HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1915-01-29, Page 8✓ G1' , VLYY l A 0 arl. AL 01,§1J, or Trade,. Only On. Saturday morning, Jan, 30th, at 7.30 a. m ., we NV ill 11e ;ill the greatest sacrifice Gale ever kno wn to Zurich' and surrounding country,' ^1 lowing our usual custom of clearing out all winter goods regardless of cost and our meed of ready cash brings on this sale. Dress Goods Reg 8125 per yd for • $1 00 „ 85 1 .6(n5i .. About 200 yds Dress Goods reg 50 to 80 a yd to clear at 25 Flanneilette All 14 and 15 flannellettes to clear at 12a cis a yard. All 1'2 o' now l0c " 10 " 8 All wra pperettes to clear 100 Odd Corsets 20 pair odd corsets reg 1 00 to 1 75 a bargain 60c each Velveteens All corded velvets Reg 60e yd now 50 cis Wall Papers 100 roll to clear 5c a roll Toilet•Setts Reg 5 50 for 4 25 4 50 " 3 75 Prints Prints About 500 ydsl,rint (%i; 10c rep; 14 & 15 ginhana4 trig. 10c Caps Caps 50 men's earn:; reg 50 for 23cl Ladies Coatings Heavy Cninehilla coating 3 coat lengths only regular 3 25 per vat now 250 per yd Ladies Sweater Coats Ladies 4 00 coats for 8 00 .8, 00 ' <t 22.5 ti. ; 50 " " 1 75 (3 ir':;i and Inn's sun eater. rrzg prieefi 1 15 to 1 50 to clear at 90e each Sweater Coats Men's 53 5000 " for 322 25 ` 75 each " 2 75 " 2 00 " " 1 75 " 1 25 " Furs Fus 30% off on all Ruff & I1 tiffs. Mens Underwear ken all wool reg 1, 50 for 1.00 1 00 85 " fleeced lined 90 " 3 t t/ tt 50 " 40 Suitings All men's tweed suitings to ne-half price. clear at Underwear Ladies Penmans all wool underwear Reg 1 35 for 1 00 1.00 90 Blankets Woollen blankets reg 5 50 for 4 25 Flannelette " 12;4 " 2 00 " 1 60 b' 1114 " 1 75 " 1 40 " 10;4 "'1 50 " 1 10 Ladies Fleeced Lined Underwear Reg 6Oc now 45c cs 65c " 73c " 50c " 39c Boys Overcoats A Snap 9 only slues 26 to 84 reg price 7 50 now only 2 50 each 2 `' boys suits size 32 reg 7 50 " " 3 50 " mens and boys suits reg 12 00 for 9 00 it att 9 00 " 7 iO Rugs -1 only tapestry rug 8x3l. yds reg 18 00 now. for 18 50 1 only tapestry rug 2*x3 yds reg 9 00 now for 7 50 1 only Wool rug 8x8iyc1s reg 10 00 now for 7 50 1 only wool rug 3x3* yds for 5 50 1 only wool rug 21:x8 yds for 4 50 Men's Overcoats 1 only far coat reg $25 for 17 50 2 " astricau lined 25 for 17 50 1 fur lined coat reg 85 for 28 00 ('loth oust.: re g 10 50 for 8 00 2 heavy oc'rcts toclearat 500 each Ladies Coats 1 only fut:lined coat reg 35 now 25 2 astricau lined reg 24 now 17 50 Cloth coats reg 15 00 for 12 00 15 cloth coats to char at 4 00 each Groceries: 1i lbs gran sugar $1 00 Best factory cheese 18 cents All laundry soaps 6 bars for 25c 6 packages matches for 25 cent Bost 25c Salmon for 20 cents 18c " 2 " 25 cents 6 lbs roasted coffee for $1 00 Highest prices paid for Batter 'Eggs, L tra and Drier Apples, UBY: arc1GASCHO PHONE 17 e 11,'54iLla latches for 3t r ay Local News 111.11 .TOW-NSRIP. FARMERS' 111•TLTAL VIRE INSURANOE C"OI\ IPA NY. Mrs Di.dt from Pasbwoocl visited at The 'annum 1110011118_0f the lily Mrs Kraft, Wedue day. . ' Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Tia- Misses Gertrude add' Flor Hoe;,nuance Company held in the Town Iartieib wore visiting rniaves n Lon- hall, Zurich, on Monday, was well dots fora ;fells dais- attended, After the director' report Mr, IF eEilber, '!1J.1?.1?. wale in town i,:id be' n''heafd aioiniaatione were Monday attending the meeting of tl,e when to replace the retiring directors,, Hay Toit•nship Fire :assurance, Clomp' Moen, W Q Caldwell, J`.0 Icalbflcinli any, , ,i,nd Benj. Sorerus, who were itll elig For Sale ---Frame Driving Sheol '0' ible for re-election. The foou n by 'SO in good repair suititbl'e•for Avow! «ere nominated:' W 0 Caldwell,0 sbed. E Stelk 1 -Lk anilbe east a' i l ii.rlbflc«ilei,, B Serertts, ` 0. 1 tolat�, A south of Drysdale... . Bennie,john E'fali anal II II Nee:b r ir, Ir Il Sureius desired to retire which 11lens sto.roe rubbers €ut a0cts n 1 a lin was allowed to do atter iniany years inensstocn3 ovorsboes at5ats, st�� men's high button overshoes at 1? ; j e t faithful service for the company. and 'sb i 1 le overshoes at 1i1 00 C 1 ponn a ballot being taken Messrs c cronnen > c Fritz. ealdwe.11, l'fafr: and Neeb were decl&red ,�' eloctecl. 1llesrs A G Ehnes.anc1 Jacob •Mr. E. WVuirn is having a large tame1.Saberer . vereslapointed auditors for installed in. his livery..;stable, for : the .the lsreseut year. •The affairs of the company are in excellent condition, which the following particulars •fully' hear out. Total amount of insurance in force on Dec 81st, 1914, $4,924, 055.00. Losses paid' during 1914, ` +5889.27. The balance on hand is $9752,50. Amount of premium notes held at end of the year, $174879.2'8. Total assets of company, $184757.98. At tkae.dieectors' meeting held .efter the annual. Meeting Mr William..Consitt was elected _ president • and Mr ,John tilicritt vice-president . for the • year 19151.. • convenience in watering horses ana washing rigs. Mr..Worm. recently renovated his stables and now has ono of'the handiest and best equipped livery establisbnients iii' this" section, Dr. Preston A. Lawry, .principal of the Seminary at Waterloo will delayer an address in .St.e,Peter's Lutheran chzrrch,•Zurich, on Lutheran, .E.dnca- tion in Canada on Friday evening, Jan. 29th, at8o'clock. A cen`dial invit;tion is extended to everybody. Sooner or later you will buva Pe .Laval .Cream . Separator., .Why.. nee now? •Why. •eotitinne..... to ` separa e cream by .either gravity skimming or an . inferior or worn- out cream separatorthat loses cream for you every day just as sier61y as a leaky cream can;' Let the`•De Laval start saving creat n for you right • now and it will earn a, large part of its cost be- "r‘i f.0 0 Fritz is giving big bargains on all winter goods. Ons hundred million dollars will be asked for in the coming session of perliainent for war purposes. The Luther League of the Lutheran church spent Wednesday evening very spring. Louis Prang Zurich has re enjoyably at the home of Mr and Henry cently secured. the agency for this l)atars. •celebrated.eream separator and since he has had it has sold many separators Give hint 'a call. and he will show y ou the good points about it. COMMUNICATION.. • To the Editor of The Herald. Dear Sir;—On behalf of themerch- ants of Zurich 1 would like to see.tlie following published in your pill r. Zurich is well and favorably kneel' for its large stores and the well nseert- ed stocks carried by the msrelnteis doing business here, and people el :hie section should be glad flint t'. theopportunity of puichitsin;; :t., good and up to•date merchandise hero as in any city. Now would it be unfair to ask the people to help and encourage our merchants by trying, as far as Possible, to pay their accounts in Jan- uary of each year, or even earlier, if convenient. Perhaps the fact that merchants have from four to eight thousand dollars book accounts, and even more, is not known to the buying public in this viciniby, but this is never-, theless a fact and shows a sad state of affairs. It is a wonder to aiethat they can exist on this enormous outlay, •con- sidering the immense stocks that are carried. The terms of wholesale boos-• es is from teen to sixty days and pay- nent is demanded in this time ortroub- e follows: The retail merchant gives twelve months credit and some people even make them wait longer than that, and it sometimes is a hard strug- gle for the merchants to snake things go until the end of the year. Now, suppose a farmer would sell his crop and produce on time for one year and would get no money for it until the end of the year, and the same thing would occur again the foll- owing year, do you think he would be satisfied and would be able to exist by doing business in such a loose way. This is just what we are up against at the present time. I hope the people will take warning and make it a point. to settle With every merchant once a year et least, if not oftener, and give the merchants a chance to keep up the good name of Zurich as the best and busiest -inland town of its size in Western Ontario, if. not, a cash system of doing business will surely have to be adopted. A Merchant, ;';mare ageit;ti'for Stone's Celebrated high grade Fertilizer, and i'It;ni i> Wii1110\V )1'1,vc;the .lrivil1age of.obtain- ing this cl ss cn goc;.cis.itt Ferbiii e \<<t . 11 �ctt l s ,It1 1l�tin:t:.i, II 1Lla5 �; Y te1s, can- vassing the the filr1i.':i...8, at tt v4 J' hit411.' , namely "$32 peen; tot, 'Frit' pric t ,j $,?;j.1,,.,1. l iii, 1iic1 in 1 11Dads•'.$23, a ton;. • Ilia re lro t,nu(:'1t, c' .:1;;H 1110 fttririera , hlt. aril and lorry .e your orae' , ii save 00 to ${t,00 per ton. Do not let these e: rci l V:t 5Nyrs 11C r ita.Lle you that th'eir's' _ is better. Remember we handle only the best, and that is STONE'S, MADE IN CANADA Manufactured by Wm Stone, Sons ac uo., Ingersoll and Woodstock ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE TAKEN. e. j4].%j:TLEIB, zPa tr HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION ZTOF2E HYDRO A representative of the Hydro Power Cinnunission of'Ontario was in Zurich for a fen clays last week acquiring.sta tistics of the .shipping that is dope be- tween Zurich and other points. All businessmen were visited by Mr Stew- art and a detailed report made of the traffic statistics such as .quantity shipp- ed and received, rates paid, ate. Mr Stewart stirred tnat the line of railway would likely be built from St Marys to Goderich, with a.ju.nction near Luc - an connecting with London, and that it would. be completed within three years. This world, surely Mean a lot for Zurich and'other towns along the route, as with the coming of electric railways will come the hydro power. Estimates• have been completed by the engineers showing theeost of construct- ion of the following lines in this dis- trict. --Sarnia to London, Chatham to Wyoming, Arkona to Grand Bend, Chatham: to Strathiroy, London to Toronto,. St Marys to Exeter and the Huron County System. It is stated that if the present disastrous European war had not broken out, many of these lines would now be under construction -11 ;I o� i : ' Watches, Ciookks, �j ',i li � ^ 1',','--1 `' Motto"'"OOOd (roods, Close Prices', re< ,tli j.i,i , Vo ess 0. ,..„ .„ Jewellers & Opticians ci Igt Zurich 'I 1:4; T .in Street In order to wind up the season's business quickly and clear out all odds and ends of seasonable merchandise at prices that are shore to make business hunryfor cash and trade only until the lst of February, we Actual savings in FURS AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements on lot 23,concession 4, about three miles north-west of Hensall, on Feb. 25th 1915, at 1 o'clock. F. Deters proprietor, E. Bosseu berry, .Auctioneer. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Men's Wit 'Sib dog coat $25 for ,$18 6 " est lined: coat far collar 18 for 12 2tt " 41 tt 22for 15 1 Ladies furs lined coat reg 40 for 26 I have authorized my successor Mr. A. F. Bess to collect all back sub, scriptions bo The Herald. Please look up your label and remit amount at your early convenience. E. Zeller. Zurich, Nov. 2/914, OVERCOATS Men's overcoats Reg $12 50 for 8 00 it it • " 10 00 for 6 50 boy's & 3' .irons ov'ro''ts 7 50 for 4 50 Boy's overcoats Regular 6 00 for 4 00 PRINTS, ETC. Ce will sella --- dependable goods. CHEAP' SUITS 1 yd widendan'ette reg 14 & 12 for 9 Wrapperettes r�egula?r 12s for '9 All prints 12e for 9 Kimono, goods " 20 for 14 Curtains 25 for 18 Ticking " 30 for 22 RUGS REDUCED 1 only velvet rug flog 25 00 for 18 00 1 23 00 for 16 00 811 talestry rags " 16 50 for 12 00 1 1400 for 1000 1 " " 10 50 for 7 00 • UNDERWEAR Meua's fleeced uidderwear reg 60 for 45, 'F all wool " " 1 25 for 85: COAL! COAL Deleware, Lackawanna, & Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal ' All sizes ALF SCRUTON Hensall. LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday. Putter....,..., .......... $0,23 D ed Apples... ... ♦........ 06 Potatoes 80 Wheat $1.30 $1.87 Oats... ....... ; ..,.. 58 65 Borley 63 70 3.50 4.00 Bran Shorts 29.00 , LowGrade. 94.00 Vivo Nnxcs fog � Ileusall..,.;, 7.25 Men's• rtnits Regular 1(i 00 for 10 00 12 50 for 8 00 Young>nnen's snits•reg 10 00 for 7 00 50 . 300 tF 1 t.- ti "• 7 00 for 4 Boys suits regular 5 00 for SU TIN USS Tweed suitings regular 8 00 for 2 00 DRESS GOODS Dress -goods all colors red 1 15 for 80 60 for 40 t 44 41 40 for 25 GROCERIES, Etc. All tobacco 3 for 25 except.lvlcDonald 100 straight. Best Rio coffee 7 lbs. for $1 00 5. gal best coal oil for 65 cents Best green Japan tea reg: 80 for 22 2' 3b 0 brand biscuits' 25 for 21 DINNER SETTS Reg 1100 dinner set 8, 00.,. 97 pieces 9 00 6 50, 100 Special 4 piece glass. setts for 80 cents A Genuine honey Saving, Event. Zurieli Feed Store Leading Bra,rid of Flour, Sho .'ts,Bran arid Feed Corn Produce of all kinds taken in exohange. We are agents for Interna- tional and . Royal Purple Stock food. Also a full line of Greeer- les on band. Isaac Hudson - Zurich .ivy vael i i:!,:t<ii... Imiole ate t Let us know your wants. We handle everything in Farm. Implements. Engine Supplies ruffles, all sizes and kinds, Belting, leather or canvas, all sizes. Shaft boxing and shafting. Pump and pump piling• Buggies, Waggon:, Sleighs and Clutters. If you are in need of Machine Re- pairs we can get then for you. We give special attention' to our repair department. i ;.• ; 'IL OW IIMDERTA G Prompt Service Moderate Charges Tailor Shop and Laundry W. H. HOFFMAN Zurich, - OntArdo LOUIS PRANG