HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-12-13, Page 84r. 111''Sl t1.11:44 !4!A The Christmas Store LETS MAKE THIS A REAL CHRISTMAS FOR FOLKS, MAKE IT AN OLD ''"IME CHRISTMAS, WITH FUN AND FEASTING. AND STOCKINGS FILLED TO BURSTING•. HAVE A CHRISTMAS TREE WITH LIGHTED CANDLES ON CHRISTMAS EVE. LETS MAKE IT A'SEASOw OF WHOLEHEARTED GOOD WILL, NOT ONLY TO OUR OWN FOLKS, BTU TO ALL MANKIND. WE ARE READY TO GI VE ,CHEERFUL SERVICE, EAGRTO DO OUR SHARE 'TOWA.RDUS. BRINGING ABOUT THE MERRIE 3r OF MERRY CHRISTMASES GIFTS FOR LADIES 'E'mbroidered Pillowcases Novelty Bath Towels Guest Towels. Fancy Table Centres and tiers to match. Sweater Coats. Scarfs. .Silk . and Cashmere fashionable Shades. Fancy Handkerchief;., NEW Aprons. hosiery in GIFTS FOR MEN New Lot of Fine Shirts Ties in Boxes. Scarfs Sweaters. Suspenders in Fancy Boxes. Armbands. Garters. Belts, Hats and Claps. Sox of every description. Gloves, Kum -Apart Cuff But- tons. CHINA AND GLASSWARE An Entirely new stock of this line on hand. Fancy Novelty China and Glassware always ac- ceptable as gifts at Christmas time Bee our display. • NEW CANDIES, NUTS, ORANGES Everyone enjoys Sweets. So get a generous supply of Oranges Grapes, Chocolates, Creams, Can- dies. of every description, Walnuts, Almonds, Filberts, Peanuts, Figs Dates, Also. new Stock of raisin's, currants, Peals, for the Christmas cake. REED WORK See our Supply of the newest Reedwork. Lamps, Jardineere Stands, Trays all sizes, baskets, etc. Prices Right. Come early for best choice. TOYS. TOYS Our Tay Department is Bigger' and Better than ever. See our Mechanical Toys, (Trains, Autos, Radio Rex, Over and under Toys, Sandy Andys, Panama Pile Driv- er. Dolls Galore, The Famous Mama Dolls in stock. DUollswith real hair, Sleeping Dolls, Dolls with fancy Dresses, all sizes and prices. J. GASC}Q & 80 Produce „Wanted Phone 67 ZUricth's Garage BATTERIES! BATTERIES! We areagain handling � b the I.X. L. Battery IF IN NEED OP A BATTERY BETTER CALL AND SEE ' US WE MAKE A SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD, BATTERY WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO COMPARE WITH ANY OTHER' QUALITY AND SERVICE CONSIDERED We alsohandle the fatuous IJ, S. L. Battery A COMPLETE LINE OF DOMINION' TIRES AND TUBES AND GEN- UINE FORD PARTS ALWAYS ON RAND • NOW IS THE '%IME TO HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED. OUR POLICY IS FIRS i' HERE, FIRST SERVED. COME EARLY AND AVOID• THE RUSH. �V4 E ARE EXPERTS ALONG ,THIS LINE AND CAN ATTEND TO YOUR NEEDSAXY ACTYLIN WELDING BATTERY CHARGING BATTERY REPAIRING H. Mousseau Zurich. • •1 1 •1 • do , in H. l.' • .>. , a04+2eees)e > eeemeeeieeeeeeoefise•eciee '. rl 1 tliiJUGHING 0 0 0 w 'a Tinsmith Work 1 0 As f 1.14,': \[�r:.b , ;� r .nic is again able to ' : : of outside work, we are • b L • 1 'o fill your require- mie;.� .')� :1,,,,1 kinds ds ox evetroug in�:., (� a. "r V � m - ;� o .���.,; �a��.:w,e�.y�r�l tinsmith work. NOW 1':y `'t nu.. 1'I:4T1�r TO RAVE THIS ",+ WORK DO\t,15EFOa f., s; THE COLD ti i uIT(4.FI FALL WEATHER SETS' IN io lc Jai HE MOTTO THAI: WE AL WAYS' MAIN- g Tt1IN` : T S•healf kit 'i;np of , Shealf (i, and Heary Hardware Always on hand • ADE WEID &WEID0I pRr : rE BLOCK ZURICH• •!Ni•NA•h!••1�•••••••••••M•Mi«rill••••••w•rrf•••••• � ITEMS OF LOCAL ;INT'ERE'ST. Mr, and:MrMsi. O. l{' trey, of Credr ''torn visited, ora ` Sunda, WI. the: home of Mab and Mrs*, WI. C.;' Call- p fu's. g' Instead af. cutting 'off hau• noel., 13 I to spite her face, the,;,; n oderYnl wo-, at Sal pian' often cuts oh her haAS to Spite" her relative,.., I` Christmas is coming and every - Lady. Astor isay'n "hsh'e' is tryixlg 'body will soon he doing . ixiag, to be a chri'stian,! but has `never Shapping. succeeded.—More+ honeat..thazl'spnre, I have a Splendid line of (late 04 the rest of use, a t" for Girls • in their teens, and what The director ofa ;large French would please them better than'a toy store'asserts that: sales' of sol- .nice new bat for Xmas Gift,4 dies suits, toy cannon, guns and 1 .`words,' have fallen' off ;95' per I h'avel a number of Hats rang, - cent. this year. Parents,hiavehad- ing in price ficin• $5 to $7.70 which enough of war and-, do not, want .to must be sold. We are clearing buy them° children, presets remix!-, these at $2.00. ding them of conflict, The chanipion'ship 'steer at the, There is also to Trice line of Soft Hats for Children from 911.00 fed by a boy nd up}. Royal Winter Fair, T'oi^onto' wa-1 A few'Tarns are left, Regular $2.50 13 -hoar ojd "awale':for afterwards( sold to The; T Eaton; Co': ` $1.00, for $1;240,_ or $1.55 per pound. . This isgood buying and every- Pour Parkhill youth;', who recent body who is it need of a haat, should ly broke into a jewelry store at never let an opportunity like thi Clifford and carried away! a lot of. go by. Coyne in and look over the stock, were given four yelacs in'thea stock. The stock must be 'sold as Reformatory. The .'airs •h!ad^ been,(ti 's have no room to carry it over 5 found guilty of running off with Vera mar Si ■ ;. A quiet wedding was solemnized- at olemnizedat the Manse in . Eg 1ondville Dec. 5th by Rev, Wi, .:D, McDonald, when Mrs. Mary Kling, of Egtnond Ville, was united in marriage. to. William D. Manson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Manson of Kippen. The bride was unattended. Follow- ing the Ceremony,, a ` dainty, -wed- cling breakfast, served it thehome of the bride,,after which the brid al party motored to Brueefield, where they took the train for Lo - don, and St. Thomas, Many people have money in the bank and do not, think itr` wrong to, enter a 'store ,,,and ' eha`rge go;odd. Whyshouldur money , bank shand drayow., thr!ee .:pyerla'centin, inthe terest while the merchant has to borrow from the band: at the rate of 'seven, per cent. to 'Meet payment on the goods he sold you.. Do you imagine that yon are saving any- thing by charging goods'?. ' If you do, you are mistaken. 'The merch- pant has to charge it' to 'someone. That someone is pot. the .cash cus- tomer, it is the; customer that 'lets the bills run. RrTggles. Motor Truck' Co. Ltd.. London,: has,: been; 'taken. -over by' Frank W. Ruggies, of :the Ruggles Co., at Saginaw, ,Midi"t. • A:rne ret- in g was held. by the .shareholders on Saturday fast to-Ellscuss.:thepro, post ion. submitted by 4Ir Ruggles and a by-law : was cahr'Iedup= pointin ; the saleoll,atlae London plant to him. 7:91i 4r �, `'3+s - of the local plait wiltwrecei � is total of $75,000.or the alssebs 'and $Mr. Ruggles. will .resume :all; lia- bilities as well. The "ea'sh pn:y'nient is sufficient, to pay the 'shatehol deems app' oxiniately 121 per'' gent-. on: the dollar, -London Free"Piess Dec. 7th.. Nine mig11•t also:•niention that a number of, people' in this vicinity of Zurich and Dashwood have had confidence and invested money, in this concern; approxim- ately to the amount of $30.,00. We indeed feel sorry for these invest- ors, as moneyi is noti''so :'fast wind easily made in; these rural parts of Ontario, and it is. once :snore a well taught lesson for people: who have money to not buy ••stooks, 'shares, +etc., of a thing they knew nothing about. ;These agents always come aroundt elling how • big:' dividends you will receiveon your'money. We have yet the fist; investor of. such stocks to 'show us°+that he re- ceived sufficient dividends, or the the principal back. ':While' Rug- gles is letting the shareholders off with 123 per cent: on .it lae • dollar, it does considerable better ;;than the, rest of these investments,:,`Svhopr- actically ail give :nothing. rto the investors. Take care; ,don't be greedy for big interest, 'and invest your money in a safe place; THE MIRACULOUS CHRISTMSA GIFT It's .a very uaee thing, to male ra gift that w,11 please,. all,tlie: mem bers of the family. ;. box of can dy will do that lora crate of fruit but usually sora.w ons in that fanc- ily gets. 'the. lion's share. That its not possible when the.4ift, it a'' sub- scription to 'The Youitla�-s Compan Joy. tI is like that fabulous pitch' er el milk of th.1 Greeks.; though everyone drank- de P - .the ,pi:tcher. rernainud full. .iEveiy.one hats a lion's share in the good things of The Companion ovei cone 'skims his own e4eaot, yet there is the: very choicest cream' left for'the next corner, What btttei Ohz'istmas esent Can you nil.ako than a peroid 'cal with fabulous powers ori div- iding its pleasurea1Yi`ong a dozen and yet keeping it all intact. The 52 i'3su.:,'s of 1921" will be cr- owded with serial s Dries, short ,st- ories, r•.clrtorals;•po'^try; ,facts and fun. Subscribe no�c�., and receive 1. The V outh'S Cohypai ioi"i--52 is- sues' in 1924. z0 2. All remaining issues of 1923. 3. The Conipanion Pterne Calendar for 1924.• All for $2,50. • 4. Or include cOai1's . Ma iizin the monthly authority'' ta'sh- ion's. Both publierltions, only $3 TIIE YOUTH'S COMPANION 'CointappA ealtlt ,Paul St. 23oston., Mas',s. Subscription:; taper at Herald of- . lice, ZURICH LOST In Zurich, a blue lantern: Pinder please return. to C. Peitz, Zurich. NOTICE. My accounts are now ready for such' parties owing me. Kindly call and settle before December 15, Fred. Thiel, Harness Maker, Zurich, Ont. ti edixg and fat Leicester chall. Mr Clarkson had slightly the better of the exhibits with Mr. Snell, but no other sheep had a look -in with th- ose of Ontario, • Yellow and black automobile lic- ense plates -a •vivid yellow back- ground—with black, embossed let- tering, will adorn, Ontario's motor vehicles during the 2924 season. They will ba made by the St. '''horn a;s Metal Signs Coi., of St. 'Thomas Ontario, and will cost the govern ment 12 cents per pair. Since Hon. G. S, Henry the. new Minister of Highways, cancelled , the contr- act .let • by the old governxnent.with the'.Canadian Color. Type Co, of Hamilton, the dep'artnment prep- ared, 'specifications andcalled for new tenders The were opened recently. The 'St. ,Thomas people as' the lowest tenders were award- ed the bu'sins5. They will make 300,000 and mere if required. ROAD EXPENDITURES The expenditure on the portion Huron, road in Huron county for the year 1922, was $42,862,03, and of this the county's share, 20 per cent its $s,5?2.40. oFr the previous ye- ar the amount payable by the co- unty was .$15,190. The counties of Middlesex and wellington, which i have a large mileage. of provincial' highways in their confines have amounts of about $98,000 and ,$75,-.1 000 respectively to pro ride as their 20 per cent, of the cost of the work 1011922. The, attitudeof the county council of Huron has been to favor provincial county roads rather than provincial highways, .as while 40 per cent. of the cost conies out of the county, the county has the con- i;rol of the expenditure and of letting contracts. Let this! mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jeans. Let: nothing be done through strife nor vainglory; but in lowliness of mind: let each esteem . other better than themselves.—Phil, 2;5,3. This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. -Ps(. 118;24, Greater is lie that is in. you than he that is in the world—I John 4;4. Br. ether n if a m.a'n be overtaken in a fault, ye which are 'spiritual' restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering' thyself, lest` thou also be tempted-Ga'1,.6;1. S~^�r It 'shall coarse to pass in the day that the Lord shall give thee rest from thy 'Sorrow, and from thy fear and from thy hard bondage where, in, thou wast 'to .verve.---l'st 14;34 Only be thou strong and very courageous ,that thou mayest ob serve to do according to all iiaw -that thou mayest-prospbr, 1; 7 Let your light so shine before nien,t 'hat they srnay, see your worka and glorify your Father which ins t lir heaven.—Mab, 5;1:6.: 7'h:ur.day, DecembOr 13th. i;D2 The store with the Liberal Cash DiSepbot By mutual concent we have dissolved Partnership, same taking effect on. December 20th, 1923, and demand that all outstanding Accounts be settled by said date 1 MELIeK&BRJ4UN PHONE 63 To Holders of 1923 Vic t or Boncls , TQ TIOSE' WHO .WERE TOO LATE TO CONVERT THEIR 1923 VICxo-GRY BONDS INTO THE NEW DOMINION -OF CAN ADA .REFUNDING LOAN I BEG TO ANNOUNCE (THA'(' ALL ORDERS FOR THE NEW .ISSUE WILL BE PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO IF HANDED TO ME AT MARKET 1?BICE. Orders also taken for following 'at market prices ; 1924 VICTORY BONDS. 1927 VICTORY BONDS, 1,932 VICTORY BONDS, 1933 VICTORY BONDS. 1934 VICTORY BONDS. 1937 VICTORY BONDS. Or any issue of the Dominion or Provincial Governments. Also Huron & Erie Debentures and Canada Trust Co,, guar» anteed mortgage certificates. LET ME HAVE YOUR ORDERS. M.Y MOTTO ;—"SERVICE AND SEFETY, :a Andrew F. Hess, Zurich urich Have You MADE YOUR Wi LL? Painting and Paper Hanging I Ain in a position to do any. kind of ,Paper hanging, painting a raining and o acoraung. .Pricefoi^ hanging paper, 25c. a roll', H. Eickmeier, 1. • • Zurich' ... t1-39 DR. JOHN -WARD WARD Chiropractic and Electrical Treat.... • menus.—Eyes Exa»Faned Main St, EXETER, Phone 70 Consultation and Examination Fres AT WALPb,R HOUSE, ZURICH Every Wednesday*, 10'arn, to 4 pant, .'1 C+l' +1++4l'4r'r4,4.4.' 't °."E'++++':.+++4'.l. l..l +''++++ c44.• ++++44++++ Do You Know? THATVE ARE ALWAYS. AT YOUR SEIiVIqE FOR G'OO1 PRINTING THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH 'PRINTED ''EDDINGt INVITATIONS AND ANNOTJe•CI M N'TS TFLAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; ST{1,.TION1RS,SUCH AS LETTERHEADS;, BILLHEADS, ENVDLOPES • 'ASTI). • $.:T,A.TE R ,TS • THAT WE ARL AGENTS FOR TWO LEA;11IN'G,`..1ANiTh' :OT: UREE,d. C)F COUNTER CHECK 1300.15, ANI) CAN. PLY Y QUANTITY AND, SIZE OF CBECE .ROOKS THAT WE CARRY IN' STOCK WRITING PAPEE,S, ENVRL- OPES IN ALl. SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON 10lf • TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, ),00 10.:A.M sr- ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT" B(1QpS SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE IN> ;1,3OT.TI,E'• WITH GOOD POUNr AIN PEN INIG FO R:: Se; ,LAto,;,GER QUANTITIES A:1` 'BIOGE"R REDUCTIONS.. WE PRINT POSTING RILLS, ATSCT`ION, S: Le PO m TERSt• MEBpArit .: ,l POSTERS &ND t lx 1: c ° ;., 4ZERATdi PRINTING OUR SP,1.(.1AT + 401-1,44.14+444.14-1./.1.4.+1-441.444, -0+ga+g„t ,