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Zurich Herald, 1915-02-19, Page 8
,2010.201EVISY5KalkYskatV ' 'GA NEW SPRING 0-00. Our eitoolt Of Spring, Goods is 1.10W 1119.fliwt eimeteto and 1aedt .p ready for yonr inspeetion. We pride ourselves on : . tine showitie el drew maternate in tho late et fabrics for 1 ing and Summer- ;Vear, rirts and . (3- . 1 .., The new Prints. aha Ginginons have errived and we lutvo a geassort mt nt id LlOnlrti find rattPrng t,1 t+hooso from . We 3 have int' fatroue steel oted.(4elit et, no extra loug wearing tb. Stti t 03)10 :or ,budrens' dre'secte suits en1 ladies lions() nas • New Otirtam Goods • , ;titer rni CC.I' V. -SA' hi fill 1 eratein nniteriale es nor; oomplete euld yeri require euvthing in the line of dreperiee, curtain, tide, c ot, I.?, t fail. t.) Leal' nod eeo our lines before pur- aeitig elsewhere. 77 a' 1 - Papers New Wall Peoers aow t i all, in a lerge variety of: new to date deeige 4 tit nr01P.1 tnitt will inter esi ytin • Wals`o etre e ',t , s tit et. o 11). al a./i.tr.1.111 `, Floor Cloth ;„ t •q:•"•;, Ote, 1 No Ire ifole veiode env: 'toinia norea if yen are not rigt• •:•?., '• • Cil 11,1570 you ramie and 1i -tee - • I: , ft. • ?", Toet'tlti. 7•71-tre ler"' 0 = : • ' • •: : . t, • ' e • .17717Trl -I- •°- 41Y.. t '-)40;;':;7•11'i'• " • "a 1 •,• - tre t. tet, tee.e 0 .tor Jewellers & Opt*E'cians Main Street OAU P;e;'",,./7"7 ...,„34;01 12r • 10 HISTORY OF THE . '.10 • TOWNSHIP - ••• OF HAY • • ii?A3 AND •VILLAGR:OF ZURICH.' .• •.• •••• .. • d\) Written - by F. HESS, ..SR., Township. Clerk, P Pt ,,,...,. .,..s ,. goe,*(4-Esec4 av m ,.0 AY is one of the lake range- of:HuL'011 Comiy Townhip. It 1‘;', Nr...,,, $ lies immediately to the south of Stanley, its eastern bona- I, tss`, aA dary being formed by portions of Teekersmith and Ushorne, aud Stephen bonnets it en the South. It covers an area of 5 4,527 ••e h .kk acre. The assessed value of real estate in the tiwnsliip for 1914 is $1,780,90- and of buildings $678,005, totalitKses,sed value ::,, (1.,P $2,414,840. In aid year 1878 the total aesessed value was $1748588. lic,./ The population in 191-1 was 2,829,. in 1878 it was 4,119. The •I 8 quality of the land in Hay near the lake is really excellent, as also iu the eastern portion of the townihip, but the tract which runs 'e , through Stanley from north to south is not only continued through ST Hay, lint deepens in many places into a swamp in the latter town- J f/.S) 'ship, These lowlands have of late years been drained and most of it converted into pod pasture lands. P rHay was somewhat later in. becoming Settled than collie of the p 4 3 surrounding townships. Still, a few settler.; located along the t' p A,' London Road as soon as it was °Petted up, It was the year 4.837 i? p'; or 1888 before any combined set:Welton was made even along that ▪ ' - A road, , and when William Wilsen and fitealy arrived about 1889, it$ there, Were1 t.110 W11:11.1''S 11.1.1I'Oille:1311H w, ''1- 'F,I.''L 1'1,111ti al ido, the t4p1 :Ti.,:, ci,,,,,,is no a ft-,.-;" r.)'1!i.,r5 ahead); having : ' let! ;ht.::e. The Walshes • • eeete Inimettititi,ly after Lilt. 001,1,1 of t 1 1 111 '1113 1.01101tS IV:111:11tt1C:$' 1,4b01•. i to eO;''".111) qJ1A•191.1d, • . .1-1L•11 71inerl1 yea. of age. b nu; •to tee tie., iiur 1 101 loll Iten - . t to t her.: was ,a t t...roitiao e, :tee; :init., fi. • ", ., 1: 1,,' - • •,a.: • firtt•itti w"it i•c• . , •4 11' flre.ter Ju0L..t" to ,411017 the ii, ,t, oivilt.. anti, ‘top elee The firet lacue.e. 11Ir, :;:t ;en. "dial lie, .rt\ • ° 1•Attle1 flat! v.,":s brought front (:'umberee• loot1 1 the ,',•:,' e, I'atlea Peet tiwitehip to liar The els ' =, to ' 'ieet - v +1"0-'" wa$ to send to .G0,1oeieh, .1• 1 ...teougl.. 1 '": /, V.'14 ,.1, :41.11..11,:•.:1tor0 ati '''''.•'' i'11 -,i ton. There wit:t an old chit:etc:ter t,... . leo '' ;i:t ..1: e'ii, i,d,. ''. who used ,e,A., '"eee •--e,,4 to :trice the stage tiaween London awl 1i -,,..,:i i.i., nii,i i;y hint 1110 : • '''• , i I •,, N 'A ..1,., .',..;ter,-; would send money to make mai; Inuctiftete 1.111 eithough ha t'ert/ ' 1 1 e •Nr4 1,t wonvi Lrequentiy spend th.omoneY on a 'S1)1'n " !iti would repay it . ,::.:,•-,;•,,,: e ele le,..nee ,iven te him by others for ilI;,01 ImrP`tee, lie was 'V . ,. .. .• -,1,..,,,,rot..ds limed by a fall from a w5t„..;00, 1- tei; , t:1y reretted. es. .. (C"onbinited next 1 -eek,) ,•- ',,,,,, `'''' -."‘`---;.:::":',--"S.",-...".f€:%•,..• (0.4 •In••:„ A •••,' CC)A1,10 TRPS 14".t. • leware, Lackawanna, & 'Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal All sizes LE 5CRUTON Hensall. wiiii the ixeeption of etampe 1 equired 1 • Apart 1:teita the peeia1etax: on )1I1.'. tit the special. war :damp hive: do not vele,: into a. lhei until the bielget bill iimeeding tho Costorns Act ie its- fientiel to by the Governor-general subeeoneitt final passing. 'Foie will allow time for the necessary pro - prep aratio neatia arreareements. The, special e to mpe. are now being made and for lettere zirol. money orders, the wlede 17 os 11(1111111iStrati1111 'WM be under th• •iloi• l'''' 111 • ell I J...IL, - J tie, pe ,. .f, eland Revenue. i The nee- budget means that here .i ',ter SI. 1 it will cost Lir. oc cents to eend a "to ter bore , two c•.;11t•-; lot a 'VOA car, i. '1'h. I e, et. of pietaga is not increetevel, kit, .1 e. -1" 1 de tWailig 1 ;,rf 113.U. 01 ora:,, (chi; -0,,u,,h.oup affixed by tile sere...I- I ctili• .. ode 1,Tb-,...e,,`V`h let. ', I: " net on the letter, it ttvitl '1''' t110.I. te -, lit alit t e 1 ..d. . I P . H; ' ' ' ,:.,:1,,,.,;,,,,,,,,-1, hat 1,kin 04,1 t.; th , airail Feed ( ,, )rn k 1o,1 1. Let •..';',...0 h1 defaailt ot 'el' .1,:',;"' := oe" eallel for ie • - ,t..) A L S • C4)"..\11.1117,NicATIoN. - • Corrected every Thursday. • To, the 'Editor of The 1.-Terald. • • Dear Sir: ---1.n these columnaa friT sa.om wee6 ap) 1: noticed a counnimication $igned by " A Merebant," relating to . or, Oita reedit syetem Of tieing bueiness in Zettielteaml ;or that, platter, in neerly. $1. 50 1.o0 e • -very teem •or V1 414.41 in this section.. $• 1mar elle- that he puts the ease very 00 01 • ' - pliantly and I have no donbt states the facts jaieti os they are. Considering the ertinnt: of money invested in the ettielt, Apples POLItoes 1,ViicatA, * • ... • . Cate Beirley packwilet Flour . 8,00. il''''- \v1•141 III) this is added the amount k r.11*:i n vt,...,... .... . .............. .,,,,.0.60 o= ,:)4.....t.l.t:Iti,;(...Trc,.-9itt.-r?neireillythielie)2nOlc.isks :I' ii)1i1.111 „Liikt; (411.41e 1 . rE-273•TriZCZMEtab' .....1.7,. :11.00 . 7.50 ,,:r,.:ty.. . And it is no wonder that the ,o: "e.g. on the hesiness borizeu. geeeteeeto.ee,;teeeee..aee-w-a:eeeke.eee., e, '.• ::ystf.:.1,1 of doing business looirs st,. Live floes fob liensan .. "We agc tit::f for StotiV.s 1:1-0rtilizer, and fai•in Will now, 114 itig this class cf go...is. at prie Fertilizer \vas 11141111 Iv t vassing the the farniris, ztt. ii. Vti per ton. : ton, pVP tt (,,!(..batecl. jj1i grade it privilage of 11.,c4,;ters, 011.1.1. $32, „,,,i S•23 tI have 110 CI ¶ r...; 111{1 fzirtfiriS, 1.40 Call and loaNe your ortler au I .6ave 88.00 to $9,0 per ton. Do not let thes c yout1i 1 tboh'8 is; better. Benaembc.t ,VI haud10 only the best and. that, ii STONE'S, MADE IN CAN -ADA, Manutactured by Wm Stone, Sons sc uo., Ingersoll and Woodstoek ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE TAKEN. 75 80 80 3.75 4.25 011•••••Maamanraldielifft.1.1.14. HURON'S, LA CEST 13 mais2 ATt1© TO IM PHONE 13 ZURICH. 44g-ifra•VAT.LVEMEEMIMEMMELT.ig5Mr.-ri=rug.N.:Ir:g'• grcill-t=/?1,7t &r" gliErZig4MWRigar.Sq1A;Wasylteafi• AT= ta..14 Cl L' lie ',.gi,"7,:aftz,tt r'11,4.1t %s:'•!=:::1 'FE.-:t414:.........e.,;•...,.., li,* ' , Pt, 1 ...1-1 ft_ ,•:!..., .,,,t., ,,,, ,,,,, q 41 1.--,_.,„.,,°''i.P.1'i'li -;',...,.. '4 14 ..1)E73 Nili, WV Ei...-7AE:41'....:.::, t:140 ct' • A that is pot inleent to• movIley 17)ut to Inakt Below -we quote a• • fA1,- rices tiurtt havo Who have se -en go(....)Z.'s:.• Alerts' Dress Sh re; :f21..1Z: -"F:c'r 50c Dresses,ioue • regular $1,25 •for 75c Ladies'. Wrappers, • Irie.,•0- $ 5C Black' Serge •Dreq5 Skir& Regular $6.00 f $4,00 for L50 66 .ernnants Dress Goods at Bargains 1. 19 There are many unadvertised equally as good. Sale -opens Feb. 2sSale doses Feb 27 c.3 zirr:71 ttrAw MIT -29 131."ZA tr, "if 11 Z irioi DM1.611E e. -ME= roFtWiTAMIrgattilittiltatelt,Otxir...mriero„eettieemmomi Protleee f ell ltii iett....,0 exchange. :4r0 ageote for Litteene, tional and Royal. Pa; pie ' steek footl. Also a full lino {it (1,reicer., 100 on littnd o(c-fai News ib ,,!,,,,i,t,, blame for tliiscoudit- . i. II ,if arfaitet, Is it the customer? •,,itte blame may he attached to 1 1 1 11 • „Ink Mr. INTerchant cermet , .:• : 41 , N. ;,,,/ly :more than hint:telt. I , , I ' i hi! , ee, , 1 I. )aets an nitunraey ivi, take All 91 1 aceennts not called. for he I , f r _ , ,- !..,.:`... • 1:•• 1.Z. ..ri niy est:Mini ien I 15.11 Feb. tail? bet mailed. ; 1,, to, ... ,;,:enreet evil reeulting from Roby and Creech.° ' - • - --: - -- t is fe - 1 tl t •:t - , 1 , ..,,. e.... a , ote IL cue.,onons All peitioe indebted to 100 for 19.14 i ' • 1 1 (.0 II( 1 taftke a settlement of their ae:einnts will el:call for satrie. I. t ; ee, taints once e'very year, lint take litai,,,h. „\11 .,,cil.,,thts 110e celled for i' ' :tweet? of the merchants ti and IA' It'ele 1.443, ell! lie Pent by )nail. i , e, -It:Lei:ea and " Pay Up" only when te,,,eitiiint. Ir llettry 11-, tbard and bride have. . '.1s:: advice to .111r. Merchent iF4 to 'tbIk '1 11'PVII i'1 1111•11' 11°1110 (13S of tilf 1-c..i.,..::::1 unto]. his custoiners that N..!11..Vg''' Th O 1,-Ii'rillil oxEends 11(tal't:Y I a-, Tante must be paid at least; enee 11 eteeyaolltdions to the young couple.' . • ,. if tiot oftiener, and to see 11eat I ' ' ' '1 , -,,r wail I t..:•=iiii full moon in Feb- ' LI:1 i is done.. Gr. en NiAt e 1 frit111118 aba relltti.VOS • . '-.1 • 4.1.1 • ter.' nq dOin" n in.( 54 ' Parkhill 14.:4 week. " t'•'• • , ••• furl 0‘). TP11 yon for the • ‘' ,•1••", A ii s tt t,e pi Ilzi,i'r :100.1 ;1.11il 1.11Q ileXE will collie en 4' 0441.111, A Customer. eo t. • odieti the I-1; et' "Nleich. Thig 114 ti, 1.11...4 - .....-„••••.,— • — - -- ,..,., , evenue ttritieits 41t0to • • ;eel: A reliable znan to sell A 11tD1r CANADIAN GROWN 001C IN ZIIRIOH, and III7RON County ; ort now at the best selling titne, nil for het of Spritg Offerings 41 toms to agents Liberal come Handsome Free Outfit tone.Wellingtofl Tht Fotthilt Nusories (tiltstablished 1837) , )1") by eollectors of inland re - ,44 .00:1 1:: ;•4 r 11 0.10 .1:: • :0;•cIi'l 0,-. the Mini,. r of Intent Re- ente 1 tv lihm-he. '1110 lee!. ment1,11, ti class will include the hanks. Tlioyit 111 lo 2 pin deeign, with the words Stamp' Qil tho face. rte sante system will apple. to the text rvi) :railway and storm:Alio tielicts ole, The cumpanies enalot the (extra tharge and submit retern,: of their receipts front these sonrcett, while their books will be open to tb, ilispeete ion of Government officers. The war Stamp on cheeks, bill ieif ex- change, sight drafts and bills a lading is nob applivable also to notes,0 pereon who iesnes the check has to apply the stamp and without it the bank may refuse to pay tile cash, The stamp 0(1 "receipts" is not ap,, plicable to the ordinary business re. tie e, ycere. 11111.1-, this lifts eeerirr- et; re -1 ed. A1)VYRTIS1NG PAYS 11 ygn 1441 110 eppeartinty of fel • 1311(411 1,0o0 4110114 in a hall 414 the priyiltge 11 delii•ering an nil- dreett your leiein, eit end the waves y.rnl sell yon wonld be apt to make th tiddrees at, intereetiiee as possilde eo that vont" hearers would listen and you neuld petit by it. It is just the same with 101 111Vel'Hsemont. You have the privilege of talking each week to himdreds of people. and ifj ou are • honest goods and tell the peo- ple ithoet them in a straight-Iowa:1A manner you cannot avoid reaping • beneftt. But bear it mind that no man Cam get•ont as good an a,dvertise- ment for your bosinees as you ,can. You know ell the little details 'of tbe tY1101,141, N7 AY, 11/1IT 01 ,• I 14 144 .L1.4 .44,1:4ete. t"t7 • •••• ani again taking 101' fee hair ell beg to state that •my priees Wit eil,epare fizterably 'with any quoted to other dealers.• sold 1.00 ton last year .11,nd011111.d good resrilts. I sell a different:fertilizer for dilTeread 140110, By canvassing farmers 1. can learn about the .kind of soil their, farm is composed of and can speetify the right fertilizer.. A 1114.100 who does not cite - Nevis nsnally sells one kind of fertilizer Lot' all kinds of soils and a good reeifit cannot be looked for: • Prides from $10 per ton to $5.0 :per ton aedording to ingredients. • • 11 N To new subscribers in Canada we will send The HERALD to January 1916 for 75 cents. A lin 91.'",,j1 mierli4A; Ezeirettietteot eyttesets r6117." r Ile? el I" , 1•<, Let ns know your wants. We handle everything in Farm ei Implements. Efifiqrfurae blupplies Ponies, all sizes and kinds, 1301Ling,leather or canvas, all sizes. Shaft boxing and shafting. Pimip and nurop Buggies Waggons, Sleighs and °utters. If you aro in need of Itachine Pa- mirs we can get them for you. We give special attention to our repair department. ATV Prompt .Servioe Moderate elaarges Tailor Shop and Laundry W . lia IBFF 11 tl) ZUri ch. - OntariO 11161=2M1132,V.M.V.'.."17 7,77:7 7'... 1