HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-03-26, Page 7Exereising. In, adopting rules for preserving your health, you should remember .that no matter how good a thing. may be, it is quite possible to have too much of it, The 'rule holds good of almost, everything except fresh air ; it is hard indeed 'to get too' much of that, although perhaps you will do well not to live where high winds prevail, But the ease of mus- cular exercise is different, Although Orme kind of exercise is necessary o health, it is impossible to lay down general laws in regard to it; the form must be modified :for e.aeh individual. Age, sex, strength, ap- petite, digestion, mode of life, and a dozen other considerations .all en- ter into the question. The amount of exercise required to keep one person in good condition would quickly exhaust, .and might possibly kill, another, Most persons who wish to be strong and well, and who•have no desire to compete in athletics, should aim at the general well=ibe- ing of the .whole ,system rather than -at developing muscle. That ' is especially important for those who have passed' the age for , athletic sports and whose 'work does not de- mand unusual muscular power. As .a general rule, it is better to exer- cise outdoors than indoors. - Young and growing people need muscular exercise in order to• de- velop properly; they need it for the skeleton within them, and if they do not get it; their growth will be stunted. Usually, in the case . f a healthy child, who, whether in- doors or outdoors, is rarely still, file matter of exercise can be left to take care of itself. A young, growing,child who prefers sitting quietly in the house to playing -out- doors, is not quite normal, .and although he may live to old age will never be- so strong as his fellows. .Some forms of exercise are quite as valuable for the nervous as for the muscular system; in exercises that call for skill and balance, ,such as billiards and fencing, it is the nervous, rather than the muscular system that receivers an education. Some .games, such as baseball, bas- ket ba11, golf -and tennis, not only. develop the' muscles "and' educate: the nervous system; but are useful in training the will, steadying the temper, and promoting good judg- ment and self-reliance. They con- tribute to mental and moral as well as to physical well-being.—Youth's Companion. Health Notes. Steen lemonade mixed with grape juice rnakes an excellent drink for .an invalid. A sallow skin is sometimes caus- ed by an un -clue consumption of tea, coffee or cocoa. When the eyes ache and burn, bathe them in hot water to which a dash of witch hazel has been added. More -ehapp-ed skins are due to a slipshod methodof drying after washing than to any other cause. To dry the skin thoroughly is most important, and Costs nothing. If you are so_ unfortunate as to have a bilious .headache, put a tea- mpoonful of lemon juice. into a cup of black coffee. This is .a cure for such .an attack. To remove a fish bone from the throat swallow a raw egg and fol- low, if possible, by eating plenty of mashed potatoes. The egg will carry the bone into the stomach, and the potatoes will prevent it from doing injury there. Recent- experiments have shown that the endurance of thin people is much' greater than that of the stout. This is due to several causes. The circulation of thin people is better, their heart a action usually !better, and they more easily elimin- ate the waste matter from the sys- tem. Well chosen gymnastics should be a part of each day's programme, for by strengthening and develop- ing the muscles they will give poise to the system and power of control to the brain. ` Exercises that strengthen the spinal cord and help to control ,balance are requir. ed for steadying the' nerves. An excessive use of sweetmeats tends to make the skin dull and col- orless, and produces ;spots and pim- ples.Therefore, if you want to have skins fresh and oleo e, only eat 'chocolates, sweets and ; an ey . akes iu moderation. 8pend the Money that would goeten tweets on 'good •velieleemne fruit in s`eflsona and it will be -better kr your health. The new Pitt River bridge at )Dort ,Coquitlaert is open; .ft cost &00, 000. They're Popular Iu Nova ' Scotia WHY DOI)D'S KIDNEY TILLS Alt] A HOUSEHOLD RENTED Y. )People Have Learned From Long Experience that by luring the, Kidney' • Ills They Benefit the Entire 'Body. Spry Harbor, Halifax Co., N.S., Mardi 22 (Special).—"I have taken a couple of boxes of Dodd'e Kidney Pills and have received great,bene- fit from them. They are certainly a fi.n•e'pill for ,anyone suffering from Kidney trouble." So • says Mrs. Alex. E. Nilohey,' and she speaks the is.entim,ents of a large number of the women of Nova Scotia. Dodd's Kidney Pills have so long been in general use that they are recognized as the standard' remedy for Kidney troubles. They have, become a family medicine in thou- sands of homes. People have learned from long experience that if they 'cure their minor Kidney ills with Dodd's Kidney Pills they need not fear those more terrible de- velopments such as Bright's Die - ease, Diabetes, Dropsy and Rheu- matism. They have also learned that when the Kidneys are cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills the whole body benefits. Fol' cured Kidneys mean pure. blood, and pure blood is the foundation of all, health. That's why. Ded•d's Kidney Pills are universally popular. British Food Importations. Great Britain has been paying out an average of a thousand mil- lion dollars a year for foodstuffs, excluding tea, •coffee and cocoa, and a•11 beverages. Noteworthy impor- tations in 1913 were two million dollars' worth of potatoes and a million dollars' worth of eggs' from Germany, and nearly two million dollars' worth • of hen fruit from Austria-Hungary. , Another notable importation in the first six months of last year was fifteen hundred thousand dollars' worth of fruit from Turkey. • His Occupation. "My friend,"said the solemn man, "have you ever done aught to make the Community in whish you like the better for your living in it 1" • "I have done much, sir," replied the other hum•bty, "to purify the •homnes of my fellow -?beings." "Ale" eontin.ued the solemn man, with a pleased air, "you distribute tracts?" "No; I cle-an carpets." Corns Drop Out Instant Relief Paint on Putnam's Corn ExtrActor ,to- night, and corns feed better in the morn- ing. Magical •t h e way "Pullnamete. eases the pain, destroys the roots, kills a corn for all time. No pain. Cure guaranteed. Get a 25c. bottle of Putnam's" Extractor to -day. The railways of Egypt exceed 1,- 500 miles in length. MInard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eta. Something Easier. "And will your husband go back and eight for his country?" "No, ma'am. He'll stay here an' let me support him. TOUR OW DAVI:481ST WILL TELL YOU Try Dour e, ye Remedy for Reapweak, Watery Eyes au O ezttalated Er Slide; zo Smarttn ,-- Ptriit Are. COSsfort. 4 Wirtte, �for,' Book o3 the l yo bymail 8'rbbBroilers-cap . MarineEyoeedpi7o., cago. A. Bit Mixed. - Bobby—My uncle Sam keeps squalls. Do you know what squabs are? Tommy --Yes, I do. Its what the Injuns call their wives, Marion Bridge, C. B., May 30, '03. . I have handled MINARIYS LINIMENT during- the past year. It is always the first liniment asked for here, and un- questionably the best seller .of all the different kinds of LNb1I e FERGUSON. SON. When a man colne.s -to count hie rd!ohes he usually discovers that moo of those he prizes best ire not convertible into cash, . Minard's Liniment for sate everywhere. En. 'fb ISSUE 1.0--'15. I ITCHENER'S Secretary of War Will Not Stand for Unreasonable Acts. , rl, certain well-known English. firM recently obtained a large con- tract -from ontract'-from the War Office. To en - sere it being carried out on time;: it was necessary for the worlapeople to work overtime. This they were 'perfectly willing to do, being paid at union rates. - After a few days the secretary 'of the trade union called upon the head of the firm concerned; and'ad- vised him that unless the overtime was .stopped all the "hands" would be called out. As there seemed no way out of it the employer concern- ed went •to the War Office and suc- ceeded in seeing Lord Kitchener, and placed all the particulars be- fore hire. Lord Kitchener asked for the name and address of the trade union man, and saki: -"Be here to- morrow at 11 o'clock." Ab that time the next day Mr. was ad- mitted into- Lord Kitchener's pre- sence, the trade union man being. also there. The following conversation then took place : Lord Kitchener—"Now, Mr. —, kindly repeat what you told me yesterday as briefly as you can." Mr. — did so. Turning to the trade union- man Lord K. said : "Mr. —, are these facts as stated "Yes, my lord; but it is strictly against our rules to—" Lord Kitchener: "Are the facts right?" "Yes, my.lord ; ibut—" ' ` Lord Kitchener : "If you gall those people out on strike I will get you seven years under the Treason At for preventing the supplying of His Majesty's forces, Good morn- ing, gentlemen." THE BEST MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are- the best medicine in the 'world for little ones. They are absolutely safe and never fail to regulate the sto- mach and bowels, break up colds and simple fevers, expel wormis and make teething easy. Concern— ing them Mus. D. S. Bernhardt, Port Dalhousie, Ont., writes: "I have been using Baby's Own Tab- lets for my baby and would not be without them." The Tablets are sold by aniedicine dealers,or b.y mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. THE 7 FALTHFUL ORANGE. Good•for the System Internally and Externally. - "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," is an old •adage:, and the same may be said of the orange, as it has anequally fine effect on the entire system. If one is inclined to. aeidity of the stomach, the juice of an orange is a, counter irritant. If the stomach is weak the juice of an orange be- fore breakfast is an excellent tonic for the entire day. If one is diet- ing to reduce, one or two. oranges eaten at noon will nourish, fill the aching -void' in the istomaoh, and re- duce rather than add to the weight. An orange always quenches the thirst, and .in travelling it is mucli safer to .eat an orange than to drink stale water. A hot orange- ade before going to :bed on a cold night warms the entire body ..and soothes the nervous system, The peel of an orange thrown into a hot tub softens the water to the extent that the whole body 'bene- fits by it. For cleansing the face soak a bit of orange peel in a basin of wenn water, then go carefully over the face with the peel; after- wards rinse in the water in which the peel was soaked. It -is far more cleansing than cold cream, and never promotes the growth of hair. Orange peel if ,soaked over night tinges the water with yellow, mak- ing it excellent -for washing cham- ois or doeskin gloves, as in uncol- ored water they soon beooaue tea white. By the way, doeskin ;loves are a great eoonoany, as ;they wear wonderfully well and wash better than they ,clean. When washing them use a great deal of soap on the ,soiled parts, rubbing until the dirt disappears, but do not rinse in fresh water, as the soap keeps doe - Elkin soft. The late Archbishop of Canter- bury dropped intoe, London East End Muroln; sang rwith all his :force in a hymn with 'whose •'tune and time he had not thefainfest ac- quaintance, A :working man in his perw whispered hoarsely to him .at the conclusion : "Gaffer, if you can't sing, don't upset the whole blooming congregation provin' it." Every Star Joint Limbered, Rheumatism Cured ! That Old Family Remedy "Nerviline" le guaranteed for the Worst Cases, CURES NEURALGIA, BACKACHE, LUMBAGO. Rheumatism to -day is unnecessary: It is so well understood and so read- ily'curabie that every day we have re- ports of old chronics being freed .ot their tormenter "r can speak confidently of the Ner- viline treatment, for the simple reason that it . cured me," writes Albert B. Cornelius, from Kingston, "You can't imaging how stiff and lame and sore I was. Nights at a time r couldn't sleep well.. I followed the Nerviline direc- tions carefully—had it rubbed into the sore regions four or five times eery day. Every rubbing helped to' reduce the pain. The swelling went down. I got a fair measure of relief in a week. I - also took two Perrczone Tablets with rnY meals. They increased "iny appetite and spirits, purified my blood and toned up my system generally. I am as well to -day as a man could be—in perfect good health. I give Nerviline all the credit." A large fancily size bottle of Nervi - line costs only 50c., or the trial size 25c., and is useful in a hundred ills in the family. Whether it's toothache, earache, headache, neuralgia, lame back or a cold, Nerviline will cure just as, readily as it will cure rheuma- tism. For family use nothing equals Nerviline. Choosing Her Husband. A well-known London magistrate, who has just retired from the bench, has a great repertoire of good stories 'His favorite one re- lates to a case in which he appears as counsel. In the course of this case he had to cross-examine the wife of a notorious burglar. "You are the wife of this man t" he ask- ed: "1 am," she replied. "You knew -he was a burglar when you married him?" he proceeded. "I did," she admitted. "How could you possibly marry such a man 7" the nlagistraate demanded. "Well, it was like this,' the witness ex- plained confidentially. "I was get- ting old, and two chaps wanted to marry me. It wasnt' easy to choose between 'm, but in the end I mar- ried that man there. The other chap Was a lawyer, same as you, sir!" British Needs. Grrettt„--Er tain . in 1913 imported. 2,393,363 bushels of wheat and flour from Germany, Au -stria and Tur- key; 6,663,300 bushels of barley from the ;sain!e countries, and 11,- 273,459 bushels of oats horn Ger- many alone. Great Britain's to- tal import of wheat on the average each year during the past decade has been 216,843,300 bushels, of which Canada supplied less than a foiirth. Of barley in 1913 Canada supplied about one -ninth of 52,- 358,245 bushels, and of oats an eighth •.of 59,829,950 bushels. Will she do better this year ? FOOD QUESTION Settled with Perfect Satisfaction. It's not an. easy matter to satisfy all the members of the family at meal time, as every, housewife knows. And And when the h.u'sband can't eat ordinary food without causing trouble, tthe food question becomes doubly annoying. A lady, writes: "My husband's health was poor, he bad no appetite for anything I could get. for him, it seemed.. "He suffered severely with 'sto- mach trouble, was hardly able to work, was taking medicine contin- ually, and as soon as he would, feel better would go to work again, only to give up in a few weeks. "One day, seeing an advertise- ment about Giiape-Nuts, I got some .and he tried it for breakfast the next morning. "We all thought it was pretty good although we had no idea of using it regularly. But when my husband came home at night he asked for Grapes -Nuts, "It was the same next day and I had t .I get it right !along, because when we would get to the table the question, `Have yo•u any Grape - nuts' was a regular thing. So I be- gan to buy it by the dozen pkgs. "My husband's health began to improve right along. Isometimes felt offended when- I'd intake some- thing I thought he would like for a change, and still hear the s,arne old question, `Have you any Grape - Nuts ?' . "He got so-_ well that for the., last two years the !has hardly lost •a day from his work, and -we are still using Grape -Nuts," Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read, "Title Road for Weliviille," in pkgs. "There's a, Reason," Byer read the above letter? A. now one appearsfrom time to time. Whey ere genuine, true, and full of human Interest. WATCH BRITISH S UBItIA.RJNES Give Them a Chance and They'll Show What They Can Do. • Tho British submarines, if they get the'ethane°, will give as good an account of themselves as have the Germans, says a writer in Every- body's Magazine. They are in •the hands of The "young ones," who are full of •gimp and enthusiasm, a brotherhood of daredevils, cousins of :those. in ,the destroyers, The British sulbmarine pass- ed under five rows of mines in the. Dardanelles and •sinking the old bucket 1VMeesoudiyeh,. did only a part of e day's work. Looking for game, the . British "subs" have pushed their snouts way up in the Baltic, even to the Russian coast. And one from the Harwich flotillas carne ,plum up to the chain -slung gates of 'the Kiel Canal. The naval game of secrecy is played to its limit regarding the ac- tion of submarines. At the begin- ning of the war, when the first Brit- ish submarine came into its .base at Harwich flying the skull and cross- bones flag, indicating that an en- emy's ship had been sunk, the crew and some -of the officers described in detail how their 'torpedoes had gone home. The •admiralty discour aged that kind of conversation by threatening no shore liberty if any member of the crew dared to open his ,face. Now officers don't evea. declare that a ship is hollow. Death Nearly Claimed New Braiiswick Lady Was Restored to Her Anxious Fam- tIy When Hope Had Gone. St. John, N.B., Dec. 15th.—At one time it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, of 3 White St. would succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney trouble. "My first attacks of back- ache and kidney trouble began years ago. For six years that dull gnawing pain has been present. When I ex- erted myself it was terribly intensified. If I caught cold the pain was unen- durable. I used most everything, but nothing gave that certain grateful re- lief that came from Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. In- stead of beilrig bowed down with pain, to -day I am strong, enjoy splendid appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper- ties have been instilled into my blood —cheeks. are rosy with oolor, and I thank that day that I heard of so grand a medicine as Dr. Hamilton's Pills." Every woman should use these pills regularly because good health pays, and it's good, vigorous health that comes to all who use Dr Hamilton's Mandrake and Butternut Pills. Very Lasting. "Is our wife an economical cook 7" "I should say so. She makes the most durable cake you ever saw" LOW FARES TO THE CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS. Via Chicago & North Western Ry. Four splendid daily trains from the New Paeeenge, , Terminal, Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Wide choice of scenic and direct routes. Double track. Automatic electric safety signals all the way. Let us plan your trip and furnish fold- ers and full particulars. B. H. Bennett, Gen. Agt., 46 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. Minard's-.Liniment •Relieves Neuralgia. Highest grade beans kept whole. and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full .strength. Flavored with delicious eauces. They have no equal. r 'ARMS FOR SALE: ' H.V. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street. Toronto. TeeYOU WANT TO BUY onSELL A Fruit; Stock, Grain or Dgiry Farm, write 13. W. Dawson, Brampton, or 90 Colborne St., Toronto, R. W. DAWf3ON, Colborne St., Toronto. NURSERY STOCK. STRAWBEEERIES, RASPBERRIES, PO. h7 TATOES. Catalogue free. McConnell & Son, Port Burwell, Ont. liZXSC1.LLANEO VS. delANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, LTC., kJ internal and external cured, with- out pain by our home treatment, Write us before too late, Dr. Hellman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. HAWK. BICYCLES An upp to�.4ato High Grade Bicycle fittedwithjeeo lerChein. Neat/ Dep rtiare Co.13 and Hubs, Detachable Tires, hlghgradelug eeequipm nt,,feeliyd,, lemtup, a n a Toc e W �•a7�i Gga a FREE 1 1 -Gatalogaes. 70 pages of ,84-yc s Surd, -'4 and kccatrMaterial. Ston can buy your"sup Iles from us at Wholesale Prices. T. W. BOYD & SON, 27 ttotre Danae St. •West, &Montreal. encesiggscrairmosss FACTORY CLEARANCE SALE FOR REPAIRS or NEW ROOFS 0 Per Roll 108 Sq. Feet Complete with nails and cement Freight paid. Asphalt Felt Roofing 100 per cent. Saturation Contains no tar or paper Lowest price for Pure Asphalt Roofing ever offered in Canada. Send for Free Sample. The Halliday Company,Limited Factory Distributors. HAMILTON, - CANADA, The Truth of the Hatter. "Tom out of work again 7 Why, I thought he had a steady job?" "Oh, the job was steady ; . the trouble is Tom wasn't." Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. "Overstep" V Bottom i memrtstemagammox Motor 3aat Freight Prepaid, to any Railway Station ink Ontario. Length 15 Ft., Beam 3' Ft, 9 In.., Depth 1 Ft. 6 In, ANY MOTOR FITS. -Specification No. 2B giving engine prices on request,. Get our c1uotationi;; on—"The Penetang Line" Commerolal and Pleasure I,aurvehes., Row;' boats and Canoes. THE GIDLEY BOAT CO., LIMITED, PENETANG, CAN. The alta Ira toss ifiii otlr i.8 ft. and 20 rt, power laungiiiiii--W7Viu lA @ tt tf both sizes of this tt,1�'o, 'meted :Ciotti >l 'h,p. up, Staunch, tiztin�••tltt It inh }g, nd d' entiable 0r ft• aryl g eapaelty up to ton porsoi rittb And >�414. pp r on9 offered and WJ h the II ars e ra Ila if 'ltttino�x >Go rho money. t oda u o, i s of t e b tl�ders b011lb4 it, pets fs of roust o ion, fitting, Dower, etc., promptly eiigt>Idod. Write! for hook eta of Launches and Cafloe5. -THC PETERBOROUGH CANOE 06., LTD. Peterborough, ontarlo.