HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-03-26, Page 8•
£ridgy and Saturday,
larch 26th and 27th
Miss Thiel is main in charge of our 1111.1line2'y Department
and will show cell the latest styles in Lathes fashionable hats fur
the Spring S:ason. •
Prints and (}inghams
'1_he new Prints and (aingbams have arrived and we have a
large assortment of colors e.rd patterns to choose from. We
iso have the faulot�ls steel clad Galatea, an extra long wearing
at �.,_ r,
n;; l.,.anc' ArPccp9, snits and ladies house
cloth. s
New Curtain Goods
Our range of curtains an curtain materials is now complete
Should you require anything in the line cif draperies, curtains,
blinds, etc,, 1)o net fail to call and see our lines before pur-
chasing elsewhere.
Wall Papers
New Wall Papers now to hand, in a large variety of; new
up to date designs at prices that will interast you. __
VV. ais0 ! i.re T 1:1i.7faniis'ain; 1, $Ll :1 ' 4?;,GLu oleul'ua,v4 E'ioor
Oil Cloths, Rngs, Carpets, ere.
No trouble to show goods at any time even i.f you are not
just ready to buy. We would be pleased to have you come and
see all our new lines of seasonable goods.c
Fresh Groceries always on hand.
7 Produce taken in exchange
to:ees for
iiipairing of ` 77atches, Clocks,
jewellery, Etc., Our Specialty,!
Motto -"Good Goods, Close Prices"
F. W. Hess & eo. .c
Jeweller's & Opticians
Main Street
)eleware, Lackawanna, &
Western Coal Co's
Scranton Coal
All sizes
Zurich Feed
Leading Drand of
Hour, She L ts, Bran
and Feed Corn
Produce of all kinds I.'.ken in
We are attents for Tnterna-
tional and Royal Purple
stook food.
Also a full line of Grocer.
les onhand.
Isaac _ ..:� udso
I have opened up a blacksmith
hop in Brock's old stanch, Opposite
own Hall, Ready for business
Ionday, I1tar lst.
orseshoeing and Repairing
I have a carload of Fer.
tilizer on hand, Parties
wishing to buy sone in
any quantity can secure it
from me at any time at
my farm.
Have all kinds' on hand,
ranging from $10 to $40
per ton,
Agent for Canadian Fertilizer Co.
I ,sur ace Agent
1001 ]'.� MABKFTS
Corrected every Thursday,
l3utter............... •.
Dried Apples—. .....
Wheat `:x11.20 $125
Oak 50 a0
Barley 70' 70
Bacicwheat 70
Flour. 8.75 1.25
linen $28 00
lane (-I rade
.Lit e I h.gs fob Hensall
Loca) News
Wheat $1.25 per bushel.
Nexi.Thuvsday, All Fools Daly
Additional Local News on page five.
For sale -One ,120 egg Chatham
The Home Merchant
The home tnerobunt Who is he?
fie is the ‘t by giV01 n
credit when you are financially
broke, end carries your account
unn o able tt1 1x1 ,
Nletil ivos1 thearchap wb1,,a gives you
b,rek your money or makes ex=
obanges V+ben yeti are not satisfied.
with what you have bought,
fie is the ohap who stands behind
his guaranty, and flukes rc'stora.ti-
on of ail lasses that yoia way sus-
tain on the goods yon buy,
Ele is the chap who meets you
at the door with a handshake, and
lets you ont with a message to the
ktrla," and a real conte -again
Hk+ is the chap who meets and
greets you cn the street every day
in the year, and takes a neighborly
interest in your family and your
Ela is tl e chap whose clerks and
hook -keepers and other employes
live in Zurich and spend their mon
ey with you and with other Znrioh
He is the chap who pays heavy
incubator,. at a bargain.Wm. Schanit taxes to Delp support Zurich scbo-
We will send The Herald to any ols, and build streets, and side
walks, and pay for lighting the
i e is the chap who helpssnpport
'Zurich churches and hospitals and
charity organizations, and Zurich
lodges and talks for Zurich and
boosts for .Zurich every day in the
Re is the chap who visits you
when you are siok, sends flowers
to your family whenyou die, and
follows your body out among the
trees and tombs, as far as human
feet may travel with the dead.
fie is the home merchant—your
neighbor—your friend -your helper
in times of need,
Dont you think that you ought
ifessrs.F. Kropf, E, Volland, G. R. 1 to trade with him, and be his -friend
Hess and M Weber were in Goderich ' and his helper in the time. of his
on Wednesday attending the ..big
an tomobile sale.
Mrs. McCormick is again handling
the fatuous Neilson's Ice Cream this
season. The first shipment was
received last week.
address in Canada to Jan 1st, 1916,
for 75 cents:
A W E Tient ph ill, druggist, nen sal l
hag just putt in a largo stock of np-to-
`dale wallpaper.
Mr. Orland .Joh nstoe, of the 1lfolsons.
Bank staff, Clinton, visited his home
here on Sunday,
11Ir. T. S. \Ferner, M. P., returned
from Ottawa on Saturday and spent
a few days at his home here. -
Lost—In Zurich, a small white
purse containing a small sum of money
Finder return to Herald Office.
A Social will be held at the home of
Mr henry Zapfe, Blake, on Friday
evening, March 261h, under the aus-
pices of the Blake Womens' Institute.
Supper will be served from 7 to 9 o'-
clock. A program will be rendered
after the supper.
0 A C NO 72 OATS
Increase your production by sowing
the heaviest yealding grain and not by
scratching in a few more acres with
inferior cereals. No 21 Barley and
White Cap yellow Dent corn. Prices
on application. Oscar IClopp, tele-
phone 18 on 85, Zurich.
Under the recent amendments to
the Inspection Sale Act, now in force
a bushel measure must now contain
'Zurich Oat
High Grade Copper and
Aluminum Lightning Goss'
Ain very busy, please hand in
your orders early, as 1 do the work
Prices right on easy terms.
Telephone 34,
Don't you know that every dol-
lar that you send out of Zurioh
for merchandise, is sent to strange-
rs—to men who never spend a dol-
lar in Zurich to lien who would
not trust you for a, box of matobes,
to men who would turn you over to
the police if you should enter their
You don't save much, frequently
nothing, when you send your mon
ey out of Zurioh, and you take all
the risk yourself of short weight
or measure and of getting damaged
or. inferior, goods. And dont you
know that the growth and pros-
perity of Zurich depends upon the.
success and prosperity of the home
merchants? Out -of town p:ople
judge our town by the appearance
of our stores and the degree of en.
terprise shown by our merchants.
Abd our home merchants can not
succeed unless home folks give
them loyal support,
g weight;- Beans 60,and Commissioner Clark writing in the
the following gI Agricultural War' Book on Treat.
clover seed 60, hemp seed 44, lune 60,
malt ,.86, onions 58, parsnips 45,
potatoes 60, timothy seed 48, turnips
50, specifications of the weights when
sold by the bag call for the. following
weights; beets 75, carrots 75, onions
75, parsnips 65, potatoes 90, turnips
75. A penalty for a first offence and
for each subsequent offence not ex-
ceeding ,$50 for every person who
offers for sale or sells by the bag any the samples of fall wheat collected in
of the vegetable mentioned, in case 1 Ontario contain smut, and it is also
any bag of such vegetable sold or I very common in the spring crops, es -
offered for sale does not contain at I peoially oats.
ard pounds specified.
least the number of Dominion stand- I Reports on the samples treated in
beets 50, carrots 50, castor beans 40, anent for Sniut Prevention" says that
in Eastern Canada there is considera-
ble smut in the grain crops each year,
but that it has not been sufficiently
prevalent to make treatment for its
prevention general.. The losses, how-
ever. are much greater than is coin
monly realized, and the value of the
crop could be considerably increased
if treatment for smut prevention were
more generally practiced. Over' half
Fine 12 roomed brick dwelling,
newly built, for sale, situated in. Zurich
Furnace and modern improyeinents
are installed, Good new stable on
;premises and one-half acre of laird.
Will be sold at reasonabie price. For
particulars apply to W H Bender,
The third regular storm period is
nearly coincident with the center of
the vernal equinox. It is central on
the 251h, and extends from the 23rd
to the 29th. The March equinox,
being at its crisis, will blend with and
greatly intensify this regular Vulcan
storm period, The Moon will pass its
first quarter at the greatest north dec-
lination on the 23id. It will also
pass southwardover the celestial equat-
or on the 29111 and reach its opposition
with Earth and Sun on rho 80th.
This astronomic outlook will tend to
prolong and scatter disturbances at
this time, bringing in all probability,
dicate that formalin, one pound in
forty gallons of water, is much more
popular than Uluestone as a preventive
The March to the Battlefields;
or Canada's Men on the Way
The above is the title given 0.
picture that will for many years to
come be a highly prized treasure,
It is a photographic reproduction
showing the 82,000 men of Canada's
first contingent breaking camp
and op the march to join the Con.
tinental forces, It shows miles
and miles of the white tents and
the marching -men, It is the most
inspiring sight. The size is 20x46
inches, ail ready for frafzing.
This picture is sure to be a popular
two marked paroxysms of stomas and souvenir of wn'r as far as Canada
weather changes one at the beginni1lg
and one at the close of this period.
Normally, the 24th, 251h, 26th and
27th, are the central days of storm
and clanger, and it will be wise and
prudent to keep an eye on your
barometer, and all other indications
of possible disturbances, on and next
to these dates. These disturbances will.
calm in ate in cold 14 larch rains, with
very probable spurts of snow change to
much colder, with the rising barometer'
whieh Is certain to bring up the rear
of storm areas on the west. Unsettled
and threatening weather .conditions
will probably be prolonged into the
reactionary period beginning on the
last clay of March,
is 'concerned, and will be in great
demand, It is owned by The Fami-
ly Herald and Weekly Star, of Mon•
treal, unci a copy isbeing presented
to all subscribers to that great
national weekly newspaper, The
Family' Herald, Montreal, whose
subscription of one dollar a year
is received from this date for a
limited period.
An amendment to. the law con-
trolling poolroom licenses in munici-
palities will be introduced during the
present session,of the Provincial Par-
liament, The amendment will place
in the hands of municipalities beyond
all doupt, the power to control pool.
room licenses.
Idai Fen�ing
d.!:wam:/..tia.o...T..f•..,.�.� if �.,Iy o.sc.P,.;ix,�s,>.�.r.;ir,,,.rfs%r�'-'-y,{-f ..e'G+" n,..••�ld yr cif✓..sl:twi .
The government has imposed a heavy war tax on wire fencing.
'We were luoky and had a oar of IDEAL FENCINC•1 shipped before the
tax caste into force and we will
Sell it at the old Price while the car Iasts.
First corners reap the benefit.
µ,k,..,.,...• i'c2-./44T1r.'./fr•4,4l:4.%F.4:/4.7. w...5,.(✓
e. I-II4RTLEIB, zuuicn
J. J. Merner's
`riend Making and.
Business Eztonsion Sale
A Sale that is riot meant to •
make money but to make friends
Below Iv e quote a few of the
prices that have astonished all
who have seen the goods:
Mens' Dress Shirts, reg $1.00 for 50c
House Dresses, regular $1.25 for 75c
Ladies' Wrappers, reg $1.25 for 75c
Black Serge Dress Skirts
Regular $6.00 for $4..00
3.00 for I.50
Remnants Dress Goods at Bargains
There are many unadvertised Bargains
equally as good.
Sale opens Feb. 2o Sale closes Feb 27
J. J. ivanNzn, Zurich
Let us know your wants. 'We
handle everything in Farm
Pullies, all sizes and kinds,
Belting, leather or canvas, all
sizes. Shaft boxing and
shafting. Pump and truing
Buggies, Waggons, Sleighs
and Cotters.
.If you aro in need of Machine Re-,
pairs we can get thein for you. We
give special attention to our repair
Prompt Service
Moderate r'har¢ges
Tailor Shop
Zurich, :..+ Ontario