HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1915-01-22, Page 4TAE HERALD
ted 'every Tuhu;rsda+y afternoon.from the
1 victoria St. Zurich, by
vtw i+'.3Lr'SS'and CHESTEli.L. SMLi' a3
' subscripton •iz,so strictly in advance .
for display and contract advertisennn is wiiibe
t appliatien,
lent notices such as legal, .corporation, soviet
cents per line for first insertion and 5 cents/ter
each Subsequent insertion.
y advs. ;51 for•three insertions.
es of entertainments, socials etc, at which an
oxt feo is charged or a special collection taken
:hanged for at the regular advertising rates
of religious or other meetings the object of
s the benefit o&the community and not for per-
seotarian interest or gain, will be cheertuly
1 free.
aper discontinued until all arrearages are paid,
;es for contraci.advertisements must be in the
y 6 p. m. Tuesday, otherwise they will be left
til the following week.
rtisments without specific directions will be
d untitl forbid and charged ncco,dingly. Tran-
tvertismenrs must be paid for in advance.
Address all co;rmunicatiors to
URSDAY, JAN. 21, 1915
a Thursday -evening of last week
nembers of -the Unique Club held
irstbusinessmeeting for this year.
officers elected are; President Wm
hoffer, Vice president Albert
ifleish, Treast<•rer Herbert Krueger
etary Myrtle Horner. A few bus -
matters were discussed and a
,te arranged for this week. The
will be; Resolyed that at the
ant time a young man has a better
triunity to get along life by stay -
on the farm, than by going to the
. This will e a very interesting
Ir Sam Merner of Hensall, spent
w days last week on the old home -
,d here.
1r Peter Eisenlaaeh is spending the
ter months with his brother Will -
in Detroit.
1r Christopher Schoch celebrated
seventy-eighth birthday last Fri -
Mr Schoch is still enjoyi ug good
lth and we wish him many happy
trns of .the day,
fr and Mrs Sant Hey of Blake,
e visiting with Mr and Mrs John
ger one evening last week.
lessrs Hilton Truemner and Earl
rtz spent Friday with friends at
Piss Freda Krueger spent Sunday
a friends near Dashwood.
` 2iss Pearl and Mr Henry,Pfile,
nt Sunday at Crediton.
Che boys on this line are having a
Trow match this week. By the end
the week the sparrows will be extinct
,und here.
Mr William Miller sold a team of
.oe year old colts to Mr Sol Zim-
rman of the Bronson line. There
any amount of horses to sell in
s neighborhood.
1I.rs Graham, who is visiting her
lighter Mrs Lindenfeld recently
,, on the ice and injured her wrist
y seriously.
Hiss Margaret L Gardiner, of
:borne, was united in marriage on
i. 6th. to Wm J Reid, of High Park
I1xeter's Patriotic Fund now
aunts to $I232.89.
t M Doyle has secured the agency
the Oakland, Oldsmobile, Cadillac
Hupmobile automobiles,
'red Mallett has enlisted with the
d contingent.
' A May, of Mitchell is conning to
'ter to take a partnership in the
rad store business of Jones & May
iss Jean Hardy, who is attending
Deaconess Training school, Toronto
ed :the recent examinations, obtain -
88 per cent, the highest nnarks
the first meeting of the Bayfield
til H. W. Erwin was appointed
and J A. Falconer and A E
fbttrn is having a epidemic of
en, and as a result the public
undone Schools have been etoeed.
and Mrs Jas Danalclson, of
ild, celebrated the golden an.
nxy of thole wedding day on
ray of last week.
Wilson leaves Seafortb on
sy to assume his military duties
vection with the 3rd contingent.
art Gardinera respected resident
volute passed away on Jan. 9th,
6 -3rd year, after a short illness.
Joseph Schroeder has bought
another twenty-five acres of land
from Ur Henry Roeder, The land
adgoins Mer Schroeder's, who now
owns two hundred acres.
6'Yillantnia (Gossman left Wednesday
Morning to spend a month with
friends in Pt. Huron
Mr Theodore Keller of London
spent Sunday here .with his sister,
Mrs Wna Rothermal.
The K. 0. T. M. met Monday eve-
ning and elected their officers for the
coming year, E M Brokenshire is
Commander and Henry Willert is the
Record Keeper. The Tent is in a
good condition financially, The as-
sessments have all been met and a
nice little balance is in the treasury.
The members now feel that they
ought to get out and hustle for a few
new members.
The Bible picture show, which held
forth in the Hall for three nights last
week, came to a close Sunday night
and left Monday morning for Grand
Bend. While we do not believe in the
teachings as set out in the lecture we
must say that the pictures were very
entertaining and instructive. The
Hall was well filled every night.
Mrs Aker Marriott, who has been
suffering from a felon on one of her
fingers for some time, had to have the
troublesome member amputated,
which was done on Thursday of last
week by Dr's Balfour and McKinnon,
On Sunday some boys were;skating
on the creek at Mr. Moore's farm and
went into the house over the cistern
and while there one of their number,
little Clifford Link, fell through a hole
into the Cistern. Immediately the boys
got a rope and let it down in an effort
to draw hint out but were unable to do
so. He clung to one of the braces in
the cistern until they went for help
which was full a mile away. On arriv-
ing on the scene Mr. Wm. Stade with
a mans strength and wisdom drew
Clifford to the top and the boys
took him home somewhat cold but
otherwise none the worse for his thrill-
ing experience. It were well that be
held on as he diel otherwise he would
have been drowned.
Miss Hilda Snell is visiting; friends.
in Hensall this week.
Mrs R J Armstrong and children
are visiting friends in this community
at present time.
William Gossman has purchased
a piece of land from Mr Jonas
Mr Arnold Stephan left for his
home in Walton Monday morning
after spending a few days with friends
in this community.
Mr. L. 11lorenz, who joined the
volunteers at London, wishes to be
remembered to all his friends. Mr.
Morenz is in the best of spirits, and
anxious to get away to the old country..
I have a large stock of all
the latest and best in Mens'
Ladies and Children Shoes.
Call and look over our lines
before you buy elsewhere.
We can save you money.
• Repairing Promptly Done
Butter and eggs taken in
exchange for shoes.
David Pfaff
Dashwood - - Ont.
1. This shed is reserved for the' sole
use of those who attend the Divine
Services of the Evangelical Church on
Sunday or any other. time.
2. Parties who have not contributed
towards these sheds yet desiring to use
them during the week are requested to
make fluanelal arrangements with the.
trustees of the church,
8. Any person oe person found tres-
passing, disorBorly or yiolating any of
the above rules ....shall be prosecuted
eel; tdin{;, to .taw.
By Order of the Trustecn
The Patriotic convert heldin the
Town Hall, Varna, last Thursday
wits a, grand success, both in at•
tendance and also in the quality of
the program given. The hall was
packed to its utmost capacity and
many were enable to get in The
proceeds amounted to $90. Those
who had the entertainment in hand
are to' be congratulated on the
sucness of their efforts.
The Goshen Epworth League
took charge of the services in
Varna Methodist church last Sun-
day evening. in the absence of the
Pastor, Rev Mr Brown, who is
assisting Rev Dr Oaten in the
Evangelistic services now in pro-
gress at Kippen.
Mr T Wiley preached very aoo
eptably to the Blake congregation
last Sunday afternoon. Their past-
or Rev D Johnson of Varna, being
unable to attend on account of ill
Mrs W L Keys is visiting friends
at Yale Mich., at present.
Mr and Mrs McNaughton ef•
Methveen, Man , are spending the
winter with friends around Varna,
Mr Wilfred Denomme, Courtright,
Ont., is here for the winter doing
chores for Mr Joe Rau.
A surprise party was held at the
home of R N Denoiny last Thursday
evening. Over 80 people was present
and all reported a good time.
Mr Peter Corriveau has taken the
job to replace the cross on the Catholic
church in Zurich, which was blown
down a few weeks ago.
The farmers on the Sauble line are
busy hauling wood from the swamp
this week.
Mrs George Jeffroi is on the sick
list this week.
Messrs Maxim Brisson and Isaac
Ducharme who are attending the grand
seminary at London are home on their
Mr Joseph Papinean has moved his
stable to the south side of his farm.
FIe intends moving his house also.
Peter and Frederick Papineau left
on Monday for Detroit.
Cyril Masse left on Monday for St.
Frank Jeffrey of Beavertow>a enter-
tained the young people on Monday
James Charrette . was the guest of
Mr and Mrs James Masse on Saturday
last. -
F Papineau is laid up with a sore
foot caused by stepping on a nail.
Dr Mair, who recently disposed of
his practice here is opening an office
in Mitchell.
Mr William J Fee has purchased the
fitie dwelling on King street, west of
Carmel church, from Mr 11 J
Miss Edith McEwen of the teacher's
staff Orilla, is home on account of
The annual meeting of the South
Huron Agricultural Society was held
here on Tuesday
Mr William Richardson one of our
most respected citizens, is seriously ill
at present.
D. 1). G, M. W McKay and degree
team of this place, have been busy i n •
stalling the officers of the I. 0. 0. F.
lodges of this district.
The big dance and social evening
held in the new town hall last Friday
night was a grand success. Between
700 and 800 people atten ded the gather-
ing and everybody reports a splendid
time. Owing to the largo attendance
the opera house was utilizeb, to
accomodate the younger element.
The proceeds amounted to $268 and
will be used to btiy furnishings for
the new.hall.
The Provincial Health department
will give g lantern slide exhibit in the
!new town hall on Feb. 4th. The
school children will be entertained in
the afternoon and the citizens irrthe
James Troyer of Toronto is visiting
his mother. .
At the meeting of the council last
week the :following officers were Ap-
pointed for the year.: Clerk A Murdock
Treasurer C Cook, Assessor W Harburn
Collector A E Iieinphill, Auditors II
Arnold and 0 A McDonell,
Zurich. Meat
PICA. >t$s xh.
Fresh and Salt Meats
Bologna Sausages, etc..
rungbint &
Quite a dumber from this vicinity
are taking advantage of the fine
weather by getting out a supply of
wood from the swamp.
Miss Margaret Johnston returned to
her home is Hensel' after a pleasant
yisit with friends in this vicinity.
MrJohn Leslie is slowly recovering
from his r:cent illness.
Mr and Mrs H Zapfe and Mr and
Mrs A T Donglas spent Saturday eve-
ning at the home of Mr and Mrs John
Hey, Jl'.
Mr Thos Sherrit of Hensall called
on friends in the village on Thursday
Mrs I Spalding and children of
Dakota has returned to her home
after a pleasant visit with friends in
this vicinity,
Mr Ross Johnston, of the Town
Line, recently lost one of his best
horses, through sickness. He refused
$200 for it a short time ago,
What is more welcome han a letter
from home to the absent boy or girl.
Send them The Herald and they will
receive the home news .every week.
One dollar pays for a whole year.
The Blake Women's Instiiute held a
very successful meeting on Jan. 12th,
at the home of Mrs. A. T. Douglas.
Miss L. V. Lang, a deaconess of Lon-
don, gave an address on her work,
which was most interesting. Tea was
served and all enjoyed a pleasant after
noon. The boxes of clothing for the
Belgians given by the Institute were
valued at one hundred and fourteen
dollara and fifty eight cents. The don-
ations of good clothing by those not
connected with the Institute is much
appreciated. The next meeting will
'take place. at the home of Mrs. J. A.
Manson. '1 uesday, Feb. 9th, at 2.30
o'clock. All women arewel come.
Another of the pioneers of Huron
has passed away in the person of
Robert McMordie, who died at his
home in London on Wednesday, Jan.
13, at the age of 76'years Mr Mcilfor-
die occupied a prominent position in
this county taking an active part in'
the advancement of all thingspertain-
ing to agriculture. A few years ago
he sold his fine hone south of Kippen
and removed to London. The remains
were interred in the Hensall Union
cemetery on Satnrday.
The Annual Meeting of the Huron
Weather Insurance Mutual Company
will be held in the new Town Hall in
the village of Ifensall, on Friday Jan,
29th 1915, at 1,30 o'clock. The bus-
iness of the meeting will be to receive
the annual reports of the Directors and
Auditors. To appoint three new
Directors and two Auditors, and any
other business that niay be considered
for the good and welfare of the Com-
pany. The directors who retire are
Messrs D Fotheringham, 11I Geiger
and H Rau, all of whom are eligible
for re-election.
Dated at Zurich this 12th day of
January 1915.
M Geiger Pres. A G Smillie Sec.
number of new devices
and making other im-
proyeinents in our printing
plant which will enable us to do
job work as neatly tend quickly
many city office. Lel us do
your next job, no matter bow
large or small it is, and we will
convince you that what wesay
is right. Our prices are also
right, Be loyal to home indus-
Phone 30 'Zurich
Farm for Sale
The undersigned offers for sale a
fine farm of ninety six and a half ares,
situated one quarter of a mile south of
Drysdale, on the lake road east. The
falln is well fenced and untlerdrained
with tile. It bas a good young orchard
and has forty-five acres fall ploughed
and the remainder seeded to grass.
There is a good frame house with kitch-
en and woodshed attached, and a large
bank barn with stone stabling and ce-
ment flooring all through, also good
hen -house and pig -house. There is a
good spring well at the house and a
large well at the barn also a spring
well at the back of the farm. For
further particulars apply at the farm to
Mrs George Pollock or Wei, Pollock
R R Not Zurich R R Not Varna
Ont. Ont.
The council of ;the corporation of
the County of Huron will meet in the
council chambers in the Town of
Goderich, on Tuesday, the 26th inst.,
at the hour of 3 o'clock. W. Lane
Dated at Goderich, this 12th day of
January, 1915.
A reliable man to sell
Start now at the best selling time,
Send for list of Spring Offerings
and terms to agents Liberal colu-
missions, Handsome Free Outfit.
Stone & Wellington
The Foothill Nuseries
(Established 1837)
Binders, Mowers, all kinds
of Cultivators, Discs and Fer-
tilizer Drills, best and light-
est made all steel.
Manure Spreaders and all
kinds of plows : and repairs
always in stock.
Look at our Cutters
Sleighs, Buggies, and
Wagons before buying else-
lei H. P. $75; 2 r H. P. $85; 4 H.
P.$125; 6 H. P. $175; 8 H. P. x+325;
12 H. P. $375; all warranted first
At the old Stand: -
"Square Square Dealing Our Motto"
F. Hess & Son.
German, Sunday 10,30 a•. m.,
English " 7.00 p. an.
Bible School ` 2.00 p. m..
Men's Mis'n'ry b Tuesday 8,00 p. m.
Luther League Friday 8.00 p. m,
L A 5 ist Tues'y of month 2.30 p, m,.
You are cordially invited to take an.
active part in all these meetings and;
"Blessed are they that hear the,
word of God, and keep it. Luke 11.28,,
Sunday, German 10.00 a, in,.
Junior Y, P. A. 1.00 p, m..
" Sunday School 2,00
(Service) English 7,00 "
Teachers meeting 8.00 "
Mon., Tri -Mu Brotherhood 8.00 "
Tuesday, Y. P. A. 8.15 "
Wednesday Player Meeting 8.00 "
Friday Teachers Training <<
Class 7.30
choir practice 8.80 "
Ladies Aid meets 1st Monday of
each month at 7.30 p. m.
Classitied Ads
FOOT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries
Public &e. Office, on the Square, 2nd
door from Hamilton St. Goderich.
• Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
DR. E. B. BALFOUR, graduate
Western University, late of
the Military Hospital and Victoria
Hospital, London. Office in the
building formerly occupied by the late.
Dr.McLaughlin, Dashwood.
DR A. J. MaeKINNON late House
Surgeon, Erie County Hospital,,
Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi-
dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity
Hospital NI Y. city. Late of the
House Staff, New York Polyclinic •
Medical School and Hospital. Drug
store in connection. Office, Zurich,
Farm For Sale
210 acres of good farming and
fruit land. 2000 peach trees of which
1000 are in bearing, good, plenty of
water, good building, well fenced and
and partly drained. For particulars
apply to Daniel Smith, R. R. No. 2
A► ®t•
The Greatest Event in Canada's History --the Talk of the
Whole World.
When the great Armada of thirty-one big ships. carry-
ing thiry•two thousand of Canada's sons, and escorted by nine•
teen great British battleships, weiged anchor and sailed down
the St, Lawrence, carrying our men to aid in fighting the
Empire's battles, few people realized all it meant to Canada,
. It has been the talk of the world, Statesmen and newspapers
the world over commented on it and Dried "Bravo, Canada,"
The Illustrated London News said the arrival was "an event
nnparallecl since William the Conqueror." It was truly a
Inagnifice:.t spectacle to see this great fleet setting sail,, a
sight never before seen on Canadian shores. News of the de-
parture was censored and kept so secret that few indeed „were
on the scene to see the big ships weigh Anchor on the Gasps
coast. This spectacle would have been lost to the people of
Canada had not't'he Family Herald and Star of Montreal had
their stuff of hhotogruphers there to reproduce it Their
photos of the fletillia are the best piece of photographic work
in the history of the ort They secured a panoramio view
showing miles and miles of the great troopships and battle•
ships as they s:.'ung into line on the way to the Atlantic.
In this picture The Family Herald and Weekey Star certainly
possess a treasure. It will be the greatest Canadian Souvenir
of the War. It is 13 inches deep by 46 inches in length, It
is reserved exclusively for the Family Herald and Star sub
scribers, and. all who become subscribers for 1015. r.Che..pict.ure
will be sent free to anyone sending one dollar for ayear`s sub-
scription to that great paper, The demand is already en-
ormsus, and every home in Conaria will want it, It vrill be
Canada's great memento, and years hence, when neighbors
are gathered discussing the great war, this picture will point
the story. It will have a priceless value. It is truly magnif-
icent, and full of patriotic inspiration Those desiring a copy
should order L'he Family Herald and Weekly Star at once,
The Family Herald and Weekly Star
The Zurich Herald for one year for $1.85