HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-03-26, Page 1ZURI Vol, XV'. ALD ZURICH, FRIDAY MORN1N „ MAR. 26, 000eo•®o•s000000eooe00000r seb•000a•o•.•000eo+►+•oe000 4 e e •® 1 SPRING 'REETER'S 1915 8 0 0 We take pleasure in announcing that our S° Tina Millinery Opening will be held. on FBIDAY and SURD. ♦. 0 .4 '* and Following days, when eveaything that is new and popular for this season will be shown. Miss Clifton is in charge. .:.2 We invite your attendance. New I • We have just opened up the largest shipmen of Spring and Summer Goods this ' store has sct ons •• ® shown and wewould advise making youse • 2 early as repeat orders will lie out of the question this t year in many lines, especialy so. with Import Goods r i s Goods • •Lineof Dress Goods - a 'rated Priestly • ,leceleo We areshowing the this season in all the different styles and snakes. Such as-erepes, • voiles; gaberdines, ottomans, serges, barbicans, etc. and in all 2 the leading shades, blues, browns and blacks, these are especially strong this season. Wash Goods At Crepe wash goods are all the rage again this season and se will be very`seoarce, we are showing a nice range in plain, stripe, and small patterns from 150 pr yd up, Maroh 26th and 27th ring Goods Prints & Galateas o► We have this season the best quality prints we have bhown se for a long time every piece guaranteed fast colors 8oloo 12 o Our 11- galateas are just the thing for Ladies and Childrens dresses, :p wear better than prints and make up a beautiful garment at 17 pr yd• • ' ;® A few Specials picked up at a snap and you get the benefit. ,. Grey Cotton spacial value at 10 cents w White " " " at 10 cents '4 Ladies white cotton gowns nicely trimmed with lace w A big snap at 60 cents Ladies white cotton undeeskirts with fancy trimming p + Extra wide, a bargain at 60 cents ,: Black and colored sateen undsrskirts at 65 cents * Special in bedspreads extra large size 72 by 90 4 Good quality at $1.59 each The above are all new goods, freshly from the makers ane 2 1 atest styles and patterns, We also have some snaps in odds o andends of lines pinked out during stook taking in wrapperette. 2 dress goods, furs, fur coats and ladies mantles at Big Reductions • • New Mens' Shirts • 4' ' We have also opened up a nice range of mens fanny neglige 4. and lounge shirts at 1.00 1.2e and 1.50 each. 0 0 4 4 4a 0 0 We have opened up a large assortment of Pearl Diamond A' and white granite ware, these are the best granite on the market ;• se We have them in all lines, water pails, tea kettles, pudding pans 4 dippers, basins etc i, We have just finished a big stock of hom e made pails of e all kinds also tin and copper wash boilers, a few x cut saws left o is clear at out prices., Peabody's Overalls We are agents for Peobody Overalls, the best in the trade s a 0 A 4 04 -hardware •• i •0 •• • • ;wProduce of all kinds taken ' 2 B .��raraear410rs.,s.4sr► 9'15. NO 3 MEN LOCAL NE S. " CiIVL „ . a +cam ay nyevre,a is By special request, Mr. A. W. Palm Sunday, Mar 27th. Two weeks from to -days Good Fri- day. Mrs. S. E. Faust visited relatives in London last week. ` How is thecoal bin holding . out. Let us know the names of friends visiting at your home. Mrs F Hess, Sr., is visiting her daughter, Mrs G A. Bissett, Saltford, for a few weeks. • Mrs Joseph Furtaw, of near Merril, Mich., visited relatives here for a few days last week. Mrs. F.. Jacobs, and daughter, Mildred, of near Mitchell, are visiting at the home of her brother, Dr. IJ W Stoskopf. The . lecture on Monday evening given in the Evangelical church by Rey. S. R; Knechtel on "Observations and experiences of an European trip" was very instructive, and the conflict now going on in the countries visited made it doubly interesting, Services will be held in the Lutheran church' on Good Friday forenoon at the usual hour. The Luther League will take charge of the evening service. The membership contest closes on that night and the members are making special efforts to have as largo an attendance of mein- bers as possible on the last night. With this week's ; issue of The Herald we hava enlarged nor home news department, We now print four full pages and this has.been made necessary by .this increasing' demand of space in els paper for advertising purposes, The Herald as a means for local advertising cannot be excelled. • In -order tofacilitate the handling' of mail `at .the. front and to insure prompt delivery it is requested that all mail be addressed as follows: - Rank, Name, Regimental Numbers, Company, Squadron, Battery or other unit, Battalion, Brigade,. First or Second Canadian Contingent, British Expeditionary Force, Army Post office, London England. The Bowling Club has leased a lot fronting on Edward street from Mr. F. Hess, Sr., which will be levelled and put into shape for a green as soon as the weather permits of doing so. The lot is so situated that water can be easily led to it from the supply system controlled by Mr Hess. A. small stable is built on the lot, which we understand, will be fitted out as a club house. , OUR POLICE FORCE At a Nreeting of -the Police Trustees held on Tuesday evening, Mr. William O'Brien was appointed constable for the village of Zurich for the balance of 1915. DIED AT DETROIT The news was received here on Mon- day of the death of the wife of Mr. Elmore J. Magel a former resident of Zurich, which sad event occurred on Sunday in the city of Detroit. Mrs. Magel was known to many in this section, having visited here with her husband. during thnpast few summers and the news of her death came as a great shock to the many friends of the faintly here. 4 0 1 oJoo Teleph"one N o.g . °' ZURICtii • 14.••••••••••••••••0••••••• eeoo••aeeoees•o• N•••44o; Beall, M. A., of the Ontario Depart- ment of Education, will lecture in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Thursday Eve, April 1st at 8 o'clock. He will deliver his famous address on. Sex 1Bydene and. Personal Purity. No young roan or father of children should fail to be . present This is a particular favor to our 'village and community, and appreciation should be manifested by crowding the Hall to the very; doors Be sure to bring your bred man and your boys over 14 years of age if at all convenient, Mrs John Geiger of Pigeon, Mich., is visiting at the home of her daughter Mrs John Gascho. Do not miss the lecture in the Town Hall. next Thursday evening by Mr Beall on Hygen. A class of young .people will be confirmed in the Lutheran church at next Sunday morning's service. • The Ontario high school entrance examination will be held on June 21, 22 and 23, The program is: First day, composition and spelling; second day, .arithmetic and literature; third clay, English grammar, writing, geography. The departmental exams will be held commencing . June 9 and continuing to June 30. in placing his advertising the busi- nese :, man calls for local circulation a circulation in the home of the people who are within reach of his store, and who, reading his announcement in the leisure and quiet of the home circle, becoine at once prospective, customers, ., rr;,o A Chicago merchant prince once said that ;:: newspaper read; iii -the home by members of the family was worth a hundred sold on the highway. If this opinion was worth quoting twenty-five years ago, how much more truth there is in the statement today. MORE CHANGES- Mr. Andrew Price has purchased the dwelling and lot now occupied by Mr. and Mrs John Gascho from Mrs Mary Greb for x',875.00. Mr Gascho retains possession of the property for thirty days. Messrs' Andrew Mittelholtz and Wellington. Johnson have purchased the butcher business of Mr G 0 Petty Hensel., and will take possession in a few weeks. Their many friends will wish them success in their under. taking, 1TrJohnP Rau has sold the property known as the Commercial Hotel, Zurich; to 11Ir Artnur G Edighoffer, barber, who takes possession on May 1 next. We understand that Mr Edighoffer will move his barber shop to the hotel when he takes possession. 'Mr M J Ran, the present occupant, will likely move unto a farm. sensmestseaseissessmesissennasessanntsine Incorporated 1855 The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 93 Branches in Canada A. Genera. Rankled Business Transacted CIRCU tsAla'LBriTFRS 0'F as BM' BANK SIONLY ORDERS Savings Bank Department Interest at highest current, rates urich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager AUCTION SALE 0f Farm Stock, Implements Etc., on Monday, March 291h at 1 o'clock on the Babylon Line, mile south of Zurich Road. H Bossenberry, auction- eer; John B Foster, proprietor, On Farm Stock Implements, Eta., on lot 8, con 4, Stanley, 3 miles north-west of Xippen. on Monday, March 20th, at 2 o'clock. E, Bossen- berry, auctioneer, Alfred. Sutton, proprietor. A large assortment of Easter, post cards in stock. We have never had prettier ones, Mrs, McCormick. Millinery Openings We beg to announce to the Ladies of Dashwood and vicinity that we have added a Millinery Department to orate business. Our Spring Opening in charge of Miss Crawford will be. held on, Tuesday and Wednesday March 23rd and 24th and following days. You are cordially invited. O. KELLERMAN & SON =a8 seer. +O'40010l441lf41if4toMlfif4illvaM1i44DGOD (I « « « I • + Announcement! Sine of our new spring shoes have already arrived, Men's, Women's, Children's, etc. Watch for our Annotincement. . ti RITZ ori • The Home of God Shoes Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. 44ff44v444iff44 *WO flM�l 1 1 1 • I IUI I111pHIIHIIttIILII,IIIllllillllidt:,illlldll,illltlill,Ip.IIIIII�II�IUIIillllllli,IIIIIIIIIIilllllllltlll,�,110?11611111111BII,Ithl,illlltl,d„!I1;,���alLll(11111Ld1�,a�,ih:,� IPi,I,d:11 !11111'�Ili IilIII1tN Ilii .d Ili, BORN. Talbot—AL SaubleLine or March 22nd Stan -ley,. to Mr. and Mrs. Edward. Talbot, a son. "mithe—In TTensall on March 5th, to to Mr and Mrs W R Sinitho, a son. Marshal[—At Flensail on March 17, to Mr and Mrs F Marshall, a son, Smillie—Tru THGnsall., on March 5th, to Mr and Mrs W R. Smillie, a son, DIED 1'psliall—Near IZippen, on Friday, March 12th, 1915, Mrs. Joseph Upshall, aged 73 years, 11 months, Gidley—In Exeter, on Saturday, 11?aroh'14th, Jane Merrifield. be- loved wife of R Gidley, aged 89 years,ll months and 17 clays. MARRIED Borland—Duncan—At the Presbyter- ian . manse, Thames Road by Rev. Colin Fletcher, March 10th, Miss Edna Dunoan daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Duncan, Jr., to Mr. Charliel3orland. Smith—Darling—At the Methodist parsonage, Henson, on March 17th, Wm Snaith, of 0'rford county to Mi;)s Elizabeth Darling, of McGillivray township, We have received many li n esof new SPRING GOODS and are putting then on display. Von are cordially invited to call and look over sarne. New Prints, Gin gh am s, Dress Goods, Etc. HOUSE DRESSES A nice lire of ready to wear house dresses at reasonable prices. Very serviceable and good material. WALL PAPERS A new shipment of Wall Paper just in. Call and see sample book. R. N DOUGLAS BLAKE ONTARIO 1;, ..y..r..i ': . ."Y : . : •i"i '. 1•i"+4'o 4.4 '. r�: d• +4.44,444.4.4.444.4-,4,4, i• Spring tyles Iteaoly for Selections Now that the Weather Man has t 'experienced a change of heart and has kindly consented to some fine Spring like weather, you are probably ready for + your Spring Snit. You'll find the sortot Snit you're looking ioraunong our large assortment of Tailored Clothes PRICES $5.00 $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $25,00 New fabrics in the latest Arneritala Styles or in the natty New English Models May' we show you convenience? 4. 4. at your "1 0 74APPE ,I THE CLOTHIER o' -44.44 oo.3,.g4..'p pa'1'.l'.: t -H, ..l'.§,.g.ow+.1.... f+++++++.1-- o°-t.++.1..P 1't.•ii t -s e'e k �`•. ;: