HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1915-01-22, Page 8AnrLuai Clearing - SALE 1'01 Cash. or Trade Onldl 25 to 50 per cent (Aran goods a d veetised . Sale begins Satur- day, atur- da , an. 30 for 2 weeks only. Wim.. - .. .... .• On. Saturday morning, Jan. 30th, at 7. i0 a. in., we Will begin the greatest sacrifice sale ever known. to Zurich and surrounding country. F 1 loving our usual custom of cale.ar'iirg out all viltei goods regardless of cost and our need of ready cash brings on this sale SAVEDOLLARS;REAL S BUYING AT DUR STOR hest Prices oreduce RUBY and GASHO PHONE 17 Shse, N.3;:.1., "i« 5"M"T. � Q . '. +..,r..:• - ..., u L:. i'2_':. Lumber? hiwrles! Laths! We have a large stock f these on hand, Estimates given and con- tracts taken. All kinds of exterior and interior finish for houses made to order. We hand Re all kinds of Building Material. Call at Planing /rill, J�` � ; jf T C �. �T zuRIGI With many thanks for your patronage, we wish you a Happy New Year. F. W. Hess Geo. R. Hess Jewellers. I.. r:.:1 41 �l 11 Main Street = = = ric II,•1 IN NOTICE All parties who ate indebted to me will please call for the it recounts. All accounts not called for by Pei) lst will be sent through the mail, R. F. Stade, Zurir!t Ont, THE HERALD CLUBBING LIST FOR 09i5 NOTICE Herald and A meeting of the Subscribers of the - e Hay Township Telephone System will be held at the Town Hall, Zurich on Monday, Feb. lst 1015, at 2 o'clock P. M. Zurich Jan..22, 1915. By order. F.1Tess Sr. Clerk. LOAN WANTED . I can place . a filet mortgage of $9,000 for a terra of 5 years, on a leatheran church and parsonage in one of the large cities of Ontario, at 6% interest per annum. The property is valued at $22,000. Apply to A F Hess Herald Office. CLUBBING Warp. We are making arrangements with !all the leading daily and weekly papers for special clubbing rates When subscribed for with The Herald.. So kindly bear this in mind when re, reeving your subsei:iptiOf. f1 1t 11 1' Daily Globe... ...,$8 75 <` Weekly Globe...—. 1 75 Daily Mail and Em- pire 8 75 Weely Mail and Empire 1 75 Toronto Daily Star 2 85.: Weekly Star.. 1 75 " Daily News 2 85 London Pres Press Morning Edition.... 3 50 Evening Edition.... 2 90 Weekly Edition..,., 1 85 London Advertiser Morning Edition.... 2 90 Evening Edition.... 2 90 Weekly Edition,. 1 75 Farm & Dairy 1 75 Farmers Advocate... '2 40 Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star .:x.185 Weekly Montreal Witness 185 C< Ct 1t C1 CC 11 C C_ ' 1t CI Loud: News One new nutter left which I will"st:ll on easy terms, L. Prang. We will be glad 'to publish any it- ems esus ofnews, Hand thorax in, Alberta will vote on the question of provincial prohibition on July 21'. Our acconts are ready foe ilistrite ution. Kindly call for you's. J. greeter.' • New acts—R N Douglas, Ruby & Gasbo, Telephone Meeting, Ynngblut cC Deicbert, Me :flalvin Williams. returned to Bottalo, N. Y., last Friday after pleasant visit at his home here for o. few weeks, -1r Ford Sparks ;returned ` from Biggar, Sask., a few days ago, and is haying up a carload of horses for ship- ment to hip-ment'to Western Canada. A newspaperlaw has been passed whichin a measure protects the pub- lisher of newspapers being : defrauded out of hack subscriptions. Frequent- ly cases come before the publisher where persons cancelled their paper, but, incidently " forgot topay aireats" nett ewer, the publisher caii coiituluti t'n send his paper (even if it is refused until such time as said arrears baye been paid. Th E, On tail° Legislature will convene on Tuesday, Februaryl6. This definite announcement was made by Premier Hearst, following an afternoon session of the Cabinet on Jan, 15. The pro- clpro- clamation has already been signed by the lieutenant governor and the notices of assembly will at once be sent forth to the members. The legislation to be handled includes a mild moratorium,., a beginning on the $,30,000,000 high• way expenditure and likely some measures with regard to the unemploy- ed, besides a large number of private An exchange says; A man of wade experience in sheep raising Weltered terecl the following scheme to prevent loss through dogs -chasing the fiocl;,e. •tf a man has, say forty sheep, he should dent, a Secretary and Treasurer, all buy about two dozen he114s, simili'tiir to elected from aiming the pupils therx'- School Gardens School Gardening is a new branch of work added to our already overcrowd- oc1 (ereeeeelnen. Althonrh optional mole sohnoi is supposed to take up the work providing the Board of Trustees le in favorof introducing it. . Although it is called School garden - rug, the garden does not need to be at school, bet each .pupil may have . a email plot in the.hoine garden where he or she may do the sante work as others do who have the clots in' the school yard.On applying to the Ontario Agric- ulture College, Guelph, schools may obtain "flower seeds, grains, potatoes shrubs, vines, ole., free of cost, The xhrubs and vines Rte to be planted ill the scbool ground blit the flowee seeds, grain and potatoes may be .planted at home. Eggs for hatching may also be obtained at sixty cents per dozen. Sei oole undertaking the work are. paid a grant each year for the work done. Teachers itire the supervisors both of the school and hone gardens and are to visit each plot. twice a year and besides supervisors are sent out from the O.A. C to inspect the work SllbsePietigttUnder the hely 1'r.te -dune by each o.ehool Milch enters t� yll'ltly Government grants, In the fall each pupil collects ''th i product of his labours," which he may sell to any one desiring such, after re- taining what ho needs for the next year's crop. . In many sections school Nairn are held sometimes on the school 'grounds or sometimes at the Township Fair when prizes are awarded on the same principal as that of any ordinary fair School Progress Clubs are generally organized among the pupils of schools entering upon the work somewhatsim- i]ar to the Farmers Club or a Womens Ins ti tate. The purpose of such a elob• is to work out ways and beautifying the school and school grounds, to stir -&y agriculture through practical we'r1 in testing new varieties of grains and vegetables, to find out the most profit- able varieties of chickens, etc. The Club consists of )president, Vice-PrssiL cow bells, but smelter, and tie these selves. The teaellerseeet as ex -officio' to the sheep. It is a laaenliar thing director and advises*'to• theelub. that a dog will not bother a sheep if The idea is to turtle each school into it has a belt on its'neolt,• and this isni. a small agriculture/experimental farm real solution of the. pr'obles a; Thh from which, after tests have been man'followed the above scheme and! .mader the surroundin farirn ers mayI from hent sheep a short distance i~ro la t h . e and -picked sods eisi;. Or if city for twelve yearts and' AR f net lose, the pupiobtatn hand-picked wish, after fiieyli re obtain - one. His neighbors would' not; follow 'ed ten )bushels of see7.l erigible for the advice and three sheep'weina killed registration the Canadian. SSeeclGrow- in the night on the ne-xt farm.. `.Cha 'ors Association will be g;ed'to'catalogue plan is worth a trial. anyway. The such seeds for them to assist - them in farmers of Hay township. whirs ;awn finding a market.. sheep should give the above' al trii el' as Reports; of such schook wbiere the they number of sheep killedland• worr=ied work has been carried ern for some last year lin Hay was considerable. • years; show it to be a money. making 'investment .for the cbildrenrand a very inteeesting pastime. Besides-i+N /earns !the. boys). early in life, to lb' business for themsotives and to carrn'on1 farming i(though on a small scale) eitslaalnesiness Mille' Naris.. In' eonclteaiion I may say',, that we :have.appliea for admission: to; enter 'upset the work of "home•garid'ening' land' we' amu' looking for eneaur gement land s- ncess' in our efforts, . i. G S Howard1Peincipal. i NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Quite an excitment ocoin+rod in town a few days ago'when Mr Chas: Il'r rtz, who taxies ea great interest in, the• rat oko gation of fine poultry, was=semewhat grieved to find his prize barred) wok roostor, "Governor" gaspinglbr'brea;tli, in thecb'ielcen coop. The biixllevidbne- tly tad gained access to the granary and had gorged itself with fbc is so that acute indigestion followed: Fritz• phoned for Dr Decker, who. was, soon on the spot, The Doctor'at° ee saw that an operation was necessary. Hehastened back to his place of Burin- ess to get his surgical instruments to relieve the. valuable bird of its agony "-Stop D'octor," said Charlie, "db. not make incision without administering a nostrum of some kind." Chloroforne was agreed upon. The Doctor held the prepared sponge to the bii'd"s pro- boeis and soon it was asleep; He then made a slit in the bird's crop. incl' re- lieved it of its load. He sewed the parts together and then the "Governor' was placed in a separate compartment where in a few hours it began to show signs of recovery. On Sunday morn- ing Doctor Fuss was called' in for eon- sult•ation, and both Doe tot s' agreed the "Governor" would soon be around again and today it is as well and sprrt- ely as ever. Doctor Decider, isbecone- ing famous in the science, of hon ears ery.--Pion an irregular correspondent LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday, Butter Eggs....... .... ..... Dried Apples Potatoes 'Wheat $1,82 Oats 48 Barley 68 Buckwheat Flour ... . 13ran.... Shorts. Low Grade...,. Live Il'ogs fob Homan—, , �, i0.23 80 05 30 11.88 50 65 70 3.50 4.00 $27.00 1 have eeetho ized my s:aooessvr Mr. .A. F Hess. to colleot all back sub- sceiption.s:bo The Herald. Please look iup3tyour label and remit amount at your earlier convenience. E..Z'e19er. :Zurich, Nov. 2/914. 29.00 84.00 7.00 COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, & Western Coat Co's Scranton Coal All sizes ALF. SCRUTON Heraall. Zurich Feed Store Leading Brand' of Flour, Shorts, Bran and Feed C orn Produce' of all kinds taken in exchange, We are agents for. Interna- tiortal and Royal Purple stook food. Also a full line of Grocer, les on band. Isaac IltidS011. Stone's Fertilizes We are agents for Stone's Celebrated high grade Fertilized', and ;£artilers ,will now llo ilre'privilage of obtain - hag this class of goods at right price,. Fertilizer 11AS usually sold througi►, JT,,ol ,tern, ' can- vassing the the farmers, at, a v►ir.v pial' l,iar^t'. liu,►nely $32 per ton, (. ur price is $24 ver t on, Mitt tl 1 n t: bi1o',,,.is $23 a : ton, T hit ye no time to c; ruvtr ; the farmers, but call and leave your oraer alit, Kaye 't "ui q8 00 to $9.00 per ton. Do not let these cap vassers persuade you thaw their's is better. Remember 11 ti lialid 0 only the best, and that is STONE'S, MADE IN CANADA, Manufactured by Win Stone, Sons sc uo., Ingersoll and Woodstook ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE TAKEN, . l LEIB, ZURICH 9-R 1F�30�'s LARGEST C ivis!h1A719N STORE S1e In order to wind up the season's business quickly and clear out all odds and ends of seasonable nercliaudise at prices that are shure to make business hum, for cash and trade only until the 1st of February, we g ill Actual 'avhigs in dependable goods.' FURS Mssr"e blk Sib dog coat $25 for $18 6' `° asltlined coat f,nnc collar 18 for 12 "`` "` " 22 for 15 11 L&allies fur lined coati reg 40 for 26 I OVERCOATS Men+s o'eoreoats Reg 12: 50i for 8 00 10 001for 50 'Ioy s•.Ke ee amens ov're'trr `Z' 50 for 4 50 ge.s.overeoata Regular 0700 fest' 4k �a0 CC {, 11 PRINTS, ETC Cr 1 ydiwideflivia'ette reg 1...0112 'for•9 Wiapperettes. regular 12. •fbr. 9.. Ali prints 121e Heir. 9 Kimena geed] " 20• fine 1'41 Curtains- " :M"Ifor li Tinting' 30'for. 22 RUGS REDUCED 1 onlee velvets xnsg" reg 25 00afor 183001 1 "" `` °G 28 00ifor+ 16000 8 taxlostry� rugs 11 " 16 50;+fou• 12.000O 1 i1 10. 14 00'fearl@e00 1 y " Fc Ct 10 50efor' T00; UNUE RW , MeriN fleeeednenderwear reg, 60; four 415i 11 all; wo®ll " " i3 25• ffera•85' CHEAP SUITS Men's snits. Regular 15 00 for 10 00 tt e1• ,+ 12 50'for 8 00 Young mens snits reg 10 00 for 7 00 LC 1N 6: ft 7 00 for 4 50 Boys suits -regular 5.00 fere 3 00 SITINUS Tweed suitii�;.r regular 3 00 for*90 - DRESS 0o0D Dress goods all coin reg 1 15 for. 80 60 for14i0 40 for'2'5 GROCERIES, Er All tobacco 8 for 25 except MnDonaltli 30c straight. Best Rio cote' 7' lbs for 1$0001 5 gal best coati oiili for 65 cents` Best green Japan, tea. reg 80 fur -22: 2 .lb 0 brand bieouits" 25 fcir-21:1 DINNER SETTS Reg 1100 dinners soh 8 00, 97 pieess: 9 00 " 6 50, 100 " Sesecial 4 piece glass setts•for 80 cent&. nuine. honey Saving Event:. xot 3: ME1NEE, Zurich my 111 p1ertonts Let us kuowrycenr wants. We handle everything in. farm Implements;: Engine Supplies Pailies, all sizes and kinds, Belting, leather or eanvas,� all sizes. Shaft boxing and shafting. Pump and punep piping. Buggies, Waggons, Sleighs and Cutters. If you are in need of Machine Re- pairs we can get them for you. We give special attention to our repair department. UNLtERTAKIi LOUIS PRANG Prompt Service Moderate: Charges. Tailor Slop and Laundry W. H. HOFFMAN ,Zuriera, - Ontario