HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-02-05, Page 8Stoiie's fertilizer
We are agents for Stone's Celebrated high grade
Fertilizer, and Iantitis will now have he privilage of obtain-
ing this class of goods at right price,
Fertilizer was usually sold ! litougi.t Hucksters, can-
vassing the the farmers, at a very high price nalmely $32
per ton. Cur price i jn ?4 j er i c,;,, and iu ca-ioads $23 a
I have no time to c nva,s the Partners, but call and
leave your oraer and save fi'oiai e;8.00 to $0.00 per ton.
Do not let these canvassers persuade you that their's is
better. Remember we handle only the best, and that is
Manufactured by Wrn Stone, Sons sc uo., Ingersoll and Woodstook
Clean-up Sale
In order to wind up the season's
business quickly and clear out all odds
and ends of seasonable merchandise at'
prices that are shure to make business
hum, for cash and trade only until the
1st of February, wewill sell: ---
Actual savings in dependable goods,
Men's blk Sib dog coat $25 for $18
6 " ast lined coat fur collar 18 for 12
2 " " " " 22 for 15
1 Ladies fur lined coat reg 40 for 26
Men's overcoats Reg $12 50 for 8 00
14 44 ,a
10 00 for 6 50
boy's cry mens ov'rc'ts 7 50 for 4 50
Boy's overcoats Regular 6 00 ,for 4 00
1 yd wide flan'ette reg 14 & 123 for 9
.Wrapperettes regular 123 for 9
All prints12.i for 9
Kinona goods ,,20 for 14
Curtains " 25 for 18
Ticking 30 for 22
1 only velvet rug
1 I{ 44 (i
3 tapestry rugs
1 "
reg 25 00 for 18 00
" 23 00 for 16 00
" 16 50 for 12 00
" 1400 for 1000
" 10 50 for 7 00
Men's fleeced underwear reg 60 for 45
all wool " 1 25 for 85
Men's suits Regular 15 00 for 1000
cc " 1250 for 80 La
Young men's suits reg 10 00 for 7 00
7ogfor 450
Boys suits regular 50 for 3 00
Tweed suitings regular 3 00sfor 2 00
Dress goods all colors reg 1 15 for 80
<< << << << 60 for 40
40 for 25
All tobacco 3 for 25 except McDonald
10c straight.
Best Rio coffee 7 lbs for $1 00
5 gal best coal oil for 65 cents
Best green Japan tea reg 30 for 22
21- it C brand biscuits " 25 for 21
Reg 11 00 dinner set 8 00, 97 pieces
" 9 00 " " 6 50, 100 "
Special 4 piece glass setts for 30 cents
A Genuine 1'loney Saving Event.
3.3. MEP.TER, -. Zurich
Annual Ole aring
.Por Cassa or Tracie Only
On Saturday morning, Jan. 30th,at 7.30 a. in.,
we will begin the greatest sacrifice sale ever ,
known to Zurich and surrounding country. Vol -
lowing our usual custom of clearing out all winter
goods regardless of cost and our seed of ready
cash brings on this sale.
All 14 and 15 flannelletteA
clear at 12i ots a yard
A1112io now loo
•' 10 " 8
All wrapperettes to clear
to (
Odd Corsets
20 pair odd corsets reg 1 00 to
1 75 a bargain 60c each.
,All corded velvets Reg 60e yd
now 50 cts
Wall Paper
100 ro 1 to clear 5c a roll 1
Toilet Setts
Reg 550 for 425
450 " 375
Prints Prints
About 500 yds print @. 10c
reg 14 & 15 ginham4 L. 10c
Dress G3,33
Reg $1 25 per vd for $1 00
85 If
" 65
50 " '' 39
About 200 yds Dress Goods
reg 50 to 80 a yd to clear at 25
Sweater Coats
Men's 5 50 for 8 75 each
" 8 00 " 2 25 "
" '275 " 200
" 1 75 " 1 25 "
Furs Fus
30% off on all Ruff & Muffs.
Mens Under wear
Mens all wool reg 1 50 for 1 00
" " 100" 85
fleeced lined 90 " 75
50 " 40
01 ft
All men's tweed suitings
ne-half price.
to clear
Caps Caps
50 men's caps reg 50 for 25c1
Ladies Coatings
Heavy Chinohilla coating
3 coat lengths only regular
3 25 per yd now 2 50 per yd
Ladies Sweater Coats
Ladies 4.00 coats for 3 00
" 300 " " 225
" 2 50 " " 1 75
Girls and Boys sweaters reg
prices 1 15 to 1 50 to clear
at 90e each
Penmans all wool
Reg 1 35 for 1 00
" 1 00 " 90
Woollen blankets reg 5°50 for 4 25
Flannelette " 12/4 " 2100 " 1 GO
" 11/4 " 1 75 " 1 40
10/4 " 1 50 " 1 10
Ladies Fleeced Lined
Reg 60c now 45c
" 75c " 65c
" 50c " 39c
Boys Overcoats A Snap
9 only sizes 26 to 34 reg price 7 50 now only 2 50 each
2 " boys suits size 32 reg 7 50 " " 3 50 "
mens and boys suits reg 12 00 for 9 00
ti " " " 9 00 " 7 50
1 only tapestry rug 8x33 yds reg 18 00 now for i3 50
1 only tapestry rug 24x3 yds reg 9 00 now for 7 50
1 only wool rug 3x342- ,yds reg 10 00 now for 7 50
1 only wool rug 3x33 yds for 5 50
1 only wool rug 23-3 yds for 4 50
Men's Overcoats
1 only fur coat reg $25 for 17 50
2 " astrican lined 25 for 17 50
1 fur lined coat reg 35 for 28 00
(;loth coats reg 10 50 for 8 00
2 heavy oe'rcts to clear at 500 each
Ladies Coats
1 only furlined coat reg 35 now 25
2 astrican lined reg 24 now 17 50
Cloth coats reg 15 00 for 12 00
15 cloth coats to clear at 4 00 each
14 lbs gran sugar $1 00 '
Best factory cheese 18 cents
All laundry soaps 6 bars for 25c
6 packages matches for 25 cent
Best 25c Salmon for 20 cents
18c " 2 " 25 cents
6 lbs roasted coffee for g1 00
IHighest prices paid for Butter,
Eggs, Lard and Dried Apples,
os lu
at' Iii. ';.
o eeforays
epair of "Watches, Ci Vicks,
J welleryr Etc., Our Specialty
Motto -"Good Goods, Close Prices
•Hess & ea.
Jewellers & Opticians
Main Street
Coreoted every Thursday,
Butter $0,28
Eggs 30
Dried Apples ' 05
Potatoes t0
Wheat $1.55 0,57
Oats 60 61
Barley 65 75
Buckwheat . 70
Flour 3.75 4.25
Bran $27.00
Shorts 29.00
Low Grade 85.00
Live bogs fob Hensall 7,50
Local News
Mi•. John Weido visited relatives in
Buffalo the past few weeks.
Mr Garnet Jacobe spent a few days
with friends at Exeter last week.
Master Herbert Rinker of Dashwood
sdent Sunday with friends in Zurich,
-Miss Alma Kalbfleisch returned
home on Saturday from an extended
visit to Detroit.
Miss C. J, Hess returned last week
from an extended visit with her sister,
Mrs G. A. Bissett, of Saltford.
Miss Esther Zettel returned to
Berlin Last Thursday after a pleasant
visit for a few weeks with her parents,
For Sale—Frame Driving Shecl 20
by 50 in good repair suitable for straw
shed. E Stelk ,13 miles east and
south of Drysdale
The grants to fall fairs by the
Government have been cut in half as
the result of scarcity of funds in
the Provincial Treasury.
The juvenile hockey team journyed
to Hensall last Saturday and played
a friendly game with the juniors of
that place winning out by a score of.
9 to 8,
No change has been made in the
system of licensing and examining
2hauffeura, from that in force' during
the past year. In case of chauffeurs
who have already passed the examin-
ation it will not be necessary that
they be examined again. A fee of '1
renews the. license.
An interesting wood bee was. held
at John Oesch's farm last Thursday,
when many of the old woodsmen tried
their skill once more in the work of
sawing and splitting wood. The con-
tests were numerous and keenr but at
the end of the day's work it `vas found
that Mr. J. P. Rau held the honors of
champion wood splitter and 1\4 ;aJ. P.
Wurn and H. Brenner the. ciihinpion
wood sawyers.
Automobile Licenses will cost more
this year. Mr Arthur H. Keene, see-
retary of the London and Western
Motor Club, who has again been em-
powered to issue auto licenses in West-
ern Ontario will be prepared to under-
take the work within a few days, and
while 1914 markers are valid until the
end of January, it is probable that the
new cards will appear within a week.
While the prelimnary announce-
ment of the decision of the Ontario
Government to charge- for licenses on
the horse -power basis was accompanied
The rate of postage from Canada to
the Uuited Kingdon on letters address-
ed to British and Canadian troops has
been reduced to two cents. The reg-
ular rate is five cents, so this extension
of two cents an ounce is a decided re-
duction in favour of correrponclence
going to the soldiers.
by the statement that the department
reserved the right to snake special esti-
mates to suit particular cases, it is not
definitely known that for the present
ab least the horsepower will be calcula-
ted by the hard and fast rule of the A
L A M., formula,
This is particalariy pleasing to own-
ers of shall -bore, long -stroke motors.
A license for a 4 cylinder model T
Ford, 2B horsepower will cost $6.00.
I ani again takingorders for fertilizer
and beg to state that my prices will
c'nnparo favorably with any quoted
by other dealers. I sold 100 ton last
year and all had good results. I sell a
different fertilizer for different soils,
By canvassing fanners I can learn
about the kind of soil their farm is
composed of and can specify the right
fertilizer. A dealer who does not can-
vas vernally sells one kind of fertilizer
foie all kinds of soils and a good result
cannot be looked for.
Prices from $10 per ton to $50 per
ton according bo ingredients.
Agent for Caliedian I+'ertilizer Co.
The following report shows the re-
lative standing of the pupils of the
Senior Division, based on a thorough
examination on all work covered.
Sr Grad (19 subjects).
Gordon Alanson 83%, Lloyd K alb-
fleisch 80, Leila Seibert 80, Gertie
Weber 79, Clayton Hoffman 76, Verde
Fritz 69.
Jr Gracl, (16 subjects.)
Genevieve Zettle 90%, Milton Hey -
rock 81, Gertie Kaercher 77, Verde,
Fuss 71, Edward Laporte 66, Dennis
Ducharme 65, Clayton Pfile 63, Willie
Seibert 62.
Jr Entrance (12 subjects.)
Carl Miller 79%, Minnie Merner 77
Roy Foster 74, hazel Fritz . 72, Len-
nis Callas 71, Walter Bender 54,
Ward Fritz 47.
To pass requires 40% on -each subject
and 60% on the total
G S Howard Principal.
The following is the report of room
2 for the month ofJanuary. The
navies are in order of merit, being
based on attendance, proficencey and
general demeanour,
Sr 1I— 113 Seibert. E Geiger'. J
Yringblut and L O'Brien (equal). G
Zettle D Fritz, H Neuschwanger, and
L Rau (equal). G Walper. P Miller
C Meaner and E Ducharme (equal).
M Thiel, H Foster and E"Fisher(equal
Jr II --J Davidson. E Deitrich,
M Preeter and E Howard (equal). T
Deichert. M Uttley and J Zettel (equ-
al). A Mittleholtz. M Howald and
P Leibold (equal).
Jr .II --J Davidson, E Deitrich.
M Preeter and E Howald (equal). T
Deichert. M Uttley and J Zettle (eq-
ual). A. Mittleholtz. M Howald and
P Leibold (equal).
Pr—C Simon. L Albrecht. G
Ducharme. V Davidson. E Bender.
Sr I—M Prang. F Deichert. J
Jr G Schwalm. R Fisher. F
Davidson. A Gascho.
M A Lamont. Teacher.
Master Herbert. Kraft of Dashwood
spent Sunday at his home.
A large quantity of saw logs are be-
,ing teamed to F. C. Kalbfleisch's mill,
' Mr. end Mrs. Henry Kraft were
v sitin!t [1VIr. and Mrs. Louis Kraft on
Monday. '
Have installted an up-to-date skate
sharpening outfit. A 1 work guarante-
ed. G R Hess.
Revs.- �Tt, Cr,-,Mlll4w•let't . for ;'(1`hesley
rdnesday, where he delivers an ad-
s on the Laymen's Missionaryement.
' Mr John Theil, son of Conrad
Theil, of this village, left last week
for London, where he joined the third
contingent, now training in that city.
Our mailing list has been corrected
up to date, If you have paid your
subscription it should show on the
label.. Let us khow at once if your
label has not been changed,
Mrs Magdalena McCormick has sold
her residence in the north end of town
to Mr Leno Kipper, who recently re-
turned from the west. The consider-
ation is $1600. 00. Mr and Mrs
Kipper have secured a fine home.
Auction Sale of Farm Stock and
Lnpiements on lot 23,concession 4,
about three miles north-west of
Hensall, on Feb. 25th 1915, at 1
o'clock. F. Deters proprietor, E.
Bossenberry, Auctioneer.
Deleware, Lackawanna, &
• Western Coal Co's
Scranton Coal
All sizes
Zurich Feed
Leading Brand of
Flour, Shorts, Bran
and. Feed Corn
Produce of all kinds taken in
We are agents for. Interna-
tional and Royal Purple
stock food. ,
Also e full line of Grocer.
ies on hand.
Isaac Hudson
F rm
I:::::.'�' temente
Let us know your wants. We
handle everything in Farm
Pullies, all sizes and krnds,
Belting, leather or canvas, all
sizes. Shaft boxing and
shafting, Pump and pump
Buggies, Waggons, Sleighs
and Cutters.
If you are in need of Machine Re-
pairs we can get them for you. We
give special attention to our repair
ry,it f � If'iti,.
Prompt Service
Moderate Charges.
Tailor Shop
e Hs N
'u.rioh, Ontario
LOU ,a. ��?'