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Zurich Herald, 1915-02-12, Page 1
The Womens' Institute met at the home of Mrs W, S. Ruby on Wednes- day afternoon. The roll call on cur- rent events was well responded to. It was decided to buy goods with the balance of money on hand and make clotning 'for the Belgians. Anyone wishing to contalibute clothing or money to the fund should do so at once. The acknowledgement from the Zurich boys at the front of the parcels sent to them was read. The gifts were received in good condition and were very welcome. The volnn- teer committee will meet at the home of Mrs Seibert on Monday afternoon. 1• a Flk g 1--1 0 ri % i3 vri r R.S.f fes ." S Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. '4 4 Bvb.404 +`aatevil+o4 **0 4,x-41}4•Kg, 13 ki}ir STATISTICS Huron county has the third 'largest r.eczrd.for horses in the Province, 35, 228, Milch cows 80,151: other cattle 88,889, sheep 25,138; swine 70,378. Large quantity of poultry raised, sec- ond of any county in the Province. Second largest hay acreage, 141,723. Large acreage Fall wheat, 30,955; barley 80,053, third largest acreage; ,third largest acreage of oats, 186,407; peas 7,419; corn for silo, 17,836. Large root area. Superior quality of orchard fruits; acreage 18,114. The aim of the agriculture conferences now being held throughout the Province is to•educate the fanners to the importer ce of increasing the above acreages, etc, as:nauch as possible during the year 1915. JC,I, ill u 4 111 ,II ull'llrili!iil°ill \"i•t .il it}a!'tl!\ I N: !ltilll' Pw1ii'ind V ill t''nR 1 We have received many les of new SPRING GOODS a d are putting them on display. You : l re cordially invited to call and look over same. New Prints, Ginshams !!tress Goods, tc. HOUSE r�! RESSES A nice line of ready to wear house dresses at reasonable prices. Very serviceable and good material. WALL PAPERS A new shipment of Wall Paper just in. Call and see sample book. R. N. c O F '�.r;Y LAS ONTAR3a BLAKE tee BORN. 4 +-41-4.4`+ti �,,H.++++ . ++,l l.4.4.+,i .1, 4* ,-+�•++m�+ti�h 4.+ e.+4.'l.'fil! eti, Bedard --At the Bauble Line, on Feb. •t,. If 8rd, to Mr, and Mrs. Charles S. * PrevioustiBedard,&son, All 'Values Eclipsed . DIED .;. Snell—In Exeter, on Jan. 291h, Mrs. 5% to '�D% off for dash 't' Thornes Snell, in her 79th year. 4. tremendous -values it's til cur immense. « These tt'eiil C Woods—In Bayfield on February 1st, 4. it William Henry Woods, aged 66 .t. $10,000.00 Ready -Made Clo thing �':rie its eunnparalled. years and 5months. * They are the smashing climax to the wonderful ,ale 11 MARRIED ++ we have been holding. Macy in :'11 lave saved iitatny Clarke—Gaeeho—At Kippers on Wed- * dollars by pnrt�hasitai; here ,ten,; nesday, Feb. lied, by Rev. ;Mr It seemed iin ossible to give greater values Richardson, Miss Fanny, daughter 1.,ut 11=e will do so until Feb. lab. ., of Mr and Mrs Joseph Geseho, 14th * Do o con., to Mr Percy Clarke, of Iletisail. not miss these Bargains ns StadeSternbach— At the home of the 4. 4. No 10 to '20 old stock, all new ;rods. ,.. 11Ir and Mrs J C year* ' bride's parents, � lit will open your (Testi hear about our low. � KalbfleiseleZurich, on February "t' 4. - 10th, 10th, by -Rev W 0 Miller, Mies 4 prit'.t.�ti on !liens awl boys overcoats. , Laura Steinbach to illy Rudolph 1+' Underway() at cost ,iitd 'finder 4. Stade, of Zurich, , 4 Buttery F s ar l .Oriel Applies tatkei1 as ctisli. t Flaxbar'd--Brenner-- EAt Dashwood, on 3 `4",, . Feb 10th,' by Rev Graupner, Miss } :: y ' Bertha 'immune of Dashwood, to Mr Remy Ftaxbard, of Zurich, Willer. t—Walper -At the home of the bride's, parents Mr and Mrs Casper ` T. E CLOTHIER 4. Wolper, , on Feb. 10th by Rev. w C y Millet:, Miss Luella V�Tall]er to Mr . ., ,- , e++++4.;a"",; ,44+ 1'4« 4y 4.4 . «u -y s » . w ' l 0 «r0� 340 t .,, w ^.a-.• ;,.,... , Irvin willert; of neer Dashwood, •.,,.,.,.. � e. Incorporated 1855 Opened branch in Huron Co 1874 "'Vol. XV. ZURICH, FRIDAY.. MORNING, FEB, ****4®®0*446>4©AO40e0004444 e►a4**40060*so4ir>e000*4'40. K:t 1 . , 4vsrc; Fa liv r i .4.162 1,, >m,1?' x A, , ,MJ' F d ^ a .e vas 4v'Vf.�. , �' ' Rr ri., ti ` '� �{'•nfiz� aril -fir }' 0 Plenty of snow. 4w � ? • , t' r' ', ` . d Wheat' 1,65. per. bushel, •t : _, . , c i 0 The Lenten season opens next iv el .. rare.. ,* IM ® Sunday Feb, 14th is St. Valentines' • i` ' n' .� ±4"F"nr�3 y Day. • The Ontario Legislature opens on 4 Feb. 16th, a The ]winter assizes for Huron open o in Goderich on February 16th. r7.rr ,rye *- Mrs 0 Fritz attended the. funeral of Aq ire roacasliute our t;reatloss` • a relative at Listowel this -week.• C've'rca cicrvn; When we see thee Crowned above, 40_ Ileum 77 Bender and J Zettle 1Verri Where all is peace and joy and love, oin Seaforth on Monday on business. IX rear ice. ® T , thy^ Luce life tlrnu'st shown us Dr. Ilardie, Dentist, at Dominion Our heavenly chart, 00 house Zurich,"'S Veclnes Iay,Feb. 17th. Aldi. then heirs dead, yet.speaketh plainly 0 • Mr and Mrs James Green visited, l'o our saddened hearts; 0 CCTe n�i thee, pe5, we deeply feel Friends atParizhill a few days last The chastening rod 4g week.4 Vet in thy patient suffering l*A� a �A-724/4-9 4. A TRIBUTIi_i TO MOTHER- T,QGA N EV�TS / Inttletnaxy of our loving Mother, 1,,,,t, a vrcy s,,•+a / wile died ireb,-15th, 1914. ltoci,erl Precious mother. thou hast 1ofl: xis, ('xonu to reit,. 1'�pnkinte in txod's pure sunlight `l'hr,u er h1e a ed. uV }wire see your vacant chair SvHn are sad; When. by faith we look beyond And ,;ee our victor crowned, We are glad. .,ks we mise you round the fireside, Oh wba , pains Bend our very souls in anguish, Silence reigr.4, 0 4 8 0 .4 ca EZEIRMUlgrarankg 0 a • • 4• • e 4 • 4 0 ala 0 4y 4 0 4T 4 •4 • 0 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 0 4 4 • 0 4 0 4 4 4 4 4 • •0 4 • •4 4 '4 0 4 4 4 0 • 4 4 • 4 • 0 4 4 e 4 0 4 0 4 O • ••0 • • • • • •,, • • • i' 4 4 4 4 4 •0 4 • 4 4 • 8 • 4 .4 4 4 4 • 4 • • • a • 8 Telephone N • Creee e arebusy taliiug sl ock and daring this time we are ,laying aside a large quantity of rem- ' nants, odds and.ends, i,:� . all lines :wvhicli will be sold at greatly reduc- ed prices; • We are also preparing t fine. display of New Spring Goods which has been arriving in. large quantities. We are handling the famous line. of Preistleys Dress Goods,. this Seasol. More particulars later. CLOVER We are in the market for A.lsike and Red. Clover, ' Bring in yoursamples and get prices_ Produce of all kinds taken 4 4 •0 4 0 • • Miss Nellie Smith has left for Lon-• Though hest ever pointed us don where size has aneopled a goo el . 'le the blessed Lamb of God. Blessed Master, in shy tender mercy lead us position. Gently !some, J J 11lerner M. P., ia attending the `Chougr, our path lies through the shadows, session of the Dominion government As we roam A •: , l.irLy ice be:solely guided by thy spirit at Ottawa at present. Till riff':: journey's clone. 4 0 Mr and Mrs Sol. Eidt of Bilden-le Theo tc •shed and saved, in Jesus' blood, •Mich., are visiting relatives in this An unbroken circle may we form 4 Around shy throne, <a section at present. G throne, mann and children • A. shipment of the famous Neilson's s chocolates and bon -bon boxes just in FARMS SOLD • at Mrs 11IcCoriniclz's. I\fr. Peter Lamont has sold his 50 • Mrs M Fritz and daughters, Misses eewe `farm on the Babylon line to Mr. • Veda and Erna, and Mr 0 Fritz visited Simon Dietrich, of the Blind Line, • relatives at Grand Bend on Sunday. the.prie paid being ;+1300, and pol- • • Messrs P. Deichert and J. Pfaff at e sicru given at once, • •tended the convention of the Agrienl.f lh' Jacob Battler has purchased •nrel Societies held at Toronto last ti]e :,0 acre farm on the Babylon o week. Lbw, Hay Township, from Mr Emanuel Welland for the sum of .$3, • ,Mr. and Mrs. 'RT. C. Vaguer lei - rho. 00. Pn ession will be given on 4 for London on . Tuesday 'where!' nil lst, 1915. a Lnexltr a� trete i Wanner will undergo the Y -a a0. 4 Bev. Mr Becker, who assn to r,r rv'o`L sled Re �sivo voctr trade to the tnexcl3ant • G Brown with the services held Iit o !'eels store the year round, and • t'to stray pedlars or men with rigs o week in the Evangelical church, let from out side cities. Buy from the ' for his home in Crediton on Satnrdn„ , an who stands at your side when oNext week we will begin the pule he tax collectors is on the warpath. • 4 lication of a short history of the. Buy' from the roan who is your neigh - 4 Township of lay and the Village of 'boy, your acquaintance, your friend. A Zurich, written by Mr F Hess Sr., Buy from the man whe is a factor in • Township clerk. The story is well the town you live in and who helps ,4P written and no doubt will be of great to make a market for the things you * interest to all present residents as well have to sell; 4 as many' former residents of this o section. . e At the annual meeting of the Huron $ Weather Insurance Co., held at T-Ieu e* .,sell on Jan; 29bh, Messrs Scott and o Neeb. were appointed auditors for the 0 ensuing year. Messrs Fotheringheene •Geiger and Strang were sleeted direct - 0 ors, The matter of appointing a new 4p secretary -treasurer was left over to 4 the next directors meeting. Mr Wm. Cucdtnore of Seaforth was a visitor in town on Monday. New ads—Mrs McCormick, R N Douglas, Jacob Moyer, Henry :Koehler To new subscribers we will send the 'Herald until the end of 1915 for '75 cents. • Two pair of ladies' mitts were re- cently left in my store. Owners kind- ly call for same. 0. Fritz. Mr and Mrs Roy 1Vlerner, of the 14th con., entertained a large number of young people on Monday evening. Mrs Diehl, sister of Mrs IL Bloch,. of this village, passed away ab her home in Brucefield on Tuesday. The Woodstock, Ont. by W. 7. Taylor, funeralwaS held yesterday, Limited, Publisher.. rot efeeeiaet e•Meet00YT�4 4 ilesie41%4400040 it a tiegeepqw McPHERSONS j ',, P,r- aria Lightning Bitch !rocky Shoes. 4. o , Look nt this shoe, It is made1WOWwith un inner canvas ankle r<� �C �'► strap that fastens up by a strap $ i ......_ s) "'hitch" like "lighning." This J holds the ankle firmly and. yet g; gives the toes and ball free play. NO 29 ROD AND 'GUN The contents of Rod aocl Gun for February include Sentries of the wile! by II. Mortimer Batten; A Brush with Polar Bears in the I•Iadson Straits of Northern Canada; The One Eared Wolf by II. 0, 'Haddon; Rolo the Pup vs. Alberta; The National Transcon- tinental Gameland of Northern Quebec and other stories, The Guns and Ammunition department occupies ten pages of xeading 'natter this month and other departments are well main- tained: This well known Canadian sportsman's publication is issued at The eyelets are large so that the shoe inay be laced in a "jiffy," • • It is the original Lightning Hitch covered. by Canadian Patents and is soled by 8. 4 4 4 0 4 4 F 0 a 0 4 • 4 4 e •e 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 •A S 4 0 4 4 JIGx; d� i' E 4 1 Saving Bank Accounts Solicited. o. 9 4. C1 R 1 C ti . Zurich Branch o .. `"ea�eee4ea�•®eeoe4®4e��eea�o4 oe�►�'oaeaeeoees4444eA4ee4��---"wmi.Nmll.'....I.II.III"lillli"Ill"'Ir'."1"IllIllilli"IIIIIIIII:11.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.IE"lilIl"liIlliI.MIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIII'g .