HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-03-26, Page 5THE CHURCHES
Sunday, German 10,00 a, m;
Junior' ,•J?. A. 1.00 p, zn.
Sunday School 2,00
�t i1 t�
(Service) English 7.00
1t �
Teachers meeting 8.00 f1� u
Mon., Tri -Mu Brotherhood 8.001;
Tuesdtt'y, Y.'P. A. • 8,15 ,, t1 t 1
Wednesday.P)ayer Meeting 8.00
Friday Teachers Training,
1, Class 7.30 tt 1t•,'
ehoir practice 8.30
$. Ladies Aid meets 1•st • t11ond4y 9f
each xpon,th at 7.30 p, m, • ,
German, -Sunday 10.80 ai m.
• English . tt 7.001). m.
Bible School c • • 2400 li: m.
•Men's Mis'n'ry $•Tuesday 8.00 p. ni.
Luther League Friday 8.00 p. m.
L A S '1st Tues'y of month 2.80 p, m,
fou are cordially invited to take an
active part in all thesemeetings and
) , Blessed are they- „ tl,,a,t hent the
word -of boa,' and 1.eoli.. t; Int lie. 14428,
Andrew F. Fess
PEEStANI?:N1' , OAI', •CO.
Herald Office Zurich .
-1130- *Sit D
I havea large stock of all
the latest and best in l:Iniis'
Ladies 'ttud -Children Slues.
Gall and look over our lines
' 'before. you, .huy elsewhere.
..We 'can save you •mouey:
Repairing Promptly Done
cL ,1 i ll
Putter. Aug.Qg �,� t ke
exc.')a lge iOIshoe S.
LO C .A L N E 1V"S
Haveave ,yon,epiii,plQtod the, plans io)
youz. garden
Buy goods -in Zurich and 'keep the
dollar e,t home, -,
Mies,ava Kraft spent 'Thursday
with aha IOds'at London. .
Miss Gertrude Hartleih, visited -rel•
atzvles in London over.Sudday.
Tjocal"merchants are making: large.
shipments of, sett onions this, week.
• , J NV Gz•eybeil aria Andrew
Musser, of. Dashwood, were visitors in
Zurich on' Wednesday. .
:Dr. Hardie, dentist, at Dominion"
Hotel, 'Zurich, • on Wednesday and
Thursday,.-April6th and 7th.
The general stores in town are hold-
ing..theit -spring millinery displays,
Friday and. Saturday of this week.
Has. the delegate,fioni Hays To11n-
ship,to ,the., „big,, Hydro -Radial :c9u-
ventipp.to be held in the near: fiitiire
at Toronto been appointed?, Lets -get
' Dr FSI Will tins, of London, and Di•s
A. J -McKinnon and. 1l -A Campbell per.
formed -an •operation on Ni. John
Gasho on wean esday'.for adman dicitis,
The operation was succesful aria Mr
Gaascho's niany friends will be pleased
to hear that he ikgettin along. nicely• .
One year ago heavy • draught hor-
ses which. were young.and sound, sold
in.Toronto at prices ranging; from
$280 to $t309 each. Last week. they
sold at `h175 to $240 eacb. .This
tells pretty much the state of the, horse
trade in Canada at the present time.
Of course, steeds that met military ro-
gnirenients have found ready enough
sale at.proftlable prices, but the ordin-
ary trade has been rather a demoralized,
Binders, Mowers, all kinds
of Cultivators, Discs and Fer-
tilizer Drills, best and light-
est made• all steel.
Manure Spr. aders and all
kinds of plows _and repairs
always in stock.
Look at our Cutters
Sleighs, Buggies, and
Wagons before buying else-
iia. TI. P. $75; 2?t If. P. $83; 4 H.
P.$125; 6 If. P..+175; 8 H. P. ,1235;
121, P.-`875; all warranted first
At the old Stand:—
Scilllirt'' l)e1Lli,lg Our i�iotto"
F. lless c� Bon.
'1; ll
VV a)11111bor of new devices
and malting other fin
proYenaents in our pr:i1i I1
plant 1vl:hich will enable n to cl,.
job world as neatly an(' quickly
as LIMY city office. . L31'us d,
your )ext job, no matter how
largo or small it is, and. we will
convince you that e het we Puy
is right. Our. prices are alis'
right, Be loyal' to home Indus-.
: tries.
?hone X30 . Zurich
Saskatchewan will be the first pro-
vince in Canada to cot_tpletely abolish
the bar. ()n July 1. - next not only
24+17 +.4444444144444441
With the Latest
I. Improvements
And a Pair of Loving Hearts
I to -Enjoy' Them All.
.r..r..a,.c. Y...�..t..t.a.a.a,.t..;..'��•,i.•i••k�k�3�A3�3�3»
Dorothy Allen.; sat ou the broad,,
white pillared porch- watching tU:'i•onil
that wound between the --trees -t1 the
village. She had watched the road 0
great deal during the last few days. at
first with happy anticipation, but now
with helpless longing.
It was bad enough .in the daytime, "Only down to the junction to meet
but, it was worse when it grew tou the chief engineer. He wanted to talk
dark -to see who was coming along the over my next job with me. It's alit -
litlie foot;te s grew loud tie hi er than an thin I've ever un•
er and. louder until she was certain dertakcn before. But you didn't think
that they were going to- turn toward I'd go -without. seeing you again, did
the: white pillared polls.), only .to Ole you, Dorothy. after 'Sunday night?"
away again. leaving her sick with i "i didn't know," murmured Dorothy,
.fresh tdisulopoiutin ent. . her eyes on the big buckles of her
On the previous. Sunday evening, the colonial slippers.
vague. beautiful something .whicIi•had John Porter seated Laimself ,on the
enveloped the whole summer, making porch rail and •looked straight at Dor-
"Dorothy." he said; "I know it's the
general opinion that a man has uo
right to ask a girl with a rich father
to marry him, until he can provide for
her the things -she has been accus:
tamed. to having, but it seems to me
that if a girl really cared for a man
she could be happy with hint even if
she bad to do without some of the
things she'd been used to."
"I wonder," thought Dorothy, "if it
can be possible that the hero has mod-
ern improvements too."
But she kept her eyes on the big sil-
ver buckles, and John Porter contin-
ued speaking with deliberate convic-
tion. "And that is why 1 dare to tell
you that you can afford to give up
some of the things that money eau
buy and come and share with me the I
things that can't be bought. Will you
come, Dorothy?"
it's dust iilre Gladys' stair. sWO
s ni hasse to tight
1 e �lzs h
b a It It
<ro dC
his battles, leaving the poor prind601
in the 1 1 be
t ,e enstlQ. to Bine alone, on y, being
a twentieth century princess instead.
a medieval one, I'm afraid I can't die
of love, Girls never do nowadays. 1
suppose that's one of the modern 1m•
provements," she continued whimsi•
An- endless procession of. dreary
Years seethed to stretch out before her.
She shut her eyes, and two large tears
altstene4 on the long dark lashes:
Some one was coming .across tlfal
lawn, but the footsteps made no sound
on the thick turf. When they begat[
to ascend the steps Dorothy opened
her eyes with a start, and. Tohn Porter
stood before her.
There was aw•onderfully. tender•ligbt
in his eyes ancl'aa determined expres-
sion about his mouth. How handsome
he looked: How tall and strong he
was! Dorothy caught her breath.
"I thought you had gone away," she
managed to say.
road, for .then •t p gg y 1;
it different from any ether suminer of
Dorothy's .lire, . had soddenly. taken
definite form. A look, a touch, a word
or two, and she hnd found herself
without a doubt that -John Porter lov-
ed her and- that she loved him, batt he
ttad•gone away without a py,open dec-
laration, and, though Dorothy had
watched the road till her eyes ached.
he, had not returned.
"If might have known it," she Said to
herself diseousolntely. 'He is too
proud and independent to ask the
daughter of a rich man to marry him.
Now that his work on the new electric
road is finished he will go away, and
I shall never see him again."
Dorothy's neighbor. twelve -year-old
Gladys, came skipping across the lawn.
a very perky pink bow topping her yel-
low tresses. She perched herself on
the broad arm of Dorothy's chnir. :
"I've been rending such a lovely sto-
The seventh annual temperance
convention of 11 mon county was hold.
in Clinton last 1.httrsilay, 1t ri'as,
admitted to be the best convention
The e•,er held in the county. The report
of the 11cldl secretary showed that the
law was pal tinily enforced throughout
the county During thesevonniouths of
no -license, convictions have been
registered against 12 hotels 1 drug
store, 1 dlrayman, 1 restaurant; 1
livery stable and 60 or more persona
here fined. for being intoxicated on
the public street. A. number of strong
resl)lulio(S we)e adopted. 'The officers
for the ensuing year are: Pres. A. 'T.
Cooper, Clinton; Treasurer, J. Finlay-
soi), Seafort.b; Sect story, J. A.- 'Irwin,.
Clinton; Vico piesiaents, North llnron
P. "Indianan, \V!ughaul; Centre
llnrwr; 3. Ciilburne, Cloale' ich, Scat lh
Huron, T. G. aVenit, Exoh r, Rev. E.
Cl. Powell tlas) e elected field secretary.
A toinImill nca+ Field Day 11' ill bo
hold. 00 July 181,11 next,
wilt the retail sale of all intoxicating ry!" she exclaimed. j "Yes," said Dorothy, meeting his look
liquors come to an end, but the whole- "What MIS it about?" queried Do1'o I squarelyes," at last, "I will come."
I' by the thy, with lan:;uid interest. later • t -h remembered
sale trade w111 be taken
over y Half an hour a et ey a embered
Govertilnencend operated is a Clover r- "Oh. it was about at brave knight in Dorothy's father.
shiuiug au'nior," said Gladys, "and he
Mout monopoly, under a Ibeso i of "He willnever allow you to marry
loved a fair and noble lady, who loved
dispensaries. Later even these a; . pini in return, But she had gold and me," cried John Porter, "a common
pessaries may be al'olished, it by ft.+•e le eels nail alt that sort of thing, yon builder of roads!"
ferenduui vote"the-peoplo of the ora - knew, and he hadn't.'a thing but L•Is A rising young engineer, correct
Vince soclecicle, chat „t ed Dorothy. "Lome on. 'I'll manage
When the spuds within the cellar
- Wipe their eyes and start to sprout
i•n the
When the-cutwormst
,. 'Lick lilts and look' about;
When the sonnd of "More Production"
Can bo beard on every hand --
You- can feel that spring is coming
And you're.heacling for the lan.l.
11 II1C11 NEEDS.
A linSiues melt's association so
draft necessary meetings could be he'd
to discuss matters of Vital interest, 10
our town at the present time. Among
these is then •clro radialscheulewhich
i. definite
�r andhis good sword aiid so he
could never, never ask tier to marry
"Well," nskecl Dorothy as Gladys
"what l
t ) net
w Il happened
paused for breath, h t 1 P
"Oh," replied Gladys there' was
nothing for the knight to do bat to
ride away to the wars, and the prin-
cess just sat in her tower and pined
and pitted till nt last she died: Oh, it
was perfectly lovely—so slid and
-It seems to me," said Dorothy al-
most erossly •that it would have been
much more sensible' for the knight to
stay and marry the lady instead or
leaving her to pine and die."I
"Why," cried Gladys in disnst, .
Papa,'- she announced, pushing
aside the portiere with one hand and
drawing her lover after her with the
other, "I'm going to marry. Mr. Por-
Mr. Allen roused himself from the
depths of a leather chair Where he had
been taking an afternoon nap, started
a little at the sight of the young man
and looked quizzically at his daughter.
"Your prospects for doing so certain-
ly look a little brighter than they have
for the past few days," be remarked.
"Where have you been keeping your-
self, Mr. Porter:? Dorothy and I bad
about concluded that you were too
busy 'doing things' to give us any at-.
tention. Sat if Dorothy .hits made lip•
her mind to marry you you may as
well submit first as }nst: Do you think
you can. support her?" .
"Not in the style to which she has
been accustomed.." said John Porter.
"tint she is willing to dispense. with
"When I married Dorothy's mother,"
said \lr. Allen. "she had n little money,
which 1 Invested, nuc. after her clentli
I put the investment in Dorothy's
name without saying anything to her
about it. It's really surprising how
that little sum.has grown. The income
from it is now quite considerable." He
named a sum more than twice John
Porter's salary. "I should think this,
added to your present income, might
it of
Thal Huron County will . not
Behind in thu effort to secure a Sub
nn e t
from 1 >, ProvincialGove m za
z1 iii
e tr
ntlx s
radial roads is show by
deputations which will'go 'to aTor
i ion'
to attend he dr a
t t hydro commission
vention says a dispatch from Gode
to Landon 1?ree Press. The `T
•Council will send all its members
the town clerk. The Board dR.
will send several.. 'The rad ial-cor
tee of the County Council -will
be present, and some hundred d
gates will be sent from the con
In -all probability a special tritin
be run from here on Thursday
ning. Iluron County was first to zn
application for a radial line :and
Hydro Electric Commission mad
complete sin•vey two years ago a
ta.ve an estimate. Every effort is
ing mncle to get ,t line through
county to connect either .with Lon
or St. llarysbywa.y of -Exeter.
line would also help the town 011
the hole in connection with the
tar:io West Shore Railway, staff: , d
)'. IV. 1110)•1'1, and left h:.1f comp.
and it "white elephant'' upon
tayvttrhlps of Ashfield and Huron
]�'inettf dine and Cloclerich.
NEW L1f�1:0 it A:Gx'
The Omni fo Govei•nn)i'i.t's tete
au u1 111 1 0 a is wen- brought befor
1,,•gisht.111re r 11 Toe: 111t)•. '1'11011,01
alp co)ulrrl'n the cs'.ablishlraenb o
Pro1'i••('ia1 l'c 1111111SSIOa1 a:i' live or
n)entl:e)s 111111 fail 001 Aro' over
IieeIJSC -) bit m of the 11o111:0', 1
puller to rc Imo a1)'\' 11001 <.e or to re
any !icdn'c' is�ud)a
'I 1n- ri a•!ng of all 110.1-s throng
the pr01 t .tc nt 7 u_'c1, cl, in the even
Pr- hil',ts the sale lo st diets in
ifornn either0','cr the 11r or in
'1'1)0 lit es for infiaclicns of
Licen-o Act will be increased.
the fira-t offence the Ii 1 e will be $
instead of $100, with the maxim=
;11)11)' at t 00, and for (lie second
e'nc0 a )lulxiwnn cf four months iu
instil act of 60 )la\5.
All hal s will he close d on Labor D
The a:t-t nil1 likely cr hie into fa
11 n)e tine 111111 r;llfav 1st,
, 1AH `.
IL is tip, rtcd: f'•ctu C)tlna' a, aJ rt •
provide for love in a cottage"— usual inilital y camps trill nt tie b
"With all the modern improve- the c'sling .ummer, oOi1•g to
nients!" Said Dorothy softly, with rlterial ttfil;t, fy' aetivilc's 1,11 I (tat
shining eyes. of ibe -)Lr.
OM) 1.
1 now assuming more,
"that would have spoiled the whole
A united effort on the .dart of the story."
citizens fur a pnbl:c library. Sbe jumped from,, her perch and wa:a
A re organization of our brass bold. dancing down the steps. hat turned to
An anto•bus col election with lien?n1I call back:
during the snmm: )uoutlti "Oh, say, that 'Mr. Porter has gone
•away, hasn't he? 1 saw hint at the
Th.3 baseanent cif the town hall station Monday with at suit case iu his
tictud a{) as aL gymnasivan rte) that the hnud. Aren't his eyes just too hand.
young lacl.•and young 111011 will have some for anything? I'ni sorry he has
a place of social en•ertainmen 1 in llle left, aren't yotr?"
Then, hawing unwittingly destroyed
Dorothy's last vestige of hope, Gbntlys
cheerfully departed.
A gray haired man with a keen but
kindly face came and stood in the
doorway behind Dorothy. noting with
an anxious look her drooping Genre.
He moved uneasily once or twice and
then earns out to where she Was sit --
Farm Stock
Irripleirierits ..kc tial;,
t'ou ought to be playing golf this
• fine wentber, ' he suggested.
On Lot a, eon. 12, Bronson Line, "I'm rather tired of golf', father," re-
plied futile north of Dashwood, on plied Dorothy.
TUESDAY, APRIL 6th 1915 , fir. Allen took a
at 12 80 O'clock !he following the porch.
HOMES "IHas that young Porter left? 11
I horse rising. got by Willow; Ihoraeris. haven't seen him for several clays," he
lug 7 got by Albion; 1 horse rising 5 got by asked, with n carefully careless air,
Southport; 1 mare rising 5 got by South- 'Il really don't know. Probably he
port. has," replied the girl, sitting very
Oalf in April, straight and assuming an air even
l iu 141 i ue to W de I cow clue to more carefully careless that that of
ccilfiu MM., 1 cow duo to Taff in Sej)tean- '
ber, 1 holstein caw newly calved; 1 Holstein her father.
emv, l cow_ dna to calf in l)eo., 3 heifers Mr. Allen after a few more tt.d'n1 and
eopposeal: to be with enlf, • 6 steers rising 2, anxious -sidelong glances betook him
9. heifers rising 3, 4 heifers rising, 1, isteet'i self again to the house. Since the
rising 1, 4 fall edalve,, 1 spring .alf, 1 );ride death of Dorothy's mother ten years
before the bond of symnpathy and Un-
due, derstnnding hetween him and his only
child had grown uuusually strong, but
here wan .a situation which he felt in
nowise coinpoteft to handle.
'Et 8, Or S tl,. Left to herself; Dorothy's sprightly
All saani- of $3.0) amyl under cash; r,va'r indifference suddenly vanished.,Her.
tli 11 amount h months credit will be given bands fell listlessly into her lap, and
011 iat)prwe'l joint 00105. 6 per meat per she leaned her 'head wearily against
annum o1}fur cash Oncreditamounts. the back of her chair. So he hnd gone
iE4&H4Bossenll�errV, AuctionYe� without even coining to say , goodbyl
turn tip and clown
Angus bull 1 year old.
5 liran1 sows 11110 13111 3Maly, 3 SJ•A•,
at time of sale, 4 stere .dogs,
811t E1"
14ewe sheep, 1 rain,
ere. John K. .Ehlers, Pro- Nuel., there was no use ,watching, the
road nnx' loneer.
t .
Ii�laull , �'
, tr
TREE often Eves t'.. '. .__ Nature
.. ly s
1 'eri;_',j it with bar::: to
shield it f -otn
When trees areNature's prot_ct:o:l i i lest,
Therefore, the woo•j uscd ,Alit protected to.
insure it against we.,, and 1: ci..:1:..
1111i111111H111li "/C•99j Pure" Pczirt i ; :x • i• cc ,:;1ic;; on your
house. It protc^t, in~t d. • -.'i itself, o1•ar and o:'cr
nl again, in the repair.; 1'-.i eo—i,," .. .... _.-.1 L_.....:ty to the
s tong life i') ,.1 wool
as well c •
[{p tai � ' .q ch � � p`' ;it w. a r, s „a i'"?la" 114 )�9 .�` , 'hs
" a X1 :..1 l,.� lf,J ,titrl .., Es.. 'i p .r ...._ ..+ .-. tr.t:. tz
is what we recom12.encl for a;: mm....,'.".: , z Lii , at iti(l 1 100TO
,Pre" is r engine 1'l it^ I.. ', ():. _ of _.,.:e, pur. cW .Colors,
and Linseed Oil ground to ex:-CIae f:.1 ...,,s by rt /1•:. f.1
machinery—tile Con:::h:a:t.en ,:i Nvhich produces 11
p.aiftr t,:fit is grc::te;t in hi.:ir 1, covering and
y=; c:,. i :g qualiti.s—and iri:a.::.; it the cheapest to
use as yvell. C 1t:most sa *r `-e. ry.
Let 'us Tic!, :•ou i:1 selecting colors for your'
. „,.
9,\ LA Ati
Grpp;. ((,99���((��
attt 6 t