HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-02-12, Page 5AUSTRALIA'S CITIZEN All !1 (.1011PC.'L4ORD.':: '1'If:11 R'«C •IS . %.II Buys .'ori' Fotee(l to 1)rili 'anti It(Cet, Il tit Aviiv e Sere' ee I; Voluntary. Lastyear the Inspector -General of the Oversea t'oree:s (General Sir Ian Hamilton) traveled front one •eiid of Australia to the other, in- ' alienable' the lames Of tate - pante ,array :there, and in his report 11e was 2rleatrlt, ellthu:,lastic. }i&' werti bo .'Australia, an oppoilcn•i: (af this cortiiltilsiii servic'e mystem foe: tuili. 'tau purposes, but calls( .away with a very sliSfe rent=tlpion of the Val up. .and .,f the suceesi of the method when pi opt i•1y-. ajriltied. Ai ticilia'sentire.papulation has just readied 5.O4)0,000. There are. roughly, 3.O00,000 square -tiles (, eoutttry within the }•,t,unclaries of the 'Commonwealth. nwealth. s o • thatt .it is the n,i.t:: i sparsely peopled cot"airy on the globe's face_ While Australia's method is nral- el ed on t`lint so .well known in S,vite • zerlaitd, it differs therefrom iliaPv- eral respects. It begins with the lads of the school -going age of twelve. It is required that all boys I:llgliialr Oi'oet?ry Clerks Distributing' Ca t i •sl >f'd(rtar. This ph tug raph was, sent to Mr. N. \\'..1 owell from a correspondent 1 liur?(ley, Lancashire, \Oa, tells how much the Canadian gift of flow and cheese is appreciated there. , +my clerks take turns in giving up their half holiday' to parcel out the flow. There is •uonsid; r.t, . ..i tr ' in Lancashire. • shall be registered, and as the thus Zai days per• annum for the f , . Rd G 11 furnislte all tire. recruits to ychenie h'eariie nirerativ^ in 1917. ° ..>eeialisi• and technical loris, and 9 1 �"a �" ^ail:,loeliatlt service of the Dual nil boys registered as -havingbeen�1 ,? �� � . d" u-:iuliar•cliy His efirst of thetDual sixteen clays for other cures, the born in 1900 beeaine liable far train main body of whom are light horse T wee as an attache a Alexandria, ing as Junior ('odors, and thus?. infantry. The period of eight days t BITyah:Le* AU ., R1 t S Iigyl't Bring from there to T3ucll:a born four ,years earlier were recibir- BARO lest, and then to Belgrade. He has Cadets. r of home training iS made up. of i 4 ' t r , ed to join_ the Senior (.adet•s. With whole tdays, Half days, and nights, NLII` I .tiR3l1I 14iR'1R 7"D1Ii.. been ( ensu• -General. at Sofia., the a complete of registration it capital of Bulgaria, and Minister to p systemg the respective :minimum of these be- Cxreer:c, His. ability was uliclue.s- is thus easy toy trace the boys ing ,six, three, and one and a 1 'Oreee le Hifi he oared his entrance through the various. stages till as half • hours; two 1ral.f clays and four. Stron ; 1 i ong'lr $o 'VY1 5tantl Aar;F men of 25 or 26 they complete their counting• as one whole day: ,• il(to the tato al diplomatic service period or service and are then sof- -nights�' Undue•Pressure I?roni to hr haaniage, his wife being the oracles are elasse4d as enm•ptll Bean. daughter of Baron Gese Fejervary, ficierrtly trained to take tlae:ir place sory, alternative, and voluntary. Minister of `soar in Hungary for in the defence forces whenever call- The first makes up the exact amount T,o explain the retiremeirt' of twel,t; teaii, and for a few months ed uix,n. •Each year a number tai- of training•provided, the alteena- Count Leopold Berchtodcl as -Prime , in 1 .�:, Prime Minister, a famous tonlaticalh pass from one stage toe tive drills enable those absent on Minister and Secretary for Foreign general also in Francis Joseph's Kanother just as•.tlle • ranks of the leave from the compulsory drills to Affairs in the Dual Monarchy of army, tomznantler of the lr4.dctuaa'd Junior Cadets are augmented by make good their time. and tele vol- Austria and Hungary .and the ap ee.,iment of the Emperor, and for t the boys er.•• ing•the age of twelve iuitary drills are to helpthose aim- ointment •of Baron Stephan Burian p fifty years the sovereign's most • in that year.• The method of aegis- ing at proficiency and promotion. • 'to the post • needs no ,confidential trusted confidential counsellor, tration is simile. Forms may be Any one Who fails 'to 'qualify as ef- insight into the attain''of th Burian's advancement after his chtainecl from any post office, and' ircierrt in any year Must. do an ex-• Emperor Francis Joseph' and .ia;it marriage was rapid. He betaine whenfilled in must be sent ter the tra year's training for each failure. people. A weak man ha's •tallen•y'a n1.i,rister of Finance fur the Dual "urea" officer or local posit -master. Unless a young Altstraliall can strong an has- taken his plain_ ', (anarchy, at. position which. made Failure to register incurs he Iia roduce a ``eleaai record" Oaf mile- Berchtold is • one of the •roost ilial. attttilnaticalty Governor of b lily of eharuian and ,amiable men in ilx: T,t:,snia and Herzegovina. Up to a ,• , tary. sear -ice, he stands a ve?,y. poor -, g i iht `. I ' 1 n,, ii lune of sits. claa•tce of a: �usition in tli© cam ape. C.oming.,of an .ant o full, . to days he. was the diplomatic •.. z 1 1i of . eosins, pos�s�ees ng ea 0 ;eSiat , representative resentatiti•e in 'Vienna of hie na- .the ,theme :,rt on .wlnoh, Aus&rair•a. a.Yto,nwealt(11, blies, service and gin- b+.. _. , p 1' p in Hungary and . a member of„ m ,.live Hungary and as snail a mcimher 1 s. - e ` ..1. ..a'. disposed to rs'�orl..l �one that practical, ile,-ere en alas as d o d r pa pr ct 1 ,1 S g Y pHungarian House of Magnate inn e mel:,,ld. iv laid.dc•w-n by Lord Kitchener who regard a "clean re,co.rd" in this 'e- g 5 a the • I ntperur's hub,. visited the C�orninonwealth •for the erect as vied 1 ' a daughteril erf the illustaio e IEmpe ' :111pouseh111 .butg h High. Court, •vvas sentenced tr oe i f1 .. Clai olyi family, Berchtold' had every, i l p e in 1 OJ, incl Will not, zn.the • Az[ Estclleni IIeeolnira:eart}attiohh. v ..ate of firth vealth and iii . v i a cancessiun, first of all to k 15 .ears lienal servitude for has- *r'dinary tray reach zts.full strennth" ad Int „e b , > ' n T i ee. in Citizen Iftirce receive fitieilee.lt,.rrdar'y. Budapest was a hotbed ing murdered a young man named .'viiia, 19I9 v0, a den there should he Trainees 4 Berehtuld has ubtined without of , of a.1t;•:atisfaetian and threatened Thomas Middleman in the works of ::500 officers and 130,300 of other t 3s..per day during the first year; and 4s. per day during the subs4 fort• -every honor whitest has led tip t i revolt. The people {laniored f+u• the Rosyth naval base.' ranks. or a total of 731,000. I p i the .highest to be coveted -that at adequate protc,_•tion of their fr'n- The condition ui the Dunfermline `elle Junior Cadets' •course of I (1uent years -c,f -their train n:,. The (issergeants,t�lhe: head of :the Cabinet. He never tiers. Tieett, their prime Minister, linen trade is causing anxiety. training exr.erld s over two years, i pay for eurpurahs is had to fight for anything. I,1 this begged, implored, commanded it There is a very restricted demand txlrllihri),ing 10 hours of tacit year, 10s, ; -sergeant-majors, 10s, W. and wa-r, in which every nation plltai , sl 1 from Bei c1, 'That Tisza was f.11 goods and yarns ran scarcely be By arran•''eznents with:the l.ilaca- lis. An allowance of te4 per annum in it is fighting fur its very exist -1 able to obtain it only after repeated had at any price owing to the Ger- tion • Departments, this training. is is made for the keep of a horse to race,• but must especially Gerittalay: visits to Emperor William and the man siceupation of Belgium and dune during school hours, -so that the light horse trainees. In the and Austria-Hungary, with their. ovc.rt•hrovy of Berclitolcl is sig nffr Northern France. 'when the lad presents himself at commissioned ranks the daily rates backs to the wall before such a e 131 Cant Of the predominance of Ger- 1 he' age of .fourteen for the Senior of pay are 15s. for lieutenants; binatiiii of armies and statesn,ell a:, many in the alliance o"i the twu em - Cadets he must have eomp]eted • in 22s. (3d. for captains; 30s. for ma- history has never before knutv,t, Aires. that period.the junior course. )ors; 37s. Cd. lieutenant -colonels; Berehtold has not been equal to los Burial' is .strong tentage to with - Special instructors are provided and 455. for colonels, Uniform antsclif#Iicult es. stand any undue pressure from Bea•- iav the Commonwealth- a.uthoritie•e. equipment are, of eolirse, provided, Why Burian Hates Russia, lin' in the future. The Dual Mem- The Commonwealth instructors Government factories for the mane- T3erclltald is suocreded by a u,;ui ,a•rrhy will have its territory safc.- train rife sch,�ol teachers, and the facttue of eluthing-saddlery, small of Mterner fibre. Bohan. wleae' •guarded. Its own interests will not Whenever possible the Kaiser • to in tarn, impart the knowledgeaam:e, and aanmunition have been title of Baron is -still almost `'brittle' be sacrificed faits ally. \eterthe- when travelling between Berlin and 11e 111.) r Cadets,-- established so that the influence of new," emerges from the middle. less; there will be a closer bond of the tigslting line, uses his luxurious 1t the age raf 14 the young\us- `K uppisnl' Shoul(1 never 4,P felt: class, life first repre.sentai,ive cif. elle sympathy and co ilei?ratt_or between State train, whichis a veritable in Australia.Bethmanli-Hollw c and Burian than p.lebiaus ,ever allowed to enter the g palace un wheels, Si'Sreaches, each erasion is transferred to the Senior The male population of Australia . existed between the. Ger-Man Chan- weighing over sixty tuns compose Cadets, and is required fur the next 1 p ra,ored doors leaduhg, to the high . p of military age is oniy lllbout 177,000 office of Prime Minister. Ilse ea- cellar and 13erchtold. Buri:ins the special train. sold of these four four year;i to attend forty drills �> message' to Bethmann I-1ollweg, i . each year. Four of these drills are - between 14. and lay ears, and 3.1,000 veer has been a• gigantic struggle for are rteeryed •fur the Emperor and d year. clbetween 18 and 25, Of these a per- recognition at "icnna--intellect and. pledging atiee Aetna -Hungary's his seite, and the other two are lasses astrh le days of not leas v allee;tanee to her ally and ex regia than four hoius each 'twelve as half tentage i•e. subject to medics.. rejee- force. of character battling; against' I Used for kitchens. The second h„., tion, awl a larger parr*entage re- the 'hit -hart() impregnable fortress of ing itis personal desire for the as - Ray e of two hours each, and the re v �, o m „., .i,. sistalltie of the Chancellor ill ]lis; new coach in the trail) 1S the ,,11Y I'P ('I'C- gide beyond the training, area. Tile lineage which the .Hapsburgs evert - duties, ed by the Kaiser for his ltisonal trxaiiidcr may be night dr.hils of net dunes, is an indication that Franb a o number in training whela the system t ed around the .administration of - . i quarters, and it c,,lrtains a salon, .e..s than one ]lour each. To moot is in full operation will be 90,000. their affairs in their chief capital tuTIe being, s Cabinet will kr the bedr(,oui, dressing room, bath- apeeial cages, •sticli its lads working Senior s 113 000 Citizen many hundreds of rears ago. time bezn}, accept the leadership of 9 Cad t, , .and a Berlin. room, and sleeping; apartments for a„ .any beide s'atte makes it 1nsoldiers, the utter being made 1.1 , He was born sixty-four years ;not. reanvernt'•tit. to -attend t'Ite thrills sat "'old 1 g 1.._.__.._._.._•1._..._ _ _ his bodyguard. The salon is panel - dawn, 90,000 trained soldiers, 13,0(10 re- in the County of Pressburg„I nti 'Prue-fleri)iS33)) ed in the wools of an ancient cedar cluw•ti mm;•tnimu halls mai 1',e natal, • .G and 1a 000 of the 2,5 -?d yea.]• amain'', of la wealthy nrercantilt' fain< but the minimum 1! attendances al- c -roti , a ilea with lap'gatree. t aken from Mount Lebanon busdness interests at He shall been courting the girl Fur the gift of the ex -ex -Settee' Abdul Ha - lowed' is til hours laer 11-111111111.rt11111. The]hien. �+ _...�_ .. Moscow•. There. as ar young man along time. It happened on Sun- mid of Turkey.' The floor is .01 black four tears' tr'ain•ing in the ,Senior S r, �. visiting Iii' kinsmen, he :suffered day' night, after ehurab. They were wood taken Frnnl the files of a Your ,..tarn t,i• Hand. oo i 1'tdet,y ,is caaleulated to yet. the with them the humiliation of seeing sitting very quietly on the sofa, and wooden bridge built across the iaaintlatielr work necessary to elf- if you age rhg;lld hluideth their the the, tiirdtlw of ole of the men of it e she looked with ineffable tenderness Rhine b Julius Caesar ill elle yeas, • allele -the yut+t:lr t.(, take up service in right hand is stronger than the left. Burian firm la • the �enormmte for 1 C 11 r ti,,• • P :� . roto leis neble l sue eyee. ''.rum,• 55 B.C., while the ceiling, is deeor•at- any ;taus. If you are left-handed theleft hand time she had inherited from h she: murmured, "didn't yon tell ed with a design representing the The Citizen Form. will be stronger. •1f you are truly husband at the feet of the Grata nhe ante you would be wilting to do sig neat afters of Germany. ambidextrous the strength of both .puke ,Nicsholas,.the present gen1.111 ..any act of her<.isnl for my sake' 3 g Neither t,lit:. Jnni,r tlol' Sealer van a iessi 10 lief the liusshan arils. '1'!h:' t; The tylilrinw's kit the salon are pro - Cadets will equal, The all t ge yes;llnl;v, and I woul4l gladly re” tcetett by thick steel bars, fond :arab C'atla1' are required to Attend nlhli of one hand oyer the ii.hcr iadee to Grand Dul?e spent tthe Henan mil leiht now, he iteaate that stolen n ed seutriee stand at the doors „f tua- tara ramps. It is after he :teaches the greater exer4,ise it may receive.. lions in }paying- his gambling debts replied. `'\'a, Roman of old, haw. , his eighteenth year that the Young the of our arms .a11(1 les and their in organizing the political 1 d the apartment 11) night and day. the - Australian who. has undergone his r t e . , machine. at the. Petrograd court. ever brave, rt as Peer firers with ar last C•ta.Ch in the train is used by an e are.developedby• r..:ter•uzsc and their loftier ambition, 0 braver resole- engineer, who has charge of the ina-. 3livys.hr.al training soil the elelllent res eetive-strep th :will he an - ao which intrigued and bribed for him , g �. ll if +: Lhrotiglt a tluszrte.r of a.. venture- and tion tltatr f i�ell, Cons, I wool chinery which operates a rompli- al;y work of the first two stages, ,cor'dance with .their use. That the which has filially laced him at thte' Onto do something real heroic for cate4d system- of emer, envy brakes. :sets llinxs011';erioatsly (4 the import- right hand is strcitrger than the left p pit nee,"' "Serol., darling, what is rt? "riser's two tdaseliunds \i'ardi 4111( 1rur1.. ctu1) bP lu\ed Ily tltscuntinuin t.he• lien( 4�f.the. army fighting to crush ,( The Kt t p 8 Nus1111.-'fittrigaz'y. Baron Burian, a Ask me to 'he your wife; \� p v t, anis Heal, have their kennels on the Ile. as now rurnoted to th.e Citizen use of the right • anti : for several: been fon'lin son enoligi. P ro(i1 he.atdP.v.}, calculatanr statesman, €a i train, and they. •generally aetioni- 1r ere a his.eightr r p ee-' Weeks by 1.t in it to the side cif your �) i u c and 11 , yeas .e)l p ty is a fstnstie•.n hit. hatred of •Russ.it. 1 ;any their master on his •travels. I t on will] elle force beers on -the be- body. When you released the arm '4E a 61 July• of the year 11i which the' be- 3701 y3111 find ' that Bolt:ll of its Ylln'ititi's (51e my "l izzli. , ea?riie5 a'i,ghlteen 'year's of age: His strength was gone and that: now the Ile' 131(13 ''iV•en ii1 11.19 -03ta1 every I1'h:±r ?tip. training 4 011s9;s�ts of 0ontlltilou5: left hand is 8'tr•(Ingel`, This applies• facilit' w 11elt nl0lle • 0011d buy to Jones --" Sergeant, .f think illy .tn Optimist. � l ,i tl.aining ill mans. f(11 seventeen d03s to -p. right-hgnded per,si)3 arta the. lit him for.11i:5 present Position. tie daulghtcr.intends to elope to -night per year in the ease t11 itava1 f(:,a•c.es, law iirotlld work the other zvn,y with studied at the Pressbrg • Gvnl;ui,• with young Smith, , 'artillery eand engineer :arms; eight 11. left handed person. This' goes to seam, going front there to the Dip- Police. Sergeant—Well dnys Friother arms; and eight days show that thea Strength of- hands Remade •AOadene at Vienna, vhielr Jones--'iell, just luck ine up till . (or the. 'equivalent)hnane saitiin and arms .i•s •••uncont?eiuusly-effected accepts bill • Students who have left morning, so 1 can't -possibly inter-! Tor : t• is 1y the p y, i �,r all lrr:niw. The' loins serytccr the GGy.tn.tlasruttr with honor mai £'ere with them. Amelia Of' rational exercise ft, :NOTES -OP INTERES.. RA;N8fS AIVg II S[T1AI NOTES OF GIEXGE Argentina is one of the few iaxa portant Countries in which no edit 18 X111Z)Jd.. `.Clhe 1in:g'lish beet eugar indust - i'G'htat Is .Going On in the II.tflhtttntl is beil,g fostered by the Krait arutl I ntviands of ,hulls Board d of Trade,. Six thotteand'an haul' is the spei= of •a new machine for sealing a, , bvttt: Ru initubicaaus vc nun staizipiu tic rs. have :been oitrullit as 5veeial talo Jif ,z w ay (hazly :a,kii,ut 3.4 pe scabies. c:F'nt. u•f t le :tot,al suikfaei of, rimy 1t, zlx nibors of elle Ayr country is (rulti�•ated: burgh military band are left out of Needles and pins will not rust a. a total of 3U• kit in as etishiun with dried. coffer .A sharp eaethquake shock s as grounds. ' exln rlenc..d ill Dunblane and Grips to be strapped to the hand Crib:;- 4.n Allan di triots recently. and feet have been invented to alt. The eulin:y of Inverness-shire has 'a man to climb ropes. Provided 'twL motor a.nbuianucas, Switzerland uses a greater pro- both of which are sow hi France. portion u•f its available water-powei All the public ennuis in Grange- than any (Alter country r;: eis;h have been closed on account- A Spanish syndicat+e i consider= el art epidemic of scarlet fever in ing building ,a railroad across Nor the town, there Africa 1,SU.1 Miles long. To teach rifle sheeting ting a :Japanese has invented a eros. In -w with 'r'i'fle stock, trigger and sights. Lemon juice in water is an ex- cellent tootle wash as it nut only re- moves tartar, but sweetens the breat}l. Explosions of a mixture of le lira gen and oxygen gases drive tb: ghees in a, new French subzr boat. A lock has been invented t a dour open any distance desi. well as to fasten it when dost The world's most northern ra - road, in Lapland. is to be- electri- fied, power being obtained . from nearby waterfalls. For accurately testing ;the quality of milk there has been invented a pump to take .a sample from the centre of the can. Herons, which average only four pounds in weight, often have been known to eat more than_ three pounds of fieh at a meal. The government of India will ex- tend its wireless system until every army post has a station in i'.harge of a trained officer. A recently patented bib for -babies extends below the waist line and terminates .in pockets to eateh any- thing that may fall on it. A new cabinet for raising ,bread. dough is provided with the desired temperature by heating a stntaee and ;.p1,ateing,•it in the bottom. A new explosive kiir,wn. as sal' bite, is 50 tunes as powerful as ci namite and is safer as it requires Irer•cussion cap to explode it. Wearing a. new all -Metal divi suit divers have suceseded in going, •in safety to a depth of, 21`2 feet t the ocean, the dee,peas •ever known, English sheep breeders have �r vented a branding matee)1al the s withstands the Weather •ter Sig months yet is soluiilesin•tfrbe-�o'r'd.iii- ary process. I�f a slice os lemon.. w rtltout tthe rind be planed 'in alt boiler of tolotheA thet are being washad f •wile bel to bleach them without injury t.. THE KAISER'S TRAIN. the fabrics. In normal 'times the spice islands Composed of Six heavy Coaches --- of Zanzibar produce -about 90 pet' A Veritable Palace. cent of the world's supply of cloves, an averaging erop approsirating 16,000,000 pounds. LIGHTNING PLAYS ;JONES, Scotia,' J. G. • Clark. hairdresser, Ai.. - .breathe and his customers, have satit' off 1,000 cigarettes :fur'tlte sol - diers at tb.e front, Orders have been issued that all aliens on the east reset of Scotland must immediately remove to thirty miles inland. • The roll of honor of the Glasgow High School contains over 700 names of masters and boys who have rallied to the colors. An organized recruiting campaign lits been carried out in Linlithgow - Shire for additional men for -the 10th HoyaI Scots Reserves. :About 40 men of the national Re- serve in Dunfermline have sent in their names as being desirous of forming a Dunfermline company. Owing • to the stoppage of Gien- garnock Iron. and ,Steel Works of Kilhirnie, it has become necessary to feed & great many inure children, The large orders for khaki is put- ting a strain on the factory work- ers in the border towns, and every mill in the district is working over- time. The Glasgow City Ini,irr'4avement Committee have decided to accept plans fur the re-construetion of the carrier of Trongate'and High Street at an, estimated.cost of $1=12,500. Since the -outbreak of war the teachers of Tranent High Grade Se.lhool-hove been :eo•ntribit ing each month a. -:portion: t,f"their salaries for the relief of -distress. Roderick' Ewan McRae at Ic tn- "What a, (rhee'rful tronlan Mvs. Smiley is... • 1sn't she \\ ey, do tun know that woman Call have a good time thinking what a good time site would Hare if she were having 11,'x'. The EleOrie I"Iiiitl Has Done Some St range Things. The antics played by iigi1tnn1 z are ynnleti111es almost beyond lief. A iommon trick is than, .of dressing its vii•tians. In 1393 girls and an elderly woman v,. standing by a reapilag machine ah ing a storm. .1 lightning fiat, struck the woman and killed her un the snot, while the two girls were stripped to t.ile skin, even their boots being tarn from thein feet. Otherwise they were safe and sound tind astolli,iled. Tn1335amtin311314error's:by°light ning near \'allerole, in Prance,, and stripped naked. All that t•ouid fie faunal afterward ,,f his z(oaliPc AS It shirt sleeve, a few other shreds, and some pieces of 11is hob -flailed bouts. Ten minutes after he was struck he re,geined .00llseimtsnes `. opened his eyes, Complained of the cold and inquired how- he happened to be 1101(0d. Such t istan_ res have l,ee11 reeor(l;• ed again and Robe In ,,lt(• also tc man Lind '1w•,l oxen were • aruelt • n$iluultanenitslr and n1' three killed,' The man was fottn(1 stripped to the slr:in and his btt,,ts hail been earri,'d 30 yards atatay. "Ill 'Other eases," sat i.'a111 i10 i laniinari '11, the. eminent F reneh asixons,nler, -lightning has le,e 3 knownto slit men i Half, ,1111'•41 split in as with a huge aixe, ()it '.,131 )1' ::0, 18138, this happened t(i -ai 11113100'H aa• sistaiit at a;wln41mill Clear Croix. 'r '• s l: him frolil his .Che li.ghtui sly , tl u(1 head downward in tvyu.”