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Zurich Herald, 1915-03-05, Page 8
nowismasomissimmowiwansonsommool 1 NEW SPRIIG GOODS Our stock of Spring Goods is now almost oompiete and all Opened up ready for your inspeotion, • We pride ourselves on our fine showing of dress materials in the latest fabrics for. Springand Summer wear, Prints and Gingham The new Prints and Gingbams have arrived and we have a large aesoriinent of colors and patterns to ,^,hoose from. We also have tyke famous steel clad Galatea, au extra long wearing cloth. suitable .:or ohiidrens' dresses, suits and ladies hoose dresses. New Curtain Goods Our range of curtains and curtain materials is now complete Should you require anything in the line of draperies, curtains, blinds, eto, 1)o nct fail to call, and see our lines before pur- ohasing elsewhere. Wall Papers New Wall Papers new to hand, in a large variety of new up to.date designs at prices that will interest you. Waisocarry Rmsefarnishings, s:ielr as Gin olertms, E]floot Oil Cloths, Rugs, Carpets, etc. No trouble to show goods at any time even if you are not just ready to buy. We would be pleased to have you oome and see all our new lines of seasonable goods.; Fresh Groceries always on hand. Produce taken in exchange RUBY and GASOIIO PHONE 1 �no Snaps in Watchesfor 3S cay npairing of Watches, Clocks, ewellery, Etc., Our Specialty Motto -"Good Goods, Close Prices' a; We f ess eo. Jewellers & Opticians Main Street = 1 v4' R.. COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, & Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal All sizes ALF. SCRUTON Hensall. Zurich Feed Store Leading Brand of Flour, Shorts, Bran and Feed Corn Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. We are agents for Interna- tionaal and Royal Purple stock food. Also a, full line of Grocer- ies on hand: Isaac Hudson. • A reliable man to sell HARDY CANADIAN GROW. i STOCIE IN ZURICH and HURON Connty. St art now at the best selling time, Send for list of Spring Offerings and terms to agents Liberal coin-- mi'sions, Handsome Free Outfit; Stone & Wellington The Foothill Miseries (Established 1837) ERTILIZ I ani again takiugorclers for fertilizer and beg to state that my prices wit compare favorably with any quoted by other dealers. I sold 100 ton last year and all hats good results. I sell a different fertilizer, for different soils. By canvassing farmers I can learn about the kind of 'soil their farm is composed of and can'spenify the right fertilizer. A dealer who does not can- vass usually sells one kind of fertilizer for all kinds of soils and a good result cannot be looked for. Prices from $10 per ton to $50 per ton according to ingredients. JOHN HEY Jr. Agent for Canadian Fertilizer Co, BEST BY . TEST o,. ,©•ae•c.. 0 O. a,d 4.5,0.9.E q.,,. pp.�.i 40 HISTORY OF rflj 1, DOS o. TOWNSHIP OFA HAY l'a QD R AND VILLA(x 1 OF .�V.a.bpICIL 1 E Q Written by F. HESS, SR., Township. Clerk. D.00 cloPo 4. � ie In 1878 John B. Geiger was his successor, in opposition to Dr. e O Buchanan, of Zurich, the Deputy Reeve elected on that occasion 0$�being Samuei Rannie, For the year 1879 Dr Buchanan was elected 8 by acclamation, John 0 Xalbtleisch, Deputy Reeve, Henry Heyrock gg Daniel 1llcColl, and 0 F Moritz, Councillors, Clerk, Samuel Foster, deeTreasurer, Michael Zeller, Assessor, William Burkholder, and John D O Schnell, Collector. Q a' In our narrative we have followed the records of the Township Q very closely and may only add the names of the Beeves from the e..4 year 1879 to 1915. elb Dr. Buchanan, from 1879 to 1885,'7 years. Samuel Rannie, for 1886 and 181 7, 2 yelers. Hartman Happel, for 1888 and 1859, 2 years, Frederick Hess, for 1890 and 1891, 2 years. 1George McEwen, from 1892 to T896, 5 years. Moses Geiger, from 1897 to 1898, 2 years. OO August G.. E fines, from 1899 to 1900,, 2 years. 0g� Peter Lamont, 2901 to 1912, 11 years, he had been, eleettel 7 0. times out of 11 by acclamation. 0 TO Louis Kalbfleisch, 1918 to the present year. In this connection- it might be mentioned, that Frederick Hese 8 the present Clerk, was appointed on the 27th of October 1894. OQO e 4 d•O"4.0 0.4 C1.0 �",, -•0.4.4 0+�J p d•'o Di O.i ,n VP /HENCEFORTH the - Reeves and the Deputies were respect. 4 P ively Robert Brown and William Carrick from 1869 to 1873. inclusive, and from that time till the end of 1877 those offices em 0 were filled by Robert Brown and John Geiger. Mr Bronow de• Q e wn termined to retire and>emigrate to the North-West, was "one of the Q best men in the township," an opinion which the people appear to Q Q have endorsed by electing him to the Reeveship for thirteen con- p secutive years. (Continec-d next week,) tee. LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday. Butter Eggs Dried Apples Potatoes ..•..•.•• 80 Wheat :$1 SO ;$1.35 Cats 58 60 Barley. 75 80, Buckwheat 805 Flour 8.75 4.26 $28.00 30;00 35.00 7.35 $0.28 24 05 TO SUBSCRIBERS. Call at your Central for 1915 Telephony Directory New BLACKSMITH Bran Shorts Low Grade Live Hogs fob Hensall I have opened up a blacksmith shop it Brock's old stand, opposite Town hall, Ready for business Monday, Mar 1st. Horseshoeing and Repairing A. W. MORL Y Local News A. supply of fresh candy just opened up. Mrs McCormick, See our south window for special bargains in winter rubbers and shoes 0 Fritz. During the past three years seventy- nine inen have been hanged in Canada. Of these thirty-eight were from foreign countries, and twenty-seven from countries where capital punish- ment had been abolished. Au enthusiastic meeting of Brother- hood of Threshernien Ontario was held at Hensel' on Feb. 10th, and a resolution was passed in favor :of or- ganizing a Provincial Brotherhood. Delegates were appointed to represent Hn: o s Brotherhood at the Provincial convention. This is not for the pur- pose of raising the price of threshing, but when the manufacturers raise the. ZURICH SCHOOL REPORTS The following shows- the relative standing of the pupils of' the senior I7.yieion. Sr Grad -Gorden Mhnson 93%. Clayton Roffman 89,.Lloyd 1albfleisch Veda Fritz 87, Leila. Seibert 85, Gertie Weber 84, Jr Grad—Genevieve Zettle 87% Verde, Fuss 85, Milton Huyrock 83 Gertie IIaercher 80, Clayton. Pfile 72 Edward Laporte 71, Willie- Siebert 67, Dennis Ducharine 684. Entrance—Carl Miller 89% Roy Foster 87, Hazel Fritz- 85, Minnie Merner 82, Walter Bender 78, Lennie Oalfass 76, Ward Fritz 58; Principal. G. S. Howard. The. followings is the• report of Room 1 for the month of February. Senior Second, Edna Zette , Iren KalbfieIsoh, Emma Wurm, Lillian Weseloh, Iva 11`et,lb;teiseh, Dorothy °amyl: ell, Whitney Treumner, Theo dore Wagner, Mary Mittelheltz. A1 - ?bonus Deitrioh, Laura Deitrioh. Junior Second Milton Hey, Lie, ella Deoher, Lloyd Hey. Pearl Gell- man, Mabel Bender and Herbert Neeb equal,. Gordon Rau. Senior Part Second, Veola Prang, Cecil Ewen, Russel Foster, Eva Fee, Flora Uttley and Austin Schwalm equal, Ethel Hess, Ruth Bender,. Junior Part Second. Greta. Mer. ner, Frances Mittelholtz, Hide. Call. fas, Madelene Meiclinger and Gerald Bedard equal First. Agnes Zettel, • Dorothy Brenner and Irene Decher equal, John Henry Koohe►n, Ivan sung blue and Edmund Bedard equal. price of machinery threshing will also Francis Deitrioh, Arson Keller • have to be raised in price. SCHOOL REPORT. Report of S. S. 4 South Stanley, for the month of February Pupils are arranged in order of merit. V class'---Winnifred Etue. Sr IV---Bdna Etue, Leonard Talbot. Jr IV—Esther Talbot, Amy lace, Blanche:Etue, Richard Etre, Clarence Tough. Sr III.- 11TarianEtue, Alvin Steckle, Cecil Murray. ,Ir III --Allen Steekle, Wilfred Itue. Sr II—Hannah Steckle, Levi Etue, Victor Etue. Jr II--I'reida Talbot, Peter Etue. Sr I ---Louisa Etue, Agnes Etue Clifford Talbot (absent), Jr 1—•Solina Steckle (absent), Pr—Collude Steckle, Godfrey Efate, r'l'llressi .tttt3. J. A, McKay, Teacher,J. Veitola,. The following is the report of room II for the month of February It is based on attendance, efficiency :and general demeanour, Names are in order of merit. Sr H --D 'Fritz, I Yungblut, H Foster, L O'Breln, P Miller, B Siebert E Fisher and M TI'heil equal E Geiger. R Neuschwanger, E Du- cberme, L Rau and (1 Merner equal GiZettle, ( Walper, Fertilizer 'We,are agents for Stouoy'4 Celebrated high grade Fertilizer, ants fit r1) t,rs will now li.rvu the ,privilago of obtain- ing this class of goods kit riglri Ii'ertilizer vVRN usually s,..il i lsririi is 1Itic:Asters, can- vassing the the fan' 1 t'l H, at :i vt;i',i• high price. namely $32 per ton. Lul' price I. $2-1 l'e1' ti:t, ritiii x,x c; vloads $23 a inn. T have no t suits to c• lovas elle feli•rzlers, but call and leave your orael it l.1 savt.‘ iroiu 8S.00 to $0.00 per ton. Do not let these cailVaNsel'S persuade you that their's is better, Remember we handle only the best, and that is STONE'S, MADE IN CANADA. Manufactured by Wm Stone, Sons x; uo., Ingersoll and Woodste,k ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE TAKEN. . I-IART'LRIB,PCif 13 HURON'S LARCEST COMBINATIN STORE Jv J. Mouser's ri Id Maiming and Business Extension sale. A Sale that is not meant to iii tk e money but to) make friends; Below we quote a few of the prices that have astonished all who have seen the goods: Mens' Dress Shirts, reg, $1.00 for 50c.. I-IouseDresses, regular $1.25 for 75c Ladies' Wrappers, reg $1.25 for 7Se Black Serge. Dress Skirts. Regular $6.00 for $4.00 3.00 for 150: Remnants Dress Goods at Bargains There are- 1 :a,ny unadvertised Bar ai s equally as good. Sale open s- Feb. 2o Sale:' c.los-es. Feb 27 6K. .7r II- J Davidson, M Preeter.and M Uttley equal, J Zettle, M Howald E Dietrich, T Dieohert and A Mit- tieli,oltz equal, B"Ilowald, P Lei• bold, Pt II—L Albreot, 0 Siemon, E Bender, V Davidson. tat Dnoharme, Pt Sr—M Prang, F Delbhert and J Ewen egtial. Pr A Gasho, R Fisoher, CI Soh• wal►n, Ir Davidson Dennis Hartman M Lamont Tea oher. J. J. liznna\TEn, Zurich To new subscribers in Canada we will. send The HERAdD to January 1916; for 75 cents. 6 Farm Implements Lot us know your tacants, We handle everything in Farm Implements. Engine Supplies Pullies, all sizes and kinds, Belting, loather or canvas, all sizes. Shaft boxing and shafting. Pump and pump piping, Buggies, Waggons, and Cutters. If you are in need of Machine Re- pairs we can get them for you. We give special attention to our repair department. Sleighs LOUIS PRANG EliiintrillSIRIBMISIMISIMMIIMIZINIT UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate charges, Tailor Shop Laundry. Vie H, rulas efi>r1e11, - Direlo