and small patterns from 150 pr yd up,
Prints & Ol teas
e We have this season the bust quality prints we have ehown
for along time every piece guaranteed fast colors 8c10o 12ac Our
4 galateas are just the thing for Ladies and Childrens dresses,
• wear better than prints and make up a beautiful garment at 17
o pr yd.
A few Specials picked up at a
snap and you get the benefit.
• Grey Cotton spacial value at 10 cents.
• White " " at 10 cents
Ladies white cotton gowns nicely trimmed with lace
• • A big snap at 60 cents
o Ladies white cotton underskirts with fancy trimming
• Extra wide, a bargain at 60 cents
Black and colored sateen undsrskirts at 65 gents
o Special in bedspreads extra large size 72 by 90
• Good quality at $1.69 each
• The above are all new goods, freshly from the makers ans
1 atest styles and patterns, We also have, sorne snaps in odds
• and ends of lines picked out during stook taking in wrapperette.
dress goods, furs, fur ;oats and ladies mantles at Big Reductions
New Mens' Shirts
• We have also opened ne a nice range of mens fanny
• and lounge shirts at 1;00 1.25 and 1.50 each:
0 Peabody's Overalls
We are agents for-Peobody Overalls, the .best in
., � .. rdware •
We leave opened up a large assortment of Pearl Diamond
• and white granite ware, these are the best granite on themarket o
We have them in all lines, water pails, tea kettles, padding pans •
• dippers, basins etc • at
• We have just finished a big stook of hone made pails of •
•® all kinds also tin and copper wash boilers, a few x cut saws loft s
•4 t,)'clear at out prices.
I Produce of all binds taken •
• - ... a,. R
. a E ,s^e •.•4.•••
I 'Telephone. No.9 - ^• ZURICH:
44.•,•••••4••••••4.4)••••••• le••••••••••••••••••1I1••••d►•;
yAAA,,' lowhas eni
os-�►s �eyas �mq cs e�►ear ? ! fromThe the folPost ing off ose beDepartmentreceved ,
Hay council meets in the Town Doll, l Ottawa: Re one cent War Tax on
letters and post cards mailed . in
Zurich, Saturclayafternooe,, April -'3rd
at o'clock,
Misses Alma and Clarissa ,Rill, of
Crediton, visited friends hereon Sun-
day last. '
Miss Olive Green is _'assisting in 3
Preeter's millinery department during
the present season.
The many friends of Mr John
Gesell() will be pleased to hear that he
is progressing favorably.
Mr Peter Bender has opened up a
shoe repair shop in the old Sovereign
Bank premises, 'Victoria street,
Miss Alveda Weseloh of London
spent .a short visit with her permits
Iilr and Mrs Hy F Weseloh last week.
Mr. Peter Lamont was called to
Cairo, Mich:, this week owing to the
serious illness of his sister, Mrs Patter-
son, who lives there.
Mr and Mrs E. Rader entertained A
number of their friends from Zurich
to a taffy pull last Friday eye,"which
was enjoyed by all.
0, Fritz, shoe merchant is having a
spring opening of new shoes on Satur-
day. See his windows for display.
Ladies are particularly invited,
A fine Easter prograniine will be
rendered next Sunday Evening in the
Eyangelical church by the members of
the Sunday School assisted by the
choir. A cordial invitation is extend-
ed to all.
How about an organization meeting
of the baseball club for 1915? The
time will soon be hoes again when the
diamond will be in shape and we have
material enough here to make, up e
winning baseball team.
Canada for delivery in Canada,.
United States or Mexico, and on
letters mailed in Canada for delive
ry in the United Kingdom and
British Possessions generally and
wherever the two cent rate applies
A. war tax of one cent has been
imposed on each letter and post-
card mailed in Canada for delivery
in Canada, the United States or
Mexico, and on each letter mailed
in Canada for delivery in the United
Kingdom and British Possessions
generally, and wherever the two
cent rate applies, to become effeoti
ve .on and from the 15th April, 1915
This War Tax is to be prepaid by
the senders by means of a War
Stamp for sale by Postmasters and
other postage vendors,
Wherever possible, stamps on
which the word. "War Tax" have
been printed should be used for
prepayment of the War . Tax, but
should ordinary postage stamps be
used for this purpose they will ba
This War Stump or additional
Stamp for war purposes should be
axed to the upper right hand por-
tion of the address side of the en-
velope or post card, close to the
regular postage so that it may be
readily cancelled at the same time
as the postage.
In the event of failure on the
part of the sender through over-
sight or negligence to prepay the
war tax on each letter or postcard
above speoified, such a letter or
postcard will be sent immediately
to the nearest Branch Dead Letter
It is essential that postage on all
classes of mail matter should be
prepaid by means of ordinary post-
age stamps. The War Tax stamp
will not be accepted in any case
rs fof oeta e.
Mr Samuel pieta has'snoveii x�ao l for the p_ _p:tyirie:� . p g
the dwelling he erected last week on
his lot in the north part of town. The
house is 14 feet by 20 feet and one
half storeys high, well built and roof-
ed' and the time taken to 'construct
same was three and one-half days.
Mr Dietz and family will live in it
until their new house is completed. 01
About 125 delegates from all over
Western Ontario attended the first
annual convention of the Ontario
Brotherhood of Thresherinen bald at
London last Thursday. A provincial
organization was formed. Among,
those who attended from this section
were; W 0 Oahe, Zurich; W J
Jarrett and 5 Reichert, Hillsgreen;
W H Talbot, Melvin Talbot and John
Thirsk, Blake; S Merner, Hensall.!.
Quite a number of . families bare.-
Moving this week. Mr Simon Dietrich
is moving in with John Foster, on the
Babylon Line, which farm IVIrDietrich
gets possession on the ist of April.
Mr. John Nenschwanger is moving
into the house vacated by Mr Dietrich
on the Blind Line, and will make his
future home there. MrFrank Kochems
is moving into the house vacated by
ktr Neuschwanger and will manage
the farm for Messrs Yungblut and
Deichert, \vho now own it: Mr W C
Wagner and family are moving into
the home vacated by Mr Kochems.
which he purchased some time ago,
aiid Mr and Mrs A Morley are moving
into the home vacated by Mr. Wagner
where they will make their future
Incorporated 1855
93 Branches in Canada
A Genera, Banlcind
Business Transacted
Savinis Bank Department
Services on Good Friday at 10.00 A.
M. in .the Evangelical church.
Mr E. Bossenberry suffered the loss
of his valuable cow on Sunday through
Mr and Mrs Peter Kraft of Dash-
wood spent Sunday at the home of Mr
and Mrs Louis Kraft.
Dr. Hardie, dentist, at Dominion
Hotel, Zurich, on 'Wednesday and
Thursday, April 6th and 7th. .
Mr and Mrs Wni Meidinger and
daughter, llladsline, are visiting
friends and relatives in Michigan.
Mr and Mrs Arthur Weber, cif near
Dashwood, visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs Jacob Schwartzentruber,
Bronsonon Line, Sunday.
A fine entertainment under the au-
spices of the Ladies Aid of the Evang-
elical church will be given in the Town
Hall in the near future. This will
be one of the leading events of the
season. Look for announcements,
posters, etc.
The last of a series addresses on the
Bible, was given by Rev W 0 Miller
in the Lutheran church on Tuesday
evening. The subject discussed was
the fin ding of the proofs of the ancient wr-
itings in mon aastari es and other secluded
places and the process al translating
aud.forming the Bible into its present
perfect condition was clearly given,
Mr Chris..Kibler, of Cavalier, N D,
and Mr Arthur Kibler, of Stoughton,
Sask, were visiting relatives and Men-
de here for a few days last week. The
letter is a native of Zurich and left
for the west about fifteen years, where
he has made aline home for himself.
Ile noted many changes in Zurich
since he left, especially the iiilprove•
monis in many of the business places.
Hebool closed on Thursday for the
Easter holidays and will nob re -open
until Monday, April 12Th, The as•
istaut teachers are spending the holi-
days at their respective homes; Miss
M 'Welker at Hayesville, Miss J V.eitch
at 1?lattsvil e, and Miss M Lamont in
interest ab highest current mates
Zurich Brandt
R. T, DUNLOP, Manager
We, the undersigned Police Trus-
tees hereby ask the residents of
Zurich to please remove all rubbish
ashes and other truck, and keep
the streets of our village clean of
any obstruction,
Do not speed horses dr auto mo•
biles within the village limit.
There is a race course on the Fair
Grounds. We would ask for better
order generally.
Constable O'Brien will see that
the above is enforced.
Zurich, March, 24th, 1915. H Well,
H Yungblut, F W Hess.
NO 3
Millinery Openings
We beg to announce to the Ladies
Dashwood and 'vicinity that we ha
added a Millinery Department to 0
Our Spring Opening
in charge of Miss Crawford will b
held on
Tuesday and Wednesday
March 23rd and 24th
and following days.,
You are cordially invited,
=saw, -road
i111101104Mieeleeeffelleeiegeeasseeessee eseeeeese amp 4
Eau—Ab Zurich, on Sunday, March
281h, to ktr and Mrs M. 3, Ran, a
Wiaet --Iu Stephen, on March 22nd,
to Mr and. Mrs W, Winer, a. daught'
_ mer 8
You will want a pair of new shoes to go with
that new .spring suit. We handle the
Invictus, made by Geo. A. Slater, Derby
and McPherson for men, and the Gracie
and McPherson for ladies.
These are our leaders. Also cheaper grades.
We can please you. See our spring display.
et FRITZ unich
Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes.
Thf*;--1 OMA of Good Shoes
We have received many
lin esof new SPRING GOODS
and are putting the. + on display.
You are cordially invited to call
and look over sane.
New Prints, Ginghanas,
Mess Goods, Etc.
A nice lire of ready to wear house dresses
at reasonable prices. Very serviceable and good
A new shipment of Wall Paper just in.
Call and see sample book.
_.. •. ... , : d••. , . .. ++++++++++++++++++++++.1-+++
Vies Ready or SoloctiOns
Now that the Weather Man hag
experienced a change of heart and has
kindly consented to some :tine Spring
like weather, yim are probably ready tor
your Spring Suit. S' n'il find the :;ortot
Suit you're looking fur among our large
assortment of
Tailorec: Clothes
$5,00 $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $25.00
New -fabrics in the latest *.
American Styles or in the natty T
New English Models 4-
1\ T
11T i.y' we show you at your