HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1915-01-15, Page 1Vol. X'Vp ZUR1.CHl,.FRIDAY MORNING, JAN 15 19!5 :•+900040040•400404444,00*4.440 0440004444.4,0••••••4040440 0 • 0. • ea Owing g to the tightness of the ®� Toney iii ai'kets, caused by the d.s�. astrous European war, cre m staxl- ` shaped themselves that cel have so s�� �ecl t1�. we are obliged to turn as much of 43 stock into cash as We possibly can. in or,..ter er to do so we will put on. a Big Slaughter Sale for weeks, 3�.r:encing AT. JAN. 9th and • c®n 3 closing SAT. AN. 23rd, as we will ar then commence our annual stock • lv B • • • 0 • • • • • 9 staking. • • Ladies, Neck Furs ,q 3Iarmot Scarfs Regular 13 00 Sale. Prioe 9 00 „ :,10 00 " 7 00 ;., 7 50 5 00 ' • , r Oaperines 12 00 " " 8 00 . �, „ „ . 1000 ,� " 700 4. „ 14 5 00 ., <, . 3 00 9 2 only Natural Wolf Setts large muffs and stole 27 50 for 20.00 • A lot of other lines of furs at half price . 9 0 Ladies Fur -Lined Coats 0 0 m • 1 only I,Mies Russian Rat coat sire 35 Reg 50 OU Sale Price 39 00 • 1 „ • ` Rat lined " " 36 „ 45 00 " " 32 00 • .„ 2 << ,t 34.36 40.00 29 00 m „ , 4-2 " 37 50 i, 27 00 -4 1 „ �, 1 Sealette Ast. ` '` 38 " 25 00 17,50 • 20 00 ..14 50 • •• 33 - � 2f Black Astrucan '- A lot.of Ladies' and Uhildrens",coats, to clear at half price and e. less., tee. , Men's Overcoats Mens' •Regular 20 00 for 1s 00 • 15 00 for 10 50 9 t. 11 00 for 8 00 " 8 50 for 5 50 i Boys overcoats from size 22 to • 34 Regular 4 00 for 2 50 9 600for 350 a Mens' Fur Coats 9 Regular 25 00 for 19 50 • 20 00 for 14 00 Fur lined 35 00 for 26.00 94 4 • 0 O • . • 40 w Ready to Wear v Suits, 2 We have: a nice stock in the newest shades and styles _at 15,00 to 20 00. We have also 2 laid out for this sale a lot of men's arid boys' suits in all 2 sizes and collars to .'clear at halt, Prioe that means a 12-00 2 B1k, beaver Ast lined fur collar suit for 6 00, 10 00 suit for 500 t NO 2 Naar. •-"ePer.: •D� o i 1.' 'd Ail: of Dashwood was a LC'C.A,.L N`TEWS I U'1 rn I+� Zurich en Monday. i'. 14 i:iv-int shipped. a carload c,f e, •w,c� A.-teete =^ s: all:?t. t., 'i'oroutq !Fest 5atctr+lay. Ice is being harvested this week.. i4.i David Sehinchter, of Elkton, C Ilarbleib paid a business trip to 14lteli., visited relatives and friends here ' London on Satatrtlay, lastweek: Mr E Bossenberry was in Lpnden 'herecent thaws have spoiled the on Friday on business.- dale'idicd sleighing along the lake shore Good morning! Have you renewed and 14th concession. your subscription to The HeialcV Do not forget to. attend Our big clear - Hess Sr, spent sa. few clays last ing r4ple, Minn/ are taking advantage week with relatives at Cxodorieh, of t:: , big bargains, 7, !Teeter. Miss Nettie Well of Detroit is visiting 141.L ',Vegley Mesnc-:L who recently at the home of her patents ; lilr and 06r:e:;<moted a grocery business in Strat- Mrs H. Well. ford; t taitearelatives here over Sunday John Torrance, of Clinton, license Teel ids --J J 11lei,ner; E Appel, 11 inspector for South Huron, was ayisito1 N r )c .,jtas, C Ilartleib, Mrs Geo in town on Tuesday. Po Tit.,,, Huron Weather insurance Co. When you aye ugh reading cora#ity t;onacil. , issue of The kieraldthrosend it to a ie1atithis vo of marriage were pub- or friend away from home. A one lishecl in the R C Church of Miss cent stamp will clo it. It will show Jo'sa:phine, daughter of Mr and Mrs them that it gives all the local nears Alp€ b !'ester, Babylon Line, and i4Ir of Zurich and surrounding towns, Leo.Strupp, of Berlin. The young folks have made for their :he annexal meeting of the Luther amusement an Open air skating rink b l Tuesday evening in the northern Tart of :the village. ani{he election of ofiice n resulted They all enjoy the sport, whieh is one as follows; Pres„ A. F. :Eiess,.Vice-:Cies, of the healthiest exercises that taxi" bo P. 'Beichert, Secretary, 11 Whitton, indulged in, and -the meed of e skating rink in Zurich ismoeapparent• Trews uer R. Kalbf1ao h. than ever. • reg 22 00 for 16 00 8 00 for 4 00 and cot this is • Bik beaver Ast lined fur collar the areateat bargain in suits Rea 20 0 4 g2 Otor 1500 5 b0 quilted lining fur collar reg 15 00 ever offered and no one should • for 1100 miss' this two weeks sale, • Flannellette Blankets, Comforters, etc • •, • • 12-411annellette Blanket white and • _ 1 50 ,{ „ „ 1 25 • r t4 ,. 1 25 " „ .,. 90 Comforters. Regular 2 75 Sale Price 2 00 2 00 " "_ 1 50 Prints, Cottons and Caps Prints 12?; •' " 10 Flannellette " 12c " `• 10 Grey cotton ' ` 12?; " . t0 Fleece lined underwear' 50 4' 39 . • o Persian Lamb naps - " 4 50 `, 3 00 • Childrens Grey '` " 2 00• 2 00 Coal Heaters Etc. Groceries Large base` tuner with oven �45for 42 for $35 34 Baseburner slightly used no oven $17 No 17 oak Beater mica door $22 for $'17 ® Horse Blankets Etc.- + Horse Blankets $4 00 for $3 00 •i► << „ 3 00 for 15 2 75 for 2 00 i4 2 50 for 1 75 2 25 for 1 50 I4 00 fir: 1100 5• 00 for 3.50 • * !only Robe Plush Rugs 0 • • 0 • 0 • -• 0 •. • 0• • • Roasted Rio Coffee ' 6 lbs for $ 1 00 2 Altlaundrs soapy ,0 bars for 25cts • Granulated Sugar 141bs for $I 00 • Lantern Globes 5 cents each 2 Dress Goods •• • We have laid out a large stock of 2 seasonable Dress Goods which we .. willsell'nt just HALF the regular • -Evangelistic vangelistic services will be held in Word was receivedhere on Saturda3 the .Evangelical church every evening from Cavalier, N. D',, of the . death of next week and the week following. 11lenno Surerus, brother of Benj. The services will begin at 4,00 o'clock, Surerus, 14thcon., and Joseph Surerus and will be held in the German len Bronson Line. Deceased left these gan=;;e next week and after that in the arts xlearly 'thin, English language, Everybody cor- p y years ago to settle in North Dakota. More particulars c1ia11Y ittvitecl, ' wilrfollow next week. DEATH OT' R. R, JOHNSTON VALLEY FARM On Friday morning at four o'clock, Or Felicity's Inheritance, is the Title their Passel. sed peacefully away at his of the new serial story beginning in home. Robert Rose Johnston, after a this issue of The Herald. Do not fail short illness of only a few weeks dna_ Deceased had reached the age B read it.n of GB vears, 9 months and 4 days, and B, M. township up to within a short time of his death The clerk of Hay :made was ,till thin active in his daily labors his quarterly returns births, deattre tray general.'The reostratione for the last quarter were Births 9, deaths 11, marriages - T.. The returns for the whole year were: Births 7S, deaths 45, marriages 1G. . �, t t 3 00 for 2 00 price- ',p, • We have many more lines equally as good values but cannot mention •all here but everyone should come and take advantage of this big sale. and clothe yourself and 2 family. Remember the sale closes on Saturday, Jan, 23 and above PRICES are for • • ani'^is passing away was a great shock and :i�aLtia-35 this �Y cit to -the. ,.cg`s .eto. 3 many ,relatives and fciends: Air -;1 though the best of care was given ham and the best of medical skill procured, it was of ne avail and, his spirit took its fright in the early hours' of the morning as stated above, He was a native of Belfast, Ireland, and emi- grated to this country ab the age of sixteen years, settling down at Gocler- ich, where he engaged in business for about seven years. He came to Zurich in 1878 and always took an active'in- terest in the welfare of the community. While hers he engaged in various business undertakings and success always crowned his efforts. About eleven years ago be, with his soya William, purchased the Dominion Hotel, where he remained until his death. On August 17th, .18'74, he was united in marriage with Annie Happel, ;vho survives him, together with six children: William, part owner of the Dominion House, Mrs. (Dr.) A. J. McKinnon, Miss Victoria, . Miss Pearl, and Wellington, of Zurich, and Orland, of the Molsons Bank staff, Clinton, The funeral, which 11.0 held on Sunday afternoon, Was largely attended, Rev. McL. Smith, pastor o the Presbyterian Church, Hensall, of- ficiating. Interment took place in the Lutheran cemetery. The pall -beaters were: Messrs C. I-lartleib, II. Yung- blub, F. C. Kalbfleiscb, H. Lipphardt, A. Heideman and R. Williams, all life long friends of the deceased. The sympathy of the community is extend- ed to the family in their sad bereave- ment. 4 4ffo fp 4i9 i6f f4 i 1 vie oilTS pert&I°I l warty' McPHERSONS lti ,htnind Bitch flocky Shoes. Look at this shoe, 11 is made with an inner canvas ankle strap that fastens up by a strap d'hitche' like ' �lighiaing." This holds the ankle firmly and yet giveslthe toes and ball free play. The eyelets are large so that the shoe may be laced in a "jiffy." It is the original Lightning Hitch covered by Caanadian. Patents and is sold by v The Home of Good Shoes Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. 1 + Hf'Z1 s 4$+>;� ff r„i;.,» f+ffi f f a�rf4 tgaff'�- e- BIBLE LECTURES A series of lectures on the Books of the Bible will be .held every Tuesday evening commencing on Jan. 19th.. in the Lutheran cbt eh, Zurich, un - .der the auspices of the Men's Mission- ary Society. The pastor, Rev. W C Miller, will begin with the Book of Genesis and lecture on a different book each eight. Questions may be asked at any meeting and will be answered the same evening or the next Tuesday evening, The public is invited. Services begin at 8 o'clock. The Tri Mu Brotherhood of the Evangelical church had a most inter- esting meeting last Monday evening. About one hundred people gathered to listen to a most instructive discuss- ion on a popular ,lues tion, viz:"Resoly- ed that woman's influence is greater than mans". The contestants on either side did splendid work, evine- ing depth of thought, clear expansion, and fine delivery. The judges after due deliberation decided in favor of the affirmative. The Misses Pearl Mutts and Vera Siebert were on the affirmative and Messrs. A Melick and W Siebert on the negative side. Cash and Produce only • Nothing will be booked at Same Prices • • • • • R EET E R • ••. • • • • • • 0 • • e • Telephone No.g d M Z.0 R 1 C H "'•is+*•ie+e•s•++•••r>•••s••• **4444+4444•••••••••••••ittc .."!' IIif1L+.!.",!!!!!i !i ,. i!;s! !I icif !!: iii!I!,1'i..111!!!! 1 i'',III',' III;�Ilinptlllll'liiliiilhllililil _ �(!!� ir N 5 commencing next week. Watch for SPECIAL PRICES. We can save yo money. rianv lines of our Winter Goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. Watch this seats next week for IARGA1N5. DOUGL •PIAliM!lIIG!. thl,!rill;Iiii11111111i1111iliiC111,IrUuh,•!Va. The MOLSONS BANK Incorporated 1855 Opened Branch in Huron Co. 1874 Saving Bank Accounts Solicited.. Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager DIED- Prouty ---In Usborne, on Deo, 81s1,• Chester Prouty, aged 89 years, 7 months and 27 days Johnston—In Zniich, ,on Jan, 81b, Robert R. Johnston, aged 68 years, 9 months and 4 days. BORN. 111 • 1,7 •oldT,AIO dl !!I ld' Ju,lli, i,hdiG!114!i 1 Post Cards A large selection of Patriotic, Comic, Sceinic, etc., post cards to choose from. Candies Always on hvncl a fresh supply of chocolates, and all the best in confectionary. Bread and Cakes We handle only Connor's bread. and Cakes, made mad baked in Clinton. Raw and Stewed Oysters L eading brands of Cigars liteCortnieles I cst n „ nt Ducharme--At Bronson Line Hay, on Jan, 11th, to Mr. anti Airs. Edward Duoharine, a son. Mr. Theodore Ilowald of Stratford was visiting his parents here for a few weeks. MARRIED' Wucru—Vincentw----At Dashwood on Jtan. Gth, by Rev, P Graupner, Mr. Leonard Wurm, of Zurich to Miss Tillie Vincent, of Dashwood, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4. «l, 4. • 4. 4. 4. M The prices o11 all our Overcoats shot to pieces. ,Never before have such bargains been offered to 4 the public. 4. For cash we will sell Overcoats worth up to $20.00 for $15.00 Overcoats worth up to 16.00 for 12.00 Overcoats worth up to 13.00 for 9.50W Boys overcoats worth up to $10.00 for $7.50 ,,..,... ct rf "�.ce .,ec 6.50 for `40.0 No garments will be carried over, all inust go if looms prices will sell them. 40 4 A1)PPI THE GLO'THIER•