HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1915-01-01, Page 71'
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Johnny's Red Shoes.
olinny's sand box is in the gu-
n. The box is deep, so that
finny and the sand will not frill
he things that belong in the
nd box, besides Johnny, are the
tle tin pail to hold sand, the red
1 pail to hold water, the shovel,
e rake, and in iron spoon. The
ings that do not belong there are
e woolly dog and Johnny's shoes
d stockings.;
n&.,Sunday morning Johnny's
her and mother were going to
.ureh, and the nurse put Johnny
to the sand box. He made two
rte, one with the red tin pail and
to with the blue tin pale ; and
en he hammered on them with the
.n spoon, and said, "Bang!'bang 1
t1>g 1" and that made a battle.
While he was leaving the battle,
e ,Boy Over the Fence came and
oked through the pickets, and
id, "Pve got new shoes on 1"
hnny looked, and saw that the
y had new brown shoes that tied
Johnny said, "I have new shoes
stairs, and they are red."
"No, not reel," said the Boy Over
e Fence.
"They are I" said Johnny.
right red, with ankle buttons.'
`Let's see .them," said the Boy
;er the Fence.
Johnny trotted up the back stairs
d brought down his white stock -
NS' I'E'lS'ITS STRONt E 4'1STA'1'R:-
Cash on hand reaches record rd I
eve! o
17assets 8%and
46.16%of liabilities
to public. Bank
writes off half a million on value
of investments. Surprising results
under exceptional trade conditions,
The great care which has been
exercised this year by the larger
banks of Canada in maintaining them-
selves in the strongest possible po-
sition, and in this evey being able to
guard against any developments that
might arise in the country, is striking-
ly illustrated by the showing made by
the Royal Tank of Canada in its an-
nual statement for the fiscal year end-
ing Nov. 30th, 1914.
A close study of the ges.eral state-
ment of assets and liabilities would
seem to indicate that the management
has given its every consideration to-
wards keeping the bank strong both
in cash and immediate liquid assets,
such a policy being rendered advisable
by the very uuusnal conditions
brought about in Canada by the out-
break of the European war. In order
to maintain such a position, even op-
portunities for profits were apparently
ignored .o some extent, but as a result
the statement, as a whole, is perhaps
the strongest ever issued by the Royal
Bank and at the present time this
should be as satisfactory to share-
holders as it is reassuring to the pub-
lic generally. Under the conditions it
enables the bank to play a prominent
part in helping the Dominion through
an unprecedented situation.
New Record of Cash on Hand.
The part of the general statement
which is of particular interest is per-
haps that which shows the cash pc):
sition and the liquid assets. At the
end of the fiscal year, the amount of
cash on hand reached the new high
level of $27,683,855, which .is equival-
ent to such an ample percentage as
gs and red -shoes; he had 17.93% of liabilities, to the public.
Lind them laid out on a chair, with This account compares with $21,466,-
e white suit case, all ready for
to put on. He held them up
that the Boy Over the Fence
uld see them.
nd the Boy Over the Fence said,
1" That was all he could think
list then.
he nurse opened the kitchen
r, and said, `-`Come in and get
it luncheon. See the nice crack -
and the mug of milk."
ohnnv was hungry, and he drop -
the red shoes and white stock-
s, and ran into the kitchen to
e his. luncheon; and then it was
for .his nap,
.and 'by lie evoke up,'' and his
her same to dress him for din-
S.lie washed his face and
fs, and brushed his hair, and
on his white sailor suit; and
she said, "Why, where are
shoes and stockings g"
le looked under the elairs, and
ie bureau, and under the bed.
nny," she said, "I cannot find
red shoes and white stockings.
t them here - with your suit, and
they are gone."
h !" said Johnny. "I think—
are in—the sand box 11'
the sand box " cried his mo -
he Boy Over the Fence said
weren't red," said Johnny,
they were."
mother ran downstairs and
Ito the garden. No red shoes
ito stockings were in the sand
She looked all about o•are-•
There were the red tin pail
he blue tin pail, both turned
down, with the old iron
laid across them. And there
he marks of Johnny's mocca-
nd—oh, there were the marks
ether pair of shoes; a little
than Johnny's.
1" ,said his mother. ' `You
looked over into the next
abut there were muddy foot -
leading from the fence to
nd box.
as she was stepping out of
nd box, her foot struck
t the red tin pail and knock -
ver ;
nock -ver; and—what do you think
of the pail were one red
nd one white 'stooking. Then
ned over the blue •tin pail,
ere were the other red shoe
o other white istOOlting.
uy's mother looked over the
but no one was there; so
k 4110` shoes and stodkings
$ and showed them to
old him where she had found
a,sid then she put them away
rawer, and brought out
s old brown moccasins.
ust wear these to -day," she
why' 1" said Johnny, "I like
hoes and white stockings,
ou took them out; and left
the sand box,;' said his
forgot," said Johnny.
his will help you to re -
lab belongs in the sand
d his Another.
did. Johnny did not for -
Youth's •Oomptlniou.
209, last year, which was equivalent to
13.83%, or an increase of over $6,000,-
000. Including the cash on hand, the
liquid assets amount to $71,244,677,
Which is equivalent to as much as
46.16% of liabilities to public. The
principal accounts in this department
include notes of other banks, $2,525,-
2,525;205; cheques on other banks, $5,752,-
5,752;485; balance due by banks and bank-
ing correspondents elsewhere than in
Canada, $3,144,502; Dominion and
Provincial Government securities not
exceeding market value, $1,158,568;
Canadian Municipal securities and
British, foreign and colonial public
securities, other than Canadian, $2,-
185,062; railway and other bonds,
debentures and stocks, net exceeding
'market value, $13,557,741; call loans
in Canada; $8,574,058; call and short
loans elsewhere than in Canada,
$6,080,847. -
lindication sir Contraction in Trade.
With the falling off in general busi-
ness in the country, the current loans
hava naturally shown a slight coutrac-,
tion, these amounting to $84,585,972,
as compared with $86,989,390 at the
end of the previous year and other
current loans and discounts elsewhere
than in Canada $15,002,488, as com-
pared with $15,551.194..
Growth During Year.
Even under the unprecedented con-
ditions that prevailed, the progress of
the bank, as indicated by increased
deposits, was most satisfactory. De-
posits not bearing interest at the end
of the year totalled $31,224,129, as
compared with 336,276,871, at the end
of the previous year, while deposits
bearing interest reached a new high
level at $104,827,078, as compared with
$101,900,790. The total deposits aggre-
gated $136,051,208, as against $138,-
138;177,622, a decrease of approximately
$2,000,000. It, will be remembered,
however, that during the year the
Bank repaid the deposit of the Al-
berta and Great Waterways Co.,
amounting to $7,000,000, and allowing
for this, the ordinary deposits during
the year showed an increase of
Large Amounts Written Off.
The profit and loss account indicates
that owing to the exceptioaai con-
ditions, the management has deemed
it advisable to follow a very conserva-
tive policy in its valuation of invest-
ments, and this year has . made a
special reservation on this account of
The profits for the year amounted
to $1,886,142, equivalent to 16.80% on
the paid up capital. As the balance
of profit and loss at the end of the
Previous year amounted to $1,015,119,
the total amount available for diatri-
bution, with the profits added, amount-
ed to $2,901,262. Of this amount
dividends accounted for $1,887,200;
$100,000 was transferred to officers'
pension fund; $250,000, written off
bank premises' account; 350,000, con-
tributed to patriotic funds; 3500,000,
allowed for depreciation in invest -
Monts. This left balance to be carried
forward to profit and loss account at
the end of the year, 3614,062.
The statement of. Assets and Lia-
bilities, and the Profit and Loss ac-
count, are as follows: •
Current coin $ 12,995,483
Dom. notes .:.... 4 ... , , 12,688,371
Cent gold res.
Notes and cheques
Govt. deposit .. , .
other banks
Due, by other banks
Government securities .:
ivtunieipal 'see,, etd..,,,.
Bonds, debts, etc.
Call loans in Canada
Call loans out Canada.,
Liquid assets
Cup., loans in Canada ..
Cur. loans out Canada <..
Overdue debts
Reel ' a
Bank premises .,,
Other assets
Total assets
To the public:—
Demand deposits
Savings dep
Due other bank
Bills payable.
Acceptances .....
1140 337
7 1
• 1914.
$ 13,505,265
Total pub. liab. 3154,319,272
To the shareholders:—
Paid-up capital $ 11,560,000
Reserve , , 12,560,0.00
Prev. balance 614,062
Divs., inc. and pay 350,719
Profit and Loss Account,
Balance of Profit and
Loss Account, 29th
November, 1913 ... , .. 31,015,119.58
Profits for the' year,
after deducting charges
of Management and
all other expenses, ac-
crued interest on de-
posits, full provision
for all bad and doubt-
ful debts and rebate of -
interest on unmatured
bilis , ...... , .... , . , 1,886,142,67
Appropriated as follows:
Dividends Nos. 106, 107,
108 and 109,. at 12 per
cent. per annum. ..... $1,381,200.00
Transferred to Officers'
Pension fund'100;000.00
Written off B an 1:
Premises Account .... 250,000.00
Contribution to Patri-
otic Funds .. . . 50,000.00
Depreciation- in Invest-
Balance of Profit and 506,000.00
Loss carried forward. 614,062.25
President. Gen. Man.
Montreal, 18th December, 1914.
The annual meeting of . the share-
holders will be held in Montreal, on
Thursday, January 14 next, and the
resume of the president, H. S. Holt, is
looked forward to with considerable
interest in financial arid business
circles. ,
Gott, Gott, dear Gott, attention
blease :
• Your bardner Vilhelan';s here,
Uud has a word or two to say
Indo your brivate ear ;
So dura away all udders now
Und listen yell to me,
For vat I say concerns me much,
MeinselE and Sher -many.
You know, dear Gott, I vas your
Und from mein` hour of birth
I quietly let you rule in Heffen,
Vile I ruled here on earth,
Und ven I toldt nein soldiers
Of byegone battle days,
I gladly split de glory,
Und half gave you of praise.
In every way I tried to prove.
Klein heart to you vas,true,
Und only claimed mein honest
In .great deeds dab ve do.
You could not hal a better :friendt
In sky, or land or sea,
Dan Kaiser Vilhelm number two,
I).e Lord of Shernieny. .
So vat I say, dear Gott, is dis,
Dat ve should still be friendts,
Und you should help to send any
to e,s
To meet deir bitter ends.
If you, dear Gott ,vill dis me do
I'll nothing ask again,
Und you and I will bardners be
For evermore, Amen 1
But listen, Gott, it must be mighty
Your help to me you send,
Or else 1 hal to stop attack
And only blay defend.
So four and twenty hours I gif
To make ole Allies run
`Und put me sale into mein blase ---
De middle of de Sun.
If you do dis, I'll do my bare:
I'll tell de valid dot foot,
But if you don't, den I must tink
It is an hostile act.
Den vat at once I vill declare,
Und in mein anger rise.
Und send mein Zepp'lin ships to
A fight up in de skies.
Dis ultimatum now, dear Gott,
Is von of many More,
Mine mind is settled up to clean.
De whole vorld off de door.
Because you vas mein bardner,
An extra chance is Biffen ;
So help .at vonee, or else I'•ll be
De Emperor of Heffen.
—Van De Todd in > Canadian
Do Lou Breaths iliirt?
Speediest Cure is Nerviline,
stab -like
pain in the
is. like a hot knife blade in the ribs!
FrObably got over-heated—cooled
too,fast—now there is congestion,
tightness, such soreness you can't
draw a long breath.
Tllis,iis the beginning of Pleurisy.
Pleurisy is far too serious to neglect
a single instant.
Quickest relief will come from a
vigorous rubbing with Nerviline, This
trusty old pain reliever wi]]Fix you up
in no time -•--will take away the con-
gestion— make you well just as it .did.
Mr. Samuel St. Johns, of. Stamford,
who says:—"In running to catch a
train •last week I became much over-
heated, I put up, the train window
and .rode that way in order to get
coli cl off, In an hour my side was so
full' of pain and my breathing hurt so
muchthat I thought I had pneumonia.
I always carry Nerviline in niy grip
and -at destination I rubbed my side
thoroughly three tines. The warm
penetrating effect was soon notice-
able and I quickly got relief. Nervi -
line I consider saved me from a seri-
ous illness."
Ana' sort of a cold can be quickly
broken up with Nerviline which is a
marvel for reducing inflammation, for
relieving congestion in the throat and
chest, for curing stitch in the side,
lumbago, neuralgia. sciatica or rheum-
atism. Nothing more soothing or
powerful. The 50c. large fainly size
is the most economical. Small trial
size 25c. at dealers everywhere.
Seeing Under Water.
It is undoubtedly true that, un-
der certain conditions, it is possible
from a good altitude to perceive ob-
jects at a certain depth below the
surface, but this is mainly the case
with calm, clear waiter, with a fa-
vorable light. In the ebeppy gray
waters which abound round British
coasts, a submi,arinc would rarely be
detected, more especially as the
vierv..from the pilot's and observer's
seas is, in tile majority of cases,
most. defective alt- the present time,
and the fierce slip -.stream from the
propeller revolving in front, added
to the highspeed of travel, render
the,use of goggles imperative.But, • in the opinion of a writer in
the London Daily Telegraph, minor
difficulties such as these may, and
no doubt will, be overcome in ,time,
and 'experience alone can show in
how far the aeroplane will serve as
a proteetiwn..against submarines,
The Pathos of Life.
One of the reflections most com-
mon to people of more than aver-
age thoughtfulness is something
like this: "When we go hence how
little accompaniment we leave be-
hind -urs, tend how well the world
goes on without, us," It is as pa-
thetic as it ;i•s true of most of us.
We do not distinguish deeds. We
do not realize our ideals. When the
most faithful worker dies a crowd
is ready to rush into the place leFt
vacant even if it be inconspicuous.
Few leave a memory that endures
for a generation except in the
hearts of a handful of friends. If
this life is to be regarded as finel
we might be tempted to regard it as
nob worth living, it is so disappoint-
ing to our noblest hopes, our lofti-
est ideals. But if this life is a dis•
cipline, a preparatory school, if the
chief gain of any life is not fame but
character, even our disappointments
and frustrations are prophetic. Life
is a cruel mystery unless its horizon
be widened to include eternity.
nut right out of business, a whole ram.
ay of corns by Putnaan's Corn ];xtraotor,
'which axes corns and warts in one day.
No pain or sore if "Putnam's" is used.
Refuse substitutes, 26c. per bottle at all
Teacher -A train leaves London
travelling thirty miles an hour: it
is followed thirty minutes later by
a train, travelling sixty miles anhour. At what point will the
second train run into the first? Boy
—At the hind end of the rear car.
Sometimes a self-made man
makes a•noise like a phonograph.
ED,, 5. ISSUE 1.•---'.1.5.
tihtli idle{.
I know that this day will never
come again. 'Therefore I will crake
it the best day in which I have ever
lived. I know that happiness is a
thing winthin, and it is always in
the world and very a.ear to me. I
know .
n,�w I have but to search for it,
and that.as.soon as I begin to hunt
it out 1 have it. Also, I know that
as soon as I -get happiness and be-
gin to give it away it comes back
doubled—and more—to me. I know
this. I know that work is a stimu-
lus, and that it keeps the world
alive and moving. I know that the
people who work with love in their
hearts and interest in their brains
are the real doers and benefactors
of mankind. I know that I can be a
doer and a benefactor. I know that
life is exactly what I make it. I
know that other people and other
forces can influence my life and
work only as I follow it. I know
that I am young if I live youth; I
know that I am happy if I' live hap-
piness ; I know • that I am worth
while if I attempt and accomplish
worth -while- things. I know that
the greatest thing I can ever do is
to do my best at all times :and under
every circumstance.—George Mat-
thew Adams.
Papa EIad a Grouch.
Nell ----Jack, dear, did you call on
papa to -day?
Jaok---Sure I did, but he didn't
appear to enthuse very much over
my visit
Nell—What did he say'?
Jack—Why, when I asked him for
permission to press my suit, he
simply answered, "Why don't you
send it to a tailor 1"
Baby's Own Tablets are the best
medicine for little ones. They are
guaranteed by -a government ana-
lyst to be absolutely safe and never
fail to cure constipation, colic, colds
and sample fevers by regulating the
stomach and bowels. Concerning
them IVIr.s. S. Shannon, Urney, N.
S., writes: "I have used Baby's
Own Tablets for my two children
and think they are just what little
ones need. I would not be without
them." The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont..
}Ie Shall Not Want.
"Yes," said Mrs. Twickenbury,
"our minister has decided to go to
another pasturage."
"Charles says I grow more :beau-
tiful every time he sees me." "If i
that's the case yen ought to make I
him call twice a day," came the I
We publish simple, straight teatimon•
iala, not press agents' interviews, from
well-known people.
From all over America they teotify to
tate merits of MINARD'S LINIILENT, the
best of Household Remedies.
When Ethel was five years old she
went to school for the first time,
"How do you like your teacher,
Ethel V' asked her mother. "Well,
mamma, I don't think the teacher
knows very much." "Why not, my
dear!" "Why she keeps .asking
questions all the time 1"
Minard's Liniment Cures Carget in Cows.
An Irishman, hearing of a. friend
who had a stone coffin made for
himself, exclaimed: "Faith, that's
good. Sure, an' a stone coffin will
last a man a lifetime."
Minard's Liniment cures Diphtheria.
The "Honeymoon."
A custom commonly observed by
newly -married couples among the
ancient Teutons was drinking a
wine made from honey during the
first thirty days after marriage.
The use of the word "moon" was
used simply to designate the period
of time, one month, that the use of
the wine continued. In no other
respect was the moon supposed to
have significance in the chatter. Al-
though the custom of drinking this
particular kind of wine was long
ago abandoned, the word honey-
moon has survived in a. different
sense. It is now applied to the.
period after !carriage, long or
short, gencraii devoted to a trip
away from home.
And the less some people 1:e
more they expect.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, lite,
Choose your variety and
ask your grocer for
"Clark's''. s
H. W. DAWSON, Ninety - Colborne Strut,
F YOU wAN'r TO I317Y OR SILL ',1
Pratt, Snook, Grain or Dairy Farm.
write II. W. Dawson. Brampton, or 90 Col'
borne ht., Trronto.
H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto,
'L) internal and external, cured
out pain by our home treatment. Wp',r,
us before too late Dr. Belizean Iledioa•i
Co.. Limited. Coilinawood,,Ont.
BM Winery For Sale
Engine, shafting, belting pulley's,
etc. from large factory for sale.
Wheelock engine, 18 by 42, complete
with cylinderframe, fly wheel, bear•
Ings, etc., all in good condition.
Shafting from one inch to three
inches, pulleys thirty inches to
fifty inches, belting six inches to
twelve inches. • Will sell entire of
in part.
S. Frank Wilson & Sons,
'73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto.
-Masa nt.
Hostess --I want you to sing, Kr.
Basso, but it's such a pr ;tsar.1
party 1 hate to break it up.
Try Murine Eye Remedy tur Red, Weak, Waterer
Eyea and Granulated Eyelids; eids; Nu Smarr i ; --•
just ]Eye Comfu'rt. Write fur Bunk of tb, ea
bymailFree. Murine Eye itemedyCo.,G,t' p;,.
At a. crowded ciincert to ilk;
Patti a young- la€l+y- wag/reeking fur ""•;-,.— .
' ^•-
a seat. "Is it •a seat you wan;,
miss ?" asked the Irish usher.
"Yes, a seat, please." "Indade,
miss," said Pat, "I should be &ad
to give you a sate, but the empty
ones ,ire all full."
Minard's Liniment Oures Distemper. -
OU can't have a
beautiful complexion
for the asking.
used regularly will remove
blemishes, and snake the skin
smooth, dear, artd sound.
Vaseline Cold Cream
contains no animator veg-
etable fats. It is sterilized
in the making and delicately
A full size jar of Vaseline
Cold Cream will be sent
to yciu direct on receipt of
the price -15c.
Drug and department stores
everywhere sell the various
"Vaseline" preparations.
Write for free, illustrated "Vase-
line" booklet telling all about dinar.