HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1915-01-01, Page 8AeagreeeemeasenimaceeesensmeneMeliri MERRY XIVIAS TO ALL Christmas will ; ooii tie here, arld 1�'e ar°e :'early with a 'fine of Christmas Goods for your P. t i(n. lIl (16 z to get hest choice do your shopping early. Come anyway:eve11 it11ot just ieady to buy, as we ;would: like to Ishiuw -iyou our tine -assortl:llt'.ut seasonable, goo' ti for Xmas. Suitabie Gf r everybody For Ietdie's we 1i v -ca w`vetater ).oats, T, ,dins. Scare's . Gloves, Haul; ere11i le, t.'er Lir , t.:eie b en tops, Fauey Towels, D:iyiie'°, Pin fumes, rind a very large Selection of Fancy Chinaware such as Dinner 4F tt'a, i'abie Setts Sugars and Creeene, souvenir Plates, Saleels, Cheese Dishes, etc , etc, For Men and oys Sweater Coats, Ties, H ankerchiefs, (loves, Scarfs, Sleeve Holders. _Braces, eta. Toys! Toys! Two tables of different Toys suitable for good little girls and boys. a runs, Oanthes, New :` of New Raisins, Currants, Fags, Dates, Peels, Walnute, Peanuts, Filberts, and a fine variety of tancy Ch000• latest Caramels, etc.. Also a nice lino of tinsel decorations for Xuias trees RUBY and GASCIIO PHONE 17 Loca. Nevv ]:).tMatdie s next visit to Zurich will be on Wednesday and Thursday, lag. (ltb and 7th. After the holidays he ex- pects to visit Zurich two or three clay's next week. SCHOOL MEETING SCHOOL .LPORTS ZURICH SCHOOL The following is the December i{e port of eoem IV the i• 3,ult being based tion regular' test exams.;r Grad.•--�Liela Seibert 7i3 Gertrude Weber 70, Gordon Memel) 07, Veda l i a a 1 Frit 04, Loyd T albfleiseb 68, Clayton The annual meeting cif the ��etc3• , Milton the school Z r { ,.. ,ley forenoon, `rho retiring taut,,,, Ilc3yrock 6}3, l.,clivard L' aliortn 60 LTi , Jacob IIitborer,vas'elected to the one) fear another term of three , ii-. `Ile matter of sta1•ti ag home gal -dee -4 ,i for each pupil in the; spring was iuily di cuseed and a resolution adopted to leas.` o the question in the hands of the trustees and teachers to look into it and see what arrangements can bo macre to get the work started,. payers of S 8 No 7; llay,, was held in tiolfinen 033 Tr(:ci•ar1-�Grollevzove�attla rtz ltzlt ] 1 hour e lnnach on WetIn Shh °les! Laths! We have a large stock of these on hand, Estimates given and con- tracts taken. All kinds of exterior and interior finish for houses made to order. We hand re all kinds -of Building N;. aerial. Call at Planing F rr• KALBYU'D Pt .ONE 19 For Sale or To Ren t. Immediately. Lot 22 L R E nay 117 acres also South half Lot 21 L R ]u Hay 75 'acres the above lots will be sold or rented together or separate to suit parties. Thomas Turnbull. Fanning Mill Sieves ereeLla Friss 28, Geelee Kaercber 56, Clayton Pfile 50,. Willie Seibert 1.6, Donnie Drichaime 11, Jr Entrance --. Carl Miller 80, Minnie iIorner 71, Roy Foster 68, Walter Bender 67, Hazel. Peitz 63, Lennis Callfas 59, Ward Fritz 53, Albert Hess (absent). 0 S Howard Principal, NOMINATIONS The nomination for reeve and come. eiltors for Hay township for the year 19I5 was held in the Town Hall on i\Ionday. After the hour bad elapsed for nominating candidates it was found that only the members of the 1914. council had keen nominated so they were re-elected by acolama4jon. They are—Reeve, L. Ralbfieisb. Councillors Edward Deters, Casper„ Wolper, Samuel Dietz, and Henry Neeb. A res- olution was °adopted at the meeting favoring a grant by the county council to the. Belgian Relief Fund and the reeve was instructed to vote according- ly-. • STEPHEN—Following. nominated Reeve, W. R. Elliott, W, D. Sanders. Deputy Reeve, Win, Yearley, John Love. Councillors, Mich. Finkbeiner, Alexander Neeb, Thomas 'Mawhinney, George Kellerniann and David. Webb' STANLEY TP. 1 atn agent for the Ciihbnton fann- ing mill sieves, and farmers re- quiring-any, equiring any, can procure. them at my farm, South of Zarioh John Eley 1r• , � e�,�♦ � .ted sig fo, dye w�.9v'��te .,- o c. ;`e -- The Gift Favorite Following is the Report of S. S, No. 12, Hay, •for the month of December. Names in order of merit. Sr. IV --'Henry Schilbe, Schoch, Jr. I V Norman Gascho, Alfred Meiclinger,Theodore Steinbach, Lorne Pfile. Sr. III—Roselia Schilbe, 1Vlorley Wihnore, Annie Schilbe, Joel Gaseho. Jr:. 11I-• Gordon Witmore, Urban Pfile Ina Livingood, Oscar Fleischauer, Orville Steinbaek, Lillian Surerus. Jr. II -Vernon Schatz, Alvin Wal- ters, Ada Witmore, Theresa Meidinger Lorna Fleischauer Sr. I -e --Bernice Schoch. Jr.I—Albert Fleischauer, Garble Sehilbe, Edwin Gascho, Nettie Meid Inger. -. Primer.. 0—Lillian Rose, Lillian Rader, 'Lambert 'Witmer, Susie Walters, Eliza Badour. Primer. B --Greta Schilbe. Primer, A—absent. No. on roll 40. Average 29,- E, R. Keys, Tesuher. Percy A quiet wedding: took `place ' at the Yonne of Mrs Salnuet Johnson of the Babylon line on Wednesday evening dee. 24th when her daughter, Miss A' gie, became the bride of Mr John Retcl of the Parr line The ceremony wee, performed by Rev. Mr. Johnson of Varna. The young people have the beet wishes of a large cisele of mends fora, happy married life:. Christopher Ward of V`aanalteuebeen appointed county constable by the county council. Me and Mrs Robt. Rebineo 3 who have- been seven years it the west, arespending a few weeks, with. their friends -in Stanley. Dr Wilmer Peck of Montres1,, is speeding the holidays with hds p'aiaalents Mr and, Mrs Nathan Peck.. Stanley—All elected by. acclamation, Reeve•Jolyn, McKinley taking,the neeve- shil?,in place of W. (xlenne ho,resigned and. Me. Hambly taking; Mr.. John McKinley's place as couiacillor. he motion was made loy Ma' R, B. McLean, that the reeved Stanley act in conjsnntion with the ether neiaybess of the county council, in. sending said teethe Belgians, in whatever way they see fit. And that in ease the,eoun3ty cannon do not take actnon,.the•Staanley eo'neil shall do so. The motion was carried unanimously. We are glad to state.thatMrNelson Keys, who has been serionsyy ill, is improving. In a,Safety Christmas s. 5.00 Self-Filling,egular TypeAvoid substitutes, ,`NOT l.. GOLD THAT C....TTIERS" '? uin, 11 1 Rl ori ,'.`'t::�P ,.,SrP,,.•,a ., THE STOVE', QUESTION All We ask yeti is to got our prices before yon buy. We can sell you sto as cheap as any departmental store in Ctteada, See our cook stoye for and wood with reservoir For $2o.00, weighs 450 lbs. FROM SALISBURY PLAITS Dec. 10th, 14914 Dear Editor. -- Wishing the editor and the eeaders of the, Zurich Heralrrl a Merry Xmas and a bright, happy and pr'ospero is'New Mar. Well here we are in England, Sails - bury Plains over ou i boot tops in mad and constant mine tmt .nevertheless tyre are happy ands 'growing fah • on HEN SA.LL Miss Marie Ovalle has returned from a visit to points, in western Canada, Mrs. Shirray and daughters 'are spending a few months with Mrs. 11. J. D. Cooke, Toronto. J Hagan received word of the deaht his brother-in-law, Myles McKinnon of Nevada. While visiting relatives in LucknoV last summer he was bitten by a mad dog. He underwent treat- ment at that time but a short time ago was taken seriously ill which develop- edl into hydrophobia, from 'which he died. Ed. Dignan and wife of Saskatch- ewan are visiting relatives here at presellt, Rev. 1:1 i cks received the neve last week of the death of his mother in. Usborne tonmship. Mrs. Richard Ilorslhy died at :flin- Blit we have tried to se:3ct moods which ton hospital on Dee, 18th,, after a . "Prove up all right" Critical operation at the age of°46 ,»� Don't forget that we still lead the trade in FURI IT URE AND HARNESS ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE TAKEN, e . �� i& .. T L 1 HURON'S LARGEST Ct3MBl 4ATB (PHONE 13 ZURIC N STORE raMligaitataffrESEINESINI T]E TJALI a Y STORE eveIJsef:in resents We are showing the largest and finest assortment Holiday Goods•, particularly desirable for gifts for La You are most cordially invited to call and look over magnificemtlin x of Christmas goods, -whether you buy or rrte�++ GIFTS �-a i bread J erald: pietas iny` first Ord PRACTICAL G j F A s7� . FOR LAD 1 to the Hesse Et' so ninast ent it short bee s' will dropyou,another line if iat' ie. Furs, Gloves, hankerchiefs, Chit ° • The roam),we:follow here is Bout !etc., See our new Ladies' Ties, i • in at 25 cents each. They axe most highly appreciated The doings you here will. not only be most acceptable on Christmas 1 but a source o€ use and pleasure for many months to c agreeable tri' bof h, yoUU Obi] your 1 d eadhrs- j this 7 o'clock,. Reveille; 7.15 Dressler Parade; '7z 3(3{ Rea, erall; 7.30 tob.7-.45 Physical Rtxerciss 71i-45 to 9 Breakfast, bread and) lame 1J to. 11.80 Mnsltetaiy IVIarches,,eto;:111.30) to 2 p Lunette Mulligan;;2sto• 4.30 Generally Rbute March; 4130, to 5,29 Rest; 5.30 to• 6;30 Supper, j}ineaaad, bread; 6.30 tee9a Re, creation,,sueh•as letter writing; going to Canteen,. ete;; 9 First post, prepare for best;; 9134, Last post, all in bed; 9,45 Lights out; 9.45 p lea-4),Tel m Sleep, Todeey :'we bad an inspection by Genei'aa i Aldamson and it was. an in- spiring.siigihitn, about 33,000 Canadain troops.out manouvering. . I, remain yours. bully E. F, Brown H, Co, 6th Battalion 2nd Inf Brigade • Saliebuey Plains Eng. will. from a collar button to a diamond. See our . Y e'. �(F3 �er . bei Bracelets, Lockets, Fobs, Rings, years. Coppers plated with silver are being passed in Western Ontario and unless the merchants and others look closely they are liable to be fooled. They ring true and look very, much like a half dollar. Examine the "halves" you take in closely. COUNTY NEWS Lemuel Cleave has moved into his ard h 1 1 other t Jewellery Which i '1 new dwelling near Bayfield. • tlllC sew o els pieces o 'Weeden Cautelonc f Clinton' handled will 1nal�e good gifts. 20,000 barrels of apples during the past eeitsotl. F„ Dr, Tainlyn, of Wingham, ono of from 10 cents to 50 cents. the pioneer doctors of Huron county, ART CUT GLAS S Silverware j st arrived died ori. No. 18132, aged 82 years. Finei We invite you to inspect whether you buy or not Engrav ncr on all our. Broods free of chane COAL! COAL) Oeleware, Lackawanna, & Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal All sizes ALF. SCRUTON Hensall. ,Tames Millar, a pioneer resident of Kippers passed away on Dee, 220, at the age of 88 yoars. He was n native 1 r 1 b of Scotland anal a tailor by trade. At the c'oee of the Clinton ].Model Sehool term W. Hoggartb, of Henson HESS & 00 Jeweller 4„ one of the teachers was presented with a h liclsonle Set of military brushes by . k'.•',a'^t.w s B'iIJ'F �.',i*„a,4:4 4 a -d *ad awv 3] ' the tltanllN, The Greet A Riddl -What to get for her is easily solved at this Toys for the Kiddies in abnndan A new stock of Groceries, Candies, Nuts, etc. Highest Prices paid for Farm Produce - Zur. -Zurich Feed Store Leading Brand of Flour, Shorts, Bran and Feed Corn ;Produce of all kinds taken in exchange, We areagonts for Interns, tional and Royal Purple, stools food, - Also a full line of Clrooer- tee on hand. - Isaac Hudson onto Let us know your wants. We. handle everything in Farm Implements.. Engine Supplies Pullies, alt sizes and kinds, Belting, leather or canvas, all.. sizes. Shaft boxing and shafting. Pump and pump pipingg. Buggies, :Waggons, Sleighs and Cutters. Prompt Servic Moderate clap Tailor Shop and La undry If you are in need of Machine Re- pairs we oan get 'then, for you; We give speoai attention to our repair department. Zurich. LOUIS PRANG r icamigem Nos W. H. HOFS