Zurich Herald, 1915-02-12, Page 2/A. I tw 0001
Jr0i Q! 11, -
i I,,, (t, h
Young ,'� llflg c'l.Y1d OIC
--loves the iich, `
delicious flavor of
� � softened, but nu�nttarn�t °thd ihz•1s _ ,-_._,_.,.,.. �'�''r'"a►''�•wma�,•�.r.
• seen a. lank of C'
�y • ,.# thtitk I wilF pleiid..gttllty at e '- �
.�, onutnti atilig my sins,•, lie � ��t�aaublanee, � ro • . �/•yi ''gg�� �n
cut aura you dant want to xnly I + ! ■ ! / / !
Joyce shoHJt =ler hoed, I'YOGhir1 tl'1 ,a .� • d •' W �,i $ j
yliottl+i ;,
susses h0r, she told
a hozlselfJ Felici mi
t11ax1zt. ah IIhed,
Rt ght a o n i t
Bay wb
y did tolling him of tato v "�
tei•uonrl making it appoaz �ertar a d• !� +✓
Joyce ]tad been quite u loot b is if
{ ' �lr0i'
ulttiollig„ .. 1 Y hots 'tnsin•
lctllR'ti 1VR1�d ' 11CCIti'3igCAi1R?ilt.
One It aeespa ti little vagtta,'" he said when � " `' �� t�Cr� d � < Qla one farm ,,here T WO1'k8d
F 1I Tt tt i1lzslied. sot q v dfsappolzlt• Make your borne - more u� � hw fol-ty coatr's t0 Milk rt e
noon wort of a villain 1kCta„ { mOriing rand
I y My tvotst church 11 app", to be attractiv � an,d
thttt I dntt't go to chure]z." `'p,CptG.Ct it _. �+. i ,./ ,i, n1 h't,
g writers .a hired ed, man: Two. of
haven't beenga ice its spot �ard0"°n rpin fire wlih the$F�'•bEau- ! kyr 0"s to' do ho Walk illader a boss who,
here" shim eels ,`.� wlt� ineax�, faultfinding and dicta-
q UIRGOne thing, and Aa I Gell Jo for tiiul, sanitary
diim,d� v OARM s be no one to sae me, and yno t]rei•o worth sy � � tori�al, and who. altrays thought eve
�a #oo,king at, So x don't think Ghat'a`°v°�r� "Metallic
tS � e: 9� � �h � '' � mals not .aeeona lishYs g
y9 da e41dfU1, Ivlr. Robert." g What life
ti � ma. ��• I do -at ioeat oS fantd it it 'Were t l i. ,�� ' should and � gays lead on: tis,
but as a meteor a true; Q e also l v
not to Stanton, Four Linda always ga' J0,k h + �� p ' some work £or a s to attack before
to Blytheb It, ,}vAt,j, t' , rue were PrOperby through with+what
C (0 k N y s a little farther, but it,I
t a lovely old church. We took him tltc?ie, ff They will out -last the buiidinn and are very inexRenaive. They can be brightened I the were then (loin .
and -'and I go whenever I can,'" from year to yearwitir'alittlePaint atatrifling cost, 112ade In innumeiab e b g Fre watched
5Y_RUP J TTe raised fill cap said ]eft' thein, desStins suitable toaii stYl 1 beautiful Our every move
f1 ore span diaappearuig 1n 'bhe his lull es of rooms. Can be erected over old master as well as in i O'410C1C in : Touted its vat at
It Is a daily treat—the perfect sCyeSt. fust what 'the and the sudden tear m of I,, uawbuddings. Writetdroataloa'ue. 'Ule morning and 'saw to
fief garden, Joyce caught bar =breath :fie manafaddre a complete lige of sheet Nidai Building Natorkh. it that It tira5 8 0i' '
s pricked bet. eye +,• ., ' s 0 o clock at night
Children should have oil Bread -costs f<tr less than lad noatilgivat fro had
arta tease atita, !; THE METALLIC ROOFING CO.,�,� before. we were through. We Were
gone. l£ Fe#ielty �!n
butter or l]reselfiyes. Delicious with Hot Biscuits, she could not nwve borne it, d.. her, Y�in,,,nd TAefferim Sts,. TORONTO facto.ere supplied with candles, for retiring,
she tel which were usually ,short enough try
and Batter Cakes. Gives a 1iet�r delight t4 797 Notre ,game Ave.,�vinlidIl"EG
Baled Apples, Blanc-AZange and Puddings. Felicity did not r, n d to the aub,Q,cf burn out within half an .hour after
Size seamed subdued, and was � . •l,
during supper that Ellza, laaksd a i r' < t;'Oirng to our sleeping so Si Out; s
l+lal es the best Candy You ever tasted. 3 easily from time to time; she had er un. , _ tai, +:: p' g quarters. In-
onquixed where the old man had bee Ile, ye disposition on the part Of any Wor1t-
to rest, slid it struck ]ler to•ui�llt n jiff - ------__ _ Inert $'' n0 eche p, 9 m
t time, that Shack bean rathPifoxhe rvould have o3iatted to ]tizn; and hexad"rs-�' ~ _ CluCted fU pay -being de-
`tT,TL4' Vt�T3111;" is a tiro y P less. 0 ii0 .rt- she, feeling Shy and foolish, standing si- `ri'lie itaSpired propaganda : to i bine spent an the ' sick
p white Corn S 1 tt not A5 pzonollnCecl lona as If under a Spell, b whiCll wo Have grown aCCt15to111ed Iasi and rte ex
in flavor as "Crown Brand", What night .Joyce could not slay She Stone Fingered in passing to spa° �o fQrt
, Yortr Grocer ltccs bolsi By�anrds, v while I. was there,
lacy _oyedng in the tinge four p6tor . r y w is peculiarly significant of the tort- ryas there any -Sympathy fo rind 2a �o2tvta' iirts Or art�t ertsil� get for ctrl tvzdo-eyed and miserable, till the bed words, S01e told herself it •was because be Y ^shown or
% Y grandfather's clock in the kitchon o!c looked different tonight; lie was wearing f1dence in German arms and Ger- I any attempt made to help A mala re-
. --- ed out the hour,of two, Bhe listette ay Niki as well r tt lounge suit of dark tweed and mail velar Issuing left. ViCtOt'1eS cover. u"11Ch ;a bQSS lose
` ' he C d Starch �q stxainmg 0a to the mice F3ut .after a.nathor swift up. S more In
Limited, b.s�>1�t eat acamperl-av ward glance she knew it was not his have to be invented for popular con cOn.segitenee through Iack 0'f'inter-
overhead 11z the attic or rustling behind clothes tba,t made her feel so tongu0•tfsd �tullptiOn, and frantic efforts are be-
-. th0 wafnsCat, while the etirr'•,g of ,th+_ and netwaus. e1;t and from carelessness an the
--. -
sparrows in the ivy. flied her with nerv" He stood. •with one foot on a •bar of the ing made to break the solidarity of 1 lit&rice Of the
Gus fears, irloonlight flooded th, + Jerfor t work on the part
she Pett that zoom, but.: gate. leaning toward, 11er, and his gva the entente and to enlist the of his help than is eompensaited 1]
been Ditch darkness lloI have eyes never left her face. Joyce kept hell y
hadpreferable One corner 'RLap tbrowli oil the horizon, where the rose and gold of $nited States ,as champions of the e_#ra, work done for the satis-
benShadow by a tall bureau, a d fn this the sunset had faded to pearl and opal. everything that the were Created faction
X-4 FA
head been pIaoed the old mama c_air. To i ever tl ' g y t0 him, o having g0a fled
the girl's sxcit ld imagination I and ed to for him to speak, But he, too, to prevent. '
as if she could see the outline at. ;seemed aoelned to have naihing to saY• A line of �r his men. as farALL"'Y as ,lay in 1115 pow Ar.
o,wy form pitting there, and now in.4" bad_ 13rnwvor t9 11td flashed into Iiia wind- ho.rttt11:1eSs barbarity Shown t0 The men beCOine listless and shist-
a sigh seemed to echo' throe td6cn Never foie time, and the place, and the Hart -combatants, tsar deliberate vie- ,
g through t=he ro99u loved one altogether,'• and he was think- less feeling that n0 =natter how
The night was too waa'n1 to hfda ler lload int that for once the poet vas wrong.
beneath the clothes, and she liar] l.ation of all international convert_ hard or.canscientiously they worked
to eloso bor eyes, feeling y lytta I must go in," she said at length: "It tions traaned to pnatio e lneonve y
!� did so a. spectral hand would that If 130 Sa getting late, Goodnight, Mr, Stone. ' the •boss was never sRilSiiecl. '1`0 ob-
Or, FeliCit ys� the fid-curtaina, and she ou7civ h k " li, no, not just yet, Please! Do stay a in -W,&r; the mendacious repOrtS tairi
�i3�iEi d1L��iiyC�a thein to find a face C'itc1, little longer. It is so peaceful, iso beauta spread b the best united effort Of all
gazing at het ful Dere. And it seems so long since I Y all available agencies; men there must be harmony or the
At length her fears becaa0o so unenm'tts. s�anv you. I wonder if the violent diatribes directed disgruntled ones Will so turn
able that ¢he sprang out of bed a you 11'ave any rte•
tied to gaze
window. it Halmed h ad aril'- tion Ozrnv T have'been looking •out far you. against Great. Britain—eves] the away the mail who is
�tle to gale out over the er- a lit• Where have you been hiding yourself a good fuel^kex
clrwAPTEFt �'
gar -den, to see the rustic b�enchf �1•m'oanlit these three long days; little white rose?" Ingle 'honor preferred upon the ob- and v5rho tries
it was ane thing far Joyce to make u aainlst him IvLerY muHh. What have you t the far . $i.s vofee had 5 COnSGieriti0u•sly to do
end, the roses amongst which She grown dangeiously loft ;scure author of the 'Hymn Of Hate' his best.
Wasrendex?" Roltnrt Stens it:acl had such pleasant talk Wielwhiteao elYzuatAzne brawn find over
'x mind to trust Robert 4tono whatever I? Oh, nothing! I take no interest !ri ght breeze stirred her C01]lbine to tell their fate 'to :any
1e luight hear, it was quite anothar to village affair, as I told Yon, but I car- The ni prett t the gate.
latish I size's words from hex memory. fainly hoard rumors. If I
was ever told hair are if wjtWll 1'elitle $ngells, and dark Joyce trembled but did not Spee -k. She student Of psychology,
y as she might, she could not forgei whale lie had Gane, I've forgotten it. But moon stud y down a b the could not rr�%1len tht? leaders of ,a re P0111ti'y-RaiSing wisdt)j1.
eroai and Fate seemed bent on adding to he is a bad lot -there's no frightenedTfheel p 'tho •girlish, Why da you Iook iso troubled?" The whis. at na-
x uneaairINS, Or the following after• that. TIe is a coed- coking doubt abut brought a book ! PL -red. Aren't you happy he"s rwith me? tion resort t0 methods of his kind What is the Sense Of a w
pan the clergyman's wife from Stanton him once or twice in the lanman There,
seen Yue, ' size said aloud. ' I vvbuid light the bBeL�t �va�t a fool I am! Rsb Omax1 g
+by came to call and she, too, had some• a good dead of talk it him t benUet and ra=id an bed: Anything Y should you 1t is a sure indication that they be- i'?Ig into poultry unless she has a,
e was g WRIW X haven t •beau thinking about me have their cause to be last. Nei g for that
ing to rely altout .Robert Stone, -all through ;$r.. Caz'letoii'a Silness�pzrnb gs.te uhalnd eazinin daY and ulght. You haven't had the l,l'Itilri
She lead driven tbe• three an]lee in her lfeve. Bub 1,11 itsk Philip about I be- thin of 9 all sorts of heartacikte.'=$ow little he kuew! Joyce nations 110r i Neither sort off thing.
tlo_phaeton, and while a smart, diminu. never came to chttreh, Clever- it. .He .e 1; dawn for arra.' : thought, . mrith a wildly beating hear , - ridividuals vi=lift' tip- 'ChiCken-raising as .a fad i5 the most
'She looked tonal the bale ronin .and Iter t pOnelLts whom they > feel able to 0
e groom stayed with the neither did yea caught sight of a big tamflp lliblr, But never mind me. Foz'get what I have 3 over_ x2di'Ct110ttS business r ever Seu`w.
Ponies, she b1r. Carleton, for that matter,* that lay on the tot :of t]te bureau, • Come. Gexnnan m r and
oriel quite content to chat with Joyce, `But you don't• think that Sa accessary la of relief she the
and I said. Only romemtber •we are friends, and though Still nn- r have. e Seen SOIne
ting in FellcftY's basket chair on the In the cotxntr iso 'with a rt' 1 tell tine wbat is troubling you. ye a queer things
vn iu the shadow cant by the old house, help saying. y, you?" Joyce could not carrying the hes it back tai b"ed �' Should she tell hila Joyce wandered: conquered, is beaten. And if the do 118 on a. farm 'W •i
Lilo Joyce was wonderingJoyce lit the candle aa1z turuedcav .She tivotttd never .h""ave abetter charted, allies remain eteadf i res Sri old farm -
Lila order tea, Elite 0a1n nt�tmitha to don''t�—no le too
a y Yellow tshe PeYiha, he would clear w est, sparing no er. In the first lace it
I the visitor es r you! I certaini' pages with reverent fingers, x#r„v ps p ,all •this mys- eitort a.ni3 grudging nocouplep' � take$ 8
p erred herself most titer the man .camel any rate. But lube- Y old; the Print was brown, :tyi$,,:ae tory: Surely it only'Yp1r to 'let him g g g sacrifice, the Person a rlf
,teFnl Por a cup after her dusty drive Mins Gray ought to �° church or not, looked like f'a.. There were'sever explain if bo could. Tier courts o s forces already Seasons to learn
t3 a 3aot` ixn g t rid of. him. 'Re is °n the fq-Jea£ and $ a1 .. ed -at^rho mare rho 1 d o'tuzn y at work will com- tihe chicken
not:: nlA ,••,. ,. _�
'Xt is 'very good of you
"Not at ail. Doane to please m
SO fartha
Eliza call
glad of solnethin Yself-was
going out .withouttxn objet don't lista
vfsfts fro:
will be a boon fn dead -alive
Place” 80 'few persons one can know
este took
Don't y
You like the Countr -?" Joyce
ventured. to ask.
to the
rectory is
matter. E�.
Like it? I loathe it! Thank
I am only stere just in the he
-as Joyce
Hummer. Tlow *P-hilip endures it all the
would be
Y round IS a mystery to mc."
ToyeO's eyes asked the question was
for the Ile
too well-bred to utter, and i1lra. Warren.
der burst out laughing.
and the wt
ti<hirh is ti
are thinking I'm a• funny wort cr
cleirgyman'ri wife f I
axon t vo ' '
IIx•tole for
ton F.
t t f They
io, all
I y
t ar'.
t !
t help it. S wasn't east for the i
cart, aur T should it,
fun r u lz
much of,W1
art very badly, so run with
[ don't, try. When Stanton Orby gets too i haven't a. ;
Hoch. for =tie. ] r,,,, ...,..,.
r my mart, I'm always relieved when"
I out that the .poor people ase drunk•
"" r
to pexat
r idle,' or something off that sort, '
arelei voice xattle3 on, then
herself !
`that Pei
have to do anything for tholn.
haps, of
o replenished Ura. Warrbnder's cu
Ianderl the oasts, raoklu; her brains
what th
at it '
bile for some other topic of-conver-
, The lady's views, she felt, were as
if she 1f:
tit to comfit as Eliza'is--•and gll)N
but Wasi
er. she m
hall shock you;' btra, Warrender
• You -are, good aren't you: :r
rept, Stu
1i1 avoui earn
ii afr,`u•ed fact" a=te anuvVe'red, color-
bui •i ti y f,-,
Mrs 4Va;
F 1a'fiity
t, zny dear 1 Go,xl p
Wille le are so
o unintsresting. Naw, tell
to belies
tine, ars
0 pretty One? I've beard'a:bout you, l
look a,s t:
ted &
Pr. ) lliee Oray, is very ))ret-
and Hhivt
al You are pretty enonglt. Doeca
to be goon, too?'"
that who
fled I'm
doesn't have; to, try," Joyce,
It, has n,r
.reviled y
eEt13e." .
its atter the faran?''
fo,r the present:, Miss .
t snddeniy upright,.
at the look o#' con-
Iq dear child, yott
o is quiw beyond this
fid gone: anvay,"'
when we ki i Caine,`
Miss Gray was glad
n know what to do,
a e audgedd.that b e ng 1t, and drarwmg. her plete what the Germans' lack of Much patience
there as . so
e -
y enough for the pout, and oldest date it' must have belonged; 1• ,L=and• knvay She took that 'letter ,fro her p Ce and Stead
Dole last:1it faith Sn him be. CatletOnis g-eat-grandfathl01 S otRi ei, SUCoeSs on, laxi•d and sea bias be cTtlired that people S work k( -
tasnly Gmter'e ting. and :she wad ;`" i ieund this -in old krr. Carleton's gun. p..ogle will not stick.to
rtinkrul that for the rent of for anything that would beguile 0 ibte ' she said in a'
u s visit nothingand distract bar thoughts. , - _ small isliaky voice. ' a
it ttnleS.s'thoy.ltave3 1t re I passion
more was There were faded ltobk-merles lftveoxt lyiiT thinlz dlo wrote it. It's about you,,`
*rt Stone and his supposed , kEr. Stone, and -and .it upset xne cc little, for'.the business.
t lady was ,far More Inter the pages, and here and there rami drii*d' 1 you read it?" It's a queer fact flier the majoi ity E,1
vn affairs than in those of rose -leaves, or a ravel of bright flossy sill= Tie took it f1 Out Icer, and read it through
tnd she chatted awAy n them, wondered whocts $mgere hats' p7 aced twice' Then he gave it leer barok. 0 play even iat rmtrs'' 10 to make Of -People,
t Joyce would have been diem there. As she aril fTo be oontfnnod.) n poulti: ,
incl by this a half sheet of note,papexr flute ale ,so rFA I Y inc e
t fraril her own ei it t ua i and la_ _____ " ' ) anything .substantial; whereas
9 upon ih ar$, I counterpane It was A a n,n 1. Slrtlnlala
D feeling of tuzeasfnesa, the 'Hovered with fine careful wrttln .in ,t n+ ' , * y Who like, t0 handle
hat tvnulct not be banielzea g ¢ G: