HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1915-01-29, Page 4�rl a I ER LD
issued every Thursday afternoon from the
Victoria St, Zurich by
[T. S• subscripton $r;5o strictly in advance,
tales for display and contract advertisements wine
en on appliatian.
Transient notices such its legal, corporation, soclet
:., le cents per line for first insertion and 5 eentsper
e for each subsequentinsertion.
Estray advs. $r for three insertions.
4otices of entertainments, socials 'etc. at which an
miss ion fee is charged or a special colleotion tt.kst
ll be charged for at the regular advertistng rates
ftices of religious or other meetings the object of
aich is the benefit of the community and not for per -
nal or sectarian interest or gain, will be eheertuly
tserted free.
No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid.
Changes,fer contract advertisements must be in the
flice by 6 p. nt, Tuesday, otherwise they will be left
ver, until the following weeknts without k.
inserted ut titl forbid and charged aecific ccordingly. tinglyirections ,VTran-
ra -
lent advertleeienrs must be paid for in advar:ce.
Address all communications to
THURSDA-Y, JAN, 28, 1915
Mr George W Shore, teacher in no 1,
Stephen, has been off duty during the
past week suffering from a severe at-
tack of, the La Grippe.
Mr. E 11f Brokenshii'e was in zurichl
Monday on business.
Several from this community attend-
ed the annual meeting of the Hay Fire
Insurance Co. on Monday last held at
the Town -Hall in zurich,
Mr and lin Rueben Goetz have 're -
tamed to their home after spending
some time in Sarnia, visi ting Mrs Goetz,
sister, Mrs P M Humble;
Miss Sylvia Pfaff is at present visit-
ing her sister Mrs Seller), near Stafa,
What makes :the landscape look so
What blossom„ bright perfume the
What plant repays the farmer's toil,
And will enrich the worn-out soil?
What is the crop that always pays,.
And will mature in forty days,
Resisting drought, the frost and heat;
. Whose roots reach down one huudrecl
What grows in loam, in clay or sand;
What lifts the mortgage off the land.;
What crop is cut six times i year,
And no foul weeds in it appear?
What makes the swine so healthy
And neyer raise a hungry se Teal;:
The wholesome food that ne'• tar fails
To put three curls into their tails?
What makes all other stock link nice,
And brings the highest marl,:at price;
V'4hat-fills the milk pail, feeds the calf,
And makes the old cow almost laugh?
The report of the chief engineer an
the Ontario West Shore Railway
shows that it would cost nearly half a
million dollars to. complete the road.
The population of Huron County is
R Penhale, who has been a director
of the Bayfield Agricultural Society
for thirty-six years and vice-president
for a number of terms desired toretiie
-, at the meeting last week. Mr. R.
Delgaty also retired.
A. recruit from Seaforth, William
Harvey Phillips, of the Royal Canad-
ian Dragoons, died at Salisbury Plains
last week of pneumonia.
The newspaper men of Huron and
Perth counties met at Stratford on
Monday and decided to form a joint
organization to take the place of the
present 'Huron County organization.
• The officers appointed are: Hon. Pres.,
W. R. Davis, of the Mitchell Advocate;
Pres., H. B. Elliott, of the Wingham
Times; Secy. Treas., Alex. Abraham,
of Stratford, L. A. Eedy, of the St.
Marys Journal, T. W. Vanatber of the
Godericli 'Star, and E. V. Blatchford
of the Listowel Banner were appointed
to the executive committee.
FOR 1915
and Daily, Globe .$3 75
" Weekly Globe ,. 1 75
" Daily Mail and Em-
tt <t Weely Mail and
Empire 17b
Toronto Daily Star 2 85
Weekly Star,. 1 75
" Daily News 2 85
LY,ndon Free Press
Morning Edition
Evening Edition 2 90
Weekly Edition..,., 1 85
L•,ndon Advertiser
Morning Edi:tion.... 2 00
I',Y'enitig Edition.... 2 90
Weekly Edition...,. 1 75-
.. CC Farm As Dairy 1 75
I'.a rnaers Advocate... :2 40
Montreal Family
Heraldr and "i ee-kl y •
,»........ 1 85.
Weekly Montreal
Witness 1.S$
3 75
3 5IS
11Ir Geo Shervitt of Stephen and Mr
Richard. Robinson of Alberta, formerly
of Stephen, spent a few days with
friends in Stanley last week,
Mr John McKinley, reeve of Stan-
ley, is attending County Council at
Goderieh this week.
Miss Maggie Rouatt of Moosejaw,
Seek., formerly of Tuekersmith, is
visiting with relatives in Stanley.
The Quarterly sacremental service
will be hold in the Varna Methodist
Church on Sunday next at 11 a nt., and
the pastor, Rev, Mr Brown will conduct
the Epworth League service at Goshen
It is said that ere long two of our
young ladies are to try conclusions
with snatrimouiallife, We don't know
if the report be true but its no lie that
if a good wife is wanted this burg has
the young ladies with all the qualifica-
tions necessary for a first class help•
mate. Now boys don't be slow, you
can't make a mistake in conning here
to get the very individual you require,
the clergyman to do the 3ob complete
and even the license to help you on
your way. Who'll be the next.
DAS " ' 00111
I have a large stock of all
the latest and gest in Mens'
Ladies and Children Shoes.
Call and look over our lines
before you buy elsewhere.
We can save you looney.
Repairing Promptly Done
Buttes and eggs taken in
for shoes.
favid P f.
Dashwood - Ont.
The Unique Club had an interesting
meeting last Thursday evening. A
large crowd listened to a most instruct-
ive debate, resolved that at the present
time the 'young man has a better
chance to succeed in life by remaining
on the farm than by going to the city
The contestants on either side took
their part well. The affirmative won
by four points.
Miss Grace Anderson of Kipper,
spent a few days with her friend 11liss
Fanny Gascho.
A number of boys from Dashwood
spent Sunday evening in our burg.
Mr Wm. Beaver of Hersall, spent
a few days last week renewing old
acquaintances here.
The contestants of the sparrow con-
test invited their friends to an oyster
supper on Tuesday evening at the
home of Mr John Haugh, and all re-
port a good time.
Mrs J W Horner spent a week vis-
iting her daughter, Mrs Ings, of Varna
Miss M Sparks spent the,week end
at her home in Hensall.
Messrs Ed. Drake and Percey Clark
of Hensel' spent Sunday at the home
of Mr J Gascho.
Mr and Mrs S E Faust were visitors
at the home of Mr B Pfile, 14th Con,,
on Sunday last. •
A meeting of the Subscribers of the
play Township Telephone Systema
will be held at the Town Hall, Zurich
on Monday, Feb.lst 1915, at 2 o'clock
P. M.
Zurich Jan. 22, 1915. By order.
F. Hess Sr. Clerk,
All parties who are indebted. to Hie
will please call for their accounts.
All accounts notcalled for by Feb lar
will be sent through the mall.
R. F. Stade, Zurich Ont
I can place a first mortgage of
$0,000 for a terns of 5 years, on a
Lutheran church and parsonage in one
Ontario, at 8%
cities of C
a 1 large
of a{,,
interest per annum. The property is
valued at $22,000, Apply to A E flees �
herald Office.
Mr Leo Bedard e,nd Miss Florence
Bedard have returned to their
hone in Gourtright, after a few
weeks visit with friends and rel
atives here.
Mr Eddie Mass and Miss Rachel
Bedard left on Monday for Chat
A surprise party was held at the
home of Mr and Mrs James Masse
on Monday night.
Mr James Overholt has pressed
about fifty ton of • hay. Thomas
Brown being the buyer.
Mr John Cantiu and sister, Miss
Josephine left on Monday for Tor-.
Just a little more cold weather
and the fishermen on the shores of
Lake Huron. will be able to fulfil a
long wanted desire' --A good mess
of fresh herring,
Mr Rennie Jeffrey of Beavertown
has been liid up the past week
with an attack of mzinnps.
Messrs John Wilhelm and John
Groff, having spent -n couple of
weeks at the home of Clayton.
Smith, returned to their homes in
Zurich Meat
PIiALItItS� IN ..._ . _.-
Fresh and Salt Meats
Bologna Sausages, etc,
'anglbiut &
St. Peter's Cathedral, London, was
the scene of a very pretty wedding on
Jan201b, when Mr Miehael M Doyle
of Exeter, was married to Miss Ellie
Hayton daughter of the late James Har•
ton of Strathroy. After a short honey
moon trip Mr and Mrs Doyle -will
take up their residence here and will
have the best wishes of a host of
friends for their future happiness and
Fred Kerr, the well known trap
shooter, has made a splended record tit
the tournaments be attended recently.
In St Thomas he scored 22 oat of 23.
In Algonac Mich., he was high gun
with 298 out of 300. In Toledo, 0.,
be was also high gun with 192 obt of
Before Magistrate W D Sanders on
Monday, Jan 18th on information
laid by Norman Kellermann of Dasn-
wool there appeared W G Gibbons
charged with falsely obtaining a note
of $850.00 from Normam Kellerman
on an exchange of a Ford automobile
for a McLaughlin -Buick car, to which
a lien was attached, and which some
time ago was taken away from Keller -
mann by the company. No evidence
was taken and the ease was adjourn,
ed to Thursday of this week at 10
W H Levet[, who lies conducted a
wholesale produce and coal business
here for many years has sold out to
Thos. Kestle, Henry Rowe and Miss
Wood, who get possession Mar, 1.
Jerry Heainan has moved to his
farm in Stephen, Mrs, Delve has mov-
ed into the house he vacated,
Mr Hugh Love is busy drawing
cement blocks for the foundation of
his barn.
Mr Milton Love is buying a carload
of fat cattle this week. •
M. e ()bailie Farguer entertained a
few of his friends one evening last
Mr P Ragansold his driving mare
to Mr, John Reid of Hibbert.
Mr W J Jarrott was in London on
business one clay last week. '
11Zr J Turner visited friends 'et
Grand Bend recently.
11•Cr TliOmas Turnbull of the Bend
visited ,friends around Hills Green a
few days ago,
Miss D: tfegabeentertained a ntinnb-
er of her friends iends one evening last week
Mr ,Alf Reichert has again been el-
ectea 0. director of theoZurich Show.
Alf oerttdnlypolis a big vote,
Ed, Bedard visited relatives in God-
erich last week.
Mr Peter N Denonime is taking ad-
vantage of the good sleighing to speed
some of his fast horses. However, he
says he is not as good a jockey as he
Was twenty years ago.
'Wilfred and Evangline Laporte
have returned from their months visit
in the counties of Essex and Kent and
report a very good time. A large num-
ber of their young friends visited then
an Sunday evening. ,
The ice on the lake is incceasiug
in thickness and prospects for fishing
are becoming brighter.
The ninth annual meeting of the
German, Sunday 1030 a, m
members of the Huron Weather Insure I
-English " ,
Billie Sob . ` ,pp. .
Men's Mis'nool'ry S Tuesday 8Z.00b p. ntm.
Luther League Friday 8.00 p, m.
L A 5 1st Tues'y of month 2..30 p, in,
You are cordially invited 'to take an
fictive part in all these meetings and
"Blessed. are they that hear the
word of God., and keep it. Luke 11.28,
Sunday, German 10.00 a, m,.
Junior Y, P. A. 1.00 p. rn.
" Sunday School 2,00 " "
(Service) English 7,00 " "
Teachers meeting 8.00 " "
Mon., Tri -Mu Brotherhood 8.00 "
Tuesday, Y. P. A. 8.15 " "
Wednesday Player Meeting 8.00 t<
Friday Teachers Training
Class 7.30 "
choir practice 8.80 "
Ladies Aid meets 1st Monday of
each month at 7.30 p. in.
anee Mutual Company, is being held
in tlenselI 1oclay. The Antlitor's anal
Directoi's reports have been issued to
members. The company bee herd a
very prosperous year. .lb has felly
overcome the shaking up it got by the'
great wind storm of two years ago,
The fact that it stood this great strain
on its resources so well, speaks volumes
for the soundness -of the company and
the admirable manner in which it is
being managed by the Directors and
Officers, We quote from the Directors
report. During the year we have ad-
justed ninety-five claims at a cost of
$1,666.08. We have not only paid
all claims and obligations against the
company for the yeas; 1914, but we
have paid our note for 2,000 held by
the bank, at December 3lst, 1913, and
closed the year 1914, with a neat bal-
ance of $1,009.98, cash on hand. The
number of new policies issued during
the year was 733, covering insurance
to the amount of $805,170. The to-
tal number of policies in force Decem-
ber 31st, 1914 was 2452, covering in-
surance to the amount of $2,657,205
Nine hundred and forty -orae policies
were cancelled daring the year, cover-
ing insnrance to the amount of $958,
785. The P •elnium Notes held by
the Company amount to $ 116,008.
and the assessed residue on said notes
is $92,016.00.
Mr and Mrs James Sopha mourn
the loss of their only daughter, Regina
at the age of six years. The deceased
had been ill for some weeks with pneu-
moaie and gradually grew weaker. An
Operation was performed, but the pat-
ient had become too weak and she past-
ed away on Monday. The funeral
was hold on Tuesday bo the R 0 cem-
etery, Rey Father Bondot officiating.
Gee. Pfaff is learning the barbering
business at London. • -
Tlle officers of the Rebekah lotage•
Were installed last Wednesday evening
by an installation team from Goclerich,
• The new:. was received here a few
clot � a„o of the death
Gilchrist, which oceul•ed at Tacoma,
Werth. He hod contrncled blood
poisoning, when treating an nniinal
while practising. his profession of
'veterinary surgeon,
GV :'E Ho, Barth ! as been engaged
as teacher at S, S. No 10, Hay.
Apretty wedding was solemnized in
Cermet church on Jan, 21, when Bessie
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs Alex.
Menu, of Hay Township, was united
in marriage with Thomas G. Wilson,
M.:D., of Moorefield, Ont., in the
presence of immediate relatives. Rev.
E. BIOL. Smith officiated.
A rooht in the new -town hall is be-
ing fixed up to be occupied by the
public library.
Mrs Samuel Thompson, Sr. of the
3rd con., Hay, received the sad news
recently of the death of her sister, Mrs
John Reath; in Washington. Mr and
Mrs John Reath were residentso.f Hay
township many years ago.
Y number of new devices
and making other im•
proyements in our printing
plant which will enable us bo do
job work as neatly and (inicitly
as any city office. Let us do
your next job, no matter how
large or small it is, and wo will
convince you that what we say
is right. Our prices are also
• right, Be loyal to home'indus-
Phone: 30 • - - - Zurich
fyaTri Ci f,
A reilable Hien to sell
Start now at the best selling time,
Send for list of Spring Offeijogs
and terms to agents Liberail er,m—
missi.ns, Han dsrin,c Free Onlfit
Stone i Wellington
The Fonthill Nuteaies
(i sralIi-ltecl 1337)
"o\ Ott et
COPYRJoti 'r$ &C.
St/171M6 einidinle n skate' and description may
galalt�p ascertain our opinion ifreeNnether an'
lnvOntlon Id prohabippatentable. Communion.
tlorIa strictly confidential. HANDBOOK en Patents
sunt free. Oldest agency for so uringpatont5,
Patents takentlu'oligh Munn o. teaelve
aveciagatilccn Without charge, In OD.
SCientrit 011111tIsitall.
d Itardsernely 111 , !rated weekly. Largest. ale
••iiitintfof V a.ny F•!wttifJc Journal. Terms fat'
Canada,5.i 5 u vent, postage prepaid, Sold t>p
Yin newsdaalera,
UN I re asinrogiflwiiy. New �4Grot
: �)cA,u"r Y.'IICR, g2t' 7� 'in,. Waslttnftoa. a.r'
Issued for Short Tenn of Years
Coupons Payable Half -Yearly
Assets, $7,480,339
theGreatWestPetmanent LoaaCoinpany
20.Kinf Sl.West;
A. F. HESS, Agent, Zurich.
Binders, Mowers, all kind
7.00 p, rn,
Classified Acis
FOOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries
Public &c. Office, on the Square, 2nd
door from Hamilton St. Ooderich.
Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
W. PM/VI/FOOT'IC. C. J. L. Kii.roxtt
W. PaolrnrooT, Jx,
lR. E. B. BALFOUR, graduate
Western University, late of
the Military Hospital and Victoria
Hospital, London. Office in the
building formerly ocettpied by the late
Dr.McLaughlin, Desllwood.
R A. J. 11IacKIN NON late House
Surgeon, Erie County Hospital,
Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi-
clent Physician, Manhattan Maternity
Hospital N: Y. city. Leto of . the
House Staff; - New York ' Polyclinic
Medical School and Hospital.. Drug
store in connection. Office, Zurich,
Farm For Sale
210 acres of good farming an
fruit land. 2000 peach trees of which
1000 are in bearing, good, plenty of
water, good building, well fenced and
and partly drained. For particulars
apply to Daniel Smith, R. R. No. 2
Farni for Sale
The 'undersigned offers for sale a
fine farm of niuety six and a half acres,
situated one quarter of a mile south of
of Cultivators, Discs and Fet -
tilizer Drills, hest and light-
est made, all steel.
Manure Spr 2aders and all f
kinds of plows and repairs
always in stock.
Look at our Cutters
Sleighs, Buggies, arid.
Wagons before buying else-!
P111. P. $75; 2'� t -I, P. $85; 4
P.$125; 6 If. P..$175; 8 H. P..$825:
12 H. P. $875; all warranted first
At the old Stand:—
`• Squge Dealinb Our Motto.'-' 1
Drysdale, on the lake road east. The
faun is well fenced and uuderdrained
with tile. It bas a good young orchard
and has forty-five acres fall ploughed
and the remainder seeded to grass.
There is a good frame house with hitch.
en and woodshed attached, and a large
bank barn with stone stabling and ce-
ment flooring all through, also good
hon -hoose and pig•bouse. There is a
good spring well at the house and a
large well at the barn also n spring
well at the back of the Wen. • For
further particulars apply at the farm to
Mrs George Pollock or Win, Pollock
R R No2 Zurich RR No1 Varna
Ont. Ont:
What is mora welcome lean a lette
from home to the absent boy or girl
Send thein The Herald and. they will
q j +'ctive tha hoino news ever' w (loo dollar pays for a �� kiole vela.
Litiliber! ShiligieS! LAOIS!
We have a large stock of these
on hand, Estimates given and con.
tracts taken. All kinds of exterior
and interior finisi
for houses made
to order. We hand 'e all kinds
Buildin • Material. Gall at Planing