HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-12-27, Page 5Dee, 2l'ti; 18 3 US:INESS CA14.DS iprohdxogt, Iiilortin, . & 1-IOLI CES, "Barristers, :Solleftora, Notaries, Etc. Office on. the - Square, p(l dear from IC40111t(iu St, Gode *rich, Private faeidii to loan at ioweat rales, W.b Peetitifoet, L, .Killoran Solutes, Ur, Hoboes .will be . in Hensall nn Friday of each week. WANTED `4 a resat a faxlrn oil sir++ar Cm fcri4 Andre*? P. fleas, Township Clerk ,seaaO?ay 1.9` 4 r>pply at Herald STRAY"El , p'TJT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found" Notice, Etc,Ads. IN : THIS (1OI,UMN bluer 01 marriage licensee, RICH UDRA, vt,,u+, Office, )l!ablio, Commiseianer, Vire and Aut. •mobile Insurance, Representing Baron and Erie Mortgage Corpora hien, The Canada Trust Co, Zurich, tDatsrio. Dr. • G. L Smith L,D,S, (Toronto.) iD»D,S„(rOhleago) =/ DENTi1T AT W,ALPER HOUSE, ZURICH, EVERY WEDNESDAY MAIN Op1FICE -- HEWSAI:L OSCAR ICLOI'I'' °mediate Carey M. Jones Nat - tonal School of AuctioneerinSgtoer me for Re istered. 'Live (All Breeds). Terms au I ei ice 'with prevailing prices, . farms for gale.. Will sell anything, anywhere. phone 18-93 Gr• write,_ Zurich. 'Licensed Auctioneer Licensed; Auctioneer for County Of Huron, In position to con- duct any auction sale, regar'dlese as to .size or articles to sell. I tlolicit your business; and if not satisfied will make . no charges for services. _Dashwood. Arthur Weber, Phone 31 r 13. Zurich Neat • MARKET Fresh and , Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool!' CASK FOR SKINS & H1DES 16, Y, gbl t &� '...�e�C�.E1t - ZURICH LIVERY I am in -a position. to accomoe date all requirements in the Livery bine, .have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone, 52 . Zurich 8. 9. ATKINSON, L.D.S.,- :D.D.S, DENTIST ” Graduate of the Royal College et 'Dental Surgeons of Ontario and el the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, LondOn,Ont Office hours at Zurich every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY froml 10.00 •a,m. until 5.00 , p.m at the Coii- raercial House. Main Office -at Exeter, Ont., : Phone `3,4. LIVE IIP 0 U L T WANTED i!xken every day till 3 Oclock p.m: Do not feed fowl sante morning; :when brought in. Highest Cash Prices -._:CAB'S FOR-- Eggs Cie ,rn.and Egg's W. O'Brien . Phone ett. Zurich • l'°all & inter.,D+eliveries -1923 ANTHRACITE LAI:ILW ANA COAL tOtE—Just arrived :car .of °-very high grade Coke for Raaigcs and :Emu:aces SOI;; T COi,,—Now, hi stock, • ear of high grade West Virginia Lump., 3OUL:i TS- It7ow on the way, 'car of 'our ) oulcts for Ranges and Porn - Aces. 'hese are well known and give good satisfaciioa1 :ALBERTA COAL..-Expetct soon, Two Cara of Alberta Coal troA i & PRODUCE MERCHANT. Phone t Office low, House 1Oj. eeffice&Caa1 `'wards, Brock Street; HENSALL owr, • From ixty^ premises, Parr Lim; Flay Tp,, some time ago n red heifer 18 months old, Finder kin- dly notify Herb. Disjardine, Hen - sail, PAY,. FOR SALE Yorkshires. for e see Young 'sows bred, and ready, to 'breed, sired by a Royal winner. Weanlings either sex for present and Januay del- ivery. Registered 'pedigrees .fur, niched, prices reasonable. Pine Grove Prince 64-87.036 for service. R. Y. Maclaren, HeimalB NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that} all persons having claims against the estate of John Deichert, Sr., late of the village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, who' died on the 30th day of October, A;. Li, 1909, are requested Ito forward their cla- ims dult proven to the undersign- ed on, or before - December, A.D. 19• Lut;aL NEWS Mr. E. '[:,( Steele. • Wa, „ea Xtrraa, vi9itor at +St:. helms. Mr, Theo Wagner of 'Waterloo, ie visiting at Ies. home he YI' Mr, and Noe, Lentils C aili'as of Kitchener :axe spending the ,holt., dayshl the village 4 Prof. Alvin Surerusi, of Chicago i✓3 &pending the Holidays et lois home osx the ' Branaon, Mr. Albert Gies of Kitchener is 'ci'siting With his father, Mr. Ernest Gies, See H'els -a-Milliken for fine -silk. and, elraanolea glovefe large assos't- meat on display. IV Tr. and Mrs. Alphonse Poster and ia'nnily .spent Christmas with 1Vfr. and Mr !s.Ale1q. Foster Mr. Lawrence Rau; of .Detroit its 'vieitin g his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rain, aoshen north. A. Happy a.nici .'Prosperous New year to all treaders anid friends of the Herald. .. , r Mi. 7x.. Hoffman and fatuity ot. Dashwood, :spent •Sunday at JVlrs.. G. Hess',. . Miss ,Cecilia Farwell returned, home on Monday fronx Detroit, to visit her parents and relatives. Messrs. Clayton( and Clarence Hoffman' of Galt are spendingt'he hot, lay with their parenits, ivir.and Ails. W. Fi, Hoffman,. Mr. Lloyd Hey and 'Miss Patter-, eon oil London are visiting the Corm. r'si par'encsj, IVli and advs. J. Hey, Jr. •• , . • i tr, .telex. Rennie of the Babylon .e 28th day of Lina is speed ng a Yew weeks with 3. relatives aria lsiends at Itew Ham- burg. • sac: Pert!. sly"ssi, who has not beau enjoyii,g good health later Iva , (ALA...1u L -J LJllCLoix Hospital on Wednesday ,;tar."treat'me.ntS. .,:lie Lutheran Xmas. entertain- ment on :vi,onuay evening cvas .a line Succeea. :•i. large tut -note, took piaeia and t fine program t, ci. T( n tiered by the children. Just received a numbei of Wes •tinghouse •ant( National 'Electrical ti:'eati~rs, att:,lched to tiny. lamp !socket, He;•as-112iliikenf, Zuricl Mr. Eiden. Smell of• Detroit ,- is" visiting with his. parents "Ilene: ar Mr. Ed. Snell' wino spent the past summer i•i fb. west( has are - turned to Zu i e. ' £1r. and 3tis..ii.t e•in Hartniaii of the £ ronlson Line; 6tanley, • are spending a w,el visiting relati vee an.i iti`ll.ta .le it.rtciener, (.:fait and k'reeton. AND .NOTICE FURTHER IS GIV EN that after the said date the Executors will proceed to distrib- ute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which he thenshall have notice. DATED at Zurich, Ont. iLthis 11th day of- December, A,D„ 1023. Henry Deichert, E. A. Deichert, '13b 'ecutore. FOR SALE A good secondhand baby car- riage for sale. Can be seen at (Vtelick & Braun's Furniture Store. FOR SALE Fine resiclTntal. pr'operty 1 in Zurich. Gond. • brick house wired for hydro,. geed. Well, stable, gar- den and.- fruit trees. Forpartic- ulars apply to A. PC Hess; Zurich. tf-21 FARM. FOR SALE___ _. A fine 75 acre farm about five miles from Zurich :has been placed in, my hands :for !selling. On the farm is 6 acres good bush, bank barn, silo, and other outbuildings,' and good brick dwelling, warm is fonced and drained and water supply is excellent. i For particulars apply to A. F. Hess, Zurich.. 21-4 AUTOOWNERS , Try our anti -freeze for your _. radiator, saves draining every e4 - ening foor all winter. It is not expensive.—L. A, Prang. -13 In renewing your eulaseriptions for. your daily and weekly papers remember the Herald Office is agent for most ot- them and in some cases can -save yoti .as mucin as 50 cents on a single subscript Tuxedo Chattel -less AUTOE.C3II, Fpn, a' OR7) CARS. GU :11"t•wrEI D ,TO STOP 'I.IIE CIIAT TERING OF BANDS, Sold By L. A, PRANG, Zurich, tf1.8 OOAL Supily' Of ChOSINt arid RHINO On Hand Case & Son PHONE 35 I-IENSALL. -17 is e.tltt'.1 by some that -every 35 eeiars the sae is nea;eer the Nord, pole and ag_tin m ive3 S0iatn lanai parha.p:s accounts foi Our rely shelving, cupboards or: closets mild tvin11er so far, you are prepared to cover all' Wo..d- n °ihe ;ixatsttnas entertaitmeent ! York that is likely 'to be- spla.soca un Tuesday (*ening w the. Lvatig• }tet t1i greasy:li riter with copper sb et- elit:al Cure i wale' a, •ShccifieS roue,. Open. piunibing, for 'the siui, is Ito ' progr:aen as c.treied out was,' to be preferred on toe score of acees eaxcellcaxcr 1,i:t the afore., wills' well sibliily and cleanlint-ss. The cock - filled ici'a attentatrv2 i,st> tiers roach loves wet -woodwork and grease. So'try .to avoid -conditions that attract Mr. awl Mrs. J. Kellerman and such insects. Locate the sink, :if pee 11, '4Ud "'-ow to Place hilz Very o e;-3sary, Art lot Wnfitcr 1'oi' the f;rano, fleve One of (,t•neeous Location and 'Relent finpeeelle -.. flow to (rassabat ec(ai'las 11, l;ttivix. .-••B tib.,Inur)t,s cm, I+at4tl Macl,l ie1', '11Ct[tli:,tey't Oy chronic) t.)Fp>iriinerlr'(3t AY,,'tinnt ui'k3, 1'pronto:) • The simplest arrangement for ,. titcilon : sink service that s111,0Ji0 keltt water only 15 a email [tee e tenninpuriteo al the edge of a :fit rials is the first step In ilnprovemen' ver the outdoor pump and else', t, i+'or the hot water service' at the sink it is necessary to have a heating ar :'angement which is best supplied b a water front in the range, a water reservoir and a supply of cold water tinder pressure. The water under , pressure may be furnished througn the\ use of a pressure tank system, en attic tank or a gravity supply. ,'lace the bink at the Proper Leight. The height of the kitchen sink is of great,,importanee. The location .of the most flexible joint in one i :r• .ion's backbone Is not a standar'il tot all. The correct height of the sins: is a platter that must be determined ey the ;person who Is required to York over that particular sink. Ever, ,onian knows that wo:k1n+ over , ,ow sink is anything but pleasant. *s,b_ttch the ,lien who l)ist.l.s 1: mink and ice that the height aifectory. The bottom of in,. t.,uJu ire just six niches t.: of your elbow. Such fl' iie.ution to detail t:hile .b 1) tli5 clone may c„; e .,tunj.. If y',.n do not issue•,. x ructions to those, installing . . milk, it will, in all .'probability. r,:at tiled at a height of thirty :c,,,•: alto is correct for a wolf,;.,% e+ar feet, eight inches tall. 2uu :...,, e taller than that : iaci' One of Generous Propttvtiot.s. Considerable choir e can h.. tic:aigu and material t ; t 1, .:. , sink; -- the stupe, weight ei t. • ,) .til quality of enamel 1 y ,, :mire the price. If the size ul t.,- il:1tcu .will permit it, a sink oi• 14• is torts prnr,oi,ion:. is to be res,.:..• •tieuded. :the drain board is iai c•.. - nt and generally desirable, t .. 5 ewe . lle:able flat wire b;- F<s .• ,.,..t a nded over Ute more ctteirable. Taps, faueeis. , bibcocks of various types and queen; a -e offered by the trade. The era, - nary brass or nickel finish compr,-,- ston faucet is generally satisfacior, !,'hese may be had in either sr. ;;eint or solder joint, ' The Location Ys Very Important. The kitchen sink should be Iccat- wd at a convenient point beneath <t meadow or on: a wall opposite a lie ea „window, so that the ligating may L4 .:gond. Do not build the sink in t:ic.i faeti.e,;• el ,Dashwood, Mrs. £vlinnie Frit:: and daughters lir•ltt and Veda of London., were Xtuns. vis- itors at the hor"! air Mi. and Mrs: 0, Fritz. The Zurich Library has recently added a itutib er of new beak .$ to their already large number, and the coninutt..e IS requesting the ; Row to Cox» bat Scours iii Calves. nietxibers of the Libi'.ary, to remit 'Like all diseitses of cattle, preven- their annual fee to Mies L. Faust, tion`is the best method of combatting Librarian. scours, Ordinarily scours, as distill- �......-- g,uished' from white scours or calf eieteg Utley, of a'aforth cholera, can usually be traced to was in the village on Friday. Mr. overfeeding, irregular feeding, dirty Lilley iai a former Goshen 'Lmey St- anley, Toe and is now in the ert•- alnery and produce buttiness and tiling well& ha is making arrange- ments toi Neve an auto truck going out of Zurich to gather swill pro- (duce, which. wail be daily conveyed ttr Sec£orth with a huger truck. Mr- Robert H. Eisenbaa h; , of Eitche r.'r, ,who is employe,! by the Jacob Kanian:in `Ltd: 1aning mills 1i•ts bet promoted to foreman in his department, namely the mach-- lite ach-lite fort,. Mr. Eisenbach worked al apprentice with P. C. 1"iall,£1- oisc:h fora uurnbar of years, and a litti"i over t year ago -en.t to E,itchener wher.a li: tivnra employed by the firm mentioned above. Robert is anoth^r Zurich Toff: who is mi.king good in the city. PPI,SENTATION A plcosant surprise+ was given to Mr. Ferdinand Hess, on Dec. 2.1,11; when. tiff members of the Ey. Lutheran Sunday School prc'esnt- pd him with a beautiful bath robe and the following address; Mr. Ferdinand IT'ss, Zurich, Ont, Dear Mee Hess— Bible, "on a -wall on which there are no cupboards or :cabinets, and do not consider anything but a high back type of sink. it may cost a little more but it is worth it when V/IP con- sider the added service that such will give.—L. Stevenson, Dept. lrixtension,. 0. A, College, Guelph. this lnrrry season of ehristni'is we the mrnbees of Bv. Luth Nran Sunday School of Zurich; Ont., desin to express to you our good wiil and also our lap- preciation for your services rend- ered to aur Sunday School, 'We era Sorry indeed thet you have been _. - j ''Ve nted through I6icknPss to be in one midst this year. We, take Dr. H. ' H. COWEN tiff opportunity to wish volt a Merry Chrietinas and n: blessed New• . Years May the. Lord restore you to health and soon return yoe to us in our beloved Sunday Sch- ool. Accotnpanying these few lines is a -small gift which...2004%e accept with our best compliments In behalf of the Ev, Lutheran L. D. S., D, D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At bleCliii'inick lllock,. Zurich, ev- ery 'Thursday and Saturday. Main Office YSunday School, i(AII1L1H13S I.3tOCa.C, DASHWOOD Fdv,' Ii. Rentbe, Pestoa~, pails, cold milk, sour milk, or old milk, and any one or all of thtsc are due to egrelessouse on the part otthe feeder'. Constant vigilance is the price of healthy* calves, As soon as trouble it detected, the feed of the calf should be. redueed at' least half, Administer a ,.dose of castor.oil in warm milk 1;y means of a small drenching bot a.•. This will tend to remove all it:itatilab substances froth the bowels. Fecu should then be grauually restored to the nurutal account, and formalde- hyde solution should be added to tis mirk at the rate of one teaspoonful per. pound of milk. This solutieu should be 'anode up of one part mit forniallu (40 poi cont. solution of formaldehyde) to thirty-one 1,ti , s t i water. If outi t improv einem t; ,,:a. not follow this treatment, repeat tile dose of oil wild accompany it wall another reduction in the fled. Galves. are always greedy, end for this reason o+verfceding should 1;u avoided.. This is true paat:iceuaari.y when. alfalfa is being fed, as it is ce:edinglyr :palatable, and the it.eiai.ti is :flat to gorge itself, Lubricants for Farm Machiner % Heavy oils and g. lases are t a. d c •t all bearings where the peese;ure i great and the movement sirW, a: Li axles tuid slow turning shafts. Litti orally speaking, the great(r ti speed of - the turning part, rile fit. ,.. r the lubricant used, ,No oil shout; a> used that has not st,LciCient body r.ts reitraiit on the ;surface of shall an:: bearing for a reasonable Ien,.h time. Ali fai'tn machines, rxr-l,.itl engines -anti cream separators, rami Oe 1-e,pt well lubricated with tui fit:at ic, ells .and greases. Cream se pale or; running at high speed require a 11,;id, high grade oil, .ivhilu gasoline en.• ,;inns require an. oil et medium hide and capable of standing a' high tem- perature. Grease or •hard 011 'cups should bo attached to all bearings where practicable. --L, ,Stevenson, O.A.g., Guelph. . Have you given careful attention to the selection of the stallion to Which to breed the farin mares, -7 14? .4Ariti,r1 ti ill ,'VTileikOpr:elalYorlatont odicine ?i tAVetefable&eporalonforM• t u!5II1; �tingthe oodbylteguah 4in t lheStemachs cud Bowels oil; II IThereiy-iremoT3n t7D gesiiol GheetrainessandltestConeaini,,, neither Oppiam,Morphlnenoi ,Minerat.iicoliAnoanc, 1 PtotP ii) learn Senna 4uisseSend s Atrrt bmu ®Sago Kinn Sere4 igatIgravrAvor jilletpfrilietnedyfOr Coilstipalion and'Diatrhoea and Feverishness and L,oSS OF SIEEP . teStlitingtherdtperielefanCy. bac Simile -Sig nacre of hG list COMPANY, aioNT1; • j o or Infants and (3111drrn, ftl others Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of 1 -ii Use dor Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. TME CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. i It' Yoi' cannot afford a Ford why not buy a Vice Rubber Tire Buggy HESS sells them. REPAIRING; Painting Fried Car, One ^oat, $15.00, Two Coats iCovering Fold Top, Good Material Changing Ford Curtains to open with Doors . Painting Buggy IF YOU ' WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBIBER YOUR BUG" xY WHEELS. F. .'FPS & Ca. ... $20.00 $:27.00 $5.00 1,8.00 ' Zurich ++++++++++++4.4.++++4.4.++++44.11.4-+-. k++•i..14.1'4•3•+•4•4.1••i'++44+1•.3.9 Lumber Laths Shingies Everything in Combination storm and screen doors made to order; Lumber and Buiiding' M.ateriu' i "i� •3• �>u������1,� e�our � � � ��� ���, Always in' the market for saw logs dr PHONE • lt JCALBFLIU 9 ZURICH t,+4.++++.1.4•44++.1.4.4..144.+44+4.4.4. t++'1•fi•44+F•H++++d•4s+k •. + 44+++.1.4 rX,•p':• 4.4•+4.+i4.+ fr•&+ 4i 100 PEW,: l+ WHY WE CAN $10 TO ti. 3. 4. 5, IF i e Good. I SELL SUITS PROM $16 LESS 'THAN OTHERS. We stock our own goods. Our Suits are made by work- manship, second to none. Have only one price for utak ing Suits. The vary best linings put in all our garments. We guarantee satisfactioat oto money refunded. a F LR AND FURLIRC '��I DAY AND .I., I:I , I'1:lO . NE No. 8l *--44 -44 ;i, +—+; -, 4.see+ el+,- • d• + .*✓r'' +++++$+.1 4+; f-CR4d,