HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1915-01-29, Page 7T
FROM MERRY Old Nt LANO Daiigerous Throat Troubles
Prevented by Nerviline
Occurrences in The LandThat.
Reigns .Supreme In Abe Com-
mercial World.
The Birmingham Relief Fund now
exceeds, $500;000.
There are 55,438 miles of railway'
tracks in Britain.
The first Society for the Preven-
tion of Cruelty to Animals was
founded in England in 1824.
The total of the National Relief,
Fund is now $20,210,000, and that of
Queen Mary's Fund $600,045.
The death has occurred of Sir
John Barker, London's millionaire
department store owner, at the age
of 72 years.
"Louvain" is one of the Christian
names given to a girl who has just
been baptized at Thames Ditton
Parish Church.
Over 800.000 households in the
United Kingdom representing about
10 per cent. of the families, employ
domestic servants.
It is pointed out that the; stop-
page of football would throw nearly
50,000 wage-earners idle, and im-
peril $10,000,000 of capital.
A recruiting demonstration at
Cardiff, produced three recruits
while thousands of young men were
at a professional football match.
All the insurance agents in the
Watford district have pledged them-
selves to secure at least three re-
cruits each far the army.
Over a thousand shirts for
wounded soldiers have been made
and despatched by a, ladies' work-
ing party at the parish room at
Sunbury Common.
Lancashire landowners are doing
their utmost to recruit farmers'
sons and farm laborers who up to
the present have been slow in join-
ing the colors.
The Mayor of Fulham (Mr. H. G.
Norris), director of the Arsenal and
Fulham F.C., is trying to raise a
"bantam" regiment, with 5 feet as
the minimum height.
In South Lancashire telephone.
and telegraph wires have been brok-
en down and thousands of slate and
chimney pots hurled from houses by
a hurricane of wind and rain.
The Surrey Education Committee
hare 'sanctioned' the 'admission of
Belgian children to the Waltoa
schools wherethey are being taught
arithmetic in the French tongue.
"Kitchener 'Arms" is a new title
given to a public -house opposite the
Soldiers' and Sailors' Institute,
Windsor, in substitution of the Ring
of Prussia.,
Second -Lieutenant the Prince of
Wales, Grenadier Guards, and
Prince Leopold of Battenberg,
King's Royal Rifle Corps, have been
gazetted lieutenants.
While showing a -neighbor a letter
which slie had jest received from
her soldier son at the. front, Sarah
Ackleman of South Lambert ecil-
lapseci and fell dead. ^�
A Sheffield tradesman is eon-
structing a dog gan carriage and an
ammunition wagon whichcan be
drawn either by dogs or infantry,
He intends to present it to the War
Office for use at the front.
A petition signed by nearly all
the residents in Frankfurt Road,
Herne Hill, has been sent to the
Camberwell Borough Council ask-
ing chat the street be changed to
Casino, Louvain or Namur road,
There are now 1,061 r,lcl Etonians
on active service in France, Bel-
gium.. Africa and the naval forces.
Of these 132 have been killed in ac-
tion, 77 have died of wounds, . 170
were prisoners, 30 are wounded and
prisoners, and 26 are missing,
Appropriate Dish.
"Don't ,be long in getting lunch."
"All right. Here's some short
Not Muck•Rooui For Argument.
"You owe everything to your
wife," said the severe maternal re-
"Maybe I do," replied Mr. Meek -
ton. ''Anyhow, she gets around
regularly every pay day .and col-
lects." •
Real Pebble Spirit.
"Why don't somebody build on
this vacant lot? You seem to be
short on eivio enterprise."
"Quite the contrary, stranger.
The man who owns that lot has too
pouch public spirit to build on it."
"How "do you make that out?"
"That's where the circus shows
when it collies to town."
ktvery suecessful mein known more
the it his own business than he
doer! about other men's.
Don't wait till night.
Get after your. cold now,—this very
minute, before it grows dangerous you
should apply old-time "Nerviline.
Rub your chest and throat, rub them
thoroughly with Nerviline. Relief will
be immediate.
Nerviline will save you from lying
aivalte to -night, coughing, choking and
suffering from congestion in the chest
and acute pain in the throat.
Nerviline will break up that dull
neuralgic headache—will kill the cold
and chill at its very beginning—will
save you from perhaps a serious ill-
To take away hoarseness, to break
up a grippy cold, to cure a sore throat
or bad cold in the chest, you can use,
nothing so speedy and effective as Ner-
enviline. For forty years it has been the
most largely used family remedy in
the Dominion. Time has proved its
merit,, so can you by keeping handy on
the shelf the large 50c. family size
bottle; small, trial size 25c., sold by
any dealer anywhere.
The Most Unpretentious Big Mil-
lionaire in Canasta..
Sir Herbert S. Holt, of Montreal,
recently honored with a knight-
hood, is said to be the most modest
and retiring of Canada's million-
aires, He is one of the biggest
power and transportation men in
the Dominion, but he doesn't go
in for social or club life of any
kind and is personally known to
very few people.
Sir Herbert Holt came to Can-
ada in 1875 as a nineteen -year-old
immigrant from Ireland. He had
been given a training in mathemat-
ics .and. engineering at Trinity Col-
lege, Dublin. and he was given a
job by James Ross, of Montreal, on
the Victoria Railway, a crude little
lumbering line, extending north
from Lindsay into the forests of
Haliburton. Young Holt made him-
self very useful, and when Ross
moved to Toronto as superintendent
of the 'Credit Valley Railway, later
absorbed by the C.P.R., he brought
Holt with him. The young engineer
had a good deal to do with the con -
Sir II. S. bolt.
struction of its various extensions.
In 1883 James Russ moved again—
going to the \Vest as superintendent
of construction on the prairie divi-
sion of the C.P.R.—and again he
took young Holt with him.
Power ills Monument.
' About the same time • William
Mackenzie and D, D. Mann went
West. Holt soon saw that there was
more money in the contracting busi-
ness than in working on salary as
an engineer, and he spent seven
years in that business, being all the
time more or less in touch with
Mackenzie, Mann and Ross. Re-
turning to Montreal, he directed his
energies to getting control of that
city's power and light facilities. He
first bought out the old Montreal
gas company. Then he acquired the
Royal Electric Company, and by
.Gill•. /.
ISSUE 5—'1G.
degrees buying out competing cam-
panies or crushing them, he evolved
the present Montreal Light, Heat,
and Power Company, with its aeven-
teen million dollar capital and 'ts
almost absolute monopoly in the.
city and distriet of Montreal.
Montreal Power is the monument
H. S. Bolt has reared to his prow'
ess as a financier, He 'knows all
about that company, and its equip-
ment, He is the company's own re-
sident engineer, and has traveled
all over the world ilrlpriving . his
knowledge of electrical- engineering
He is also a bank president, be-
ing head of the Royal Bank. By the
way he has the unique distinction.
of having been president of two
banks, for he was the first presi-
dent of the ill-fated Sovereign
Bank, and held that office fpr three
years. Sir Herbert is a director of
the C.P.R. and is a liberal invest-
or in stocks of any kind that- have
a basis of industrialism. He is one
of the biggest of Montreal's finan-
cial magnates—one of the inner cir-
cle. Personally he is also a big
man. He is rather 'better than six
feet in height, and his frame is
powerful and well knit --that of a
man who lived his early life out-
doors and was very much at home
there. .
There is nothing of the mixer
about this new Montreal knight. He
spends most of his time between his
house on Stanley Street and his of-
fice in the Power Building on Craig
Street. Usually he makes a trip
across the Atlantic once a year, but
the rest of the time he lives quietly
at home. He doesn't care for clubs -
'and has few intimates.
Most mothers are anxious when
their little ones' are teething, for at
this time the baby's stomach gets
disordered and there is a, grave
danger of convulsions. This anxiety
can be lessened•, however, if the
mother keeps a supply of Baby's
Own Tablets in the, house and gives
an occasional dose to her teething
baby. The' Tablets are the very
best medicine in the world during
the teething time. They regulate
the bowels, sweeten the stomach,
promote healthful sleep and make
teething painless. -They are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents.a box from The Dr. Williams'.
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
. Judge—Fou are charged with
breaking a chair over your wife's
head. more qurci>ly and definitely, for it
Ile Wants 411 The
World to know It
• JE:1.N BA PT1STE rftpp.
(webers Malt Wito Suffertstl;` frnnt
14 idney 0isense for 'fears iH again
a Robust, Healthy malt:
L'Anse-a-Valleau, Gaspe Co,,
Que., Jan. 25th (Special)—"I aifl
happy to tell you Dodd's Kidney:.
Pills made me well.." So says Jean
Baptiste Tapp, a well known and
highly respected resident of this
place. And so thankful is Mr. Tapp
for the benefits he has received from
Dodd's Kidney Pills that he wants
the whole world to know it. He
wants others who suffer as he did
to know She cure.
"For many years I suffered from
kidney disease," Mr. Tapp says,
"It started from a cold, and gradu-
ally grew worse. My skin ha,d' a
harsh, dry feeling, my :appetite was
fitful and I perspired freely with the
slightest exertion. I had flashes of
light before my eyes and T was al-
ways tired and nervous.
"Finally rheumatism was added
to my troubles, while attacks of
sciatica and neuralgia followed. The
doctor who attended ire and the.
medicines I tried, failed to help me
till I decided to use Dodd's Kidney
Pills. I took four boxes in all, and
to -day I ani a robust man in excel-
lent health."
All Mr. Tapp's troubles came
from sick kidneys. That's why
'Dodd's Kidney Pills cured them.
Carried to All Parts of the Field by
Motor Truck.
In modern warfare the searchlight is
invaluable. On dark nights at sea it is
the only means of guarding against
torpedo boats, which its beams will re-
veal at a distance of two miles or more.
On shore it is the electric eye of the
army. It is carried to all parts of the
field of action by motor truck, and the
motor that propels the vehicle drives
the electric generator that supplies the
current for the light. Most of these
field searchlights are not directed by
hand, for each instrument is fitted with
what is known as the distant control.
Two small motors govern the vertical
and the horizontal movements of the
light. From them an electric cable
runs to the station of the operator,
who , although he may be several
hundred feet away, can send the rays
of the light in, any direction he pleases.
According to the Navy and Army Illus -
t Ated, one advantage of this distant
control is that the objects picked up
by the beam of light can be sighted
+t e
Prisoner It was an accident your operator stands behind the light and
Honor. looks along the beam his vision is
Judge — What: Didn't you in. jj hampered by a luminous Ihaze. A
• second advantage is that the light can
Prisoner—Yes, but I didn't in- be placed in an exposed position with -
tend to hit her
tend to break the chair out endangering the peen who run it;
3, I were.. the operator and officer beside
the appartus they would be certain to
TryYOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU ' that Eyes and Granulated Eyelids; /To Smarting ; poured upon a searchlight, and would
just Eye Comfort..)write for Book of the Eye ,suffer the instant the range was
;,yrnailhrree. MarineTi,yeaemedy 00., Ohieaga , "
Marble Eye Remedy for Ra Weak,
Waters, receive the file that is Sure t0 be
a' Lor d's Day Alliance Active
Dr. James L. Hushes, Toronto.
Very busy with tl+e good work, but no
more efficient than the old reliable Put-
! na•m's Coin Extractor, which cures corms
i and warns in one day. Fifty year, use
In living over life's best days
The day conies back again
When first we met, and in my heart
You smile, as you did then.
proves the urerit of Putnam .I. tse no
other, 25c. at all dealers.
And still I smile a sweeter smile,
. Because you smiled, and so
Your smile is passed to other hearts All the average nail wants i, fair
That's All.
To give them brighter glow.
!play—with himself as umpire.
Keep smiling, for your happy smiles Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
In other lives shine on
To bring them in their darkest hours Is Plumbago as Baal as Lumbago?
The glory of Hope's dawn.
January, 1915.
Seventeen Red Cross Women Have
Been Billed in Battle.
Seventeen women nurses in the
Russian Red Cross service have
been killed on the battlefield while
in the performance of their duty.
An official "eye witness" attached
to the staff of Grand Duke Nicholas,
the Russian' commander-in-chief,
says that the nurses have shown
conspicuous bravery.
The latest victim was Mlle. Lud-
mila Alexinsky, who has just died
at her hoane near Odessa of blood -
poisoning, which followed a wound.
Mlle. Alexinsky was wounded in the
hand at the battle of Gumbinen.
After her recovery she was trans-
ferred to the army of General Ruz-
ski in Galicia. At Razwadok, a doc-
tor, whom she was assisting, was
Milled by a bursting shell and Mlle.
Alexinsky was badly stunned. Dur-
ing the Rsgow-Tusdhin battle she
was under fire 17 hours. She was
wounded through the shoulder at
the storming of Petrokoff, which
wound caused her death.
"Aunt—Well, why don't you say
grace, Neje? Elsie--•' Cause it's only
hash an' 1 said graee on it yester-
"I was simply in such agony .I
couldn't stand it with that attack
of plumbago."
"What did you do?"
"I got the doctor to give me a
morphine interjection."
When a man has more dollars
than. sense, he is badly in need of a
little change.
For severe wounds,
cuts, skin diseases,
eczema and all skin
troubles—for adults or
for children, there is
nothing to equal the
great herbal healer
Seven Denies Seen in Russia,
Fighting in Ranks of Raiser.
The London Daily Chronicle ways;
"There appears from time to tune
in the Russian papers a stat-ament
that women.volunteer's are fighting
in the German ranks, and now 'tile
Warsaw correspondent of the Dyna;
of Petrograd, has actually seen
these, amazons among the wounded
at present being treated at the
Ouyazdoff hospital. He says `there
were seven women who were cap-
tured while fighting in German uni-
forms. They were placed together
in a special ward.
"Judging by the nature of their
wounds they have taken part not
only in rifle practice, but also in
bayonet attacks. One of them, who
had a serious wound, has singe died.
They are fine specimens of Teutonic
womanhood, and ' the Russian
nurses greatly admire their finely
developed muscles, which seem to
indicate that they have belonged
for years to German gymnastic so-
"In captivity they behave with
the same haughty and contemptu-
ous indifference which characterizes
the Prussian officers.' One of the
nursing sisters brought to them a
Russian newspaper, the Petrograd
Herald, which is printed in German
but they indignantly rejected the of-
fer and said they did not believe
anything which appeared in aRus-
sian paper, even when printed in
German. They refused to talk of
their homes and families, but, judg-
ing by their demeanor, they seem to
belong to the upper or upper -mid-
dle class."
Death Nearly Claimed
New Brunswick Lady
Was Restored to Her Anxious Family
When Hope Had Gone.
St. John, N.B., Dec. 15,—At one
time it was feared that Mrs., J. Grant,
of 3 White St., would ruccuanb to the
deadly ravages of advanced kidney
trouble. "My first attacks of back-
ache and kidney trouble began years
ago. For six years that dull gnawing
pain has been present. When I ex-
erted myself it was terribly intense
1 tied. If I caught cold the pain was un-
endurable. I used most everything,
abut nothing gave that certain grateful
relief that came from Dr. Hamilton's
Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. In-
stead of being bowed down with_ pain,
to=day '1 am strong, enjoy splendid
appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper -
'ties have been instilled into my blood
cheeks are rosy with color, and I
thank that day that I beard of so
grand a medicine as Dr. Hamilton's
Every woman should use these pills
regularly because good health pays,
and it's good, vigorous health that
comes to all who use Dr. Hamilton's
Mandrake and Butternut Pills,
Offt'ilsively Offieiotts.
"You always go home exceedingly
early, old man.''
"Yes; our neighbor;; are the cause
of that."
"How so 7"
"If I stay downtown a minute
late they come right over and con-
done with my wife."
Minnrd'c Liniment Co., Limited.
Sired have used your MINARD'S LIXI•
M8141 for 1.110 pact 25 yews and whilst i
have occasionally used aihor .liniments T
can safely say that I have never used any
equal to yours.
If rubbed between the hands and in.
haled frequently, it will never fail to
cure cold in the head in 24 hours. It is
also the Best for bruises, sprains, etc,
Tons truly,
The Cause.
"How slid you lose your hair "
"Worry 1 I was in constant fear
that I was going to lose it."
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. .
A Feminine Marvel.
"Mrs. Blinks is a woman of great
"Marvellous! Why, she's married
two years and still urging her hus-
band to go to church with her on
Via Chicago & North Western iiy,
Four splendid daily trains from the New
Passenger Terminal, Chicago to San
Francisco, Taos Angeles and San Diego
Choice of scenic and direst routes. Double
track. Automatic elWtrio safety signa1e
all the w
Ltd lug plan your trip and furnish sad.
els .and ,full particulars.
B. 12. Bennett, Gen. Agt., 46 Yonge St.,
Toronto, Ont.
"What's that piece of cord tied
around your finger for V' "My wife
put it there to remind me to post a
letter." "And did "on post it?"
"NoI she forgot to give it to me."
Minard's Liniment res Colds, titer''
r r-r•,r--N.++..: .,,.,,,,,•,,,,..... ,.. ,..,.
M E IC'7L T S —
Full flavored and
'perfectly cooked
make delicious
Roiiianee of To -day.
Fortune Teller ---Beware of a
dark man, .whom you will soon
meet. He will be a villain.
Girl ---How perfectly delightful!
How soon will I meet him?
Minard's Liniment Cures Garget In Cows.
"Shall I put a Iittle more brandy
in the puanch.f" asked the host.
"No," replied 'the hostess. "Be
content to leave it as a punch.
Don't make it a knockout."
H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street,
Fruit, Stook, Grain or Dairy Farm,.
write H. W. Dawson. Brampton. or 90 Ool•
borne St.. Toronto.
H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto.
roe`, SALE.
_RAJ Holstein Calves. T. J. Morrison,
light sewing at home, whole or
spare time; good pay; work sent any die.
Lance; charges pard. Send stamp for SSraa•-
CO., Montreal.
F7 TATOES. Catalogue free. McConnell
& Son, Port Burwell, Ont.
• f.A EARN BARBER rearms ---ALWAYS
sure employment at good wages; Yes9
weeks required 4.o complete course write
for full particulate, and catalogue to -lay.
Molex Barber College, 219 Queen East,
internal and external. eared with,.
out pain by our home treatment. Write
us before too late. Dr. Gellman Idedieel
Co., Limited, Collingwood. Ont
Machinery For cga4.
Engine, shafting, belting, pulleys,
etc. from large factory for sale.
Wheelock engine, 18 by 42, complete
with cylinder ;fromo, fly wheel, bear-
ings, etc., all in good condition.
Shafting from one inch to threw
inches, pulleys • thirty inches to
fifty inches, belting six inches to
twelve inches. Will sell entire or
it part.
S. Frank Wilson & Sons,
73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto.,
!�{ Mfr
Chapped Hands
Quickly Healed
Chapped hands and lips always
come with cold weather, but
Made in Canada
brings sure and speedy relief.
Children especially need Vaseline
Camphor Ice for their rough and
smarting hands.
Our new illustrated booklet de-
scribes all the "Vaseline" prepa-
rations. A postcard brings it.
on "Vaseline" in original pack-
ages hearing the name, C1-1E$E-.
ING CO., Consolidated. For sale
at all Chemists and Geneial Stores.