HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-02-05, Page 3ly. .
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newy Craft Destroys 'Three British Steamers in
the Irish Sea
A despatch from London saye
hree British merchant, vessels
ere captured and sunk in the Irish
a on Saturday by the German
tbmarine U-21. Another steamer,
e. Graphiee'which carried passen-
re, met one or morehostile sub-
limes while voyaging between
Mast and Liverpool, but escaped
rough her superior speed. Re
as of other vessels meeting sub -
wines in these waters are eurrent,
it authentic details are lacking,
The steamers sunk by the U-21
ere the Ben Crua,chan, the Linda
lambs and the Kileoan. The
ewe have all landed safely. The
en Canadian was sent to the, bot -
in by the Germans with a torpedo,
t the Linda Blanche was blown
p by means• of mines attached to
r upper works. •
While the U-21 was busy in the
rish Sea, another German submar-
ine torpedoed two British .steamers
in the English Channel near Havre.
One of thee, the Tokomaru, which
had on board 97,000 carcases of
mutton from New Zealand, as well
as various gifts for Belgian suffer-
ers,was attacked without warning.
Following an explosion, her ,crew of
57 took to the boats, and were piek-
ed up by a trawler. French torpedo
boats arrived on the scene 20 min-
utes later and took the Tokomaru's
crew aboard. The steamer sank
about an hour later. The British
steamer Icaria. also was torpedoed,
but did. not sink, and was towed
safely to Havre,
The. Allan Line .Steamer Scandi-
navian, from St. Sohn, N.B,, for
Liverpool, •with 500 passengers on
board, learned of the raid of the
U-21 and put into Queenstown.
After remaining in Queenstown for
a short time the steamer proceeded
for Liverpool.
'reat Britain Ilas Apprised Wash-
ington of Views on Pro-
•A despatch from Washington
a,ys: The United States Govern -
an est will find itself in a serious dis-
tl ute with Great Britain, France
3an nd Russia if it purehases and oper-
ine tes interned German and Austrian
in essels,. as proposed under the pend -
d g Ship Purchase Bill.
rea Your correspondent is now able
re 'tate that Great Britain has offi-
el notice that it would re -
rd such a step by the American
)0 overnment as an unneutral act.
written statement to this effect is
w in the possession of -Mr. Bry.an,
d has been in his hands for some
urthermore, similar views in re-
el to the reported intention of
'Administration to purchase in -
ad vessels are held. by France
reat Beitain, as the nation with
ch the 'United States has had
-salon most frequently to discuss
se matters, has taken the lead in
veying to the United States a
'ning as to the view which the
.es will: take of this intention.
Edward Grey has gone out of
way to disabuse Mr. Bryan of
notion lie might have had. that
British Government would look
h complacency on such action.
ambassador Jusserand notified
Bryan that Admiralty rules
opted by the French Government
o years ago would be enforced
ring the war. These rules he -
acted French commanders to
ze as enemy vessels any ships
ich had been transferred to nee-
d registry after the beginning of
stilitiee., This notice by the
ench Government never has been
dified and these rules are in
ace to -day, thus ensuring the
zure of the first interned vessel
ling under the proposed Govern -
at plan which encountered a
each cruiser.
l'hough. the Russian Government
not in a position to act on the
rh seas to any considerable ex-
t at present, it is known that it
in entire aecorcl with the posi-
o of the British and the French ;,,
t all three Governmentsdo not
end to look on quietly while ac-
n'erthe United States Govern-
nt relieves the enemy of one of
•ansfortunes of the war. In the
nion of these. Governments, the
t that it is proposed that the
ited States itself do these things
vastly more serious than that
ierican individuals should do
n .
Dacia At Last Sails
With Cargo of Cotton
A despatch from GalvestanaTex.,
says: The steamship Dacia, which
cleared for Rotterdam January 22,
sailed from here •at noon Sunday.
She has in her hatches. 11,000 bales
of cotton destined for Germany; and
is the vessel which may rupture re-
lations between this 'country and
Britain, the latter nation having
given public notice that the vessel
will be taken by British warships.
"We are not afraid of what is to
come," said Captain George Mc-
Donald. "1 do not expect to en-
counter British men-of-war before
we sail from Norfolk, if at all."
Representatives of the owners of
the Dacia declare that all arrange-
ments have been concluded, and
that the eargo will, reach its des-
Over Two Hundred
German Dead Counted
A despatch from London says:
The following statement was made
on Sunday by the Official Press Bu-
. "An .attack was made in some
force on Saturday near Guinchy
(northern France),. but the enemy
waseasily repulsed.
"Over two hundred German dead
were counted in front of the trench-
es occupiedby the British, among
whom the casualties were email." '
German Submarines
In Norwegian Waters
Cruising in Norwegian Waters in
Violation of International Law.
A despatch from London says:
The Morning Post has the following
from Paris: The Copenhagen cor-
respondent of Le Temps hears from
a trustworthy ,souree that German
submarines are cruising in Noewe-
gien waters, contrary to interna-
tional law. It is believed they have
depots in deserted islands farthest
away heal the coast, and recon-
noitred during the manoeuvres held
for several years past off the Nor-
wegian eeast.
Sends $5,oco,o0o Tliore
For the Turks
A despatch team Athens says
Two railway wagons (freight Cars),
containing gold to the value of
$5,000,000, have passed through
Bulgaria, for Constantinople. The
total sum Germany has now sent to
Turkey amounts to $15,000,000.. ,.
radians Lost Four Killed and Several Wounded
But Took a Number of Prisoners'
despatch from London says:
Princess Patricia's Light in -
try, the first of the Canadian
tingent to reach the front, took
t in the defence of the British
lichee near La ,Bassee, which
,altaeked by the Germans be-
en Sanitary 23 And 25, 'and lost
r men killed and a number
Lieut. Price, of, the Canadians,
was killed while leading his com-
pany into a trench, and another
officer named Pearson is reported
to have been killed.
The Canadians took a number of
Gefta5111 prisoners and inflicted se-
vere losses on a Landsturm regi-
ment, which attacked their trenches.
New A ustre.German oteee Are
Seek'ng 10 Batch Russian
I u 'melon .
A despatch .frent London Say's:
The renewal of hostilities in Galicia
makes the battle line frum the Car-
pathians to the interior of East
Prussia One of eon.thettons activity.
There has been fighting during the
pat few days at almost every part
of the front, and the (dash of 'offen-
sive, particularly in the Central
Poland regions, has been severe.
The battle in East Prussia, on the
Malwischen - Lasdehnen line pro-
ceeds without let-up, and on the.
Bzura-Rawka fields the engage-
ments have been carried on furi-
Interest centres in the Carpa-
thians, where the Austro-Gerinarts
have brought up new armies to op-
pose the Russian invasion of Hun-
gary. According to announcements
in Vienna they have recaptured
some of the passes which the Rus-
sians were holding in strength.
While naturally the Russians, like
the other belligerents, do not relish
giving up any ground gained, they
declare that this is compensated by
the fact that their aggressiveness
has -compelled the Austro-Gerreans
to postpone the expedition which
they were preparing with the object
of crushing Serbia. Russia hopes
that Roumania, with her financial
position guaranteed by the recent,
London loan of $25,000,000, will
soon send her army into the field
and form the missing ]ink between
Russia, and Serbia.
A Particularly violent conflict
took place at Atlanka, two miles
north of Sochaszew. In 30 minutes
of the fighting at the start the Ger-
mans lost 500 killed in taking a Rus-
sian trench, from which they were
driven later by a bayonet charge.
The recent encounters have been
favorable to the Russians, accord-
ing to the official repert of the gen-
eral staff at Petrograd.
A Russian officer who had charge
of a battery of machine gulls at At-
lanka, in an interview sent from,
Petrograd, says that his detach-
ment took their assigned positions
• • • --- • e•
••• •• • • ..• • ';'-; • '„ ••.•
Nnases Carrying -Wounded Eyenehmatt From Battlefield..
Two of,the First'Aid Nurses of the Yeomanry Corps are here seen
Carrying a wounded French soldier from one of the trenches, where
he had been hit. by a flying piece of shrapnel,
riaxims Concealed by Germans In DUITIIMy Hay-
' stack Poured Deadly Eire Into British Ranks
Ae despatch from Picardy, France,
Sava; The initial engagement in
La Bassee region was but a
de to a severe engagement
took place there, This re-
ed desperate fighting synchro-
ewith a spell of very cold but
eatber, which has made the
d firmer, tending to increased
etya of both the infantry and
tay and filling the men with
of the exhilaration Of hand -
ad fighting, Nevertheless the
ryside is still soft enough to
the Germans in their attack
a decided preference for the
; and this explains how on the
thoroughfare between Bethune
-Bassee such a grimmassacre
daily more alarmed at Italian war
preparation s, and are augmenting
their troops alohg, the Italian front-
iers. Germany is pouring regiments
from Bavaria into the Tyrol, it be-
ing understood that the German
General Staff are. controlling all
Austrian military plans. Prince
Von Buelow, speaking to Italian
statesmen during his recent mission
to Rome, made it elea,r that if arnia-
nients and the concentration of
troops on the Austrian boundaries
continued the central Empires
would be obliged to <lanolin -de the
treaty of the Triple Alliance and
send Italy an ultimatum, demand-
ing either guarantees for the main-
tenance of strict neutrality, or to
be considered an enemy. •
Another Success Attende Vigil anee
of the Bei lista
A. despatch from London says:
The Daily Telegraph has the fol-
lowing from Harwich : A repore15
current here that another Suceess
has attended the vigilance of the
British patrol ships, in the North
Sea. The story is that two destroy-
ers when near the German coast on
Sunday sighted the periscope of a
submarine. It was apparently the
intention of the latter to attack pile
of the British ships, and according-
ly the eommander of the other des-
troyer boldly ,charged the submar-
ine. The members of the crew of
this destroyer believe that the sub-
thersible craft was rammedas they
state that oil wag afterwards seen
on the surface of the sea,.
of the enemy took piece. It was a
veritable death trap. The unerrnag
accuracy of our artillery proved to
be an irresistible barrier to the
enemy's advance at this point. Af- WITInipeg
ter re-establishing our .01.3 itositiotta i Wiantpeg. 'Pet.2.-41e.sh:-Wheat No: 1,
(part al a, regiment in the forward I-24;)114oe.4.16: 4feet3361.20 1-4
the „British broke fresh ground and 'solver/3. ti.4S; roi 2 ,i‘,TOrther,n, $1.4r3-4
65c;feed, 60 1-2c:
Movement had to go across a level gate. -No. 2 taw..
span. On their right was what ap- 4(0RGIVrielLK‘ qe.1311197-iNe:d 3g9:81;1'
peered to be a deserted haystack, N.W.e. easi an' '2.ao., 2 C.W.,
but as they came in line with the 1"9 lat •
stack a deadly Maxim fire poured '
clumnly hay- United Sates Markets.
out from it." Both the
Minneapolis. Feb. 2.---Wheat-No. 1 hard.
stack and its occupants became a. $1.45 7-8: No. 1 Northern. 91.39 7-8 to
Tomato-, if, b. 2. -Flour- Manitoba. Wet
Patents, 97.60, in jute bags; second pM'
sate 97; strong bakt.re, $6.70; Ontario
wheat Sour, 90 ;ter 4'("11t. patents, 96.2; to
Wheat -Manitoba No, 1 NorthDr11, $1.54;
No. 2 at 91.51, and No. 3 at 91.47 1-2; On.
tarso wheat, No, 2, $1.4 to $1,37, at oat.
side points,
Oats -Ontario, 56 to 57o, outside, rand at
59 to 59 1-2c, on track, Toronto. Western
Canada N. 2 att, 70c, and No. 3 at 67 14o.
Barley -Hood malting grades, 72 to
Rye- 91.10 to $1.,12, outside.
Paste- No, 2 quoted at 91.81 to $1.90, out-
Oorn-No. 3 new Amerlean, 82 1.50,
rail, Toronto freight.
Buckwheat -No, 2 at 80 to 82e, outside.
end shorts at 927 to $28,
Rolled oats -Car lots, per bag of 90
$3 to $3.20.
Country Produce.
Bran and shorts --Bran, $26 to. 92.6 a ton,
Butter-Ohoice dairy, 24 to 25e; inferior.
20 to 21c; creaanery prints, 31 to 32e; do.,
solids, 29 to 30r; farmers' separator, 26 to
Egos', new -laid, In carton, 34 to 350; ee•
leas, 28 to 30e; storage, 26 to 270,
Hone:y-12 to 1-3c per ib. for strained; No,
1 honeycomb, $2,75 per •dozen; No. 2, $2.25.
Poultry-Ohickens, dressed, 13 to 15e;
ducks, dressed, 14 to 16e; fowl, 10 to 11c;
geese, 14 to 15o; turkeys, dressed, 19 to 200.
Cheese -16 3.4 to 17o for large, and at, 17
to 17 1-4c for twine.
Beams-Priane, bushel, 92,65 to $2.75;
13and-picked, $2.85 to $2,90.
Potatoes-Ontarios, 65 to 75e per bag,
out of store, 55 to 60o in car hats. New
Brnnevvicks, ear lots, 60 to 65e per bag.
Provisions. •
Baron -long eleer, 13 1-2 to 14 1-40 per
Ib. in case lots. Baine -Medium, 16 to,17o;
do., heavy, 14 1-2 to 15c; rolls, 14 to 14 14o;
brealfaet baeon, 17 1-2 to 18e; backs, 20
to 21e; boneless backs, 22 to 23e.
Lard -11 1-4 to 11 150 for tierces, and at
11 3-4 to 150 for tubs and pails; compound,
tube, 9 3.4 to 150.
Baled Hay and Straw.
Dealers aro paying as follows for oar loe
deliveries en track here: -
Straw is opted at $7.50 to $8 a ton, in
car lots on track here.
Har -No. 1 new hay is quoted at $17 to
$17.50; No. 2 at 515.50 to $16. and No. 3 at
$13.50 to 514.
Montreal Markets.
Montreal, Feb. 2.-Oorn-American No.
yellow, 84 to 86c. Ocits-Cana,dian western,
No. 3, 68 1-4c; No. 2 local white, 60e; No. 3
do., 59e; No, 4 do., 550. Barley -Man. feed,
72 to 73e; malting. 81 to 83e. Buckwheat -
No. 2, 87 1.2 to 90c. Flour -Man. Spring
wheat patents, firsts, 97.60; seconds, $7.10;
strong bakers', $6.90; Winter patentis,
choke, $7.50; straight rollers, 67,10; do.,
i bags $3.45 to $3.50. Rolled oate, barrels,
I 96.41 to 96,50; do„ bags, 90 'be., 93 to $3.10.
I Bran 925.Shorts 627. Middlings $30.
siiiise,n1,101ites,, 418 Lo 883178. IelbayeeT,eNLop, i2n,e8pterwtesog
erne. 16 1-8 to 16 1.4e; do., eaeterne, 15 74
to 16e. Butter-Ohoieest ereamery, 30 to
30 1-2e; seconds, 28 1-2 to 29 1-2o. Eggs --
Fresh, 41 to 43c; selected, 34r; No. 1 stook,
30e; No. 2. stock. 26e. Potatoes, per bag,
i car lots, 52 1-2d.
target for our watching artillery. Nt
413Iitir,rxii 4re2"-acog
but our infantry, nevertheless, suf.: 'yonoe,;. 71.3-4 to 72 1.-4C. Oats --:No.
fered severely by this unexpected
Defeat Will Afford a 'Pretext to Turkey to
Conclude Peace With the Allies
A itnpatch from Rome says: It is
understood in independent sources
that Turkey has decided to go on
with the invasion of Egypt despite
the faet that they were not pre-
pared and also ,against the advice
of Field Marshal von Der Geltz, the
German adviser to the Turkish
military. Gen. von Der Goltz ad-
vised the rushing of reinforcements
to the Caucasus, where the danger
to the Turks was imminent, but
these suggestions were openly dis-
It appears that Enver Pasha, the
young Turk leader, preferred to
risk defeat in Egypt rather than
I have, the army continue its present
inactivity. He therefore sent an
army toward the Suez Canal. He
realizes that the Germans, who are
supposed to he in charge Of the
; Turkish military forces, will be
'blamed for its failure to achieve
any victories, and this will afford
la pretext to Turkey to conclude
Ipeace with the allies, This move is
considered here to be inevitable
soener or later.
Many Persons Will Perish If Needs Are Not Pro..
vided For Promptly
A despatch from New York says:
A shortage of 76,000 tons of food for
the relief of Belgian refugees must
be 111E1443 up within the next three
mouths by the commission for relief
in Belgium or many people will per-
iala Vice -Chairman Lindon W.
Dates announced on Wednesday to
relief eommittees throughout the
United States. The ennuniesion
here was apprised of the inadequacy
of the food. anpply ,a eaible mes-
sage from London, which read:
"Tao eortuniseion is actually' short,
in the department for the feeding of
destitute Belgians, 21,000 tons for
Febrnary, 25,000 tons for March,
and 30,000 tons for April. The en-
forced transfer of food .from the de-
partment for provisioning those who
van still pan something for redone
during thase months is bound to eat
into pronisionig capacity
• "There are now 1.400,000. desti-
tute, and the actual' eost of adenin-
ietering and supplying the canteens
for the destituee.. new 19 $2,800,000
per 100') ib. The null -thee ef the des-
titute daily inereasee."
3 white, 65 ene Flour and brau unchang-
Duluth, Fob. 2 -Wheat -No. 1 hard.
91.43 1-2; No. 1 Northern, $1.42 1-2; No. 3
Northern, $1.40 1-2; May, $1.43 1.8, Lin.
seed -Cash, $1.91. 3-4; May, $1.92 3-4,
Live Stock Markets,
Toronto Feb. Z. -Butchers' steers and
boilers changed hands at $6.50 to 97.30.
From 96 to 96.50 was paid for best cows.
95 to $6 for common to good. Canners and
cutters eold at good steady rates. Beet
bulls 'brottgbt. 96 to $6.75. Stockers. $6 to
96.50 for good and $5 to 96 for inferior.
Milkers sold at $65 to $100 for better
elasses. Calves held steady. Sheep and
lambs sold at unchanged prices flogs
1d at 98 off ears. $7.75 fed and watered
and 97.40 r.o.e. country points.
Montreal. Feb. 2.-A few good steere sold
at $7.50 and the lower grades at from that
down to $6, while butchers' VONV6 brought
front $5 to $6.50, and bulla from 95 to 96.60
per 100 The', Ontario lambs sold at $8 to
$8.25 and Quebec at $7.50 to 97.75 per 100
poundsand sheep brought $6 to $6.50. The
demand for calves was good at prices
ranging from $5 to 912 each. as to site and
quality Bogs sold at $8.40 to 98,50 per
huntirekl pounds, -weighed oft ears.
Germans Sen ten Barofiess Decal.
valeta, Seri Despatch.
:\ despatch from Amsterdam says:
Aceording t a message from
13a rupees Laval w a 011. aveused of
helping Bolgiane to reach King Al-
berCe army. has been sentenced tie
three years' imprisonment by the
GC' r 1111111 ',
The same &spat -oh says that Sig-
nor Creffi..the Italian ('oiisul at
Liege, is still -detained on the same
The Question Becoming Move Acute
' in Britain.
A despata from Loudon says :
Report:, from varioue parte of the
country indicate t he ine re asing
ahortage of labor. At a meeting o
the Birmingham Chamber of Cann- ,
rnellce the -chairman eaid the quos -
1 hill was bee I artieg more iieute Many
firms <andel employ thoueands more
men if the 111011 were evailable. In
Llanelly one firin alone requires A
thoueand mon A report to the
Stepney Guareliaue from their engt-
neer stelae that he is linable to ear
1 ry Qat eertein repair workabecause
' be eannot procure the assietanee of
casual laborers, all in the dietricts
. being now employed,