HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-03-26, Page 4THE H]l RA.L]D
issued every Thursday aaernoon'from the
Victoria St Zurich, by
CI. S- subscripton tp,so strictly an advance
,Rates for display and contract advertisements willbe
given on appliatton. .
Transient notices such as legal, .cotpora''tiott, secret
eta., to cents per line for first insertion and s centsper
• Inc for each subsequent insertion.
Notices of entertainments, socials etc, at which an
admiss ion fee is charged or a special collection taken
will be charged for at tire regular advertistngrates
• Notices of religious br other meetiags the object of
which is the benefit of the community and pat for per-
onal or sectarian interest or gain, will be chcertuly
aserted free.
Estray advs. '$t for three insertions.
No paper discontinued until all arrearagcs are paid.
Changes for coutractadvertisements •must be an the
office by 6 p. nr. 'Tuesday, otherwise they will be left
over until the following week.
Advertisments without specific directions will be
inserted untitl .forbid and charged accordingly. Tram -
stent advertismenrs must be paid for in advance.
Address all communications to'
THURSDAY, MAR. 25, 1915
We, thew dersigned. PoliceTrus-
tees'hereby ash the residents •of
Zurich to please remove all rubbish
• ashes and other truck, and . keep
the streets of slur village clean of
any obstruction,
Do not speed horses or autorno-
biles within the village limit.
There is a race course on the Fair
'Grounds We would ask for better
order generally.
Constable O'Brien will see that
the above is enforced.
Zurich, March, 24th, 1915 H Well,
H Yungblut. F W tress.
Mr Earl Neeb, who has epent the
winter in Michigan, returned home
Tuesday night,
Eight of •the you:.ng men ofthite
plane are puttung on a ooncert in
Zimmmer's Hall on Tuesday evening
March 30 th. Aniong the many
other •seleotians that will be render•
ed will be three specials, namely
The :Sewers ;Night School, `The
lelew•Chauffeur, :and Hoteb0onifort.
These three selections will he .we11
worth seeing, to'say nothing of the.
many other dialogues, comic songs
and,snih like. The ooecert is given
in behalf of the base ball club,
The sports committee have ar-
ranged for another great 'day on
June afd. This year -promises to
out -glass any previous event; More
particulars will follow later
My 1 ohn :K.Ehlere.latet week dis-
posed of his term 4o• Mr John' Wein
for which he received a good figure
- 1 ha given this
Spring is here again and we welcome
the season for the pleasure and excite-
ment of boiling maple syrup.
Mr and Airs Wm Rader enit•rtained
a number of their friends to n taffy
pull last Monday eye, whish was
enjoyed by all.
The concert given under the auspic-
es of the Unique Club was a grand
success. A carefully prepared° and
pleasing program was much appreciat-
ed by a large audience.
Mr and Mrs Philip Fassold of Dash
wood. spent Sunday at the home of
Mr and Mrs J W Horner.
. Miss Rata Keys of Varna,: one o
. our former teachers, spent last Frida
in our section.
Mr Peter Eisenbach and `sister,
. Carrie have returned home after visit-
• ing relatives and friends in Detroit.
Mrs Sam Merner of Hensall spent
last week renewing old acquaintances
Mr Albert Gaiser of Shipka spent
. Sunday in our burg.
Miss Marie Gascho is spending this
week in Zurich.
air Garnet Jacobe spent -Sunday at
•,the home of Mr B Pfile.
Francis Blatchford of Usborne has
sold his 100 -acre farm, lot 33, con 3,
to, Samuel Parsons, for $8000.
J.RMurdoch of Stanley recently
shipped 1600 bushels of seed oats to
James Aikenheacl and Wan Deitz
of Kippen have purchased a new bean
threshing outfit.
Mr Wm Mullholland and fancily,
who have been residents of Flay town-
ship for many years, moved to Sea -
forth last week, where Mr Mullholland
has purchased a comfortable home.
The Bell Engine and Thresher Co.,
of Seaforth have received a contract
for the manufacture of shells for the
British Army.
The Crediton band recently serenad-
ec1Mr H Bauer, a well-known resident
of that village, upon the occasion of
his birthday.
Wni Bender, the new proprietor of
-the Comin.eroial Hotel, Hensall,
pleaded guilty to a charge of selling
liquor without a license Before Magis-
trate Andrews at Clinton' last Friday.
Ile paid a flue of $100 and costs,
Six of the vessels owned by the
Canadian Steamship Co„ now in Goci-
.erich harbor are being fitted out for
ocean travel.
• J It Ross, engine driver who was
severely injured in the wreck between
Seaforth and Dahlin the first week in
January, died at Seaforth on 6i:onde,y.
The remains were taken to Stratford
for burial.
Mr and Mrs Win Lantnnie of Hensall
were mealy presented with a set of
ir•.hina by the rnimbertx of tl,e senior
Bible claps,the occasion being the
•ilysi:tieti) anniversary of their wedding
Peace Sunday was observed in all
the R C churches of the world last
Sunday, In St Peters chur3h, Drys-
dale, the Blessed Sacrament was ex-
posed on the altar all day and the
faithful were all invited to join in
supplication asking God, the Devine
Master, to bring the terrible war now
taking place between the mighty nati-
ons of Europe, causing so much ' loss
of life, destruction of priceless prop-
erty, and so much destitution, to a
speedy close.
111r and Mrs Peter Bart and Mr and
Mrs Remmie Durand of Stratford,
visited at the home of Messrs John
and Charles Laporte and Mr Hy Rau
this week. Mrs Bart and Mrs Durand
are both members of the Daughters of
the Empire and are taking au active
part in their home city in the lied
Cross and other relief societies.
Mr Joseph T Laporte of Chatham
visited his parents, tlir and Mrs John
Laporte, for a fete days last week.
The real estate and the general store
business belonging to the estate of the
late Terry Corriveatl, has been sold
to Mr Louis Brisson, a son of • Mr
Aserick 13risson, Sauble Line, who
has taken possession. Mr Brisson is
an active and wide awake' young nian
and has had considerable experience
in anetchantile business in western
Canada and no donbtwill make his new
venture a big tiliccess.
To Correspondents
Next Friday is a holiday 'and
we would deem it a favor if
our correspondents would
send in their budgets of news
tis early 'as possible next
The largest shipment of sett onions
ever made from Hensall will be shipp-
ed during the next .few Weeks,
' Dr, Gunn of Cliitcn performed an
operation on the son 'of Mr. Sol.
Williams recntly':for kidney tnoulble.
James l3onth•ron has disposed of bis
fine residence ori •Albert attest to John
Glenn of Usborne, gwho,.ta4res poesesaion
on May let.
Wes Moore; son', of. ; Mr. and Mgrs.
Jas. Moore;: who located., in Moose Jaw
a number of years ago, is' now at the
front in France. 'having joined the
32ndbatt., Winnipeg.
There is•some talk of paving our
main street... ..
The spring show-willbe. held here
next Thursday.
Hensall has contributed nearly
$2500 to various. Patriotic and Relief
The local dramatic club will stage
"The Old Homestead" in Exeter in
the near future.
Mr and Mrs Jas Carnie visited at
the home -of Mr Robb Allan on Mon-
Mr and Mrs RobtMcBride entertain-
ed a nuiiiber of their friends on Friday
evening of last week.
Miss Annie Brenlerivan visited at
thehome of Mr Dan Gaseho of Zurich
for a few .days last week.
Mrs David Tough .of the Bronson
Line north gave a quilting bee to n
member of her friends on Thursday
of last week.
Mr and Mrs H. Zapfe called on
friends on abe Goshen Line on Tues
day last.
Mrs F. W. Hess and Mrs G. S.
Howard of Zurich called on friends
in this vicinity • one day recently.
Don't forget the Social this Friday
evening at,Mr H. Zapfe's.
Mr W H Talbot and son,,.Relvin,
werein Sarnia, Wednesday, on bt1'si-
ness. They also attended the big
threshermen's convention held yester-
day at London.
The other day, while
agent, was unloading
station, eighteen cases
,upon a truck left the
fell unto the ground.
and twenty dozen were
Mr. Whedon of the Bank of• Coin
lnerce staff has been transferred to
Barrie and Mr Laurie of Thedford
has been transferred here.
John Dauncey has moved back.
from London to Exeter. •
On March 11th, a,b llderton, George•
Knight, a former well known resident
of this town, passed -away, in his 52,nd
Mrs Jane (iridley, wife of Richard
Gidloy passed away on March' 14,
aged nearly 90 years, after a'brief
illness. •
C T Brooks,e
eggs at: th
of eggs piled
platform and
One hundred
broken in the
FOR 1915
Herald and Daily Globe $=3"75
tt tt Weekly Glebe 1 75
Daily Mail and Em-
pire 75
' \'eely Nail a.ncl
Empire 175
Toronto Daily Star 2.85
tt Weekly Star,. 1; 75
" Daily News 2 85
London Free Pres:a
Morning Edition8 50
Evening Edition2 90
Weekly Edition-- 1 85
London Advertiser
Morning Edition2 90
Evening Edition,, 2 90
Veekltr Edition...,. 1 7
"Patin t' Dairy 1 7t
Fanners Advocate2 40
Montreal Pam ily
�i crald and Weekly
Weekly Montreal
1 85
1 85
4 Diphtheria sometimes begins
r in a . very mild way. Nature
4 does not always give a loud
41 warning of danger. Unrecog-
d sizednasal diphtheria of a mild
4 type is largely responsible for
. the outbreaks of this disease ha
4 schools, institutions and commu-
tities. it is important therefore
to 'ire on;one's guard at the first
of sore throat
with fever,
especially ween the disease ease is
.4 prevalent. { xeud for a doctor
and have Ultra take a •eulitlulre in
41"1 throat and nose iii season. This
@ means of preventing the growth '.
ei and spread of diphtheria is . •
usually within'easy reach 'of all.
41 Do not ne,�ect it. ,
Some of the Oiffietilties With Which.
the Captain 'is'Beset.
• The London Times recently described
the difficulties that confront the officers
and crew.of a submarine during actual
warfare.' The captain of the subma-
rine tnnst lie in wait for his quarry
with the nose of his boat pointing in
"the direction in which he expects the
enethy's 'vessel to piss. Then be rias
to estimate the speed of the approach-
ing ship and her distance and to fire
his torpedo at the point at which he
calculates she will have arrived when
the torpedo has finished its run. Prob-
ably he will discharge another torpedo
a few seconds later to ruake doubly'
sure. -
In the discussion roused by the letter'
sent to the Times last June by Admi•
ral Sir Percy Scott. Admiral Bacon,'
himself an expert and experienced'
handler of submarines, said: "If any
of your readers wishes to appreciate
some of the difficulties of submarine
work let him sit down under a chart
of the channel suspended from the ceil-
ing, let him punch a hole through it
and above the hole place a piece of
looking glass inclined at forty-five de-
grees. Let him further imngine his
chair and glass moving sideways as
the effect of. tide. Let him occasion-
ally fill the room with steals to repre-
sent mist. Let him finally crumple the
chart into ridges to represent the
waves and then try to carry out some
of the maneuvers that look so simple
when the chart is spread out on the
table . and looked down upon in the
quiet solitude of a well lit study." -
How the Water In the Catskill Aque-
duct Will Be Purified.
The great Catskill aqueduct of New
York city is to have two immense
aerators. One is to be at Ashokan,
where the water" can be purified before
it eaters the aqueduct, and the other
at Iiensico, where the water will be
purified a second time just before it
reaches New York city.
The second aerator will be in the,
center ora three acre basin, 460 feet
long and 240 feet wide in the widest
part. Into the floor are set, in row
after row, 1,600 nozzles, each of which
will throw a jet of water from fifteen
to twenty feet 'high. The jets will
strike each other and thus breakup
•the water into clouds of spray and.
bring every drop into contact with the
air and help free it of impurities.
This thorough airing will be especial-
ly beneficial in the autumn, when the
water from the lakes and ponds is like-
ly to have an unpleasant taste, owing
to the presence In it of microscopic
vegetation.—Youth's Companion.
Italy's Premier.
Antonio Salandra, premier of Italy,
vrlao steers his country in neutral chin•
eels despite war pressure in Europe.
conies from the southern region of
Puglia and has thirty years of parlia-
mentary training to assist hits in the
undertaking. He is in. the prime of
life, and his lifelong legal training, bis
quid: sense of humor and a quiet, aris—
tocratic contempt for mental vulgarity
and detnagogic politics of every kind
give hits the happy mastery which re-
i'eale.d itself since the first days of his
difficult leadership at the eltannber of
Electroplating Mirrors.
A new method of silvering inirrnrs
consists of depositing the metal on tie
glass by means of a high potentia;
electric current. A plate of metal is.
placed against the glass; this is laid
fiat on tt table, and the air above it
is exhausted to a high degree of Ntt-
'cuum. Then n small quantity of hy-
drogen gas is introduced, and the cur-
rent 1s turned on through a negative
pole nftacbed to the metal t3late, In
thirty seconds the glass has been sil-
• Baths Witheut Water,
To nave a basil without water Is one
of the latest novelties. A thick robe is
entwined with wires, and when put on`
a current of electricity is passed
through the vrlrts. The wearer sf tlao
robe soon finds .kis body gettjag want.
sr until in a little while kg peramOm40 t
t'1•tii' as 4 111400 .4,11,1.1$
,11,1.11 tlkf l $tit,
Roan, Calved February 10111; 1914. `` Bred by A. F. & G. Auld:,
„Nonpariei Courtier-8'8824—
ourtier -�-889
Collynic Fragrance[inlp)
—54048— Scottish Fancy (75601)
Lovely Fragrance Sergeant at Arms (559901)
Lady Fratgeanee Thunder King (55185) .
Fragrance Bed•Prince (37325)
Lady Fragrance 2nd 'Nobleman 1st (29441)
Lady Fragrant ca
11•Tary Anne
Mies Gibson
Lord Granville (24395)
John Bull (11619)
Metadore (11800)
Duke of Northumberland
2nd (3646)
Mahomet (6170)
Sillery (5131)
Carleton (848)
Diamond (205)
Diamond (205)
W.. S. Marr
A. Cruickshank
J. Scott
N. Reid
S. Campbell
A. Cruickshank;
S. Wiley
W. Smith.
T. Bastes.
Capt. Barclay
Mr. Burrow
11L•. 13n crow
Col. Trotter
Col, Trotter
NONPAREIL COURTIER•as his name would indicate belongs to the.
Nonpariel tribe. He Was got by Waverley (72804); dans Nonpai iel't414ih by Old+
Lancaster (imp) —500.68--, the most successful sire ever used in ,the herd of
George Amos S; Sons.
SCOTTISH FANCY (imp). was one of Mr, 11larr's ..Jest. calves of the•
year, and developed into an animal of great substance and -flesh. • His sire
was Sittyton Pride (67939), bred by Mr Duthie, was got by the celebrated
Scottish_ Archer (59893) out of Guelder Rose, by Pride of the Isles (85072);,
and bis dam was Goldie 351h, by the celebrated William of Orange.
SERGEANT AT ARMS (59901), bred at Sittyton; was got by the
Brawith Bud, sire. Gondolier (52956), out of Sarcasfn, by Cuniberland (46144)1
G. dam Sensation by Loan Gauntlet (35284).
• Will•be held for improvement of stock on Lot 21, Con. 14, Hay Town-
ship. Parties desiring to breed to this choicely bred animal should at., ange
with proprietor, as a limited number only will be bred to him.
Rates: $1, payable at time of service, with privilege of returning if
necessary, If with calf, $2 extra for grades, and $7 extra for thoroughbreds.
All animals bred must be returned twice if necessary or owners will be held
liable for full amount.
Old Bull $1.50i
Phone 18 on 85
Zurich Meat
Fresh and Salt Meats
.Bologna Sausages, etc
Yungbhi,t &
Classitied Adis 1,
FOOT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries
Public sec. Office, on the Square, 2nd
door , from Hamilton St. Godorioh.
Private funds to lean at lowest rates,
W. PRounrooT, K. C. J. L. KILLORAN
W. Plum: OT, JR.
e ' t DR. -E. B. B.A.LFOUR, graduate
Western University, late of
VSUT {i wtQ� l.ODUt the Military Hospital and, Victoria
� Hospital, London. Office in the
. i building formerly occupied by the late
• Dr.McLaughlin, Dashwood.
.A. new shipment just in of
Bon -Bons, Chocolates, etc.
The best that money can
A large variety of Comic,
Patriotic, Scenic, etc., Post
Cards, all prices.
We also have the Flag
Gum, Spearmint, Etc.
Leading Brands of Cigars.
Oysters in Season.
Farms For Sale
210 acres of good farming and
fruit land. 2000 peach trees of which
1000 are in bearing, good, plenty of
water, good building, well fenced and
partly drained. For parlicnl ars
spply to Daniel Smith, R. R. No. 2
liR A. J. MacKINNON late Hones.
i • Surgeon, Erie County Hospital,
`Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant red-
', dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity
Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the
i House Staff, New York Palyclinia
I Medical School Lind Hospital. Drug.
store in connection. Office, Zurioln,,
'" retie!
• A reliable man to sell
St rt now at the best selling tti+me;
end Inr list of Spring Offeraingst
end terms to agents Liberal enin—
tl s Handsome Free Ont'fat.
Stone Wellington
The Fonthill Nuseries
(Established 1837)
Lumber! S tiKles! Littlist
We hriive a large stock of these
on hand, Estimates given and con-
tracts taken. All kinds of exterior
and interior finish for houses made
to order We hand `e a-1 kinds of
Building Material. Call at Planing
> l9