HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-02-19, Page 7New Wheelock 18 k 42 ;Automatic Valve Complete operating condition, flywheel, frame, belt, cylinders and all parts. Can be shown running at present time: Will sellless than half cost price, S. FRANK WILSON &&. SONS 73 Adelaide St, West, Toronto NEWS S OF THE MIRE WEST BETWEEN ONTARIO ANP Bills TISIt 001S U111Bl,i Items Frain Provincos Where Meu1' Ontario Joys and Girls Are Living; How a SickWoman Can ltegaiii 1lealth At Dauphin, Wan., flour has ad- ven:seal • $1 a •bag since the 'war started. At Minnedasa, Man., rats are be - corning a pest.. A roan killed 9 in one day. Estimates of the Calgary Board • of Edueatictn for 1915 call for an outlay' of ,Se77,000. Minton, Man., with a population of 200, had. 14 rinks in a curling competit:ien recently. - A catfish 14 inches long -carne out of a Winnipeg hydrant while a rink was being flooded. •Ten per cent. of Regina's Engi- neering Society enlisted in the dif- ferent contingents. A. Borowska .of Fork River, Man., has refused $10,000 for a fence fas- tener he has patented. May .Richards, •a 19 -year-old girl of Gladstone, Man., has been missa ing from her home since Oct. 26. Frank Boitvette, • of Pembina, Man., received a-letter'from his son, whom he had not heard front for 32 years. Winnipeg has $44,153,270 worth of property exempt from taxation, out of • a total assessment of $199,082,- 890. An unknown person sent $600 to the Methodist City Mission Board of 'Winnipeg, "to help make up the back salaries of the Mission work- ers." Regina's :street railway had a defi- cit of $96,000 last year, but its wa- terworks-department.had a surplus of $23,000. At Morden, Man., Tu Tol, a Chi- nese restaurant keeper, was fined $50 for allowing a .customer to drink a bottle of beer on his premises. Members of the Bricklayers and Masons Union of Calgary, say their members earned, on an average, less than $100 each last season. The General Secretary of the' Al- berta, Temperance and Moral Re- form League says -that, in 1913, Al- berta's drink bill reached a total et $12,000,000. At. Pilot Mound, Man., there was a patriotic rabbit shoot. As a suit 500 rabbits were 'shot and sent to the Patriotic Fund headquarters at -Winnipeg. Citizens of Regina are agitating for an independent audit of the city's books, and. two men have of- fered to put up $500 each towards the expense. At Lawrence, Alberta, a coyote was being chased by five hounds, when it jumped through a fa•rm- houso window and took refuge un- der a bed, where it was killed. A man named hector McLean was fined $10 and costs .at Battle- ford, Sask., for selling' bottles of maple syrup, from the labels of which the word "mixture" had been erased. The balance of. his stock was -confiscated. Edmonton's finance committee re- commended these reductions in civic salaries : Employe•s receiving :5840 per annum and ander, 5 per cent. reduction; employes receiving up to $4,000, 10 per cent. ; employes receiving'over- $4,000, 15 per cent, Alex McAuley, who died at Sel- READ THIS VERY .CAREFULLY. "For years 1 was thin and delicate. 1. last color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on my face were, not only mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought my. skin would never look nice again I grew despondent. Then my appetite railed. 'I grew very weak. Various remedies, pills, tonics and tablets .1 tried without porManent 'benefit. A visit `to my sister put into my hands a box of Dr. Hamilton's `Pills. She placed reliance upon them and now that they have made me a well woman 1 would notbe without then whatever they might cost. I fouud Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills by their mild yet Searching action very suitable to the delicate character of a woman's nature. They never once griped me, yet they estab- lished regularity. My appetite grew keen—my blood red and pure --heavy rings under my eyes disappeared and to -day niy skin is as clear and un- wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr. Hamilton's Pills did -it all." The above straigb'forward letter from Mrs. J. Y, Todd, wife of a well- known miller in Rogersville, is proof sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are a wonderful 'woman's medicine. Use no other pill -'but Dr. Hamilton's, 250. per box. All dealers or The Catarrh-. ozone Co., I{iogeton, Ontario. FROM DAWN TO DARK. Dr. James L. Hughes, Toronto. I love the vital glow of dawn And song of lark; When light's triumphant majesty Shines out the dark; When softly out of grateful hearts Each flower and tree, Of joy, and peace, and greater growth Whispers to roe. WHAT III'1' IIh11I.`t A. II i ghlan der' s Experience Izlicknow. • Many queer things happen ixl.War time, There is a story Which ie to- day repeated in Highland troops of a funny incident that befell -one Johnny Ross of the 93rd, Sutherland Highlanders at Lncknow, in India, during the great mutiny. Before falling in for the .aesault un the begum's palace Johnny Ross and George Puller, with some others, had been playing cards in a sheltered turner, and in some way' quarrelled over the gainer They were still arguing the point when the signal was •given to fall in, and Puller told Ross to "shut up. At that moment a spent bullet hit Ross in the mouth and knocked. -out four of his teeth. Johnny thought it was Puller who had etruck hint, and at ,once returned the blow. ''You fool!" said Puller. "It wasn't 1 that struck you. You've got a bullet fin your mouth!" And so it was. Ross put his hand to his mouth and spat into it four front teeth and a bullet. He at once' .apologized to Puller for hav- ing struck him, and added: "How shall I manage to bite my cartridges now?" Those were the days of muzzle - loading cartridges, which had to be torn open with the teeth when load- ing. at 1 love the happy, busy hour's Throughout the day; When in the sunlight men may work, And children play; When by achievement of his plans May learn to see New= visions of a higher life, And thus grow free. 1 love the sunset, when the Light Paints its goodbye In colors of exultant hope Across the sky So grandly, that all nature turns To see the west; And life in all its varied forms Prepares to rest. His Wife. He is very popular with his wife of .late." "And him a flirt. How does he do it?" "She nailed him up the other day and said: 'Dello, darling, and he recognized her voice and replied : 'You have evidently made o mis- take ; I am not your darling. I have the dearest, sweetest, most beauti- ful wife in the world, and she is the only woman I permit to call the darling }" liiOW NOW And Will Never Forget the Expert- ,enee. The tea or coffee drinker wlio has suffered and then been -completely relieved by changing to Postum knows .something valuable. There's no doubt about it. "I learned the truth about coffee in •a, peculiar way, says se western woman (Tea, is injurious because it kirk, Man., -was an old employe of ' contaius caffeine, the same drug the Hudson's Bay Company. He found in coffee). "My husband, who acted as guide to Lord Dufferin anti has for years, been of a bilious the • Marquis of Lorne when they temperament, decided to leave off visited "The Great Lone Land" as coffee and give. Postum a trial, and guests of' the H. B. Co. in early as I did not want the trouble of days, making two beverages for meals I In the Red River Canon of .Alber- concludecl to try Postum, too. The to skeletons of • many extinct ani- • results have been that while my mals have been found which are husband' has been greatly benefited, -estimated to have lived three milo- lion years ago. The largest would have been 35 feet long and 15 feet high. The Reality of War, Mr. McGovern, a heavyweight .gentleman off London's East End,. who had never been known to work, but who nevertheless has added to the population of the earth in fig - ares up to ten, suddenly became heroic and .enlisted. The following dtalo.gue took place between Mts. McGovern and a lady, Mrs. McGov- ein being hapriv and complacent in the receipt of her 27s,, Gd. from the War Office. Mrs. McGovern — Good -morning. miss. Lady.. -•Good -morning, firs, Me - Govern. 1 hear Mr. McGovern has :gone to the war. Mts. McGovern (cheerfully) ----Yes, miffs. Lady—Well, Mrs. McGovern‘ wh'a't do veti think of this terrible waist MrsMe.Govern--Gcod heavens, lady 1 I hope it :will last forever. Cirruanstaucee alter eases, este)e- i;iall;° financial e1rtunnstances. A SAD TRAGEDY It often happens --your sorecorn is step - pod on. Why not use "Putnam's Corn Extractor," It r..res in one clay. Ab- solutely no pain with "Putnam's." Use no other, 25c. at all •dealers. Sure Thing. Willie -- Paw, what is hollow mockery ? Paw—A hungry parrot, my son. T .have myself received even greater benefit. „When I began to drink Postum I was' thin in flesh and very nervous. Now I actually weigh 16 pounds mere than I did at that time, and I am stronger physically and in my nerves, while husband is free from all his ails. "We !have learned our little les- son about coffee and we know some- thing about Postum, too, for we have used Postum now steadily for the last three years and we shall continue to do so. "We have no more use for coffee —the drug drink. We prefer Pos- tum and health." Name given by C'an.adian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read "The Bad to Wellville," in pkgs. Postum comes in two forms : : Regular P4st11111 --- moat be well boiled. 15c and 25c packages. Instant 1. ostutn--is ,a soluble pow- der. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly in a eup of lint water and, with Cream. and sugar, makes a d.elieious beverage instantly, 30c and 50e tth E•. The cost per cup of both kinds is about the same. "There's a Beason" for Postum. —sold by Grocers. Kidney Disease in Every Symptom WHY MRS, 3I .Atli FOUND QUICK RELIEF IN IDODDD'S J (IDN EY .':ILLS. New. Brunswick Lady Who Suffered . ,Years '('ells How She Foetid. a Speedy Core, •Mrscou Ilarbor, Gloucester Co., h1.73:, Feb'y 15th (Special).-•-"I.,oi' • some five or six years I was trou- bled with backache, I tried many tonics, but kept growing steadily Worse, until I decided to try Dodd's Kidney .Pills. They gave ole almost intinediate relief." -.This is the statement of Mrs. A. Mark, well known and highly re - spaded here. Asked to give more particulars in regard to her case, Mrs. Mark said: • "My trouble •started with a cold, and, gradually grew worse. I had stiffness in my joints and tramps m my 'muscles and suffered from neu- ralgia. I had heart fiutterings and headaches, shy sleep was broken and unrefreshing and 1 was always tired and nervous.. 1 had dark circles un- der -my eyes, I was irritable and of- ten. dizzy and had a bitter taste in my mouth in the mornings, 1 also had attacks of rheumatism. "It just took three boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills to fix me up." - Every symptom Mrs. Mark men- tions spells kidney disease. That's why she found such quick relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills. Pe.irville, Sept. 30, 1902, Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs,—We wish, to inform you that we consider your MINARD'S LINIMENT a very superior astiole, a.nd we use it as a sure relief for sore (throat and chest. When I ,tell you I would not be without it if the price was ono dollar a bottle, I mean it, Yours truly, CHAS. F. TILTON. Ignorance must be bliss in the ease of the fellow. who never knows When he gets the worst of it.' INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS Messrs, Pigeon, Pigeon Sr Davis. patent solicitors, 1Vlontreal, report that 137 Canadian patents were issued for the week ending January 26th, 1915, 110 of which were grant- ed to Americans, 15 to Canadians and 12 to residents of foreign coun- tr THHE RING OF ITALY. A heal leader and Guide of His People. In spite of his ministers, who wished to keep him in Rome to con- sult, about war matters, the King f Italyuas soon as 11e heard of the GER31.1N WAR MASTERS. 'l'1tc,ulogiarts and Schoolmasters in the Firing Line. Great satisfaction is expressed in German newspapers that so many pastors and sty -dents of theology are voluntarily serving at the front. Of the 168 pastors who have been called to arms in the Kingdom of Wurtem'burg 90 are serving at the front, and of 170 divinity stu- dents at the Wur.temburg Univers- ity of Tuebingen 150 have donned the Kaiser's coat.. It appears that in the German army of the Argonne there is an entire company composed of theo- logians. From all German univer- sities with theological faculties the theologians are fully represented in prepoetion to their •numbers. Very few of then care to serve as Of- ficers- er N. C.O.'s, and are said to prefer e rviug in the ranks, where their influence among the ordinary soldiers is stated to be very great: It is computed that 40,000 school- masters are serving, or nearly one- fifth of the entire number in the empire. HOW: BRITAIN TREATS I":3 EN1a 1MY. Prisoners to Have Old English Man- Rion 10, 'I'ltC'iilCellIve.•• The London Daily Mail says the 'British Government, ata cost of $10'0,000, has converted •Donington Hall, Leicestershire, one of the moat beautiful old halls in England, into a home of rest for captured German' officers, of whom it will ac ommodate• nearly three :hundred. There' .are about sixty acres of parkland, With spacious lawns and charming views across the valley of the Trent, The bean' is finely -ap• pointed and contains a dining -room with carvect oak panels, ` and ..a carved and polished elm ceiling, a smoking lounge, equal to .that ,of a good hotel, six bathrooms with' hot. and cold water, and a shower bath; also a medical ward with a doctor and constant attendants. Electric: light'has been installed and all the compartments are heated t s T m b m m In Delicately flavoured -- Highly coneen- trated. 11 •WHY WORRY 1 Choose your variety and ask your grocer for "Clhrk.'s" FARMS roe SALE. There is also a canteen from which I'. W DAWSON, Nislety Colborne Street, lin prisoners can obtain wines and Toronto, pir'its of all the principal brands.. It YOU WANT TO sox Ult tiEU A F'rl,,it, Stock, Oraiu or Da,ry keret hey will be waited upon by Ger-1 write lI. W, Det�raon. Bi pton, or 90 Col.. an valets, shaved by German. bar -1 borne St., Toronto. cr.s and served with food by Ger- H. W. DAWSON, Colborne st, Toronto. an waiters, captured in the Ger- ` tvussERv STOCK. an ranks. Alongside. the hall is an old cha- ; TRAWBialtaiES, RASPBERRIES, PO. 1 g TATOLN. Catalogue Free, McConnell el with stained glass windows, in } & so:., Poz;t Burwell. Oat.. w s t vhich a• German priest will conduct l Amex HELP wAri s ED. e hele to s. Beneath the window is 1 EARN BARBI•;Ut iSA) ••-- ALWAYS text of "Peace on Earth, Good' sure emeioyrneut a:t g,od wages, tgw Will Toward Men." weeks required to campleto eaurse +'rata for full p•articulare and a&talogue to -day. The Daily Mail easse ly • ' Molar Barber College, 219 Queon 'Haat, Toronto "One must suppose that the War Office has really at heart the idea of reforming the Prussian officers and by letting them soak in the sug- gestions of beauty and peace, show- ing them the difference between the 'Kultur' that watched Louvain burn and the •culture inspired by a sun -I set in the valley of the Trent." ' Up to the Minute. Granque—A 'wife i, an expensive luxury, Blanclue-'So is an automobile. Oranque—Sure. But you can get' a new model every year. Orarn.laied Eyelids, OByes inflamed by expos sure t sm., Dust and ViEld quickly relieved by urine Eye Debredy. No Smarting. earthquake was off to Avezzaree to i ,,.. just Eye Comfort. At Stour Druggist's 5 O per Bottle. Nurine Eye study the catastrophe on the spot SalveinTubes25c. For 5ookollboEyeFreeask and see with his own eyes how best Druggists or &iurine.Eye Remedy Co., Chicag®earWhen asked • by her {cachet, tel minimize the disaster. WJien an 'Which of the feathered tribe tan yearscivake wrecked Messina a few Guard well the door of your lips Wt the heaviest weights " a little ago he and the queen were that no - unchaste word, jest, or girl replied, "the crane." every where and their example story, or slander .or cutting re quickened endeavor and mitigated marks, no irreverent or untruth- LOW FARES TO THE CHICAGO misery. •fol statement shall pass ottt. EXeOSiTiONS. The Bing .,f rallytales his p 1i Yea Chicago from king should be the. real leader and Passenger Term Many a woman sits up for. her Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. uncle of his people. He has learn 3 1fi Choice o,f scenic direct. routes. Iouble e 1 four or five modern languages husband in order to he prepared to tracx. Automatic and direct electric safety signals' all tha tivay Lumbago's Misery Ceases Every Acting 1iise.ie Curet! • JUST RUB ON OLD TIME "NERVI - Not necessary to drug inside: That awful stiffness that makes you yelp worse than a kicked dog will be cured—cured for a certainty, and quickly, too, too, if you just rub on Nervi —••--- line. Rub Nerviline right into the sore spot, rub lots of it over those tortured muscles, do this and the pain will go. You see Nerviline is thin, not • oily. Therefore it sinks in, it penetrates through the tissues, it gets right to those stiff, sore muscles, and irritated nerves that Make .yon dance with pain. You'll get almost instant, relief from muscle soreness, stiffness. aching joints, lameness or rheuinntisrd by • rubbing with Nerviline. It's a sooth- ing liniment, and doesn't blister, doesn't burn or even stain the skier. It's the most harmless cure in the world for_ Lumbago, Back Strain or Sciatica. It takes away the ache at once and ends your misery quickly. Now quit complaining— don't suffer another day--Nerviline, that good, soothing old -thee liniment will Ember : you up nighty quick. Get busy to" i day, the large 500. family size bottle is the most economical, of course, the trial size costs but 25e. Any dealer anywhere can supply Nerviline. He --.'My- dear, the bank in which my money is deposited has gone. smash through--" She ----"What nn you've gat: your cheque. ea ffe W"'^"" MISCELLANEOUS. c(Y ANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS, 1320.. �i/ internal and external. cured with- out pain by our -home treatment. Write us before too late Dr. Bellman Medical Co. Limited. (Tn'1intrwood. Ont i t§ OF INVENTIONS PEGEON, PIGEON & DAVIS yse St. James St., - Montrwa0 Write for information —_ RS New and Second -band, for heating and Flumes power purposes. AND SMOKE STACKS. PIILSO.NIRO NW iRiKSTORONTO Engineers and Shipbuilders. -,a+�,_�T'-�""•�,.�•`�c''�`�="r.:s�a .c" '1`.:�.`U'�e"�"""'�i'I €a THE ,? Scientilio Treatment BOILER TEDD WATERS Comprises knowl"dg, u( tt!e water conditions, applie. • the correct reagent;., , rc • supervision re to claartlty pi! regulation of treatni,•ttt. Such thorough, srie ztifie handling t • I3oiier Water 3 ro- •positions. ' results in the preven- tion of scale, corrosion, hitting and foaming, acid co,l equentl4 a great saving C, money. Tl?ciiy dual anal} .le. of t,atet ,rotn your owu boilers by our chemist will 'ize made tree et charge if you are interested in ridding your boilers of sellle. DEARBORN • CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED. Engineers. Chemists. General Offices and Works; 1220-1230 DUNDAS STREET Toronto Canada. alner, yotr g l book at home, love'." ----- -- „s,y , Minard's Liniment Cures Olphtheria. Ch' o & North Western RY. tion most seriously. He thinks a Minard's Liniment Cures Gargot in Cows, lour splendid daily trains f onzitle hen thoroughly and is well read both in literature and science. In person, though well Shaped and good looking, he is very small, not more than 5 feet 2 inches 10 height,eleat, resenting the dispen- sation, he has taken every care to increase his strength by constant exercise and is now a very fair ath- lete: In private life the King of Italy is really a charming companion, ut- terly without pose or affectation, Meeting every one on the frankly human level. He often says that :e good b00'1s and a long automobile ,ride are about the keenest pleas- ures of life; but he has made him- self an admirable horseman and soldier and lois chrtres. as soldier and monarch leave him little time even for such innocent pleasures as au- tomobiling and reading. Tht; little King of Italy has both heart and head. He is determined to leave Italy greater .and richer and happier than he ;found her ; and already he has done much, Kind words are the brightest of home flowers; they make a paradise of the humblest home. sit down on him. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. "1 am .thoroughly ,ashamed of this eomposikion, Charles," said the teacher sternly, "and I shall cer- tainly send :for your mother and show her how badly you are doing.'' "All eight," said Charles, cheer- fully :'send for her. Me madder wrote it." Let us plan your trip and furnish fold- ers and full particulars. tit 'I3. 11. Bennett, Oen. Agt.. 46 Youge Toronto, Ont. .M1 the world loves a lover. The world loves to be amused. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper, Just a Scratch i T it needs looking after, D Catbolated "Vaseline" will help it to heal quickly and prevent risk of infection. First aid treat- ment with CAR ; OL ,TED sdll Trademark Made in Canada It is a most eifectit'c antiseptic dressiu ' for guts, bruises, boils; and skm irritations `of all kinds, such as eczema' poison ivy and barber's itch. Also good for vents. Al DTII st'us rrur1;S, insist en "Vase- line" C 0EM.:iiM'OR ralMANOFAC'l 1kes bearing' 1140 e Ca., ( ohsslidated For sale et alt Chemists and Genera: Shares. Free laapl,1 on 55405 CHES1t1312OUGH M1?'Ci CO. (Consolidated) 1880 CHABOT AVEo, MONTREAL.