HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-03-19, Page 4TUE 1:1 RA LD issued every Thursday afternoon, from the itI RAL10rPRINTING OFFICE ViCtorla St. Zurich, by I', HESS and CHESTER L. SM I I N 41U> SGRIPTIQN ?Rica $1.00 A YEAR U. S. subscripton tttr,so strictly In advance, ADVERTISING TERMS. Rates for display and contract advertisements wiahe given on appllatb'in. Transient notices such as legal, coiroration, societ etc., to cents per line for first latserticn and s.centsper ine for each subsequent insertion. Notices of entertainments, socials etc. at which an adrniss ion fee is charged or a special collection taken will be charged tor at the regular advertistng rates :!Notices of religious or other meetings the object of which is the benefit of the community and not for per- anal or sectarian interest or gain, will be cheerful), nsertcd free. Estray advs. $t for three insertions. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by 6 p. m. Tuesday, otherwise they will no left over until the following week. Advertisments without specific directions will be inserted until! forbid and charged accordingly. Tran-. sient advertismenrs must be paid for in advance. Address alt communications to THE HERALD, Zurich THURSDAY, MAR. 19, 1915 About thirty Canadian lake freight- ers, of the ocean-going type, have been chartered for service on the Atlantic ocean for the coming sun mer. The following change in money order rates through the Post office to United States points should be noted: Up to $10, 10 cents; from $10 to $ 30, 20c.; $30 to $50, 30c.; up to $60, 40c; up to $80, 50c.; up to $100, 75 cents. How to raise Good Calves. If you want to raise calves which are right in every way, Breed your cows to a sire who is all O. .K. Where can you obtain the same did I hear a fellow say. On lot 21, con. 14, in the Township of Hay. 0 Klepp,. owner. GENERAL SERVANT WANTED Wanted a servant girl for general housework in a small town. 1'or par- ticulars apply to Herald Office, Zurich. r Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, BTO FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOIMIOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT Lath, Co. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich idi DASH WOOR SHOE S OR.� I ha-vea large stook of al the latest and. best in Mens Ladies and Children Shoes Call and look over our line before you buy elsewhere'. We can save you money. Repairing Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken it exchange for shoes. David Pfaff Dashwood CORRESPONDENCE DASH WOOD Mrs David Betteben has been assist. ing her sister, Mrs Sol Martin of . the Babylon Line, during the past week. Mrs, Adam Birk, who underwent an operation last week for some inter- nal trouble, is doing as well as can he expected. Mr and Mrs Sam Hey of Blake vis- ited at the home of Mr and Mrs Philip Fassold on Sunday last, The merchants here are this week busy shipping their sett onions of which they have an abundant supply. The spring millinery season is now on and the milliners are busy getting ready for the opening display. Word was received here on Satur- day of the sudden death in Berlin of Mr Fred Kibler. Mr Kibler :at one time was a resident of this village. Mr and Mrs Jacob Kellerman left on Tuesday to attend the funeral which was held on Wednesday. Mr Peter Lamont of Zurich was here on Saturday and purchased a matched team of horses from Mr Jacob Kellerman. They were sired by the Miller owned by Messrs Willis and Guenther of this place and were a pair of good ones. Needless to say Mr. Kellerman received a good. price for them. Mr Peter Lamont purchased a pair of fab cattle from Mr J K Goetz. . Mr John T Kruger sold his farm on the 14th concession Stephen, to Mr Wilfred Desjardine. Posession given in April. Next Sunday morning Rev 8 R Knechtel of Berlin, will preach in the Evangelical church, and administer the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper to members and adherents of the church. The services will be in the English DRYS1)ALE 19Ir. Isadore Denomme bas engaged with I\'Ir, N. J. Masse for the summer. Miss Evangeline Laporte is aisle to be around again after her recent illness, Mr. John Manson and: daughter were guests of Mr. Ernest Denomme one day last week. The auction sale on . Tuesday of Mrs. G, Pollockwas largely attended. Mrs, Pollock will move to Zurich in the near future. • { Mr. and Mrs. George Geoffroi ~'Vere visiting at 11lr. Regis Denonimes' • on Tuesday. _,, Wedding bells will soon be ringing in this vicinity. STACLEY TP. IMPLEMENTS. Binders, Mowers, all kinds Cultivators, Discs and Fer- ilizer Drills, best and light- s t made all steel. Manure Spr Faders and all inds of plows and repairs !ways in stock. Look at our Cutters Sleighs, Buggies, and agons before buying else- where. ,RAY MOTOR ENGINES 1* H. 1'.''$76; 2j H. P. $85; 4 Ir. ?.$125; 6 H. P..$175; 8 H. P. 9il>;• 2 11. P. $375; all warranted fust lass. At the old Stand:— Square Dealil)g Oar Motto" ti .fess & Son HENSALL Mr Percy Clarke is going into canning in partnership with E. Drake. J. W. Ortwein, superintendent of the .Methodist Suuda,y Scltottl. entertained the officers and teachers to few evenings ago. Nett,rly thirty- five were present anu an en joyitblt' tints was spent. Geo. Trott is having a studio fitted up in G. Petty's block, Alex Murdcoh has purchasedthi dwelling and lot on Queen street from Mrs, Manns. On March 10th Mrs Lauretttt Miler, daughter of Mr and Mrs Richard' Blatchferd, was united in marriage with W. A. Miller, of Lebanon, IanSit s, j Thelooal I. 0 0 k' and Rebalrftb lodges held n suoeessfnl' at home' in the new town hall on A ednee dray evening. T Welsh has purohased six lots on King. St near the London road and intends erecting dwellings on them this summer. On March 3rd last Mrs Johns of Varna passed away after an illnesspf some weeks. She had reached the advanced age of 71 years. The fuuneral. took place on Monday and the service,' conducted by Rev. H. Rickard, was held in the Anglican church, after which interment was made in Varna cemetery. Deseased was a faithful and consistent member of the Anglican church and was held in high esteem by all who enjoyed her acquaintance. Besides a large circle of friends sh leaves a family of sons and daughters to mourn her loss., Miss Derre Sinith visited at the horn of her brother Mr. Herb Smith last week. The many friends of Mr. Wm Clark of Varna will be pleased to hear that he is recovering from his recent, illness and we hope that he will soon be able to be around again. The Misses McDonald of Brucefield are visiting this week at the home o Mr, Wilson Armstrong. Mr. Robb Armstrong has returned home from Bay City where' he was called on account of the illness of his brother William who resides there, We are sorry to report the illness of iss Ann Garvin and hope for he needy recovery. cotch Shorthorn Male COLLYNIC AMI3RICO 95870 Roan, Calved February 10th, 1914, Bred by A, F. & G. Auld. Nbnpariel Courtier --83324— Coliynio Fragrance [imp] " —54048—, Scottish Taney (75601) Lovely Fragrance Sergeant at Arms (59901) Lady Fragrance Thunder -King (551.35) Fragrance -Red Prinde (37325) Lady Fragrance 2nd Nobleman lst (29441) Lady Fragrant Lord Granville (24395) Fragrant John 131111 (11619) Fragrance Matadore (1-1800) Strawberry Duke of Northumberland argaret any Anne Miss Gibson ora i tty 2nd (3646) Mahomet (6170) Sillery (5131) Carleton (843) Diamond (205) Diamond (205) Geo. Amos & Sou W. S. Mare A. Cruickshank' J. Scott N. Reid S. Carnpbell.. A. Cruickshank S. Wiley W. Smith T. Bates Capt. Barclay Mr. Burrow Mr. Burrow Col. Trotter Col, Trotter NONPAREIL COURTIER as his name would indicate belongs to the Nonpariel tribe. He was got by Waverley(72804), clam Nonpariel 44th by Old ancestor (imp) —50068—, the Most successful sire ever used in the herd of George Amos & Sons. SCOTTISH FANCY (imp) was one of 1VIr. Mary's best calves of the year, and developed into an animal of great substance and flesh. His sire was Sittyton Pride (67939), bred by Ml.*Duthie, was got by the celebrated Scottish Archer (59893) out of Guelder Rose, by Pride of the Isles (35072), nd his dam was Goldie 35th, by the celebrated William of Orange. SERGEANT AT ARMS (59901), bred at Sittyton, was got by the rawith Bud, sire Gondolier (52956), out of Sarcasm, by Cumberland (46144) . dam Sensation by Roan Gauntlet (35284). Will be held• -for improvement of stock on Lot 21, Con. 14', Hay Town hip. Parties desiring to breed to this choicely bred animal should arrange with proprietor, as a limited number only will be bred to him. Rates: $1, payable at time of service, with privilege .of returning if ecessary, If with calf, $2 extra for grades, and $7 extra for thoroughbreds. ll animals bred must be returned twice if necessary or owners will be held iable for full amount. BLAKE Mrs Will, Finlay gave a quilting bee to a number of her friends on Fri- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Madge of the Bronson Line north called on friends in the village on Monday. Rev. Mr. Johnston's many friends were pleased to see him out again after his recent serious illness. Mr. and Mrs. H. Zapfe spent Sun- day with friends at Grand Bend. Mrs. Peter Manson entertained a number of her friends to a quilting bee on Wednesday afternoon. (mite a number in this locality are busy malting maple syrup, Mr. and :11Mrs. Wm. Douglas and daughter spent Thursday. evening with friends near Hillsgreen. Mr. C. Sclerag, of the Bronson Line Stanley, recently purchased a high- grade throughbrecl Holstein bull from the herd! of R. M. Holtby, Port Credit, a noted breeder of Holsteins. THE HERALD DLUDD9D LIST FOR FPS Herald and Daily Globe.....,..,y�,t; 75 " " Weekly Globe 1 75 tt 13aily Mail and Ern- t.'1 rn- pire `l 75 \Veel•y' Mail and Empire 175 Toronto Doily Stair 2 85 41 Weekly Star,. 1 75 n Daily News 2 85 Loudon Free Press Morning Edition,.,. 3 60 Evening Edition, 2 90 Weekly Edition-- tiori..... 1 85 London Advertiser MorningEdition—, 2 90 Evening Edition2 90 Weekly ' Edition...,. 1 75 iVarm & Dairy • 1 75 Fanners Advocate2 40 Mon areal 1+'ami l y erald and Weekly tar .. 1 85 tt Weekly Montreal Witness 1 85 it 44 it It it t1 it It tt tt tt tr 14 tt iY to 1914 Driest on Record rainage Gives Big Results ;2The Ontario Agricultural College Lepers that the Crop year of 1914 was the driest on record in Ontario. The precipitation from. harvest 1913 to harvest 1914 lacked 511 inches of being up to the average. This is a shortage of almost 20 per cent. The College has often stated that tile drainage was effective in a dry season as well as in cruet one, and last year it was able to prove this in a most practical way. Sin 3o I912 the. College has been install- ing Practical Drainage Demonstration Plots in parts of 'the province where little or no drainage has been done. The plan is to drain half of a field, leaving the other half undrained for comparison. Botb parts are sowed to the same kind of grain and the crop from each part thrashed separately. Nine Plots were drained prior to 1914. The average of the nine fields .showed that at market prices at threshing time the drained half produced 114.12 more per acre than the unclrainecl half anti that in 'the driest year on record. In an av>erageseason the average m- crese due'to drainage is over $20 per acre, and in a wet season even more. For a number of years the Agricult- ural College has boon making drainage surveys for farmers free of charge, except for travelling expenses. This offer Is again renewed!. Farmers having drainage ddiff,culties may secure a,sisiance by writing the .Department of Physics, 0. A. , Guelph, for in- rarnxation and regales application forlrls. ) 1L111i t "*gj'' � j JJ. ARE INSTALLING A number of new devices and making other im• proyeniteuts in our printing plant which will enable us to do . job work as neatly and quickly as any city office. Let us do your next job; no matter how large or smll it; is, and we will co.ivinee you that what we say is right. . Our prices are luso right. 13e loyal to home Mans - tries, HERALD PTG . CO. Phone 30 - - - Zurich Zurich Meat MARKET DEALERS II: Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc CARD FOR SKINS .& HIDE S Tuntgbiut & Deichert Old Bull $1,50 OSCAR KLOPP Phone 18 on 85 .LV.11.r,LMNI :MUT @,A3BIBt A new shipment just in of Bon -Bens, Chocolates, etc. The best that money can buy A. large variety of. Comic, Patriotic, Scenic, etc., Post Cards, all prices. We also have the Flag Gum, Spearmint, Etc. Leading Brands of Cigars. Oysters in Season. McCORMICK'S RESTAURANT Farms For Sale 210 acres of good farming fruit land. 2000 peach trees of which 1000 are in bearing, good, plenty of water, good building, well fenced and partly drained. For particnlars apply to Daniel Smith, R. R. No. 2 Zurich, Classified Ads LEGAL. CARDS. P ODUFOOT, IiILLORAN, & PROUD - FOOT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public &c. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton' St. Goderiah. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. PROLTL1'00T, K. 0. J. L. KILLORAN W. Pi20imD700T, ht. MEDICAL CARDS R. E. B. BALFOUR, graduate Western University, late of the Military .Hospital and Victoria Hospit t1, London. Office in the building formerly occupied by the late • Dr.McLaughlin, Dashwood. �R A. J. MacKINNON late House Surgeon, Erie County :hospital,' Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late, of the House Staff, New York Palyclinio Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in •connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. w kAn -135r5:11T4. A rt Unable man to sell HARDY CANADIAN CROWN STOOK IN ZURI(.)1I and HURON (Jona ty. tit rt now at the best selling time, se,.d for list of Spring Offerings and terms to agents Liberal oonn- and tett: cal ns. Handsome Free Outfit. t�+ Wellington The Fon thin Nuseries (Establiehecl 1837) TORONTO Lumber! Shingles! hhths! We have a large stock of these on hand. Estimates given and con. tracts taken. All ki °ds cif exterior and interior finish for !houses made to order We hand re all kinds of Building Material. Call at Planing 'ZIJR1C1-1