HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1915-01-15, Page 4PrUE I E L&x n ue everyi Ure daY afternoon nonDont the 1E,RA1.1) PRISITING OFFICE Victoria St, Zurich by ANDREW F. HESS and CHESTER L, SNfU'H 'fSUUSCYt4PTION •PRICE $1.00 A:1EAR subscripton $r.5o strictly in advance , ADVERTISING 'PERMS. detwillbe ate for display and contract advertisn tats given on appliation. Transient notices such as legal, corporation, soelet sats',, so eenti per, line for first insertion and 5 centsper ine for each subsequent insertion. , !Wray advs. $I for three. insertions. Notices of entertainments, socials etc. at which an *duals for fee [s charged or a special collection taken Will be charged for at the regular advertistng rates Notices of religious or other meetings the objecr of ',hick is the benefit of the community and, not for per - oval or sectarian interest or gain, will be eheertul Y asserted free. i Na paper discontinued until all arrerrages are paid. Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by 6 p. nt. Tuesday, otherwise they will be left over until the tollowing week. Advertisments without specific directions will Inserted untitl forbid and charged accordingly. stent advertismenre must be paid for in advance. Address all communications to THE HERALD, Zurich THURSDAY, JAN. 15, 1915. CORRESPONDENCE DASHWOOD Two young men representing them- selves to be followers of Pastor Russell are holding meetings in Zimmer's hall this Friday, Saturday,aud Sunday evenings. Mr. John Brokenshire is visiting friends in this community at preset, Mr Frank Boysenberry, \vho has been visiting his brother Harry for a few days, left for his home in Berlin on Friday morning. Mr Edmund Walper shipped a car- load of cattle to Toronto on Saturday last. Mr, E W Brokenshire was in Zur- ich on Saturday last. If everyone would practice what they preach bow much better the world would be. lir Willie Schatz, who spent the Christmas vacation with his brothers and sisters in this place, left for his home in Michigan on Saturday last. It is said one of our citizens is go- ing to try matrimonial life in the near future We cannot vouch for the' truth of the report. Mr Peter Mclsac, our accomodat ing telephone manager, has again been engaged by the council of Hay for another term to fill that important position. Mr McIsac has put the lines in this vicinity in first class shape and recently -constructed a new line in Stephen township, known as the B line, which has added quite a nun,:. her of new subscribers to the system. The Dashwood central office now swit- ches 203 telephones. SCHOOL -REPORTS School report of room number 3, Zurich Public School, for December. Sr II (Maximum mark 600) Iva Kalbfleish 558, Lillian WVeselo 658, IvenKalbfleisch 534, Edna Zettel 529, Emma Warm 510, Dorothy Campbell 508. Whitney Truemner 471 Theodore Wagner 450, Laura Deitrich 892, Alphonsus Deitrich 373, Mary Mittleholtz 280. Wary 11littleholtz absent for 1 exam.) Jr. II (Maximum. marks 500) Milton Hey 411, Loyd Hey 384, Luella Decher 380, Gordon Ran 348 Pearl Gellman 801 .Herbert Neeb 229 (Pearl Gellman abse•tt for 1 exam) Pt. II (Maximum 400) Cecil Ewen 383, Russel Foster 321 areola Prang 816, Eva Fee 808, Ethel Bess 258 Austin Schwalm 218, Ruth Brenner 245, Floral__ ttley 212, (Flora T ttle3 absent for 1 exam.) First class (maximum 250) Greta blerner 215, Francs 1 Mittel- boltz 192, Gerald Bedard 166, Madelene Meidinger. Jessie Veitch Teacher. STANLEY TP. 1 Stanley's new Council bad their first meeting , on Monday. The old officers were re -appointed for 1915, viz -Clerk, Robt J Richardson, Asses- sor, A P Keys, Collector, Thos Wiley. A Patriotic Concert will be held ..in Varna on Thursday evening' Jan. 14 under the auspice s of the Red Cross Society. The program into be fur- nished free, by local talent and the proceeds given to the Red. Cross Society. Mr W H Talbot is engaged thresh- ing clover this week, Mr Talbot bas just completed a very successful:anrt profitable season with his bean mach- ine having threshed over 15 000 .bus- hels of beans. Miss Annie Armstrong of Saskatoon Sask., has come home for a visit with her parents, Mr and Mrs Wilson Armstrong. What is more welcpme than a Tette from home to the absent boy or. girl Send them The Herald and they receive the home news 'every week One dollar pays for a whole year. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The County Council of the County of Mama. fl for 1915, will be .composed as follows:.. :Qla r Oi ;ta Ashfield --O. Stewart, Reeve Bayfield-Jatnes Thompson Brussels -John Leckie Blyth -Dr. W J Milne Clinton -James Ford Colborne -Samuel Bissett Exeter ---J W Taylor Goderich township -WI' Lobb Goderich-R Elliott, Reeve; J C Laithwaite, Deputy Reeve Grey -RW Livingstone Reeve; John Brown. Deputy. Reeve BEAVER MEADO W Sleighing has left us, but we all hope fox' a speedy return. Mr Earl Wurtz of Pigeon, Mich., is visiting with Mr and bits Roy Merrier. The Misses Fanny and Mary Gasho pent Sunday with friends at Kippen, Mrs Wni Beaver of t]ensall, spent a few days with frien.is'in the eeighbor- hood. • Mrs John Brown of Pigeon' Mich., is visiting with friends here, Mr Clarence Miller, who had an attack of typhoid fever, is able to be up and around again. Farm for Sale The undersigned offers for sale a fine farm of ninety six and a half secret,, situated one quarter of a mile south of Drysdale, on the lake road east. the farm is well fenced andunderdrained' with tile. It bas a good yon lig orchard anti has, forty-five acres fall ploughed and the remainder; seeded to grass. There is a good frame house with kitch- en and woodshed attached, and a large bank barn with stone stabling and ce- ment`flooring all through, also good hen -house and pig -house. There is a good spring well at the house and a large well at the barn also a spring well at the back of the farm. For furtherparticulars applyat the farm to Mrs George Pollock or Wm. Pollock. R R Not ,Zurich' . R R Not Varna 'Ont. Ont. L T U R i H AN Ci:1UI.GI•I. SEIZV'ICZ'a:S B LAKE Mr. John Keys is able to be aroun again after his recent illness, Mr.and Mrs. G. Freckleton treatec a number of their friends'to a fowl supper one evening last week; The monthly meeting of the ' 4'oniens Missionary Society was held MEETING OF THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL, The council of ;the corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the council chambers in the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday, the 26th inst., at the hour of 3 o'clock. W. Lane German, Sunday 10,30 a, na: English 7:00 p, m. Bible School ' 2.00 .t>. m, Men's Misin'ry S Tuesday- 8.00 p. m, Luther League Friday 8.00 p.m. L A S lst T-ues'y of month X2.30 p, m, You, are cordially invited to take an active part in. all these: meetings and, services. Blessed are they that hear the Ward. of God; and keep ft. Luke 11.28, EVAN. CHURCH SERVICES. Sunday, German 10,00 a, rn, t Junior Y, P. A. 1,00 p. in ` Sunday School • 2,00 " " (Service) English 7,00 " Teachers meeting 8.00 " " Mon., Tri -Mu Brotherhood 8.00 " Tuesday, Y. P. A. 8.15 " "' Wednesday Prayer Meeting 8.00 " " Friday Teachers Training Class 7.30 choir`. practice 8.30 Ladies Aid meets .lst Monday of each month at 7.30 p. m. CC tt Clerk. . Dated ab Godericb, this 12th day of January, 1915. A reliable man to sell HARDY CANADIAN GROWN STOOK IN ZURICl3 and HURON County Startnow at the best selling time, Send for list of Spring 'Offerings and terms to agents Liberal com- missions, Handsome Free Outfit. Stone & Wellington The Fonthill Nuseries (Established 1837) TORONTO in the church on Wednesday of ' last COUNTY NEWS week, with a good attendance despite the unfavorable weather. DRYS1)ALE We are pleased to note that the daughter of Mr James Sophaisrecover- ing from a severe attack of pneumonia llir Alex. Moneseati, who has been in poor health, is recovering. ens, Hensen -T I1 Hudson He.y-L Kalbfieisch Howick---R Harding, Reeve; L Dem- nierling, Deputy Reeve Hullett-J Finglaud MoKillop-J 11Lt Goveniock Morris -J Shorbreed Seaforth-J A Stewart ' Stanley -J McKinley Stephen -W R Elliott, Reeve; John Love, Deputy Reeve Tuckersinith-H Crich Turnberry- J Mulvey Usborne-Fred Elleringtou Wewanosh, east -J N Campbell Wawanosh, west ---D 13 Murray Wingham-S Mitchell Wroxeter -Con. Rees ®• •;-_.._ _ ,...._........._ ._.....„ter James Denomme entertained the young people ope evening last weelc • and all report a good time. Mr. Exais Giavelle of Bad Axe, Mich., visited at the home of R. N. Denomme fora few days last week, 1DEBENTURES .,a,10I 1111 slued for Snort Term of Years Coupons Payable Half -Yearly NEGOTIABLE Ands, $7,480.339 x reame5lit'CrmatientleaieCompaiuss Tbrdn lir Albert Bedard is wearing a broad smile these days -its a girl. - Mr. Chris. Ayotte and daughter,' Alieda, visited at Peter Corriveau's on, Sunday. Father Rondot has left for a short visit with his parents. A pleasant surprise party was held at the home of George Geoffroi Mon- day night, Messrs W Laporte and T Rau ret- urned to L'Assumption College last week to resume their studies. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Douglas enter:. tained a number of their friends nn Wednesday evening in honor of their niece and nephew. Mr. Sam Hey was so rushed with work last week that he had to get an assistant. lair and Mrs Geo, Armstrong have Moved. their home on the 13,,shen line. Mr and Mrs M. Denomme 'entertain- ed a number of their friends on Tues- day evening. A. F. HESS, Agent, Zurich. The Ledo Advertirer DASHWOO D SHOE STORE I have a large stook of all the latest and test in Mens' Ladies and Children Shoes. Call and lookbver our lines before you buy elsewhere. We can save you money. Repairing. Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken4 in exchange for shoes tr. 54: • its ":m • David Pfaff 11If)RNIN Cie-: NOON-- EVENING 11.1ition $2;00 ' per Year by Mail Outside City of London All the War News All Market Quotation All Sporting News The ',kest Newspaer Value Western nt. Dashwood - Delivered througli your; Post 'Office or ower your Rural Eolith same Darr as Published) for CTEDITON. The skating rink has been opened for the season. Mathew Guenther was elected school trustee in place of Henry Sweitzer, who resigned. Augustus Morrisey is getting mat- erial on the ground for the new dwell- ing he will have erected next summer. Miss Mary Chamber is visiting relatives in Hazelton, Penn., for a few weeks. Mrs. L. Parifit, assistant matron at the house of Refuge, visited friends here last week. HENSALL - Ont. Thirteen men left Wingham on Tuesday to join the third Canadian contingent. The collection in Knox church, Goderich, on a recent Sunday after- noon, for the Belgian Relief Fund, amounted to $108 00. Ashfield will this year be deprived of a Deputy Reeve in the County Coun- cil, the population of the township hav- ing dropped below the statutory nam - bey. Thomas Hudson was elected reeve of Hensel' at the recent municipal elections by a majority of 117. F. W. Smallacombe received 69 votes and J. W. Ortwein 25. On Dec. 30,. Miss Mabel, daughter of Mr. Alex. McBeath, Kippeu, was married to John Jarrott, of Hay town- ship, by Rey. Mr. Woods, of Brads - field. They will settle down on rte groom's farm west of Ki poen. Chester Prouty, aged 89 years, died at the home of his son in Usborne on Dec. 31. Deceased was well known throughout South Huron being con- nected wi th municipal affairs for man y years. He was a former clerk of Stephen township. G. C. Petty has purchased the but- cher business again from E. Drake, who is moving to his farm near Staffa. Two fine fireplaces and grates are going to be installed in the new town hall. Next Friday •i >ir a big dance .. o given in the new town hall. An orchestra of seven pieces been formed in connection with Methodist Sunday School. John Caldwell has moved into Mrs. Beeks house, on Oxford street. will tl1 be ]iii N) !S .( rd ' , N' E ARE INSTALLING A number of new devices and. making other" iln proyements in our printing plant which will enable tis to do job work as neatly and jniolcly as any city office. ` Let us do your next job, no matter hose large or nail.i1 is; and svn will si eonviNCO you that what we Pity is right. Our prices are also right. Be loyal to home Indus. tl'ies.' HERALD PIC. OO Phone -30 " urich MASSEY- HARRIS IMPLEMENTS. has the EXETER. 0 ll Classified Ads Binders, Mowers, all kinds of Cultivators, Discs and Fer- tilizer 'Drills, best and light- est made all steel. Manure Spr.aders and all kinds of plows and repairs always in stock. Lookat our Cutters LEGAL CARDS. PROUDFOO r, KILI,ORAN, & PROUD., FOOT. Barristers, Solicitors„ Notaries Public &c. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Eamiiton St. Goclerioh. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. PROUDFOOT, K. C. J. L. KILLORA r W. PttounFOOT, JR. MEDICAL CARDS DR. E. B. BALFOUR, graduate Western University, late of the Military Hospital and Victoria, Hospital, London. Office in the building formerly occupied by the late Dr.McLaughlin, Dasbwocdd. 1R A. J. MacKINNON lath House. Surgeon, Erio County Hospital,. Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyclinio Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection'. Office: Zurich, Sleighs, Buggiesand Ont. Wagons before buying else- where. GRAY MOTOR ENGINES 14 H. P. $75; 2i'; H. P. $85; 4' H. P.$125; 6 H. P. $175; 8 H. P. $325; 12 H. P. $375; all warranted first class. At the old Stand: - "Square Dealing Our Motto" The death took place at her hone Cou. 2, Hay, on Dec 301h of Bessie Ball, wife of RobertRowcliffe at the age of 48 years, 8 months and 18 clays. Deceased bad been an invalid for 20' years, caused by an injury to the spine and the end must hvea come as a great release to her. - Only the husband survives. The Canadian Northern Railway Ontario •n ' , i h nacilan Norther and teCa Railway are making application to Parliament for an extension of time for the building of a autnber of pro- posed branch lines, including two with God erich as their objective: namely, one from Niagara River to Goderich and one from Orillia to Goderich, Another proposed line for which ex- teneion of time is asked is from Weals, ago to Kincardine. The prevailing financial stringency is given as the reason for the request for further time W. R. Pollock and family have moved to Guelph, where Mr. Pollock will take a course in the Agricultural' College. W. D. Clarke, accountant, at the Molsons Bank, Exeter for several years took over the managet•,ship on fan. lst in succession to N, D. Hur ton, who is retired on a liberal allowance. 1' 1r Tiurdon will continue to resido in Exelet. Miss Annie Davis, daughter of : Mr;' and Mrs. Dan, Davis, of Exeter, was married to Garnet Cock'vill of Stephen p township on Jan, Gbh Exeter is considering the plan of permanent street ,constrttetfo0. F. Blowe, employed at Canner Bros i.uaobine shop, bad his . hand slip and catchinthe engine afew days ago, inflicting,a severe woundd, F. Mess 86 Son. for the building of these lines.. OVER fes Nunt0' 6VIANKS OF.SitaNs Cii?PYRidlirf'i 53 &O°n Anyone sending A.sltetob and dew:rim:fon ma/ quickly a5aertnib etir opinion froe whether ati' ention is probably patent obi ;a.-.' bnimi>tt'.a tions stribtl iconfident.1al. NN DBfa, en ratobt r: o t.rob. alefor banrng Detente: ritbnta taken through hrunti & Co. rtlCeia':+ esiectlrltotiCb, vast out charge, In the G1 r.r: oldy. l lir Cntt (qr. A,y 4 r Journal. flernts ret d itna ,, tett•% pe, .tit.; nrrpAgqtd, *old b Farm For Sale 210 acres of good farming and fruit land. 2000 peach trees of which 1000 are in bearing, good, plenty of water, good building, well fenced and and partly drained. For particulars apply to Daniel Smith, R. R. No. 2 Zurich, ‘111111111 "R"4 iaou "CANADA'S RALLY TO THE EMPIRE" ' The Greatest Event in Canada's History -the Talk of the Whole World. When' the great Armada of thirty-one big ships carry- ing tiriry two thousand of Canada's sons, and escorted by nine• teen great British battleships, weiged anchor and sailed down the St, Lawrence, carrying our men to aid in fighting the Empire's battles, few people realised all it meant to Canada. r w ayes e s the n and tt i `theworld, States ! 11 o( thetalk It has beau. the world over ootntnouted on it and cried ' Bravo, Canada, Illnstrated London News said the arrival was "an event unparal lett since William the Conqueror, Yt was truly a snagnifice.,t spectacle to see this great fleet setting sail, a sight never before seen on Canadian shores. News of the de- parture was censored end kept so secret that few indeed were on the scene to see the big ships weigh rinohor on the Gasp; coast. This spectacle would have been los to the people of Canada had nob '1'110 Family herald and Star of Montreal hail their Staff of 1thotographeis there 10 reproduce it Their photos of rho fl'tillitc are the beat piece of photographic work in the history tithe art '1 hey secured a panoramic) view showing milt's and tidies 01 the great troopships and battle ships as tber s.ou0g into line on the way to the Atlantic. In this picture The Fo roily Herald and Woolley Star certainly possess a treesers. It will be the greatest Ca Souvenir of the,War. It is 13,1; inclins deep by 46 inches in length, It is reservedexelnsi'oelr ter the Family Herald and Starr sub scriber's, arid -ell wino become ibsc l ihers for l:115 The l,ictere will be sent free to anyone sending ono dollar i't,r a }•r:. r s suib- soription to that groat paper, The dernancl is already en• ortusus, and every home,in 42•nitda will want it, ' It will be Canada's great memento, cal d,ye ttrs Treace, when nnigbbors are gathered discussing the great wet, tilts pi nitre will point the story. It will. have a priceless vaiuu, It is truly me gulf. Went, nci of full patriotic inspiration.. 'Chose de.siring`a oc,py e 1 shotild ordor Elie Family Herald' and W'eeitly Stair it once, Tho Family Herald„and Weekly Star And The T Z rurtich Herald for ore year fox .1.$5 ,fes