HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-02-05, Page 4REAiALD PRINTING 0,04110E victoria S. Zurich, by ANDREW F. 1.1ES$ and CHESTER ] , .St+til'i"i3t ➢ SUISO1 ZPTION PRICE $1.Ot4.A?lE*R l l U. S• anbsoripton $4$o strictly in advnni:e., ADVERTISING TERMS. Rates for,dicplay and contract advertisements wlllbe I given on appliation. Transient notices such as legal, corporation,soOlet etc., so cents per line for first insertion and 5,centsper ane for each.ssibsequent insertion. Estray advs. ,isr for three insertions. Notiaa of entertainments, socials etc. at which .an admiss ion fee is charged or 0 special colleur,ien ,talaen mill be charged ter at the regular advertistng rates Notices of religious or other meetings the object of which is thebepet of the community and not tfor per- onalorsectarian ,iaterest or gain, will be Ahtteanly nserted free.. No paper discontinued until all arrearages.Ke pain. Ch.•tngeseorsontcact advertisements must Ise iu robe office by 6 p. nt, hsesday, otherwise they wig be left over until tete :Miming week. Advertisments without specific directions will the inserted untitl•.forbidand charged accordingly. Tour sient advertigtaenrs intuit be paid for in advance. Atldawis all communications to THE HERALD, Zurich THURSDAY, FEB. 4, 1915 SCHOOL REPORTS The following are the pupils of S.S. No. 5, Stanley. The report is based on attendance, general efficiency, and good conduct, during the month of January. 8r.III-May Pollock, Lorne Mc- Bride, Pearl :Stephenson. Jr. III -Elinor McKinley, Myrtle Armstrong, Edna McLinchey, Sr. II-Wilaaaec McLinchey. Jr. II -Wille McLinchey, Leanord McBride. Part II -E amest McLinchey, Gladys Ashton. Part I -Frank McLinchey, Garnet McLinchey,Clara Stephenson. Primer -Edgar McBride, Alice Mc- Linchey. Those who attended school every clay during the month were: --Elinor McKinley, Edna McLinchey, AIice McLinchey, Willie McLinchey, Frank McLinchey, Willner McLinchey, Ear- nest McLinchey- I. 3louglas. The following is the report c f S, S. No 4, South Stanley, for the m )nth of January, Pupils are arranged i I order of merit. . V. class -Win nif red Etue. Sr. IV -Leonard Talbot, Edna Etue. Jr IV -Amp Etue, Esther Talbot, Blanche Etue, Richard Etue; Clarence Tough. Sr. Steckle, Marian Etue, Cecil Murray. Jr III -Allen Steckle, Wilfred Etue. Sr.II-Hannah Steckle, Victor Etre, Levi Etue. Jr. II -Freida Talbot, Peter Etue. Sr. I -Agnes Etne, Louisa Etue, Clifford Talbot (absent). Jr. I -Celina Steckle (absent). Pr.-Celinda Steckle, Thressia Etne, Godfrey Eine. J. A, McKay A reliable man to sell HARDY CANADIAN GROWN STOCK IN ZURICH and HURON Conn ty Start now at the best selling t,1rue, Send for list of Spring Off'er'ings and terms to agents. Liberal corn- missi:lns, Handsome Free Outfit. Stone €, Wellington The Fonthill Nineties (Established 1837) TORONTO THE HERALD - CLUBBINC LIST FOR 1915 Herald and Daily Globe $8 75 " " .Weekly Globe 1 75 .wily Mail and Em- pire 3 75 Weely Mail and E1z3pire 1 75 Tolr``mto Daily Star 2 85 Weelily Star1 75 " Daily News 2 85 London Free Press Morning Edition3 50 Evening Edition2 90 Weekly Edition 1 85 • it ti tt it •r'k it•'ry, et tt it if it " London Advertiser Morning Edition.... 2 90 Evening'. dition.... 2 90 Weekly edition...., 1 75 .,arm Ss Dairy 1 75 Farmers Advocate... 2 40 Montreal Fa,ilnily Herald and Weekly Star ,. 1 85 Weekly Montreal Witness 185 t, /I ct ar QCW.RE SPONDE N GB DASH WOOD Mr and Mrs Seth Brown of Fan- fleld;spent Sunday at the home of Mr cad Mrs Wm Snell. Mir Wm Bauman and sister and Miss Belle ,0verholdtwere visitors at the timate of Mr ,and Ms David Betts - ohm,. Mr Wan E,velan t le visiting his family tin this ,place. E M Brokenshire attended the. Con- servativeorganioatiora Meeting at Clin- ton ,on Saturday last, Mrs Fred Dearing who has been visiting friends at London and Strat- ford for a few days returned holno Saturday evening. John Kraft has inaugurated a new system in eonnection with his business. Hereafter he will nun only a strictly cash business. Messrs Fred and Willie Kaflman spent a few days at ::the home. •of Mr and Mrs Fred Wieberg, Mr and Mrs Jacob I-Iartleib had a dance on Thursday ,ef last week in honor of the thirtieth anniversary of their wedding day. Mr Fred Dearing while returning from his trip Monday evening upset and his horse made for home, Before reaching the village it had freed itself from the cart but outside of breaking the window no other damage was done. Fred says the walking -was none to good. Mrs Tobias Guentner slipped on the ice on Monday and in the fall severely cut the back of her head and otherwise. received a bad shaking up she has been under the doctor's care since. Mrs Ruben Goetz is laid up with the La Grippe. Miss Emma Callfas had a quilting bee on Wednesday afternoon. CONTINUATION SCHOOL JAN- UARY REPORT. Normal Entrance, Examined in British and Ancient History, Geometry Algebra, Physics and Composition. The narks indicate the average per- centage taken. Those marked with an asterick were absent from part of Exams. Pearl Tiernan 94, Addison Tiernan 78. Jr. H 5 Grad. Examined as in preceding class. Leonard Birk 94, Kennith Rutledge 84, Myrna Hoffman 80, Walter Fs:asold 73, Adat+'assold 66, Karl Graupncr05 E rnest Stire 64, Ida Routledge 49'1,. Harry Guenther 38'^. Sr. H. S. Ent. Examined in Geo- graphy, Geometry, Algebra, Arith- metic, Spelling, Reading, Compositi- on, Art and Physics. Elgin Schatz 78, Mena Ehlers 75, Ada Grenzebach 70, Lloyd EdighotTer 69, Czar Kellerman 50, Olive Held 40'' Jr. H. S. Ent. Della Neeb 93, Lillie Zimmer 89, Lulu Steinhagen 83, Grace Kellerman 83, Myrtle Neeb 81, Melvin Guenther 81, Milfred Koch 79, Antonette Zim- mer 78, Homer Guenther 70, Ray- mond Calfas 67, Harvey Shraeder 66, Hazel Snell 63. J E Henry. Principal, The following is the report of room 2,for January, based on, a tt- endance, diligence. and general demeanour. Sr 3rd, -Oscar Graupner 75, Mary Miller 75, Maimie Genttner 75, Ira Tiernan 75, Cecelia Gerrnat to 74, Zeeland Guenther 75, Wilb- ur Ehlers 70, Luella Sobatz 68, John Gossmann 61, Roy Neeb 60,(absent) Mildred Sobroeder 60, Idella R ader 58. Jr 3rd -Clifford Pfaff 78, Rosie Guenther 76 (absent), Aibert Tyler 74, Gladys Guenther 72, John Rader 66, Sy'tclnev Baker 68,(absent) Elsie Schroeder 65, Myrtle Kooh 60, carnet Willert 58, Percy ,-Will. ert 48, Oscar Hartleib, 30, Edna, Cameron 36,(absent, sr. 2nd --Louise Granpner 80, Tillie Haim -roller 78, Verda Fassold 75(absent), Barnet Gossmann 'T0(ab. sent, Lucinda Willert 70, Abram Vincent 68, Edwin Rinker 50. ,Tr 2nd, -Idella Baker 78, Ros etla Koch 75, Howard schroeder 70,' Freda stire 65, Willie Bender 60 (absent),' Fred stirs 75, Average at- tendance 34. Ola M Wools, The.foilowing is the report of room i; for the month of T>a,nna.ry, The report is based on attendance diligence and general demeannnr Jr11-Mervin Tiernan '93, Czar` Bteinhagen ,81. Violet Bieber • 75, Albert Eveland 73, Charlie Snell 59, Anna Vincent 52. Sr Pt Ii --Peter Garnatte 86, Harry Rader 84, Adolph Genttner. 82., Jack Guenther 72, Jr .'P$ •11 tiolonton Eettehen • O. Lillie Willert 89, Courtney Eidt 88, 1tut�lltt Stire 83, Hurry Zimmer 81 Lureal Willert 79, Leo Eveland and Wiban Zimmer 77, Henry Bieber 76 Victor Tyler 68. Pt 1 tt---Oscar Miller 90, Minnie Rinker 89,Alice Hoffman 83, Edith Giuenther 82, Percy Kleinstiver 75. Verda Baker 71, claret Bender- 69, Alioe Grigg 67, Elmer Zimmer 60• Pt I B-Loreen Baker 88, Etbel Gabel 81, Pearl Gabel 79, Harold Kellerman 74. Armetta Steinhagen 71,, Eddie Hamacher 68, Almeria Miller 61. Pt I A --Lorne Tiernan 72, Court- ney Burrzaeister 87, Lillie Bettchen 60, Average attendance 26. Almede, Finkbeiner Teacher. .DA.SHW0OD SHOE STORE I have a large stock of all the latest and best in Mels' Ladies and Children Shoes. Call and look over our lines before yott buy elsewhere. We can save you money. Repairing Promptly Done Butter and eggst ken in exchange for shoes. David Pfau' Dashwood Ont BLAKE Mfrs Arthur Clark had the misfor- tune to fall one day last week and broke two ribs. Her many friends hope to see her around again soon. Mr and Mrs Geo. Campbell treated a number of their friends to a, fowl supper ou Wednesday evening of last week, Miss Myrtle Meyers has taken a position in Clinton. Mr and Mrs John Thirsk entertained a number of their friends on Frida evening. Miss Welda Stevens is _ visitin4 friends in Stratford and Shalrespear-' .Mr Wm Schenk was busy last wee pietti ng in a supply of ice. Mr Harry Zapfe had the lnisfortun to fall on the ice on Monday and hu his arm. Mr and Mrs J A. Carnie had a fami ly reunion on Saturday of last week DRYSDALE Miss Valerie Laporte was visiting a the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Den omy the first part of the week. Mr. Hector Laporte and John Rae were the guests of Mr. and 11Irs. Pete] Bedonr last Sunday and report a goo( time. Mr, Nelson Ducharme and daughter from Michagan are visiting relatives in Drysdale. Miss Bertine Denomy left last Fri day for Goderich and intends to std) for a couple of months. Mrs William Denomy, who No been sick for the past week is recover, ing. Mr. and Mrs John Laporte were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Etue last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Reges A Denomy and Mr, and Mrs. Johnny Ducharmo were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brisson last Wednesday evening. Mr. Isaae Ducharene and Mr. Max- im Brisson, who have been here for their holidays, have returned to the seminary at London. Mrs. G. Pollock has sold her farm to Mr. Philip Denomme for the suns of ,,$6600, Possession will be given on April lst Mr. Denolume will have one of the finest farms on the Sauble Lino. •He is one of the prosperous and in- dustrious farmers along the line anal his many friends wish him success. Zurich Moat MARKET UIEAL1[RS TN Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc (; jSH FOR SKINS & RIDES T't t ,gbi'lx,t & Desehert EXETER. R. G. Seldon was appointed secret- ary of the Exeter Agricultural. Society at the annual meeting. A. G, Dyer, who occupied that position for 36 years was given $15 by the board as a gift. W. D. Clarke was appointed treasurer in place of N. D. Hurdon. The case of Norman Kellerman vs W. G. Gibbons was dismissed by the magistrate when it carne up for hear- ing a few days ago. Gibbons gave Kellerman security for $700 as against the note of $300 which Kellerman had given him in the automobile deal. A hydro -radial meeting was held at Kirkton last Wednesday when the' matter of an electric railway between St Marys and Exeter was discussed. -r- HENSALL Percy Clark and E. Drake have purchased the Commercial Rotel from W. Perkins and took possession on Monday. James Carlisle, another of the pioneers of Hensel], passed away on Jan. 25th, after an illness of about 5 years. Deceased had reached the age of 90 years and had been a resident of Hensel! since 1887. W. Perkins of the Commercial Hotel, who recently underwent an operation at St. Joseph Hospital, London is recovering, A pig, dressing 530 pounds, was on exhibition in G. Petty's butcher shop ast week. F. Richardson and F. Coker of Chiselhurst have joined the second contingent. Messrs. A. 'Wm GREDITON Miss C Hill has left for Detroit Where she will enter Grace Hospital as a nurse, Lorne Finkbeinor underwent an operation for appendicitis recently and is improving nicely. An 0?t;chestra has been organized in the Aseivngelical Sunday School. Srintelledden. of Crediton east. is receeyorliag from an :attack of append. itlr!titl: ' nTE ARE INSTALLING A number of new devices and malting other im- provements in our printing plant which will enable us to do job work as neatly and quickly as any city office. Let us do your next job, no matter how large or small it is, and we will 'convince you that «•hat we say is right. Oar prices are also right, Be loyal to home indus- tries. HERALD PTC. CO. Phone 30 • - - Zurich 01)1~61 -io TRADE MARKS DentnNB COPKRIGI4TS &C, ancone sosding a ekoteh and denoription mat quickly ascertain our opinion fres whether an invention is probably pnatentable. Communlon. tl8nsetrlotlycontidontlal. HANDBOOK onPatento ' dent tree. Oldest attencBy8 faDDr�rocurtnrt�patonia. • to&fat swetce,`Without through , isantheCo� recant • S ienttfir 3lmertran 6 bandeomdly illustrated 'treekly, ,Earges6 Mil".,. ceixatler, of .any selentiile journal.nr.300 Canada, $at.75 a year, postage prepaid', ! prepaid, ; All nevosdealers. NUNN & Co.38$lro*dwM ,No.a Brntisl+ onies. JI' at. Washington. 7,1 !m 'MUM T BEG !t0 ANNOUNCE TO the people of Zurich and vicinity that 1' have made n,rranre ments with a leading wall paper firm to handle all kinds of Wall pape°s, Border,, etc; Parties interested will do well to get my sample kooks and prices before buying: AUtO PAPF.IiIr,4NGING AND DLrCOR- ING. OF ALL KINDS ATTMNDISD TO. Dan. Koehler Zurich Out. Esni COUNTY NEWS Seaforth Agricultural Society has a balance of 5407.58 in the treasury. The Gunn, Langlois Co, of Clinton, handled 25,000 birds at their' 'poultry plant in that tower the past season. The Jackson Mfg. (7o. of Clinton is considering a government contract to supply 5.000 pairs of military trousers;. Clinton recently had a Belgian day when a large sum of money and a aege quantity of useful clothing,. etc., Was donated. Mr. Dagg and family have moved to the farm on the 2nd con., Stanley, which Mr. Dagg recently purchased from Mr. Fowler. Bruce county council -has granted 30,000 to the Patriotic Funds. One half to be raised this year, and the balance next year. Rev. Frank Richard of Mluucey, newly appointed rector of Bayfield, Goshen and Varna churches, arrived at Bayfield with his wife and family recently, Rev. R. Hicks, pastor of the IIeilsall Methodist church, has received a call from Windsor for the next conference year, and will likely accept if agreeable to the conference board. PATRIOTISM AND PRODUCTION Agtieullural Conference rimier the Dominion Department of Ag- riculture in Cooperation with the Ontario Department of Agriculture will be held in the • Town Fall, Seaforth, Friday, February 12, 1915. TWO MEETINGS .00 P. M. & 7.30 P. M. SUBJECTS -Tho duty and ollnor- unity of the Canadian Farmer, (a) in relation to Farm Crops, \Vni Stjuir- rell, 13 8 A. A RRnciate Processor of Field Tlnshaudr , Ontario Agrieniter- 1 College, Gnelph, (b) in relation to ire Stock, B +, Angle, B 8 A, Silncoe, In addition to the above speakers r Musgrove, M P P anti others will dress the meeting, Warden 3 M ovenlock will preside, GOD SAVE THE It:NG. 051114 fissInials Coupons Payable Half -Yearly NEGOTIABLE Assets, $7,480,339 The 6reatWest Permanent loan Comm) 20,KingSt.Wesi, Toronto A. F. HESS, Zurich. LUTHERAN CHURCH SERVIC,t EGenglirmsanh, Sunday 10.30 a. in. " 7,00 p.'m Bible School 2,o0 p. 1711. Men's Uls'n'ry S Tuesday 8.00 p, m. Luther League Friday 8.00 p, m. L A S 1st Tues'y of month 2.30 p, Vin, You are cordially invited to take an active part in an these meetings and services. Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. Luke 11.28, EVAN. CHURCH SERVICES- Sunday, German 10.00 a, in. " Junior Y, P. A. 1.00 p. m.. Sunday School 2,00 " " (Service) English 7.00 Teachers meeting 8.00 " Mon., Tri -Mu Brotherhood 8.00 " Tuesday, Y. P. A. • 8.15 " Wednesday Prayer Meeting 8.00 " Friday Teachers Training Class 7.30 " " choir practice 8.30-" Ladies Aid meets 1st Monday of' each month at 7,30 p. m. t t. it. ti. l f.. It ,4 Classified Ads LEGAL. CARDS. PROUDFOOT, KILI,ORAN, & PROUD - FOOT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public sce. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates, W. PItouDroOT, K. C. J. L. Ku-mom/iv W. PROUDFOOT, Jit. ,MEDICAL CARDS DR. E. B. BALFOUR, graduate Western University, late of the MIilitary Hospital and Victoria Hospital, London. Office in the building formerly occupied by the late Dr.McLaughlin, Dashwood. DR A. J. MacKINNON late House • Surgeon, Ede County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palycliniti Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. Farm For Sale 210 acres of good farming and fruit land. 2000 peach trees of which 1000 are in bearing, good, plenty of water, good building, well fenced and partly drained. For particulars apply to Daniel Snaith, R. R. No. 2 Zurich, MSSEY- I-I2RRIS. IMPLEMENTS. Binders, Mowers, all kinds of Cultivators, Discs and Fer- tilizer Drills, best and light. est made. all steel. Manure Sprzaders and all kinds of plows and repairs always in stock. Look at our Cutters Sleighs, Buggies, and Wagons before buying else- where. GRAY MOTOR ENGINES 14 H. P. $75; 2 II. P. $85; 4 H. P.$125; 6 H. P. $175; 8 H. P. $325; 12 H. P. $375; all warranted firdb class. At the old Stand: - Square Dealing Our Motto" F. Hess 8c Son; Lumber! Alludes! a hs We 'have a large stock of these on band, Estimates given an con. tracts taken. All kinds of exterior and interior finish for houses made to order We hand re all kinds of ...ateraa.l. Call at Planing Building lYl, i g 1.71% V11, n 50,t. "MN' lY • KJLLBPLEISOK = ZURICH i s t s i