HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-03-12, Page 1Voh. XV. • ZURICH, FRIDAY i O NI'N , MAR 1 444®444404ee449404,44 +®woo* ae****ss*******••0•A6•_••••• 0 a 0 0 m 4 4 • • :. 4, 0 • 0 - •0 4 4 4 • 0 8 •0 •® 0 •s • .4 ,® s •4 4 4 •0 4 yhTa Cie HE wearing qualities of this crepe are unexcelled. The mixture of wool and mohair is especially fine. A good seasonable cloth in all colors. I1••: Z i t . 0 1 9I Q:�5 ASPRIN6 • • • d • T• s SUM ER . • • •0 .,,, • Al 0 4t� 4 4 0 0 FABRICS 4. 1--- t.4 • We have just opened up the largest shipment o 1 of Spring and Summer Goods this store has ever o shown and -we would advise making you selections early as repeat orders ,vill. lie out of the question this a : year in many lines, especialy so with Import Goods. •y •0 i$.. •es 3 O o s . We are showin tiro celebrated Priestly Line of Dress Goode 0 showing 5 l 3 snakes . Swill 'as Drones, .this souso�i �.?�rAa1,�G�'e,'31�zt�eu"o�.t�t;,y,es and voiles; gaberdines, ottomans, serves, barbicans, etc., e;nd in eali o -, b the leading shades, blues, browns andblacks, these are especially a strDng this season. +JO • �a Goods • •; ® Orepe wash goods are all the rage again this season and : . will be very soaroe', we are showing a nice range in plain, Q • stripe, and small patterns from f 15o pr yd rt) • . _ . • w We have this season the best quality prints we have bhown Z fora long time every pieoe-guaranteed fast colors 80100 124o Our galateas are just the thing for Ladies and Childress dresses, wear better than prints and make up a beautiful garment at 17. 9 ® fir yd. A few Specials picked up at • I snap and you get the benefit, • Grey Cotton special value at 10 cents • White " << " at 10 cents Ladies white cotton gowns nicely trimmed with lace A. big .snap at 00 cents • Ladies white cotton undesskirts with fancy trimming • Extra wide, a bargain at 60 cents • Black and colored sateen underskirts at 65 eents a Special in bedspreads extra large size 72 by 90 • Good quality at $1.5.9 each • The above are all new goods, freshly from the makers ans s 1 atest styles and patterns, We also have some snaps in odds •and ends of lines picked out during stook taking in wrapperette. �,. dress goods, furs, fur coats and ladies mantles at Big Reductions 0 New' Mens' Shirts 0 40 • We have also opened u;) a nice range of mens fancy neglige 0 and lounge shirts at 1.00 1.25 and 1,50 eaoli. •• 41.4 • 4 8 m • 0 m 4 8 4 Peabody's vera.lis We aro agents for Peobodv Overalls; the best in the trade • I,nk rdware We have opened up a large assortment of Pearl Diamond • and white granite ware, those are the best granite on thernarket o • . Wo have thorn in all lines; water pails, tea kettles, pudding nails e • dippers, basins etc . 4 '41*We have just finished a big stock of hone made pails of • :. all kinds also tin and copper wash boilers, a few x cut saws left 41 . • • t) clear at out prices. 4, 0 Produce of a .11 kinds taken 4.4 • °4 a1, 0 di C E 0 :► Tie7hone No.q 4 ` m zuRIcr trtatro.t"`"C-4,111M-Cra. AnIP 411 Allt A'S Ant. 410 LOCAL, NEWS, 5w xyarC.V1 0 4214J 4at Wheat $1.25 per bu3hel. March 17t1a,St. Patrick's Day. Miss Selma Weseloh of London 1s visiting ab the home of her : parents; Mr mad Mrs H. F. Weselob. Messrs John and Albert Regier and Joseph Wild are looking up friends in St. Clements and Josephsburg, Ont. Mrs Valentine Iiocbeins wishes bo express her sincere appreciation of the kindness and sympathy shown her in her recent sac. bereavement. A .meeting of the members of the Bowling Club will be heldin the Herald Office, this Friday evening at 8 o'clock, sharp, for the purpose of re -organizing for 1915 and discussing other important business. All memb- ers attend. The juvenile hockey team travelled to Hensall last Saturday and got "trimmed" by the score 8.2. Reports. of the game say it was fast and furious up to half time when the score stood 2 2, but after that our boys faded away. The line-up: Goal Bert Siebert; r. cl. Ward Fritz; 1. d. Russel Preeter; r. w. Leroy O'Brien; ]. w. Teddy Merrier; rover Lennis Callfas; centre Frank Siebert. Watch for smoke tomorrow when the tie will be played off. • BUSINESS CHANGE. • Another important business change was consummated on Wednesday when the Zurich Flax Company com- posed of the following well-known gentlemen: Messrs F `Mess Sr., ;A: Heideman and J E Rickbeil, sold their interest in the flax mill and the farm adjoining the village of Zurich, known as the Rummel farm. The above gentlemen have been connected with the flax business for twenty years and_ mow -have ave :handed dt over . ., to yeiliikoiv hands. The flax mill,' barns and land belonging thereto have been purchased ty Arnold Heideman, who will con - finite the business, while the 50 acre barm has been sold to Mr Egbert Heideman. Both are sons of Mr Albert Ileicleman. Possession is given at once in both cases. MORE FARMS SOLD Since our last issue quite a number of farms have changed hands. Mr, Henry Koehler, of the Goshen Line north, has sold his fine 100 -acre farm to his son, August Koehler, who huts' also purchased the stock, implements, ete. Possession is given on April tIrd. Mr John Neuchwanger has sold his 50 - acre farm on the Goshen north to Messrs H Yungblut and John Deichert, who will use it for grazing purposes. 1Ir Neitschwanger has puchased the fine 100.acre farm on the Blind Line, owned by Mr Simon Dietrich for the sum of $7,400. Mr Dietrich has puchased the 75.acre farmon the Babylon Line from Mr John Foster, paying therefor $5000. Possession is given on April lst by Messrs Neuseh- wangev, Dietrich and Foster. Mr. J. J. Verner has purchased the 100 notes, being lob 15, 8. B. con., Stanley, from the Canada Company. This land lies just 11 miles east of Wagner's corner, and Mr Marna will allow any person to secure woo.1 on these premiser free of charge, the only thing ho reserves for his own 050 is the cedar. 1915.. Lectt;r on Eugenics and P� rsonal Hygene. I)id you hear Mr. A. W. Beall, M. A. lecture on the above subjects in our public school on Thursday and Friday of last week? If so you cau'never for- get thein. Mr Beall certainly has a unique pedagogical method, a modern Pasta' ozzi combined with the zealfervor and inspirationof a Luther or Knox He loves his subject for its own sake, its inherent value and sanctity and the heaven crying need of its clean appli- cation 1pli-cation to our (at least in this respect) morally dwarfed alitC1 sadly neglected. boys and girls of Canada. The masterly way in which Mr Beall ln•esinted. this delicate, all h31.- portant mportant subject with such simple, clean reverential, fact -revealing terminology evoked the admiration and unbounded expressions of gratitude from such as were among the privileged to hear this rare treat. How heartily thank- ful all thoughtful parents were could readily be seen by the hurried way one after the other arose, immediately after the Friday p. m. lecture, to give expression to the gratitude felt for the flood of needed information given them and their boys and the boys of other parents in such helpful, noble and self- respect producing way. Again and again they thanked the speaker and the Department of Education for hav- ing rolled from their shoulders theheavy burden of moral duty towards their God-given sons and daughters, in such select, revealing terns and expression. 'They felt they could now breathe up more freely as they contemplated the future moral condition of this and other parts of their beloved Can- ada. It is just by works of this kind that intelligent, noble and farseeing citizens efi"nce;•,e the wisaa-pplioation o£publie funcla"for the present and future up lift of loyal Canadians and the ad- vancement of Canadian industry, wealth and commerce. From lectures like those delivered by Mr Beall men begin to realize what it takes to make a nation great and prosperous, its peo- ple morally and physically strong, vigorous, resourceful, contented and happy. If the Department of Educati- on continue (and no doubt it will) to develop this phase of its work with such excellently suited and capable leen as its present esteemed represent- ative then at least from human, moral, social and economic point of view, the future political, financial and com- mercial greatness of our beloved Can- ada is assured and its happy people will continue to be the brightest jewel of all humanity. The conviction is spreading that it would be most desirable to make some arrangements with the Department of Education to secure the services of lir Beall to address a meeting of all the boys and men of this coin- munity some evening when all could attend, In this way the good work would become a greater blessing to all and they too would forever feel grate- ful for the necessary information re- ceived. May this conviction be spe- edily. realized. • yony A W E I3ernpbill, druggist, Hensall, has just put in a large stock of up-to- date wallpaper. Mr John Hey, Jr., was at Ailsa Craig for a few days last week assist- ing the local agent selling fertilizer. Mr W H Bender has taken over the new Commercial Hotel, Hensall, and will conduct it in an up-to-date way. Mr Jacob Wurm has taken the position as porter. Messrs L. Weber and Charles Meyers have purchased a Triumph cement block Machine and are in a position to manufacture all stylus of cement blocks, etc., at short notice. NO 3 A UCTION SALE 0f Farm Stock, Implements, eta.,. mile south of Drysdale, on Tuesday; Mar. 16th, at 1 o'clock: Mrs George Pollock,' prop'rietoress; B •Bossenberry,. auctioneer. ' Of Stock and Household Erects at Grand Bend, on March 13th at 1.30 o'clock p. iu. M. Wilds, Jr,, proprietor, E, Bossenberry, auctioneer, Of Frame Hall, size 24 by 40, at Ilillsgreen on Friday, March 19th, at 2 o'clock. E Bossenberry, auctioneer W J Jarrott, chairman. Of Farm Stock, Impleneennis Et ea , on Monday, March 29th at 1 o'clock, on the Babylon Line, a, mile south of Zurich Road: H Bossenberry, auction- eer; John B Foster, proprietor, 4" i;l iii 3iC it ti tt 'tttli#rt+D01111D1 1 1 Mr. Simon Geiger of Michigan is visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs A Geiger, at present. The Huron County Temperance Association will hold their annual conveutietr iti the Presbyterian Church '" "`'''" '•111 Clintonon Thursday, March 18th, Incorporated 1855 , 111r J, J. Muller' M. I'y, has reecivt'il a carload. of corn fret n Essex count y. , which he will use fur feeding purpiae5 v . , on his own farm. a li The ..mss �..lv N,L, 11 Lost—A bracelet, with initials, G. ANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $$,800,000 93 I3 -ranches in Canada A Genera, Be>;ilcind Business Transacted CIRCL'LAR. LETTERS Ov e 1'il)T 13 AN M°NiiY 0110108 SaVingS Dank Department r1 F. W., on Saturday evening, on Bronson line between farms of \Vm. Interest al highest current rotes Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager Announcement ! Sime of our new spring shoeshave already arrived, Men's, Women's, Children's, etc. Watch for our Announcement. e. FRITZ Zuric The -t.orn of Good Shies Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. 4.0040.014 fviii all ii fi 4.11 a'46ii i t. We have received many lines of new SPRING GOODS and are putting them on display. You are cordially invited to call and look over same. ,New Prints, Gii ghams, Dress G-oods, Etc. OUSE DRESSES A nice lin of ready to wear house dresses at reasonable prices. Very serviceable and good material. WALL PAPERS A new shipment of Wall Paper just in. Call and see sample book. R N. DOUGLAS BLAKE ONTARIO 13assow and H A Wolper. Tinder a leave at Herald office. 4. Messrs Oscar and Elinor lamp at- tended the Provincial Stock Sale at Guelph on .larch 3rd, and purchased the best bull offered for sale. They had the choiset oat of forty-nine, and are to be eonattileted on bringing the best individual , into Moron county. Nothing too good for South Huron.0 A C No 72Oats rte^.--•-� BORN. Turner ---In Stanley, on March 4th, to Mr and Ars John Turner, a 'sou. ........ ».....•'row +++++++++++++++0++++++++4,0 f: _;t3T1 s Weedy for Selections Now that the Weather Matt has experienced a change of heart and has, kindly consented to some fine Spring ,. like wearther, yam are probably ready tor 4. your Spring Suit. Ytn'll find the sortot * Suit you're looking f er among our large ,as-ortinent of Tailored Clothes PRICES $5,00 510.00 $15.00 $20.00 525,00 New ntbries in t]to fattest A1n(ricitn Styles or in the natty New English Models ;4. 'Nr1y we show you at your o,iveuienee:) ' THECLOTR 1> e 4+0+t•t• i''r4+4+++'»+++1+.1+4+044-44+'r44t#48.4.444°4+4+41`-14.H.+4+444+,4