HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1915-01-01, Page 1Vol, XV ZUR1C}-h FRIDAY • We rnost cordially wish all our friends a Merry Christ— mas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. - Good Times beget Prosperity, Confidence begets Good Times, and Good Appearance begets Confidence. Do your share this year toward maintaining Prosper- ity by keeping your property, inside and outside, wellpainted. And when you do paint, there's but one paint to use to insure besttresults and greatest economy. It is 3i/ER IN-WILLIAMS PAINT, PREPARED, S.W P. It is made by a firm with a well known reputation for best quality products. It is paint that is always y right, b'' , and always full vzeasare. Made of the best materials, by the best paint makers. Resolve to paint your house next spring with S.W. P. It's a resolution that will bring you satisfaction. We quill be glad to sho'zv you color cards any + f time. I •r.�.... . Ties►Wfiers• a4, !� •e• • We have an immense stock' of all the ni.'west in Men'e ties '4 - Jest what you have been looking for, S.psoitel regular 50 cent ,fig, tie for 25 cents, Also a nice line of men's and ladies" mufflers in 4 • merry. colors. 2 as 2 • • Just opened up a large shipment of ladies' handbags. The et newest on the market From 75 cents rep. • 4• _ — ®— 4. • N R Special for Holiday 'rade. 0 4 G 4. 4 4. 8 a Floss, � xrr ystal .Rope loss, 4 4 skeins for 10 cts. .! iland et • A large variety of plain, initialed, bordered, and fancy • hta.nkerchiefs. We have theta by the hundreds, Also big assort • ment of child's handkerchiefs. 4 ..—F r • Setts • Mothing`tvould be nicer or more serviceable fcr sister or 4' sweetheart than a fur sett. We have something special justnow • 8• natural wolf, regular $40, for $27.50. 4 A. large variety of Ladies' . Gloves Collars, 4 Sweater Coats, Laundry bags Belts, Hose, Ribbons, �, etc. •• • . • S h 0 4, A, erchiefs 4r Genttine ent glass just in, Just the thing for a Xmas prey. • * ti ti i 1 china ware In n1tLn � ,� etlt 1 anc,y Chinaware, a large display of c y 4 varieties, always a popular article and useful in many ways, .b 4 : ‘0 4 ilv erw to : 41,41 We have a splendid variety of gllverw'are, in tea spoons, e • table speons. berry spoons, oold meet forks, knives and forks, ,1 t pearl handled goods, etc. • Cu611clie3. Ncits, Oranges and fresh Groceries,• • • • 0 • J. 0 4, 1: e I e'r h o n e 110,9 toff t Wass NINQ, JAN 1,. 1915. LOCAL NE's Huron Poultry Show w:11 ire he ld til (toder�ieh on Jan. 12, le and, `!t. Miss Eleanore IIartl'eib, of TF1, ozrto is spending the holidays ether ':Izuinee here. Mr, Calvin Williams; of Buifiv'iu, N.,' Y,, is spending a few weeks t hi home here. Miss Celia. Hess is visitieg her aster Mrs. G. A. Bissett, Saltsfora feria few weeks. Mrs Pollock of Ripley, and sin, is, visiting this week with her brother, Principal Howard. Dr W Schoellig, wife and child. of Detroit, visited relatives in this vicini- ty over the holidays., Mr. Harvey Colosky and wire of Detroit, Mich., are visiting with 'the former'sparents over the holidays, Verna, Miss Mabel Clark of near Varna, has been engaged the trus • .e,- of S laby S No' G, Hay es teacher: for the next terra. Mr. David Schnell, of Aberdeen Sask., arrived here last Thursday and will visit relatives for a 4,Nv months in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ealbfioi eh, of Detroit, visited relatives here, over eiStn dsy. Mr Kalbfleisch returned to •tllebity on Monday. Miss Vera Seibert and Miss ,Carrie iGellman were visiting friends at rhe (14th con. and Dashwood during the forepart of the week, .1.I+ .1� THE �lal Mr; G Holtzulan went the hol?days With r.olativesin Berlin. Miss .Diana Rrckbeil returned home Thursday last from an.extended visit with friends in Berlin and Berton. ML-. Henry Fuss is spending the New Year holidays with friends in Detroit and other points in Michigan. Mr A Arohidald of Toronto, a former pLipcipal of Zurich l'udlie School. was looking up old aquaintanoes this week. Mr. Henry Schnell of. Ayton is visiting relatives here at present, He intends remaining in Zurich for some ti ne, Mr. Edmund Geiger, of the teach- ing staff of a St. Thomas school, was renewing acquaintances in town on Monday, Miss Lottie Galster has returned from New Dundee, where she bad charge of a millinery department in one of the stores. The young folks of the section en- joyed n- 1y 'o ed pleasant pleasant evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clasper Wolper, Goshen line south on Tuesday. The Sunday School elass of Miss Alice Johnson gathered at her home on Christmas Eve and presented her with a beautiful bouquet holder. Misses J. Veiteh and M. Walker, of the Zurich Public School teaching stag are spending the holidays at their homes in Platstville and Hayesville respectively. - Mr Milford L Brown of . Toronto of the.Bank of Comnerse staff, who was spending his Xmas. holidays ab the home of his parents, left for the city on Monday afternoon. An interesting entertainment was held at the school house of S, S. No 11, Hay, on Monday, Dec. 21st, when the teacher, Mise Stinson and her pupils enteetafnnedtl epeople of the atetiiin for a few hours. The program consist- ed of recitations dialogues readings and songs and speeches by the trustees and other prominent men of the section. Mr.Albeet I;albfleisch acted as ehair man. Mrs Herb Becker and son Mervin, of New Dundee are spencling a.nunsor of weeks with her parents, Mr gaud Mrs Jacob Brown, Goshen line. ' Me',Boy Geiger, who ss alb r`{ing th�t iie ediito• t nivers'i ty,' wilt preach in theEvangelical church next . Sunday evening. Everybody welcome. . ' Mr and Mrs 0 A. Miller, and son Stanteigh, of Boyceville Wiis.. are 'visiting the former's mother. Mrs. Sarah Miller, and other friends in this vicinity for a few weeks. The Ladie'sAid of the Lutheran church gave Mrs, John Kuntz, of the 14th Con., a surprise party last Satur- day afternoon. A pleasant time was spent by all. Among the many visitors here dur. ing the holidays we noticed the follow- ing. --R. Geiger and Miss Adis Seibert, of Toronto; R. Appel, Stratford, Fred E. Hess, London; W, Goodwin, God- erich; Orland. Johnston, Clinton; Mr. and 1VIrs. L. G. Beeman and Miss Emma Heideman, Detroit; E. Axt, London, Norman and Miss Alice Truemner, Toronto; John Wilhelm, Baden; Bud Routledge,Dashwcod. s I POLICE TRUSTEES. 0 e A • 4. • 4. e 9 4 • O 4, ,+ 4. 4 0 e 4. 4 e. • • 4, 4 • R EETE yj�tpd �$.0940,Ar4 A4444444 4444 +4 4444+4.04404944440++4 44+$4 49 9 A 44x' At the nomination meeting for Police Trustees for the Village of ,Zurich ,for next year held on Monday evening the members of last year's board were re- elected by acclamation. They are H. Well,. t' W Hess and Il: Yungblut. Various important matters pertaining to the welfare of the village were dis- cussed and it is likely that the streets along the 'business section will be sprinkled or oiled next : 'summer, shovelling snow off the sidewalks was, also discussed. 1751116. WPM Tne Christmas Entertainment at the 14 con. last Sunday evening was one of the best ever held at this place. The evening being most inviting, drew an immense crowd; which taxed the church to its utmost, A. great many left, not being able to gain admittance The program was interesting from be- gining to end. The cantata The Rase of Bethlehem" was 'beautifully and tactfully carried out bringing great honor to all the participators. May the spirit and sentiments expressed in the Cantata remain with everyone during the year. The Christmas .tree programme held in the Lutheran ehurch on Christmas eve was largely, attended, the church being well filled. The pupils acquitted themselves most creditably and all present seemed to be well pleaed with the numbers rendered. An interesting part of the programme was": the presentation of prizes to the Scholars who attended the school most regularly and also to. those who learned their lessons well during the year. The church was nicely deaorated for the occasion, two large Christmas trees trimmed with tinsel, etc„ at the front of the church was the most pleasing eight to the children. The Christmas entertainment held in the Evangelical church on 'Christ- mas night, was a big success. The favorable weathorbrought out an i•mm ease crowd and the church was packed The 1 to the doors. i'Ue entertainment was well worth seeing and was considered by many tohave been the best ever given by the scholars of that Sunday School. The many tableaux were eY eeptionally fine and impressed one the greatness.: and glory of the Christ -child, The singing by the choir and others was also well rendered and gave pleasure to all who were present. •Miich credit is due to those who heel eharge of training the pupils taking part MARRIED Reid--Johnston.---At the home of the bride's mother, Stanley township on Deceinnber 2Brd, by Bev. Mr, Johnston, Aggie, da,ugbterof t1rs,S, Johnston, to John Reid, all of Stan. ley township. YEA See us about Rubber a >d Overshoe prices before buying elsewhere or sending to a mail order house. Our stock is all new and we oarry nothing but No. 1 grade in every line so you buy with the assurance of getting the best at prices that will defy the competition of any mail order house and in add- ition you have the adyantage of seeing the goods before you buy. A call will convince you. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. e. FRITZO = Zurich The Home of Good Shoes +a+l+eritsuil SietssilifMs:WU • ilowithi+aceol++ ++ ++iltec4Miec Qlie1111111 . 1811111rC9! 11111! l Ilt� lelllle LII;fI';III111111t;,i!,iI11itIlitleilillit 111111;11011lalieli i� ll ilillll dlif� Ili:ilit,ii ill .. i.iEHT.. 11111li 11 i 11' 1 II Ill! IIII•.lil dlilll{I WE EXTEND TO OUR CUSTOMERS. AND FRIENDS THE COMMIS -MEN The MOLS BAN Incorporated 1855 Opened Branch in Huron. Co. 1874 Saving Sank Accounts Solicited. Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager OF THE SEASON, R. N. U BLADE ONTARIO IIIi11111f 11111teieffilllllillllllMIMIIBIIIIII111111l111111illlll111elill elle11111111111111IIlllilillllelllillellll eilliell 1 ellielelielll erred eii.eleiefrill llIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIMIIrel 1 Candies We have a large .assortment `of al'I kinds of Candies. See our.boa-bon box4 s fol Xmas. Xmas Novelties We have a large stock of Xmas 1 ovc.lties, such as Cards, Booklets, etc,, to choo..e from. Bread and Cakes We handle only Connor's bread and Cakes, made and baked in Clinton. aw and Stewed Oysters Leading brands of Cigars . Ic riiiiek's stn . a n 49 4. 4. 4 4. ., 4. 4. 4. 4. .s ti+ 4' TAILRED CLOTHES When yon buy a Tailored Garment, you bay something you can believe in utterly. \\Te believe in them our- selves, we know them thor- oughly, and we cannot but be entliusiastio abort them. Wear Tailored Clothes and you will know that they are • the best made, befit designed, best finished young men's clothes on the market, and we sell them because ibis our purpose to have re i,ble mer- chandise for tell .i•,, , pro pie A +44+ .54++1.+ 4. 4. m 4 4 4 4 +�s 4 4