Zurich Herald, 1915-03-05, Page 4issued every Thursday afternoon front the S1FKALQ PRINTING OFFICE Victoria St, Zurich, by ANDREW it, MESS and OliESTE1'� L, SM U. I 'OB ORIPTION PRICE 1411.00 A YE/U:1 U S" . subscrlpton Mr,s strictly in advance , ADVE1 T1s1NO TERMS. Rates for display and contract advertisements willbe ,uvea on nppliatien. Transient notices such as legal, corporation, soviet tc., ao.cents per line for first insertion and 5 centsper ine!fareach subsequent insertion. Notices of entertainments,; socials etc. at which an amiss ion fee is charged or a special collection taken bili be charged for at the regular advertistng rates 7otices of religions or other meetings the objet t of which is thebetteiit of the community and not for per- onal or sectarian interest or gain, will be clteertuly nserted free. Estray advs, ,$r for three insertions. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by 6 p. ,u. Tuesday, otherwise they will be left over until the following week. Advertisments without specific directions will be inserted timid forbid and charged accordingly.: Tran- sient ad'vertisnienrs'must be paid for in advance. Address all communications to THE HERALD, Zurich CORRESPONDENCE THURSDAY, MAR. 4,1915 Farms For Sale 210 acres of good farmiee and fruit land. 2000 peach trees of which 1000 are in hearing, good, plenty of water, good building, well fenced and partly drained. For particulars apply to Daniel Smith, R. R. No, 2 Zurich, Fine 100 --acre farm for sale, situated at Wagner's Corner, Hay Township, 2' miles north of Zurich. Good land and buildings in good re- pair, Apply to Jacob Moyer, B. R. No. 2, Zurich. 3tpd DASH WOOD We have heard some rumors of another harness shop opening rap in this place in the near future. It is also said that this summer will see a new butcher shop in town,. theta the way keep a• moving. Mrs P draupner wife of Rev Graupner rind little daughter. Martha, left on Monday to spend a oonple of weeks with friends at Elmira their former home. :Miss Viola Woods spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Miss Finkbiner near Crediton. Rev J H Grenzebaoh attended the dedication of a new ohurch at St Jacobs last ,Sunday. His work here was taken by Rev S A Carrier of Grand Bend, who was greeted wits alarge and delighted con. gregation. r E M Brokensbire was in Zurich on Saturday Mr Henry Bossenberry made a business trip to Thedford on Wed- nesday, Miss Vera Siebert of Zurich spent Sunday with old time friends in this place. 'The time for auction sales Is again here and we are pleased to state that our facilities enable us to get o it sale bills, etc., aE shortest notice. call work guaranteed satisfactory in et .Jay re- spect. The Herald Printing Oceepany, .Zurich. Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR eltELT WEST .:PEnittAEEEN°r .LOAN Co. AGoor;N'Ts COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich 4.SRWO0 D SHOE STORE I have a lance stock of all the latest and best in Mein' Ladies and Children Shoes. Call and look over our lines before yoTx buy elsewhere. We can save you money. Repairing Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. David Pfaff fashwood - - Ont ASS IMPLEMENTS. Binders, Mowers, all kinds f Cultivators, Discs and Fer- ilizer Drills, best and light- st made- all steel. Manure Spreaders and all rods of plows and repairs Iways in stock. Look at our Cutters Sleighs, Buggies, and agons before buying else- where. RAY MOTOR ENGINES. lj H. P. $75;2] H. P. i85; 4 Tl.' 1125; 6 H. P. $175; 8 H. P X4,'235: H. P. .'375; all warranted first 1064 At the old Stand: -- quare Dealing Oar Motto Hess tS6 S s Mr West Wolfe made the lucky guess that won the shoes given away by Mr D Pfaff. The jar con- tained 359 setts and Mr. Wolfe's guess was 360, he being one so high E M Brekenshire was a close second with 367 be being two to low, Some euessers here keep on guess- ing. Sil�Al`ZLJ Y `.VP Mrs AKeys,who has spent the past' three months visiting her sister, Mrs Tompson of Ohicugo, has re- turned to her home on the Babylon Line. Rev A W Brown of Varna i9 at- tending t1 e Temperance conventi- on being held ie Toronto this. week, Mr Angus Murray has disposed of his farm on the Sanble Line to Mr Chas. Bedard and has purohas ed the fine 100 acre feral of 111 Samuel Cluff of Tuckersmith Miss Roxie Palmer, who has been visiting friends in Stanley for the past few weeks. has returned to her home in Goderich. Mr Elgin McKinley is ;pending - a few days visiting with friends in Clinton. and McKillop. • We have heard and beleive it to be true that there is to be a wedd- ing in the burg ere long. Now everybody keep on guessing. The concert on Friday evening was a grand success in every par- tioular . The numbers were a little We are pleased to state that Mrs above the standard. We cannot settle our mind as to anyone being better than the rest, in faer, they were all best. We come to the conclusion that we have people BLAKE The February meeting of the Blake \Women's institute took place at the henle of Mrs J A Manson. There was ice iui.ef0sti11g program, and a very pleasant loeiel time was afterwards enjoyed. The Instituto recently sunt their third eontributiou to the Red Cross Society. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Alex Sparks, Blake, on Monday March 8th. at 2.80 o'clock, when the secoud donation of clothing for the J3elgiaals will be ;etched. All women _ ere wel- The following is the report of S. S. No, 5 Stanley, for the month of Feb ruary, The names are in order of merit. Sr, 3rd -Pearl Stephenson, Lorne McBride, May Pollock.' Jr 3rd -Myrtle Armstrong, Elinor McKinley, Edna MoLinehcy. Sr 2nd -Wilmer' McLinche. Jr 2nd -Willie McLinebey, Leon- ' and 'McBride. Pt 2nd- Gladys Ashton, Earnest McLinchey. Pt 1 -Garnet McLinehey, Clara Stephenson, Frank McLinchey. ' Pr ---Alice McLinchey Edgar McBride, Edgar McBride. Thoso who attended school every day during the mon th were: •Pearl. Stephen- son, Clara Stephenson, Myrtle Arm- strong, Elinor McKinley, Willie 11IcLinchey, Gladys Ashton. Teacher Irene Douglas DRYSD.ALE. 001110. Earnest Denonims is recovering from her illness. AIr Christoph Ducharme suffered a paralytic stroke on Monday ancTis very that are not following their right low at present. calling they ought to study dram-Mratio work. The tableaux were r George Denomme left far the west simply beautiful. The performers should visit some:of the neighbor- ing Towns, we are sure the play w.i uld be appreciated. �- The fishermen had the misfortnlee School Reports Ito lose their nets last week, i Farmers on the Salable Line' are The following is the report of the I busy cutting wood this week. first room, for the month of Febru ary t (apt. Jas. Denomme is rigging up based on attendance, deligenee and his ice boat and as soon as a good sur - general demeanour. !face of ice is formed along the shores on Monday with a carload of horses. His brother Maxine, accompanied bine and will make his hone -with him. Jr II-Alervyn Tiernan 75, AIbort of Lake Huron we may expect to see Eveland 74, Violet Bieber 64, Oz.... the captain sailing by in his boat. Steinhagen 52, Anna Vincent 50, Charlie Snell 47. Aix J B Badour, of Stratford, is Sr Pt II -Harry Rader 81, Adolph leaking a name for himself in his Genttner 75, Jack Geuther 72, Peter rendering of Dr. Drummond's well- Germatte 67. 1 known selections. He received grist Jr Pt II --Lillie Willert 84, Leo j praise for his work at the musical Eveland 78, Luceal Willed 75, Wiban j program of the Knights of Columbus Zimmer 68, Henry Bieber 67, Court- ' held recently:, • ney Eidt 64, Solomon Bettchen 58, Luella Stire 57, Harry Zimmer 49, Victor Tyler 48. Pr I (r) -Alice Roffman 85, Oscar Miller 81, Minnie Rinker 75, Verda Baker 74, Percy Kleinstiver 72, Reggie Armstrong 69, Alice Grigg 65, Edith Guenther 62, Clara Bender 55, Elmer Zimmer 50. Pt I (B) Pearl Gabel 73, Ethel Gabel. 70, Loreen Baker 68, Armetta Stein- hagen 65, Harold Kellerman 63, Eddie Hamacher 60, Alineda Miller 45, (ab- sent ) Pt I (:i) -Lorne Tiernan 68, Court- ney Burmeister 60, Lyle Bettchen 58, Average attendance 37. Almeda Finkbeiner, Teacher. 131.+,::VE I ME AD O W The line weather these last few dans has brought the birds back again.. Quite a few robin .have been seen, which is a sure sign of spriog. A number of our young. people spent Sunday evening at Dashwood. 1lr August Sieron spent a few days in our community. _ The Misses Myrtle Horner and Mary Gasho spent a few days with friends in Remelt. - Mr 0 Truemner sold his fine driver to Mr Taylor of Hensell for a hand- some sum. Mat bees and quilting bees are the order of the day. Mr Cyrns Schock has just completed a handsome kitchen cabinet, Cyrus is a great mechanic., SCHOOL t.EPORTS IMMEVASMOWAWAMMORMANEMEAMMOR4 7,2 tele 5,9 'J R(f,r..il il-:i, Welch ' o;l'.dr Bepufei t;, l e th;> 11, t,,.:: i,t OlrtfriO, £Curl i i,l°n ftho t.r til �1S 1t -,a it.'P11lt1', TEn$1VA°v, i1. (l i 1 ln. nl 111 ing foal. O€glut's i,y 1t. T. Dunlop, Zurich lh�r^ k5t 11. MAr �y^~ y � �,, The fellowing report of S. S. No 12 Hay, for the month of February is based on general proficiency, discipline and neatness. Sr IV -Percy Schoch 224, Dawel Miller 216, Henry Schilbe 137. Jr IV -Lorne Pfile 266, Norman Gascho 256, Theodore Steinbach 233, Alfred Meidinget 197. Sr III-Rosella Scbilbe 190, Annie Schilbe 178, Morley Witiner 154, Jolt Gascho 69. Jr III Iva Liyinggoocl 172, . Gordon Witmer 188, Orville Steinbach 131, Urban Pfile 117, Lillian Smartie 105, Oscar Fleiscbaner 92. Jr II -Acta Witmer 252,. Vernon :Schots •251, FrankBacdour 241, Alvin. Walters 226, Lorne Fleischeuer 188, Theresa Ivleidinger 149, Jermaine Masse 87. Sr Pt II -Bernice Schoch 116. Jr Pt II -Albert Fleischauer 170, Gerti.e Schilbe 187, Nellie Aleidinger 81, Edwin Gascho 72. Pt I (0) -Lillian Rose 166, Lillian Rader 156, Lambert Witmer 155, Elizabeth Badour 103, Susie Walters 92. Pt I (B) -Greta Schilbe 126, Idella Schoch 123, Erwin Schilbe 121. Pt I (A) Gordon Miller 96, Edgar Masse' 57. Number on roll 42. Teacher M Sparks. Report of . S. S. No..11, Hay for the nonth of 'February, names being in ler of merit. Sr IV --Evelyn Charrette. Jr IV -Herbert Kalbfleisch, Poul effrey. Sr III-Salnuel Hendrick, Exias harrette, Juliette Charrette, Mary effrey. Jr III ---Gertrude Scbade, Lloyd endrick, John Schade, Richard effrey. Sr II-Zifiie Charrette. Jr II -Clara Kalbfleisch, Melvina chade, Ataisy Overholt, Norman harrette, Leonard Sararas, Edmond endrick. Pt I1: -Lawrence Overholt. Primer -Mabel Schade, Gertude ovine, Irwin Shade, Donald Hen - ick. Jr (A)�---Victor Taylor. Jr (B) -Eleanor Charette, Francis verbolt, Eninlerson Overholt. Teacher. E. 11. Stinson The following is the report of room 2 of Dashwood public school for February based on attendance diligence and general demeanour. Sr IIT -Oscar Graupner 86, Mary Miller 83, Cecelia Gerxnette 79, Ira Tiernan '77, Leeland Guenther 71, Wilbur Ehlers 70, Mildred Schroeder, 68, Maimie Genttner 66 (absent),. John Gosslilanu 65, Luella Schatz 63. Jr III-Olifford Pfaff 75, Rosie Guenther 73, Sydney Baker 70, John - Rader 68, Gladys Guenther 68, Idelia Rader 68, Elsie Schroeder 65, (absent) Albert Tyler 63, Myrtle Koch 60, Oscar Flartlieb 55, Garnet Willert 54, Percy Willert 53, Edna Cameron 50. Sr II -Louise Graupner 88, Verda Fassold 85, Tillie Hamacher 80; Lucinda: Willert 75, Barnet Grossmint 65, (absent) Abram Vincent 54, Edwin 1 Rinker 42. Jr II -Idella Banker 85, Roselle, Koch 80, Howard Schroeder 75, Willie Bender 72, Freda StIre 65, Fred' Stirs 10, Average attendance 38 Teacher. Ola 1 Vioede. We received' another shipment of ;E raiceer's Liquid extract of smoke for smoking all kinds of meat such as ham, shoulders. bacon dried beef, sausages,, bologna, fish, etc., and pres- erving meat keeping i t f roe from insects. We sold large quantites last year and cnstomers are delighted with it. Lt IN11616s, a, •?I.i1.11.It> WE ARE INSTALLING A number of new devices and mailing other ins- proyements . in our printing plant which will enable us to, do job work as neatly' and quickly as any city office. Let us do your next job, no matter how large or small it is, and we will convince rpu that what we say is righe, Our prices are also tight: lie loyal to home Indus• trios. GERALD PTC. G0. P4 l; 30 rich Zurich Meat MARKET DJ :11,ERS I5 Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES `,ngbl'Llt Reichert uv ala uY.r'1, II &ata• WitififlifERS • IBEI; TO .ANNOUNCE TO the people of Zurich and • vicinity ihatI.have made ari Zurich, =tents with a leading wall paper firm to bauble all kinds of Wall papers, Borders, etc. Parties interested will do well to get my • sample books and prides before buying. • ALSO PAPERHANGING AND DECOR- _' ING OF ALL KINDS ATTENDED TO. Dano Ioehler Zurich Ont. MUT CANDI t A new shipment just in of Bon -Bons, Chocolates, etc. The best that money can buy A large variety of Comic, Patriotic, Scenic, ere., Post Cards, all prices. We also have the Flag Gum, Spearmint, Etc. Leadind Brands of Cigars. Oysters in Season.. McCORMICK'S RESTAURANT LUTHERAN 0I1GJRCII SERVICES German, •Sunday 10.30 a. m. English 7.00 p, m. Bible School 2.00 p. m. Men's Alis'n'ry S Tuesday 8.00 p. m., . Luther League Friday 8.00 p. m. L A S 1st Tues'y of month 2.80 p; m,' You are cordially invited to take an active part iu all these meetings and services. "Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. Luke'11.28, EVAN. CHURCH- SERVICES. Sunday, German10,00 a,'m. Junior Y, P. A. 1.00 p. m. Sunday 'School 2,00 " tr ,t (Service) English 7.00 rt Teachers meeting 8.00 "< Mon., Tri -Mu Brotherhood 8.00 Tuesday, Y. P. A. 8.15 " Wednesday Piayer Meeting 8.00 " " Friday Teachers Training Class 7.30 choir practice 8.30 " Ladies Aid •meets 1st Monday of each month at 7.30 p.m. C tL Classitied Ads LEGAL CARDS. NROUDFOOT, KILI.ORAN, & PROUD - FOOT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public &c. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. PROUDFOOT, K. C. J. L. KILLeRAii W. PROUDFOOT, JR. MEDICAL CARDS 1)R. E. B. BALFOUR, graduate Western University, late of the Military Hospital and Victoria lIospital, London. Office in the building formerly occupied by the late Dr.McLaughlin, Dashwood. R A. J. MacKINNON lute House Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant. resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyclinic Medical School and lIospital. Drug store in connection. Office; Zurich, Ont. Lumber! Shingles! Laths! We have a large stock of these on hand. Estiinates given and con tracts taken. All binds of exterior and interior finish for houses made to order We hand re all kinds of Building Material. CallPlaningat riill. N1 e Pr( NE. 9 VLEISC . • zURICtt 1I