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The Herald, 1915-01-15, Page 8
174 t kro '..�,: w?. •-'-)@9�f�4',Tr'r�.31'�''3"�:ia.r...r^'• sr>13E5�rf'�=�d"s Prosperoas and Happy 'New Year is the sincere wish we extend to our many customers and friends, RticlUTZE4MTISEgEMEMPARA RUBY and GASCHO um d' er! ,. Shin les! Laths!, We have large stock of these on hand, Estimates given and con- tracts taken. .All kinds of exterior and interior finish for houses made to order. We hand 'e all kinds of Building Material. Gall at Planing PHONE 9'N 19C. KALBFI_JEISCII. t=. a.' News t';lIa,rtl,.ihsells the coleliiate,' atone fertilizer, firs McCormick was in Loudon last Thursday' on business, The Farmer's Institute will hold a meeting in the `town Mall, Zurich, on Jan. 22nd. • Over 700 birds were showed at the Huron 'Poultry show held at Goclerfch this week, Dr, hardier, Dentist, at Dominion House, Zurich, Wednesday andThurs•. day, Jan, 20th and 21th, Hon, George A Clare, M, P., of South' Waterloo, died at his home in Preston on Saturday. 0 Hartleib ita&alled a 1,UClary Sun. shine furnace in the home of 'W ening ton Elliott, Stanley township, last week, `Ch3 Canadian patriotic fund's lion orary treasurer announces receipts to date, ti'9_,;,10, 318, disbursements `523,000, Writs for the Dominion by-elections in London • and Westmoreland were issued on ' Saturday. Nominations take place on Feb 1st, and polling, if any, on Feb 8th. Airs Hy Walper, Bronson line; returned home last Monday, after at- tending the funeral of her oousin, 11Ir Arthur Kiine, near New Hamburg, Ontario, A prominentBelfast linen manufact- urer is in Toronto on a mission to en- list the co operation of farmers in Ontario to a greater poduction of Bax 1 Ireland and Scotland linen industry in grave peril as a result of the •war Most of the raw material, flax fibre, has been drawn from Belgium, Franc and £' iussia., and these sources are for time being destroyed, Mr Crawford is prepared to recomend newer method" of handling flax than generally prevail on the continent. Government records show that in the past 1 years "blind blind pig eonvic- Lions in licensed districts totalled 1984 while in Local Option municipalities the number was only 813 for the sane period. To hear some people talk one - would imagine that under license a perfect observance of the law was realized but the figures dont hear ouch any such rosy condition. -Brussels Pbst• 5 • TO MERCHANTS We have secured the agency for this Appleford Imperial Counter Cheek Books, Cash Sale Pads, Register Sys - = _ ZURICH I terns, etc. We can supply you with any style or size -of check books with automatic carbon backs or carbon leaf. books, Covers free with orders of 100) books or more. It will be of interest to you to get our prices. Herald Printing Co, Zurich, -With many thanks for your patronage, we wish you a Happy New Year. F. W. Hess Geo. R. Hess Main Street nl--. 4 .4i I r„f, '4e ♦ A, s"o a ,__^..^t °___o'v`a e a � s: �r _...__ _°__ . _�� CONVEYANCING. Having Purchased the cw: eyanc- ing from Mr. 111, Zeller, I ani in a position to write deeds, in tgages, agreements, wills etc., and have them properly registered. By having a fire -proof vault in, the building I can assure the safety of all papers en- trusted to say care against fire. Andrew F. Hess Fanning Mill Sieves 1 tiny agent for the Clinton fann ing mill sieves, and farmers re- quiring any, can procure them at my fare, South of Zurich John Hey Ir, For Sale or To Rent. Immediately. Lot 22 L R E Hay 117 acres also South half Lot 21 L R E . Hay 75 acros the above lots will be sold or rented together or seperate to suit parties. Thomas Turnbull. THE HERALD OLUBDINO LIST FOR 1985 l', raid and Daily Globe . $3 75 44 Weekly Globe 1 75 Daily Mail a;id Em- pire 3 75 Weely Mail and Empire ........... 1 75 Toronto Daily Star 2 85 Weekly Star1 75 Daily News 2 85 " London Free Press Morning +'dition8 50 Evening Edition2 90 Weekly Edition 1 85 London Advertiser Morning Edition2 90 Evening. Edition:2 90 Weekly Edition 1 75 Farni & Dairy 1 75 Farmers Advocate• 2 40 1t tr u 11 00 (4 f1 Y1 tt it fir 11 CLUBBING RATES. We are making arrangements with all the leading • daily and weekly' Papers for special clubbing rates when snbscri bed for with The Herald. So kindly bear this in mind when re- newing your subscription. . LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday. Butter Eggs Dried Apples Potatoes Wheat Oats Barley e Buckwheat Floor •Bran Shorts Low Gracie $0.2; :10 05 80 $1.22 .$1.24 48 50 63 65 70 3.50 I:.00 $27.00 29.00 Live Hogs fob 84.00 Hensall.,..., 7.25 Notices Quantity of clry wood for sale C. Fritz. Found --A rubber rug. Owner call get same at J. Hey, Jr. Our accents are ready for distrib- ution, Kindly calla for yours. J. Preeter, For sale—A red tamworth breeding sow. Good stock, F Deters, Sr„ Lot 23, Con 4, Hay township. NOTICE TO FARMERS C. Silber changed his shipping day to Friday, commensing Jan.. 22nd, LOAN WANTED I can place a first mortgage of $,9,000 for a ,,term of 5 years, on a Montreal Family Lutheran chinch and parsonage in one Herald and Weekly of the large cities of Ontario,, at 6% Star,,. 1 85 interest per annum.. The property 'is Weekly Montreal valued at $22,000. Apply to APF Hess 'Witness 1 85 Herald Office. HAY. COItNCIL :Cl, cnnncsil 6al�ct .11,,q in tiec.;oiilaisee with the illttttieipal.•-;it,t on .Afr.:;they foren,acen. The members signet( the 'd'eclaration of office and qualification itinsl the council for 1915 because organ- ' rga l- ized, The following officials were appointed With their salaries; T' Hess Sr., ,clerk salary :175, and .$3 for oyery 'Police Village and every drain assessment. Treasurer, -Thomas Johnston, salary $125, sand $1,50 • for every Police Village and every drain assessment, Collector .1 11 'Selman, salary $85, Auditors; :Jacob liaberer and Wm. Blackwell, salary $8 and $2 for tele- phone accounts, Caretaker Mrs B Elowald, ,,aptly $101 Mliiber of Board of Health, A kTeicleinan, $2 .per clay Sheep valuators, Rola, McArthur Jaeab IIabatrer and Casper "j'Valiaer, 20 eents per hour while on duty, • Th,, clerk was ordered to subscrib for ono r�,,iy athe Municipal 1Vorld Set such of the members officals. Tile council entered into an agree - n, i with P 1lclsaac of Dashwood, .slim; tlir switching of telephones 1`;';;' r+tlic('. i't, atipointineut of an assessor was left over to the next meeting. of the council. The following accounts were pa sed; Can. Ind. Telep. 00.. supplies $20,18 0. T. R. freight $1,80: Lunicipal World, supplies $8,79. A Weber gravel $7,10: J Preeter, balance 1914 acc- ount $17.50. P McIsaac, 3 Months i1ary '178,48, and Work $25,50; Hospital for Sick Children $10; W. 0 Hess, 3 months salary $800. Hay Council will meet again on Saturday Feb. 6th at 2 o'clock F Hess Sr. Clerk. NOTICE All parties who are indebted to me will please call for their accounts. All accounts not called for by Feb 1st will be sent through the mail. IL F. Stade, -Zurich Ont, ANNUAL MEETING OF THE HURON WEATHER INSURANCE. MUTUAL CO The Annual Meeting of the IIuron Weather Insurance Mutual Company will be held in the new Town Hall in the village of Hensall, on Friday Jan, 29th 1915, at 1,80 o'clock. Tho bus- iness of the meeting will; be. to receive the annual reports of the Directors and Auditers. To appoint three new Directors an d two Auditors;: and any other business that may be considered for the good and welfare of the Coma - party. The Directors- who retire are 'Messrs D Fotheringhana„ M Geiger and H Rau, all of whoa are eligible for re-election, Dated at Zurich this 12th d'ay of January 1915. M Geiger Pres. A G Smillie Sec. NOTICE. Take notice that the annual meeting of the Zurich Agricultural Society will will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich ,en Wednesday, Jan. 20th, 1915, at 1 o'clock p. m. J. Pfaff D, S. Faust President . Secretary NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS I have authorized my successor Mr. A. F. Hess to collect all' back sub- scriptions to The Herald. Please look up your.label and remit . amount • at your early convenience. E.. Zeller. Zurich, Nov. 2/914. COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, & Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal All sizes ALF. SCRUTON Hensall. Zurich Feed Store Leading Brand of Flour, Shorts, Bran and Feed Corn Produce of all kinds taken in exchange, We are agents for Interna- tional and Royal Purple stock food. Also a frill line of Grocer- ies on hand. Isaac Uudson 1,+ We are agent foo atorae'ri C e'o')rated li igla. gradeFertilizer, and ftaralii.rs \;•ill now lzltve flat) )rivila•re ing this plass of-goc.d.s at right price of ol�taiat- ti f a alers, 1tt1 ,t veer high it''lc t' ;lit Adel per tom.. C'x>,r price is :��,;�, per :� $3,� Pertiilizer `va8 1181tally sold Alli )•1..;11. 11 Irsli; tern cs,i vassing the Ft'1', 1 e 1 $�,1 C1 toi, !tilt s tots. 1 , 1 ylt .; ,t),,tq �;�. ha ve no tialit, t, c rlvto.; ne fni Mets, 1:1 oilyoraer tii�cl � 11'; call andhese c .1 , r45ers 1 taa:5tl No you that: their's ifs' be'ter, Renienaber wo ,hauthe only the best, and that '•ie lLeme. ' «tvo 1 t :11 88 OO to !. Do not lett�J•Cl() per ton, STONE'S, MADE IN CANADA, ALL KINDS OF FARM -PRODUCE TAKEN. • I 9 HIPRfbiNPA LARGEST COMBINATION STORE 4 • CI u e In order to wind up the season's business quickly and clear out all odds and ends of seasonable merchandise at prices that are shure to make business hum, for cash and trade only until the 1st ©f February, we will sell: -•-- Actual savings hi dependable goods. FURS $(CSUITSMen's Elle Sib dog coat x,23 for g•18 6 " ast lined coat fur collar 18, for 12 'Men's suits Regular 15 00 for 10 00 0 22 for 15 " " 12 50 for 8 00 Young men's suits -reg 10 00 for 7 00 1{ if .: • D4 7 00 for 4 50 Boys suits regular 5 00 for 3 00 1 Ladiesfur lined coat reg 40 for 26 OVERCOATS Men's overcoats Reg $12 50 for 8 00 1000'for 650 boy's & y mens ov',i•e'ts 7 50 for 450 Boy's overcoats Regular G00 for 400' PRINTS, ETC. 1 y cl wide flan'ette reg. 14 k12f for 9 Wrapperettes regular 12x1, for All prints 121 for 9: Kimono, goods 20 for 14 Curtains " 25 for 18• Ticking SO for 22 RUGS REDUCED 1 only velvet rug reg 25 00 for 18 00, 1 " `` " " 28 00 for 16 00 3 tapestry rugs " 10.50 for 12 00 1 1400 for 1000 1 ,` " " 1060 for 700 UNDERWEAR liJen's fleeced unclorweai reg 60• for 45 " all wool 1 25 for 05 SUIT.INGS Tweed suitings regular - 3 00 for 2 00 DRESS GOODS Dress goods all colors reg. 1 15 for 80 ti CC /1 t, 444. 6 CC for 40 40 for 25 GROCERIES„ Etc. All tobacco 3 for 25 except,McDonalid 10e straight. Best Rio coffee 7 lbs- for $1 00 5 gal best coal oil for 65- cents Best green Japan tea reg 30 for 22 24;, lb 0 brand biscuits 25 for 21 DINNER SETTS Reg 11 00 dinner set 8 00, 9�7 pieces `` 9 00 " " 6 50, 100 Special 4 piece glass setts for 30 cents A Genuine Iloney Saving Event. 1\TE - Zurich �'i Fare ple ents Let els know your wants. We handle everything in Farm Iniplemen ts. Engine - Supplies Pullies, all sizes and , kinds, Belting, leather or canvas, all sizes. Shaft boxing and. shafting. Pump and pump piping, , Buggies, Waggons, Sleighs and Cutters. If you are in need of Machine' Re- pairs we can get thein for you; We give special attentionto our `repair department, INSIMIESIDOMMINOmmuon'aillnEl UNDEHTAKuxoe�rn�e,G Prompt Service Moderate. rha-rges Tailor Shop and Laundry IW. H� HO W. H. FFI�AN Zurich, Ontario P.Al'A:06."1"""s",,Pm"":".