HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-03-19, Page 7FOM ERY O1 ELAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT ;101t? BULL ANto HIS PEOPLE, Oee rrefices in. Tho '. Land That Reigns Supreme in, the. Coln rei'cial World. At the present moment 180 mem- bers of the House Of Commons as e -with the colors. Lloyds, of London, is issuing policies that the war will not end before June 30th .at a premium of 25.per cent. A scheme is in prepi i ation ab Blackpool for the reception of about 7,500 Belgian refugees in the popular seaside town. , Navy estim.ates for 1915-16 now issued show that the total number of officers, seamen, boys, coast- guards and Royal Marines is 250,- Q00. • The old watch boxes which were :such tali interesting feature in Lon- don years ago, are coming into fashion again for seeeci.al consta- bles. The extensive mines at Caecoch, North Wales, which.,have been dosed for 30 years, ae now to be. re -opened, fresh deposits of lead and sulphur having been found. No fewer than 7,405 old Etonians" .are now on active service. Of them 179 have been killed, 227 w'o'unded, 32 wounded and prisoners, 18 pri- soners and 33 missing. • Withmilitaryhonors the funeral took place at Kingston -on -Thames .,f Mr, WIn. Jay, a Crimean vet- e'ron, who has been in receipt of a government pension for over 58 years. Between 4,000 and 5,000 of the London County Council's employ - e:4 have joined the colors, and in difference in -their eye formation. enneil they are laboring under a The eye of a normal person a.uto- el•ent disadvantage in every de- maticeaily adjusts itself, in the en- larging and contracting of the pu- pil, to snake it possible to see dis- tinctly in different degrees of light., When we go from a darkened room out into the bright sunlight the eyes blink and squint until the pupils have contracted sufficiently to accommodate the eyes to the quantity of light. And in going from the bright light into a dark- ened room we cannot see clearly until the pupils have expanded to take in 'Ali the light possible. li.eensed .houses, the Gravesend • The advantage that cats and Town Council have decided to.•a:Ilow some animals have is that the pu- y.ieture palaces to be onen on Sun- days so that soldiers stationed in the district may attend. 'Vice -Admiral Sir George S. Nares, Ib.N., retired, has died at the age of 83 years. He became famous in 1875 for his Arctic expe- dition in which the British naval vessels Alert and Discovery took part. During the past fortnight nearly fifty bands have been organized by well-known bandmasters to take services for recruiting purposes, The King has given a donation of $500 to Queen _Alexandra's Field Force Fund for providing comforts for the troops on active service. .The magistrates, in aceordance with a request from the military authorities, have closed all public houses and have in Leeds at nine o'clock. Owing to the large number of rani hands, who have joined the forces, Norfolk farmers are experi- encing great difficulty in finding laborers. The Dean and Chapter of West- rtiineter have, approved a design for a stained glass window to be placed in the Abbey in. memory of Lord Stratheona. • King George has placed York House, ,London, at the disposal of Lard Kite'hen•er, secretary of state for war, as a residence during the duration of war. A Baal:i'.h firm of motor lorry builders offer $125 to bhe first dri- ver who takes one of the firdn's. lorries over the -Rhine, and $250 to the one in charge of the first lorry to enter Berlin. The London Mansion House Com- mittee of the Captain Scott Menlor- za,l Ifund have selected a site facing the Thanes in the grounds of Greenwich Hospital assigned by the Admiralty. ?uDla)obllni;ereal Rough Weather. Lame Back Strengthened, Stiffness Taken lltgt Out Was Relieved in an Hour, and Cured Over Night, Alai lame back? Quite unnecessary, Ail you have to do is to rub on Nervi - line. ,It's simply a wonderr for back. ache --,-relieves after one rubbing, "No- thing possibly could cure an aching back faster than Nerviline," writes Mrs. Arthur Kober, of Lower Chel- sea, N.S. "1 caught cold and was' so prostrated with pain 1 could not bend over. We always have Nerviline at home, and .T had the painful region rubbed thoroughly with this grand liniment, At once the pain departed. The lameness was rapidly reduced and in an hour 1 was able to be about my housework. 1 was rubbed again just before retiring, and awoke as usual in the morning without a sign of niy back trouble." There is no sort of muscular pain that Nerviline won't cure quickly. Thousands swear by it for rheuma- tism; neuralgia, sciatica and lumbago It sinks to the core of the pain—right through muscle, tissue and nerve—it penetrates where no oily, greasy lini- ment can go and invariably cures quickly, If you have an ache or a pain anywhere --use Nerviline-it will cure you. Family size bottle, very large 50c,; trial size 25c. at all dealers. A EYE PUPILS ARE LARGER. Reason Why Some Animals Can See in the Dark. It is .commonly supposed that cats and some other animals are gifted . in a way: -that• enables them to see in perfectly dark places where it is impossible for the hu- man eye to discern anything. This is only partly true, hbwev er. In a really dark room a cat can see no more than a human being. In semi -darkness, though, e cat can see more, because of a distinctive partment. The traffic at the Manchester docks during the past five or sig weeke has been very heavy, both outward and inward, but up to the present there has been no eonges- Lion. At Gravesend and Northfleet where the majority of the eligible men have joined the colors, it has Len found necessary to engage boys as conductors on the street t ars. ()wing to the earlier closing of A lady and husband were eross- nig the Atlantic for the first time; 'heir steamer encountered terribly i°ottgth weaklier, and they were both very unwell. As they lay in 'their , berths watiohing the luggage rolling about en the floor' of the cubit' and listening to the bangs sinal thmnilos end the eonorders on dear; he� t • au t >iiJost h ttx 4001e. Sudden�a nom , 1 n l te ooaneroam1e eil10 Wilde Usiut, dible above bah fa " r1 rhe saaid, 'Sohn, do, ;y*lx 115 Q azi ',cont per cup about the same. ogle at hole jrn.o�W a sour. (aTiliereia, a li,aa.so&' .for Pestuni, �tr ,ait zrane pofi f es k� --sold by Grocers. piss of their eyes are much larger and can expand so as to take in more light than the human eye. In places that may seem quite dark to human beings there may be more light than ,can be taken in by the eyes of the !animals, and this accounts for the superior gift with which they are credited. Ii an absolutely dark room the cat or any other animal has no advantage. CHILDREN. SHOWED IT Effect of Their Warm Drink in the Morning. "A year ago I was a. wreck from coffee drinking and was on the point of 'giving up any position in the school room because of ner- vousness. (Tea is just as injurious as coffee because it, too, contains bhe health - destroying drug, caffeine). "I was telling a friend about it and she said, 'We drink nothing at 'meal, time but Postum, and it is suds a comfort to have something we can enjoin drinking with the children.' "1 was astonished that she would allow 'the children to drink any kind of coffee, but she said Postum was not coffee, but in most health- ful drink for children as well as for older ones, and that the condition of both the children and adults showed that to be a, fact. "I was in despair' and determined to give Postai-a a trial, following the directions carefully. It was a decided success and I was com- pletely won by its rich delicious flavour. "In a short time I noticed a de- cided improvement in any condition aid kept growing bettor month after month, until now I ;am healthy, ,and do my work ie. the school room with ease and plea- ure. I would nos.return to nerve- •estr.o5'tng coffee for .am stoney.' Name given byCanadianost- tum Co., Windasor Ont, React "The toad too 1 ellvillts'' in pkgs. Postum comes in two forme: Regular. Postum —.must be well boiled. 150 and 25c packages, Instant Poelatin -- is a. solublepowder, A teaspoonful dissolves qtAlkiy in a, Cup of shot water and,. With aroma], and :saga's; mallte�ti a, deldoiou5 beverage Distantly. 30c and SOci tino. otaa kin& are e walla delicious A DESIRABLE QUALITY, A. Feeling of Optimism Is Abroad, But Many'Laek i inployaneut, There is clearly a spirit of op•ti.- niusm abroad. Workshops are starting. Factories are getting into operation. Navigation is 'on the Verge of opening, The pall of winter is disappearing, Still in the ritiee -and towns there will Still, a lack of employment. It is in the order of things that the"r"e should be a good deal less: of construction work proceeding than there • has been in other years, It is possi- ble that recently this -class of work has gone on too rapidly, ,and that as a consequence an overplus �If labor has boonattracted, to these shores, or that too many of our own people have taken to this or- der of employment-, Whatever the cause, the fact remains that despite all the improving prospects and bright sunshine,. there are, and will be many men, .ayes and many; wee man, who, willing to toil, can yet get nothing to do. These form a large, deserving class, Who must be cared for. How is the •problem, to be met? Committees inevery town, city anddistrict, or commissioners, should be appointed to talk active and practical measures. A square peg may not fit nicely into a round hole, but it is astonishing- what can be,, done .by organization and by exercising 'judgment, persevere ance and patience. Many a brick- layer, many a carpenter, nnany a clerk, knows something .abut gar- Bening. Many a one also, and many an immigrant, possesses some knowledge of ,annuals. In short, the main quality desired on the side of both employer and em- ployed is largely willingness: TEETHINGT11ME 'TROUBLES • Baby's teething time is a period of anxiety for mothers unless baby's ,stomach is kept sweet and his bowels regular. No other medicine has been , found so valu- able during teething time as has Baby's Own Tablets. They make teething painless and by their use baby gets his teeth so easily that the mother scarcely knows they are coming. Concerning the Tablets, 14Irs. F. Goldsmith, Nelson, B.G.; writes : "Baby's Own Tablets are a mother's greatest help during the teething period." The Tablets are sold by anedicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Right Diagnosis? "He is desperately in love and wants to marry the girl," "Desperate diseases require des- perate remedies_" Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Port Coquitlam will cut its pool- room license fees in half this year. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eto. City of Victoria Healthy. Fortunate indeed is the Can- adian city with such Ka'record of good health as that of Victoria, 13.C,, es is shown by the report of Mr. G. A. B. Hall in tee medical officer's report for 1914, The mortality rate is only 7.23 per thousand, while the infant mortality rate reached the almost incredible figure of .6 per thousand. Of 18 oases of typhoid, only five were local, the remainder coming from logging camps. One of the reasons for this situa- tion is undoubtedly the caro taken to ensure a pure milk supply. The examinations taken during the year showed the butter fat percentage to average 3.9 per cont., the water supply is also above reproach. The population of Victoria is now 55,000, and of the 367 death record- ed last year 90 were over 70 years of age. Victoria, B.C., is evidently a place where there is some competi- tion for the position of "oldest in- habitant." Practical, at Any Rate. --Teacher (lecturing on "Honesty")—' "But what now, before going any fur- ther, . do you really understand by the word 'honesty 1' " Boy (well up in axioms)—'Please, ,sir, `Hon- esty is the best policy.' "Now," said the farrier to the new hand from the city, "I want y411 t0 clean up Ole pigsty and the sj;a4nle and the henhouse and all the oder houses of the stook." The new hand worked vigorously for a couple of days, 'then he appeared before ,hfs employer with both eyes nearly closed, liis !south swollen and red lumps all over his face and neck and hands. "Gianme any money," he said; `"'f'm aegoin' to gtine" ("What' ,the matter ?" ask- ed, the farmer. "1 don't know what's the (matter,"said the vic- tim, "but it happened when! 1 start- ed in to Olean the beehive." FJtillg Relief • She. 'dells Others ?illi,*.. W.• .J..MALONEY TOOK :I)o1)ID'SKIDNEYS PIUS 'FOR 1 ACKACII%l. sae,:., (18(1' r61'ied. Nwnerons Otfie Medicines, But Found No R'elit''f fill She Used the Great Canadia Kidney Remedy, IDt).fltl's «idne Pills. Barachois West, Gaspe Co., Que.,March'15th (Special), --Mrs. W. J, Maloney, a well-known resident of this place, is recommending 1)odd's Kidney Pills to those who suffer from Kiel& 0y troubles. Inan inter- view Mfrs. Maloney says : "After suffering for many years with backache, and trying many remedies without obtaining relief, I read about Dodds Kidney Pills and decided to try them, ",After using two ,boxes I was greatly benefitted, and recommend them to ether sufferers. I also used them for my little girl for Kidney troubles." M. Maloney got relief from her backache because' Dodd's Kidney Pills eured her Kidney trouble, and that was the cause of her back- ache, 1)odd's' Kidney Pills cure diseased Kidneys, Cured Kidneys do their work and strain all the impurities out of the blood. Tlhat's why Dodd's Kidney Pills cure so many diseases that are caused by impure blood. , ' irtt' ['1'03!1 ]3%u'fg.'ess Pass. Speaking o.f panoramic views, the (a radian Pacific itself has just prod* .1 something out of the hai ordis in this respect. The offi- eiale',jrhr tographer of the railway, Mrs47 t•'. S. Bennett, has made a print 2F feet long on one piece of paper representing a panoramic view f •..,m Burgess Pass, in the Canadia 1 Rockies. This photo- graph, he largest ever. shade in Canada. which ,will be hung in the rotunda of the Windsor Hotel, at Montreal, shows . Mount Field (8,645 feet), Mount Dennis (8,326 feet), Mount Goodsir, the Van Horne range, Mount Burgess (8,463 feet), Mount Emerald (8,339 feet), Mount Wapta (9,990 feet), and Mount Vire-President .(10,049 feet), . and embraces a hundred riles snow-rlad peaks and gla- ciers, with thehotel at Field shown in the valley at the left, and to the right a glimpse of the Yoho Valley. 1)008 THAT 114TJUY T110OPS... hlowling HDireeted Gernurfaa Shelia to I.'tlMitiOlis of,, Athos. Dogs as spies to betray the lI•osi tion of French troops to the enemy is the 'newest Gerznaai stratagem in Flanders, according to the Paris Liberte, which ,received the story from wounded soklier, after hard fighting, the ].Franco -Belgians recently occupied •the village of Il -e-. r night, where serawled in chalk ole dthe l;'a.11:s of a ruined house they. la saw the words, "Please feed the ugs ' Thinking. of the many dogs left by villagers—Flanders uses dugs enormously as beasts ,of burden -- the soldiers, obeyed the instruc- tions. About midnight the dogs suddenly began to howl, making a i reniendcus noise in the night silence. Immediately German shells rained on the village, whose exact indication Was thus disclosed, until the allies were forced to re- tire hastily after heavy losses: The soldier's account concluded "There has since been great mor- tality among Flanders canines," y • i radon a'eachers in Army. A list compiled by the London. Teachers' Association contains the names of 962 London teachers who have enlisted. Camberwell and Islington share between them the honor ofhaving sent the greatest number to the colors, each district contributing 66 men. ttl Cure Guaranteed Never known to, re fall; acts without pain in 24 hours. Is Corn soothing, healing; takes the sting Tight out. No remedy so., Buick, safe and sure as Putnam's Paint Tess Corn Extractor. Sold every-' Where --25c. per bottle, ]:locution may be a good thing, but it doesn't go far enough. It merely teaches us how' to speak, not when, • Minard's Liniment Co. Limited. Ixave used MI ARD'S LINSIISINT for Croup; found nothing equal to it; sure cure. 0.R.AS. n. SRARP, Raarkshalw, 11.33„ Sept. let, 1905. There are men who are most scrupulous in debts of honor, but who owe for everything else. Minard'a Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. • "1 never yet :saw a girl who could hit anything she 'threw at.'' "Vien you never aaw my wife throw out a hint,'' Granulated Eyelids, re Eyes inflamed by expo- . to Soo. Oust and Wind qqoRynree .No smarting, I.d by Medea just Eye Comfort; At 'Stour Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Mettle Eye SalvainTttbes25c.1 orBookolthetyef'rceask Druggists ter Make kye Remedy Co,, Okapi '1' Revised. His Honor --"Gentlemen of the jury, if you believe the witnesses of the plaintiff then you will find a verdict for the defendant. If, on the utherhand, you believe the wit- nesses for the defendant, in that case yme will find a verdict for the plaintiff, _Again, gentleman, if like myself, you cannot believe the wit- nesses o'f either party, heavorl knows what you'll do, Gentlemen consider your verdict," A Nova Scotia Case Of Interest to All Wiroinell Halifax Sends Out a Message of Help to Many People. Halifax, N.S., Dec. 15—hien inter- viewed at her home at 194 Argyle St., Mrs. Baverstock was quite willing to talk of her peculiarly unfortunate case. "I was always `blue' and depressed, felt weak, languid and utterly unfit for any work. My stomach was so disordered that I had no appetite. What I did eat disagreed. I suffered greatly from dizziness and sick head- ache and feared a nervous breakdown. Upon my druggist's recommendation I used Dr. Hamilton's Piles. "I felt better at once. Every day 1 improved. In six weeks I was a well woman, cured completely after differ- ent physicians had failed to help me. It is for thla reason that I strongly urge sufferers with. stomach or diges- tive troubles to use Pr. Hamilton's Pill," Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the stomach, improve digestion, .strength- en the nerves and restore debilitated systems to health. By cleansing the blood of long-standing impurities, by bringing the system to a high point of vigor, they effectually chase away weariness, ' depression and disease. Good for young or old, for men, for women, for children. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills of MVlandh•ake and Butternut. .14 Family Affair. Papa and the three. children were to give mother a birthday gift. The youngest boy was chosen to make the !presentation address. He pie pared it very carefully and thus de- livered it in due season. "Dear mamma, this gift is pre- sented to you by your three chil- dren and your one husband," INFORMATION RATION FOR INVENTORS Messrs. Pigeon, Pigeon & Davis, patent solicitors, Montreal, report that 181 Canadian patents were is- sued for the week ending February 16th, 1915, 137 of which were grant- ed to .A.merdcans, 28 to Canadians and 16 to residents of foreign coun- tries. Of the Canadians who received patents, 12 were residents of On- tario, 5 of Quebec, 4 of British Col- umbia, 3 of Alberta, 3 o.f Manitoba, and 1 of New Brunswick, The ularvest, Is Sure. "It's a. true saying that 'what a man sows that shall he also reap.' " "Alas, yes. No ichickens scratch up the seeds we sow in our spirit- ual gardens." Minard's Liniment for said everywhere, Damaged 'Goods. Kate --So Alice broke her engage- ment with Jack because the doctor said he had a tobacco heart. Marie --Yes, and I don't blame her. What girl wants a hueband that's damaged by smoke LOW FARES TO THE CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS. Vla Chicano & North Western Ry. Pour !splendid daily trains from the New Passenger Terminal, Chicago to San. Francisco,toe Angeles an d San Diego, Wide choice of scenic and direct routes. Double tr.tok, Automatic electric safety ei nails all the way. Let us plan your trip and furnish fold. ern and fail particulars. B. D. Bennett,. Gen. Agt., 46 Yonge St, 'Peronto, Ont. The chilli's delight. The' picnicker's choice. Everybody's favorite. POTTED MEATS Full flavored incl perfectly cooked make delicious sandwiches. I'lalttras rem SA.r.Z. E. W. Dd,WS0N, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A 8_ Fruit, .Stock, Grain or I)siiry Tarin, write H. NV. Dawson, Brampton, or SO l,olborne St„ Taranto. k£, W. DAiWSOhl, Colborne St., Toronto. NURSERY STOCK. �(r T1(AWBEIIRIES, RASPBERRIES, PO. TATOES, Catalogue frae. Stc0ouuell & Son, Port Burwell, Ont. afxsonnaasen 0Un. C.�xc vin, TUMORS, LIMPS. ETC., Interned and external, cured with- ( ut pain by our home treattri nt. Write i s before too lats. 1)1'. Delinaan Medical • Litn;tc-c1, i'r,ll1n wood, C)rt. FOR SALE New Wheeled/ 18 a, 42 Aidoririatic Valve Complete operating condition, flywheel, frame,, belt, cylinders and all parts. Can be shown running at present time. Will sell at's less than half cost price. S. FRANK WILSON & SONS 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto "40 Haurs frorn Frost to Flowers" "RESTFUL, ISLES OF SUMMER LOVELINESS." Offering all outdoor Sports, social activities and a climate and edenery unequaled In the Tropics. S.S. "BEEMVDT&N," fastest, most luxurious and only Steamship land- ing passengers without transfer. Sails from New York every Wednes- day, 11 a.m. Faro $55.00 for Round Trip, including berth and meals, WEST INDIES Delightful 2S -day Cruises to the Antilles; sailings from N.T. Mar. 2nd, 12th, 28th, 2,00 p,ni, Apply for tickets and ills. booklet. Canada Steamship Lines, Limited, 46 Yonge St., Toronto, or any Ticket Agent. t'OR colds in the chest or sore , throats; for -rheumatism or stiffness; for sprains and cramps. Capsicum "Vaseline" brings quick relief. CAPSICU • Trademark Made fn Canada It does all that a mustard plaster will do. Is cleaner, easier to apply, and will not blister the skin. There '.,re many other "Vaseline' preparations—simple home reme flies thatshculd be in every family —Carbolated "Vaseline,/' an antiseptic dressing for cuts, insect bites, etc. ;. ""Vaseline" Anaigc, for neuralgia and headaches; pure "Vaseline," for piles, chilblains, etc,, and others. acvaiD SUBSTln't'TES. Insist on "vase. eine" In original packages bearing the name, Cl3itsEnaoticn hiANtrrACTUIRINC co., Consolidated. Vol' sale at all Chemists and General Stares. Tree booldet on request. CHEStialka x01-1 Mi'c Co. (Consolidated) 1880 'CHABOT AVE., MONTREAL ED. 7. ISSUE 12-•-'.15. t