HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-12-13, Page 9LIME, TOF L' R IT I•IERAL'D. ' TM114451y, 13eetAtnrer 7.3t1f, 1921. EVE Y Sensatio Commencing Saturday December " 5th, 1923 and ending With Christmas only a few days away, and at Sat.ec■ ' �° the beginning- of a season's business, we are giving the 'h�. r Public an opportunity to save some REAL MONEY And if you come to our store during this SALE you will find our prices irresistible, and we wantyou tocome and see for yourself, tell others and bring them with you. While space permits us only to quote a few items, we ask you to come and see for yourself. ic r REMEMBER THE OPENING DAY N^.E eks as. Sale aturd.ay , ecember 29th 1.OLLOWLD 3Y 12 Days OP RAPID SELLING WITEI BARGAINS. ASTONISHING Come on nth pening Day. Serge Dress Goods 2 pieces; real heavy navy Blue Serge, 54 inches wide Regular $4.50 per yard for ..-$2.75 1 piece, Regi. $4t00 ydfor $21,50 L piece, Reg. $5.00 yd. for __. ...$3,00 54 -in. Homespun, Reg., $2,25 at $1.47 2 pieces dress goods 40 -in. wide Regular $1.00 for ..09c .lot of Dress goods Regular 50c and. 75c. for ...... 25c Ladies' Wear 3 Ladies' Coats, quilt dined, Fur Collar, Regular $27, for . $15 7 Ladies Coats, Reg'. $25, for $13.00 LADIES' SWEATER COATS AT ' A ;BIG REDIUCTION A new line of Ladies' House :Dres- •ses,..A.prons .:and Under- skirt's at 78c. to $1,98.. One Lot ladies' Underwear Reg. $1,25 and $1 to clear at 50e One lot Children's Underwear Reg. 75e and 6irc, to clear at 35c Ladies White Brush Wool ,Glories Reg. $1.50 a pr. ,for . $1.00 Ladies' Brush wool .Gloves Regular $1 pr. for 75c Ladies wool gloves, Reg.65c at 45c Children's Wool Mitts and Gloves Reg. 20e. pr. for 6 5c Reg. 45c. for ...,..• .23c Regular $1.25, for .. 47c Reg. 75c. pr. for ...., 38c Reg. 65e and 50q. pr. for 3,:e Reg, 50q. pr., for x.,., 20c Children's Brush Wool Gloves Regular 75e. pr, for .. ...c .,. 50c Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves Regular 75c. pr. for ..,,,,; 50c. Regular $1.75 pr. for ....,....... $;1.00 Ladies' Fleeced Gloves Reg. 50 to 75e, for pr..,, Ladies' Gioves, Reg. $1 for 5Oc Ladies' wool 'toques to clear 25e Ladies' Wool scarf aucl Toque Set, Regular $5,75 for ._. $240 Children's wool scarf and toque set, Reg. $1;,50 for ... .., _._....75c 10 PER CENT OThF ON ALL LAD- IES AND CHILDREN'S WOOL AND CASHMERE HOSE Children's Wool Nose ' Regular 85c. and $1400 for ... 50e Corsets, Reg. $1.50 to $2.50 at 71;c Wool Shawls Relg. 75e. ,for ... ,..36e Wool Shawls, Reg, $1.75 ,for $1.00 Coatings In All Shades Reg.. 2.50 yd, for .., ..., ... .....$+1;75 Reg. $5.00 yd. for $2:50 WE WANT YOU TO SHARE IN THESE BIG MONEY SAVING I3AR GAINS, AS WE HAVE PRACTIC- ALLY ILLIMINATED AL1 PROF- ITS, WHICH IS TO YOUR AD- VANTAGE. REMEMBER THE DATE. S.4. Dec. 15 Come °,,:very Day MEN'S SUITS Men's Suits, Regul 4 $21 to' $27, for 1Vfen's Suits, Reg ar $29.00 to $32.00 for Ken's Suits, Regud4tr $23.00 to $25.00 for • MEN'S OVERCOATS $13.00 $15.00 $17.00 2 Men's Overcoats,. Regular $15.00 Sale Price ..$5,00 2 Men's Overcoats, Regular $16.00 Sale Price _..... ,.....$10 2 Men's Overcoats, 'Regular 830.00 Sale Price ,,.$17 Men's Overcoats, New Stock, . Regular .$30.00 for ..-$;25.00 Men's Overcoats, New ,Stock, Regular $28.00 for ...... $21;.00 Men's Overcoats, New Stock, Regular $25 for ._.t.._; $21.00 1 man's Overcoats,,. Muskrat Lined, Fur Collar, Reg. $456, fol:....... $25,00 1 nian'.s Overcoat, Quilt Lined, Fur collar, Reg. $32, for .,_.., ...$18.00 $18.00 $5.00 .,.$7650 1 man's OverceatA.Strachan Lnmb, Reg. $25,00 for •...,... Mens Duek Lined Coats, Regular $7.50 for ,..;.. Men's Duck Lined: .Coats, Regular $10.00 for ._.... _. 2 men's :Mackinaw O'eats, Regi: • $12.00 for .,.,... ... ......... ...... $7.50 2 men's Mackinaw Coats, Regi, $14.00 for _.:... . ,............$8.00 Men's Mackinaws egui'ar $9,00 for. .,..., $7.00 • SUITS Boy's:Suits, sizer20•-to 25., Regular $600 to $7.00 for ;..y..: $4.50 Boy's Suits, sizes 26 to 28, Regular $8,75 to $1:3, for .._ ,...:. --$2.00 Boy's Suits, 'size; 29. to 32, Regular$10.00 to $12;00 for Boy's Suits, size 3s to 35, -Regular $11.00 to $14 for ._....t ... $000 BOYS' OVERCOATS Boy's Overcoats; Regular $4 to $16, for $3.00&$10400 Boy's Overcoats, 'size 28 to 34, Regular $16.00 for $12.00 Boy's Overcoats; size 24 to 28, Regular $9,50, for $7.00 Boy's • Pullovers and Sweater Coats Reduced to each ... _.. ... ......75c MEN'S SWEATER COATS Men's Sweater. Coats, Reg. $7,50 for $6,00 Men's. Sweater Coats, Regular $6,00 for . $5,00 Men's Sweater- Coats, Regular $5.00 for , ... $4'.00 MEN'S FURNISI-IING.S Men's Ties, 4 Regular $1.50 and $1.25 Salo Price 75c Men's Work Shirts, sizes 14 to 3K, Regular $1.50 and $1}.23 for ...; 7sc Men's Heavy Iribiled underwear, Reg. 2,00 for ................................$1.50 Another Lot Of men's wool Underwear to clear nt .. . .41.00 Men's Black -Cashmere Ilose, Reg. 85c. per pair ,.a..,: ,,,.., 53c Men's Cashmere Hose .in Black and ,Gray, Regi. $1,00 for a pr. ...68e Men's Wool'.. Khaki Mitts, Re ulat30c. pr, for 00c Bay's Astrachan Mitts, Regular $6..00, for ...... ... 65c Boy's Astrachan Mitts, Regular 75c, for 50c Bay's Astrachan Mitts, Regular $1.25 for pr. ..,,.. .75c Youth's knitted Glove's, Reg. 50c. for a pair ...... 25c' Men's Silk and'-„IR`nitted scarfs, Regular $+2,50 and $3 for ...... ...... $1,50. Men's Wool Scarfs to clear at ... 98c Children's Knitted Scarfs; Regular 35e. for ,_.,.. 19e 1Vlen's: and. I3oy'n Caps, Regular $1,00 and $1.25, for. 50e Men's and Boy's Caps, .11egul,ar $1,50 for ._., .. $1.00 Job. Lot of Men's leaps, Regular $1.50 for 25e ALL MILLINERY AT A BIG RE- DUCTION Flannelette and Flannelette Blankets Flannelette Blankets, Ibex Brand 1 2-4, Reg. 3.50 for pr.._ ...; $2.95 Reg. $3,.00 for _-.... $2,50 23 -in. wide flannelette Reg. 22e. per yd. for ... _-•-...._17e Reg. 20c. yd. for ... ,,: .__... ..,...15c Flannelettes, Reg. 30e. yd. for 26c Flannelettes, Reg. 28e. yd. lfor 23c Fia.n. Shirting, Reg. 40c. yd for 37c Flan. shirting, Reg 30e, yd. for 28c Factory eotton, Reg. 20e yd ferl6c Factory Cotton, Reg. 18q.. for 14e Factory cotton Reg. 35c. 'for ...27e. 100 yds, towelling Reg. 15c for123ic Prints, Reg, 25e,• for t8e 2 pieces foulard, reg. 50c. ' for ' 3 e CHRISTMAS TOYS AND CHINA AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 1 straw Rug, Reg. $5:00 for ... $3.00 1 straw Rug, Reg. $7.00 for .--,$1.00 1 Tapestry Rug 3x2 .S reg $17 for $13 1 Tapeatry rug .3x2;4, reg. $21 for $15 1Linulcuiu rug 3x4: reg. $22 for $16 2 yds. width Ia eltex Floor covering Reg. $1.75 for ..... ...... $1.35 2 yd. wide Feltol Floor covering Reg. $1.25 for 85e GROCERIES Best. quality Rio Coffee per lb. 25c No. 1 Bulk Oatmeal, 6 lbs;. for 25c Pure Japan Green Teva, per ib, 45e Best Bulk Cocoa; per lb:...... .,.10c Loose Seedless Raisins per lb. 16c Camel Dates per pakg. .,., , , .. 14c Vanilla, 2 bottles for ... ... _.....25c Good Toilet Soap a eake Fancy Toilet Soap 4 -cakes for 30c Washing ammonia 1 pkgs for 32c Pearlino, 3 pkgs. for ....., 25e ti boxes Clearseer for..... 25c Red Bird Matches, pkg. 3 b:s, 3,;c Brooms, Rog. 75c. for ....,,s .....,...47c Brooms, Rog, $1.00 for .,, .,..._...70c Flit Dyes 6 pkgs for ......, .........25c. Kellogg Bran tlakel 2 for ......25e Kellogg corn flakes, 3 boxes for 37c ALL CHRISTMAS CANDY AND NUTS AT REDUCED PRICES, We cordially invite everyone to attend. this General Merch: nt 1 SALE Oashwood! Our Terlmis are CASH or TRADE DURING THIS EVENT ANYTHING YOU WANT AND DON'T $EB ASK 11''QB &WS