HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1915-01-01, Page 4A N N EXT ' AOR, We have in stock an assortment of Goods of which we are proud. We know our future Business depends on our present doings, so with this in mind, we must buy Y purchase,", ypeople. Xmas Display oral. Good Oooe s and sell at fair prices, We ask everybody in Exeter and vicinity to come in andsee our this year,even if you do not we want to see - the At the Campy Counter We expect our stook -of orauges and new nuts this week. Our can. dy is always fresh. Our Rosted and salted peanuts are always good. Japanese China • A job line to sell at 10-15-25o, some lovely pieoes and all hand col- ored, Beautiful Glassware 10 150. Nippon China in a variety of decor- ations from 25c up.' Willards Choclates Assorted cherries, Nut chips, lylint wafers, Maple walnut, Honey nouget, Butteries 10c eaob, chaffing dish Tiffany, MotorLuneh, Family box, and many others at popular prides of 25o to $115. In bulk we have Cream. Centres and hard centres about 30 flavors. Try us for Candy, Special prides on 5.1b boxes, Doll Heads Steeping and awake, with hair and without 100 up, strong bisque, 100 and 15c up, Celluloid, (large) 25c, Metal all sizes 20 and 25o • Christmas Decorations and Tree Ornaments Garlands. 5o -IOc uu, Bells 20c a doz up, Xmas Greetings 15c up, Leaf Decorations 25o, Urepe paper in rolls, Shelf paper in folds, Fancy Drape paper in folds , lowest prices, Xmas Candles all prices, large and small Tinsel 2 yds for 5c candle holders. China Rich White and Gold China, Dinner ware Open Stock While others are raising the price, we are still selling it at the same prices.. All our goods are marked in plain English We •use uo Greek. Start savi,a_?,;g to -clay, tell your friends to .buy you a piece of White and Oeld china at Powell's for Cliristrnas: 50 Cups and`saucere, hand painted,:, too high for our trade, Lo clear 500 each, regular $ • :Qdn,Pieces of China, in great profusion, suitable for gifts from 15c -25c up. Cups and , Saucers 800 Beautiful cups and saucers .going at I5-25-350 each, nice presents for girls, We show the finest assortment of band -painted chinaware in Exeter, barring none, See our display before you buy. 25 Watersets, regular 1 50 to ,1 75 to clear at d 25 a set choose early- .• Powell's Bazaar, Exeter. RIGHT NOW you can buy any article, pay 25 p c. on it, we.willlay it aside for you till Xmas. Xrn.ai:s Stationery Post Cards Iainen Paler and Lnvelopes in pretty boxes at 20, 25, 35, swell goods. 'Make, nice presecit4- Oar Card colleetifiu is great. Dont buy Carter; un- til you see ours. Reg, 2 for 5, 2000 at 5 for 5c, others 2 for 5c, 3 for 10e G for 25c. Christmas Seals 3 p tcicets for 10c• Sleeping DOLLS and awake Rag dolls 50 •and 10c, Celluloid 25 and ,roc, Fancy Dressed 25 and 50e rues, (Ammeter babies 5, 10; I5c to $3.75, Crying and Musical babies 250 up, Unbreakable dolls all prices, Babies in long clothes $1.25 up, Doll Cradle:: 250 up, Doll gocrrts 15e, Dai:y,; carts and wheel barrows 15e, Doll Lawn bwiugs 350, Doll keds S50, Mechanical Toys Gas engine (spring wind) 75c, Steam boa: (engine by oil) 1, 50„ Train on track 5% 1,00 and 1.25, Walking fi;ail, <i0c, t lewn Orchestra •750, Darkey c1`tient-tier and bear 50o, Billiard t.ilile 25c, Pop and cap guns 5_25 Autos, horses, and carts• and dozens of others at 10c up. TOYS BRA izng nets 25o, Washboard and mils in sets 25c, Drawing slates 5c• lOc and 25c, Horns and trumpets 5c 100 tp' Drums all prices, . Xmas stockings 5, 10 and 25c, lorses, 5o up I -oinking horses dappled grey with bast et seat and reins complete, rag g1,25 only $1.75. Special discounts to churches and schools on $5 Xtnas pnrchnses DASHWOOD At the nomination meeting on Mon- day night for police trustees for the Village the three men chosen to look after the affairs of the Village for the yeas 1915 were, George Eli holler, Ignatius- Weltir. and Ed. aeadiger, Messrs Chris. Stade and Jana W. Graybiel resigned leaving the three mentioned ,elected by venial—lea, ion.; I\Ir. George Koch was re.elected school trustee for the next thre:1 years at the annual meeting on Wed resday. Mr and Mrs HermanEidt,of Forest who spent the Xmas with friends here left for their home Monday. . Miss Vera Brokenshire is visiting friends in Zurich this week. Miss Enna Callfas is spending some -ti:nie with fri„f,a,Ts m Tbedfo t. Mr and Airs George Schroeder e ` �visit,.cl t-w'zanTuS in Exeter on Wednes- day. While cutting, straw at James Bax- ters, Isth con., a few days ago, Jacob Marriott had the misfortune to have two of his fingers cut oft • Misses Ethel Kellerman, Lillian Hartleili, and Lillie Miller, who have been teaching at Toronto, Clarkson, andOrediton respectively have returned to their homes here to spend the Xmas vacation. Rev. J. H. Ehlers, field secretary for Christian activity among 'the Educational Institutions of Pena -1 Sylvania will preach in the Evangelica church next Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Intended for last iveelc The Xmas. entertainment, in the Evangelical church on Wednesday evening was. as usual a success. Mr Joseph Diller who was here att- ending his son's wedding left 'for his home in Michigan on Monday. School closed on Tuesday for the Xmas. holidays, the teachers have left far their respective homes, 1\:lr Henry, ascents Mr and Mrs Charles Laporte. Ilderton, ,'Miss Woods Bayfield and 1,. Miss FinIcbiner Crediton. Hector is looking fine and says he likes Mr Arthur J Terminer of Naperville the west, I11: is speuding hisXuaas. holidays at Mr Taffiel Ayotte arrived last weelc the home of Mr Godfreid Oestreicher. from Michigan with his family to live. The storm ofthe past few days has on the farm he bought on the 141h, filled u i the coatis that grail carriers Nowhere he will Make `his .new home. sof l him much .success. ou routes 1 and 2 were unable to We wish ur BLAKE iir. Beattie has returned to his home in Egznondville after having taught school in S. S. No, 9 for the last few months giving good satisfaet ion to both scholars and parents. - Mr. and Mts. Ross Johnson and daughter Mantnie attended the wedding of a friend near Varna last week. The Misses Stevens are spending the holidays under the parental roof. 11ir. and Mrs. A. T. Douglas enter- tained a few of their friends on.. Mon- day evening last, Mr. Milton Johnston visited friends In London over the Xmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Sparks, Mr. and 1' Mrs. Wm Douglas ,and daughter, of Stanley and Dr. and Mrs. Schoellig and son of Detroit, spent Xmas clay with airs Peter Douglas of the yillage. Miss Flossy Capling entirtained a number of her friends on Monday evening. Miss Annabel McDonald . who is attending the Collegiate at Seaforth is spending the holidays at her honne here. • Mrs Boyes Sr. has returned to. her home in Eglnonclville after a pleasant visit with her son's and other friends. DRYSDALE The five o'clock service in St Peters church Christmas morning was well attended, the church being crowded to the door. Miss Josephine Denomneleft Satur- day fora visit bo Windsor anncl Chatham Richard Laporte and Teddy ' Rau, who are attending Sanely ieh college are home for their holidays. . Mr Stanton Brisson who is attend- ing the Medical Cope"" at Toronto is also hoe fol his holidays. Mr Hector Laporte; who has been out west for two years, is visiting his nnalce their round trip and the currier on No. 8 found it earnest innpossidleto get through; which he did with great difficulty. The patlunasters on the several beats should see to it that the road is kept open for the, conveyn.nce of Iles 11iagesty's trail,,otllerwise .they Inas find themselves up against .aherd 7ro position. 1 1 EX.EE_4l'. The hockey team was reorganized at a meeting bell our Tuesday. J. Grigg, who y h � recently his leg has been removed.frons, : Goderich to his hanne here, Miss J. Flerdy of the Deaconess TrainingSchool, Toronto,: is spending the holidays at her home. John Northcott passed away on Dec 17th, aged 75 -years Deceased suffered a pttralytie stroke a few weeks age., GRAND BEND In these columns scene time ago Was stated that horses were not Sofia as some people thought, as three horsca sired by Non Parole sold for $160, $165. and $170. respectively. We also, think it our duty to say something re. ;;aiding the get of Judge Parole, Wang. Whiteof-Londonroad sold a 146 coon:, the old filly last fall for ;$115, Jim. - Fleming 'Medford ho;'Fleaninng'Medford got $120,for a 'eld•' ing rising 2•yearsold, Robert Carnpbel' oftheSaubie line recently refused $140, for a filly 28 months old, Geo Clark of the town line (Sanders Tarin) has t> wealinng acid a yearling from a snare 20 years of age, whiter are fit to. show against any company, These colts were all servea by Judge Parole' 'owned by B Bosseuberry,GrandBond •wlio is ready to turn him for the word 'with any fres legged pacer in these parts,) 13EAVEIt ME ADO W l.fiss R Keys, who has held the position of teaching -in S. S. No 12 Hay, for the past year and a half, bas severedher connection with the school and has left for hor home at Varna. During her sojourn here she won many friends, who regret her departure from the vicinity. Her faibhfn1nes in school dui ties was much appreciated.1-l:er labors were not•,only. confined to the school room, as Miss Keys was always ready and willing to aid in other literary and B:YF 1ELD Christmas Wedding. The beautiful new bonne of Mr and Mrs: Samuel Cleave of Louisa street was the scene of a pretty wedding at highneon, when their only daughter Miss Edith. became the bride of ]\Ir J Gingrich of Newberry Mich, Tho ceremony was performed by the Rey• Scars. of Toronto, and was witnessed by; the immediate friends and relatives Miss Rosamond Snowden, most i ntim social natters. On Tuesday afternoon ate friend of the. bride, played the wed Dec. 22nd. the school room , eivas: the -ding march The bride was unattended scene of a large gathering of parents, .and looked cherming in blue silk trim - pupils, and friends. A splendid pro-. 'used sbadow lace and pearl trimmings, gremule was given vythe pupils.which coni) i,tulations followed the ceremony was enjoyed by all present, Miss whc r all sat down to the weddinglun- Keys wasmade the rsce1ient of ahand- -chenf Me and Mrs G'•:•tngriai .left on S01110 ebony toilet seb . presented by '.theafiernoontrain foe Niagara, and, Master Lorne Pfile in behalf of the other points, where ' they will spend c pupils, who much regret her departure .short time before going to their iomel. as their teacher. The following address in Michigan The brides going away was read. by Master Percy Schoch. 1 costume was navy blue whip cord suit BEAR TEACHER. land -white hat and 'set of beautiful to leave us and we, as your pupils, feel and costly silverware, chin fel nen, cut - that we•cannot let this opportunity pass without ex pressing regret at your departure and also of showing our appreciation for The time has corn when you are about • furs The presents were nunleroIIS' the many sacrifices you have made in our behalf. In the discharge of your duties you have been .very earnest nud faithful. If there was anything whieh we did not un- Edition tit 00 per Year by 4thil Outside City of London glass, gold, checks, etc. ST. JOSEPH is the time to begin thinking of (Christmas. From now to ..' •'ras we will give special- lowBar- gains on Pianos, Organs, Edion Phonographs, Singer Sewing Machines, Bell Art Pianos. r, ith the illimitable quick repaving actionand sustaining frame. In buying a Bell Plano you get a strictly. high ;rade piano,' and you pay noLbmi, c-xtrrt _for the nuim The Bell stands at the top in Musical circles. We also -sell Cheaper grades and. ether 1 :-, makes of pianos,' You will ;:ave surges bnying•from t WELL, LL, ' URIC • I buy spot cash and give the;'us- tonuers the benefit of it... Your call is welcoome. orama The London Adver s;:l r 111OftNING—NOUN— EV]ll 1z,ta• derstand at firstsight you weraalways wtl:- iiag to show us aright, no matter how often we imposed on you your only desire was the advancement of all your pupils and to im- partsuch knowledge as would be of untold value in our studies. To accomplish your aim you shared neither time nor labor, in and out ofschool thereby.shewing that your heart was in the work, and thus won the honor and esteem of the whole section. We ask you to accept this toilet set as a token of the Sincerity of our love and esteem while we Unitedly wish, you most heartily a large measure of success in the future. Signed on behalf of the pupils of S. S. No. 12 .Hay. Percy Schoch, Locno Pfile. Miss Keys although entirely taken by surprise replied in a pathetic and appropriate manner; thanking most sincerely her' pupils for their much appreciated ''and beautiful gift, also thanking all presant for their many kindnesses during her stay here. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Jeremiah A (;orriveau, late of the Township of ):Tay, In the Coun- ty of Huron, Igerclaant, deoea'ed. Notice is hereby given that all poisons li vine• any clams against Jeremiah A Corriveau, who died nn the tlOth tlov of November, 1514. at the said Township of Hay, aro required on or before the fish day of January, 1515, to Send by, post or deliv- er to Mr Seraltbine Curriveta, 4. ld.. No. 2, Zurich, 1•Vidow and ' Arlin nistratti:x of the T:atate of the e.tid 1>uce t,erl, cc. to the undersigned' Solicitors Herein fur the Ad- tainrat.ratris, full particulrtry for their claims; and that after the said - last mentioned drite the zi.dminitihra.t,-ix will proceed to distribute the assets of the gaicl Deceased among the persons entitled there- to, having cooled only to the claims of which she shall then have had =,rico, and that the said Adiniatratrix will not be liable for tlhe,aaid assets. or a li" nett there of;. to ;any person of whose claim she shrill. 001 then hay"e received notion. T)ated'at,;(odetirh the 14th clay of ..Dec, ember, 11114: Proudfoot; Killeran and PI foot. • finch ri. b;, Ontraio. Solicitors for said Adr,iitristratrix. Cbristzuas clay passed off very quiet- ly as the weather was cold. Cryril Masse who has been away to the west the past year has returned bone fo rfew clays. 11is Jennie Geroiinette of Honsall is visiting her grand paLenLs NIr and Mrs Oscar Duchenne, Sr. The Correspondent wishes all a happy and prosperous New Year. The children of Mr. anclMrs N. M: Cantin have returned from Toronto and ate spending the holidyas at their hone here, Prank Papineau of Detroit is spend- ing the holidays under the parental roof. , The continuous Cold weather has formed, ice on Lake' Huron find some of the old time fishermen are getting their nets ready for winter fishing, The concert held in 11,e Separate School::near St. Joseph o u 9'11e8(1a.y even• ng was largely, attended, T.L'be prograina coiisi;:tecl of dialogues recitations, music, and speecher. The teacher Miss Walser, is to bo congratulaled for the rucces:sof'the entertainment, 111r N A Ci,utiia as tea as chairman.. • Asiibscciprionwas taken up recently for thepurposo of aiding Peter Charette to go to•London tobave his eyes treated Ile will leave after the holidays, 111 -ti and Mrs l iugene Boileau and family of Montreal with IVlrancl• Mrs 13oileatt Sr. spent their Christmas holi clay's with ST 1l'1 Cautin. 1VIr Boileau Sr, is coaling St Joseph his bonne in, bene future.,Wel Collie to our new oftisem Mr 1 Masse Sven at iUensal ante io1 ioits the roasts fairly gooti. Mr N Id Cautin spent Sutadtfy'with his fancily Pero. • All the War News All Market Quotations All Sporting News The Best Newspaper Value in Western Ont. Delivered thronc'h your Post ; Brice 01' oser your` Rural Route s.o s Day as Published fee• $2.00 per year: Classified . Ads. LEGAL CARDS. Ph0U1)P.00T, T�IT.I.Olt.1AT, & PROUD- • FOOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries 1'ublie Sic, Oilier, on the Splay:, 2nd. door from' .il.uniitou "St. Onil rich. •Priv,' a finds to loan itt' lowoat sates. . RAN. W. Pnpa;nmroox•, Jii. MEDICAL CARDS R. E • 13. 13ALFOUR, graduate- , r este]'iY. University,University, late of 'Western l.Lilitary. Hospital and Victoria Hospital; London. Office in the building formerly occupied by the late Dr,McLanghlin, Dashwood. R A. J. MacRINNON late )':louse Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office,. Zurich, Ont. Farm for Sale Lot 23. Con 7, Parr Line Hay North 50 -acres, or will sell the whole lot. For particulars apply to Duncan Taylor, Hensall P. O. FO r.a SALE lHouse:l+'or Sala —A While Brick House erected by Sim Ireland, and afi present oicupiied by Otto Restenayete for particulars apply to El. Weigand Dashwood. IMPLEMENTS. Farm f Qr Sale... Binders, Mowers, al i n s of Cultivators, Discs and I' er- tilizer Drills, g best and light. est made, all steel.p Manure S' r.2aders and all kinds of plows ,and repairs always in stack. Look at our Cutters Sleighs, Buggies and Wagons before buying else -r GRAY 1VfOT wheC1re. R ENGINES 1I 11. P. $75; 2 • H. P. , 85; 4I I, P. $125::fr t7• P. $1.7,i; �3 iI P ‘ti`32" ;. .• 411 ra 12Ii. P. $375; all warranted first class, At the old Stand:- r Squlare' Dealing:(: ter Mao" F. Hess. 86' Son1 210 acres of good farming and fruit lance. 2000•peach frees. of ivlii.eh 1000 are in bon:ring, good, plenly' of \rater,good ltrildintr, well fenced .and and pertly drained. 'Poi. particulars +ni'ply to l)e nitl Smith, R. R. No. 2 Zurich, For Service • Thoroughbred Yorkshire Boer for -sorrier. Al'o Th orongialrrril rahort- horn T)uthrtii Brill for '('11 iso. On 1.ot 28, Cion. 12, Tley 'Township.'' Day id Schwa rtzraa4pd LIV3 1i'OWVL WANTED 1 grill (aim 1iwe fowl every Tuesday • foren.00u, tiintil.further notice, `Iligh- o t mnarkelprice will be paid. R. N. Dongltus, Blake it ie 0a ht enc oc a1 ai in al ar va ge re se. we do Rn wh In up 00 a' da Pr ref in ole tthi the at n'F; ini on, col 1 het Ha ha: fed w.a wh mu the aa for os sex -t si 'zc ra et e re tai at Sa e] el 1 to 11 s s• 1e CI 11 ae n ted