HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-12-13, Page 5f1)ux f NT,' Dooetnwer 13th 1 • BUSINESS CARDS 'xoiddtootr Killoran 4 HOLMES, Barristers, solicitolr% Notaribs, plti,li'., 'fire. Office .on the Square, Mud dooe from Banailton St, Godo erich, Priva*e funds to loan at lowest, rates. Preudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran JJ K agx. IYoingea will be in Howell on Friday of ea ween. AndrowF. Hess, Township Clerk Planer of marriage a licenses, Notary ;rublic; Commissioner; Eire and Aut- itrmo'bile Insurance, Representing litaron' and :Pirie Mortgage Corpora- ,*Ion, The Canada Trust Co./Zurich, Ontario, Dr, G. I.,1. Smith L.D.S. (Toronto,) ID,D.S„('C'hicago) C23=+;DENTIST. AT WALPER HOUSE, •:Zlf.1BICIL EVERY WEDNESDAY MAINO9WICk% MENSAL]:. A-U-C-T.I.O N-E.E•R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M, Jones Nat- ional School of Auctioneering, Try, ine for Registered Live Stock (Ali Breeds). Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice - farms for sale. Will'sell anything 110ywhere. Zurich. Phone 18-93 or write, 'Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron. In a position to con- duct any auction sale, regardless !aa to size or articles to sell. I solicit .yflur business; and if not satisfied will make .no charges for .Arthur Weber, Daehwoad. Phone 31 r 13. Zurich Meet Fresh and : Salt Meats Boiogna Sausages, etc Highest Caeh Price for WoulJ 1 CASH FOR SKINS it U1DES 'Q'u ,ghlut &' i Dechert . ZURICH LIVERY Y i am in a position to accomo.- date all .requirements in the -Livery Line, have Auto for. hire. Any- thing „clone in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone .b9 . Zurich let. „Si ATKINSON,: L.D.S., D.D,S, DENTIST - +Sraduate of the Royal College at Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the .'University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every TUESDAY' AND FRIDAY front{ 10.00 Lux until 5.00 pen at the 'Com- mercial T3ouse. Main Office at 1 xeter, Ont., Phone 34, -19 LIVE IIP OU L T R. Y WANTED Taken every clay till 3 °clock p.m. Do not feed, fowl same morning Wheel brought in. ighest . Cash Prices —CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs , W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich COAL Fall &Whiter Deliveries 1923 if1.N'TRRACITE LACKWANA COAL COKE ---Just arrived wear of very high grade Coke for Ranges es find Furnaces 'SOFT COAL—Now in stock, stir o high grade West Virginia Lur,. ItOULIiTS--Wow 'on the way, nar of our Bouicts for Eaeges and Furn . Woes. ',:he9e are weli k:noven and give good satisfaction ALBERTA COAL -Expect soon, Two Oars of Alb nee Coal ll�Qltllll PRODUCE MERCHANT Phone, Office lOw. House 10j. Oifire&Coal Yards, Brock Street, E N SA L+L. 1 PUT f'OT7T,' Wants, For Sale, Lek, Found, Notice, Etc, Ads IN THIS CQ1.i'JMN NOTICE TO: CREDITORS " NOTICE is hereby .g'ive'n tliali ail persons havitag claims againrrt the estate of John Deichert, Sri., late of the village of Zurich,.iu the County of ,Huron, who died on the 30th day. of October, Al; A„ 1909, are ,requested Ito forward their cia- i ua dult ;prover, to the undersign. ed on, or before; I(he 28th day of December, A.D. ;103, AND NOTICE FURTHER IS GIV. EN that taper the said date the Executors will proceed to distrib- ute the estate, having regard only to the claitns of which he then shall have' notice. • DATED at Zurich, Ont, ltlhis lith day of December, A.D , 1923. Henry Deichert, E. A. Deichert, Executors, FOR SALE A good secondhand baby ear- riage for sale. Can be 'seen at Melick & Brauri'e Furniture Store. FARM FOR SALE Farm on London Road: Lot 11. Con. 1, Stanley, is offered for anz-, t mediate Sale. Apply or write to John Torrance, George Shipley, or W. $rydone, Clinton. NI ^t Mr, and Men., A., Meltck were Suri+ day' visitors at Crediton;. 1iftsti Mirrnic* Uttley vas At Lou- don oil Monday, s Mi s Marare g nae has taken a po+sitioo at the .Waiver .House. M. 11 +C1, Milliken motored to Stratford on Sunday, • Mr, mei Masa T. L. Wuiim and Ml Nesbitt Woods spent Sunday at Bayfield, Hydro Electric Land's, 25 to 80 wattrs, at• 35 centsli, or 3 for •$1.00 at Jaws the Jeweller, Mr, and Mrs. 'Ezra T;tist of Cred ,ton were Sunday visitors: at the, home of Mr, and Mrs Louis Kraft. Mr. 3,. Preetet+has been confined to hie bed the past few days with and attack of LaGrippe. Me. Albert. Hey, of Drumheller, Alta is visiting with/ ]lis father';, Mr. ,Chri.e, (Hey, Babylon) Line. 11?igs Armina Brenner, who woe visiting 'ir London for over two weeks, has returned home. Dr. .A.. J. MacKinnon (spent the east few day nt his former home in °elation East, whiere his 'sister i5 'seriotvaly ill. r Mr. Jacob Brown, " who visited foe some time at Kitchener and Tavistock for a few weeks; h'as returned hotrie. Mr. T..L. Williaa,S has been con- fined to his bed the past eyeek with an attack of appendieitie,.but we are nleaise•d to state is improv- ing nicely. N... Mr. and Mi.tl, H, Floffrnan sand wo children, Mrs. Stacey; and Miss Fannie Preeter•; were the guests of Mr. and. Mei. J Preeter on Wed- nesday. FOR SALE Fine residental property in Zurich. . Good brick house wired for hydro, good well, stable, gar- den and fruit trees, For partic- ulars apply to A. FG ,Hese, Zurich. . tf-21 FOR SALE Pure bred White Wyandotte Cockerels, well bred. Apply to Thos. W estlal. R. R. 3, Bayfield; Phone 14-99, Herman. FARM FOR SALE A fine 75 acre farm 'about five miles from Zurich has been, placed in my hand's for 'selling. On the farm is6 acres good brush, hank barn, ,silo, and other outbuildings, and goad, brick bevelling. • Farm is well .fenced and drained and water supply is excellent. t . For particulars apply to A,. F. Hens, Zurich. 21-4 -AUTO..OWNERS -. Try our anti -freeze for your radiator, 'saves draining every ev- ening foor all 'winter. It is not expensive.—L. A, Prang. -19 T,n renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers remember. the Herald Office is agent for most of them and . in some cases can save you as much as 50 cents on a single subscript - i0731. t ,. 1 . NOTICE I have taken out License for Auctioneer for the County of Hur- on, and am in a position to con- duct sales by auction, Give me a trial and I will assure you sans- faction or no charge. tf-29 James- Denomey, R. R. 2, Zurich, Phone No, 10-•-93 • Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL PORN -ORD CARS. GU. A.RANTEED TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OF BANDS. Sold ]3y L. A. PRANG, Zurich, tf18 Supply Of Chesnut and furnace On Hand Case & Son 0 •I The main',streets in the bnsineee section, of ;the village are undergo- ing improvements, the tnud is be- ing' ncreeeci, o•8f and hauled away and is being replaced with Iakej gravel. Mr. °, %Iartleih, accompanied by his friend, Mr. Webster, orf Goder- ich, wen, inthe village on Tuesday. Mr. Mitten is not enjoying the best of health owing to rheumatism a'id -is contemplating of taking tr- eatments at the hot rniiieral bath sprutgs. A number --'' th ' villagers' are enjoying- tate Evangelistie•meetings conducted by 11-Y. A, Jordan, in Crediton Evan •elic rl church, and receive gees:t inanirationa, Rev. Jordan will r ontluci• similar meets ings i'a the Zu ich Evangelical eh- iireh,t he Mee wee of March. "Peiegv"t he...lictle Terrior dog eelongingt o Mr.' Geo. Thiel met with a rather unexpected death on Monday'morning,, whin 'one of out prominent btilsinoss ,nen tie-inte,,1 Tonally ran over ;the laniin i1 with, the auto Mr. Thcil 1i.1 l . only' x %lort tints ^:go refused the .sarin $25,00 fol same. , In 1 n wr�eek'+ i tsu` we m' t'o �;w of Mr. C : Fritz captu 'r t' singIe heed' four geeie while out shoot :, } ing t? d:ay. This Ilowevyr' has somewhat riled the dignity ofthre other hunt• 'r e Who were in the pin ty, namely: Mn'�=ss P, Revelte!, 3l�) Johnston and H. ousseau, wh claim they had in. egiial part .wi Me. Fritz in calittirinrT this. game as Mr. Fritz, hese no license to cone out with !such a bold statement as to sa;+ hie did all the killing whe ever l•ody else in tin'.. perty wa also shooting. "Charlie" Shout follow the Diad motto off "Uew to the Lines and give credit where credit ie doe Cavin Bookkeeping: !arms were " ,t sels u ed' tor 0 study 01 the.cost of producing u tilt. it was found' that on one the cos, of production was $i.65 per hundr�erl- oc 1 eight. oG milk; ort the other farm t e 'cost was $6 per hundredweight, lf: both these• farms were seiling 1 rt:ink at' $2.50 per hundredweight, - what would .you say about the coin parative prosperity of the two farms? farms0, ft 15 quite usual to see two farms side by side, one of which appears Prosperous 'while the other seems to he :Slowl, going down. It doesn't • urean that one . farmer is a worker 0 While the other is lazy, not et al1,'We .wit PI $1110111' ;ow oel. t f4 t Profit Olaf syu3rl illeti•eines et Resat and Sun..,. Usitlg the ell,f •seen.., 0 Correct. "(ive' for ‘Vi liter Use — Baal' bio, a t,..kte,l)iitr ..._ luu+lra+'e�: ida“ 1•, � i it Goof!. 'tantr'iboteri by ()r,t,arlo Department oi' AKHoof Lure, Toronto.) }.vine are prntiiahle when given abundant Sunshine, anti exerefee, 'feel Weil selected feeds, gently ban 'lied given proper sanitation ani 'lousing, kept 1'v'ee . from worms ani ;ice, ,ante protected against cholera and other diseases. Much can happen a pig betw4,en birth and old age, tut it is'an .easy animal t6 'keep in the stray nil and narrow path leading to ,successful and profitable development 11 you go the night way about It. Piga., frequently suffer more from the heat: of the sun during the sum- ner than they do from the Gold of the winter period_ if Possible, make full use of any available shade trees when making your plans for swine pastures, feed lots or colony house i ocations: The bell;;feeder for Pigs, Young pigs having access to .a self feeder may neglect the pasture portion of. their rations, so must be watched from time to time. The self• feeder eau be used wine matur, oreedin•"stock, providing the ration :von Is bulky and contains site:, :Dut'r ig=; as ground alfalfa. Mature peetlrng stock are apt to become to tit if given the freedom of helping :hen -melees. The self -feeder is 1-r tended as an aid to feeding opsr .,tions ditring the.grazing season, an ; .is • such, it will reduce the labor re- quirement of feeding over fifty Ne. neut. Um er,iive for Winter Use. The, it§e of a suitable corrective :s strongly ecom;mended by all sucm e. • ful swii4efeeders. One that is low Jo goat and fully.efficient, and easy to vrepai•e may be provided as folio .,.. 100 pounds of ground lime stun or sleeked 'lime. 100'pourets of hard wood ashes u- root cellar soil to which 10 pounds. Z+f boneflour has been ,added. 200 pounds of elle.roeai. ds of salt. rues of sulphur. 2 pounds .of Iron .sulphate. - Mix all the dry material togeUrr' excepting the iron sulphate. Wh!"' all `are mixed. dissolve the iron sul- phate ' in , a gallon of hot water a. sprinkle over the entire mass. Shot -el over a few times, and then store sacks or•barrels for use as wants,: Pigs should be given .free ecce:: to a feeder or box containing the mixture.—L. Stevenson O.A.L' Guelph. 'have all seen, hard-working farmers , who'have-failed to make a srrccess. e We' explain' it by saying he, had poor lack, or thinks, 5olnebf#,1sv seethed to n go against ltlnl. s After all, brain is .about as Ira - Portant as muscle, If not more so, In this 'fanning business, And a ,,fernier can won,: as profitably at has desk as he can in the @eld. That is Why it pays farmer to b,• e edtuk, �a,ted it is a matter of mone retnens Whether the farmer shall h krioyv how to keep his boobs or not. It :takea.. only a few minutes to jot down items of: hours spent on various - ..tops in atime-book, Duce or twice a week. And items of expense cat, - • be entered in a column as they occur, s to be distributed at leisure in white,: h evenings. The date of sale and the price receiVed are more than mem •Items. of curiosity to be remembered for awhile then forgotten. Really there is no excuse for a farmer nut knowing his production costs. And it'should 1.e conaide+l r:+i as much of a sign . of poor farming as the growth of weeds along the roadside or the tumbling of fences. Roughage—Have It (food, Whit' the saying goes that: th •small \iilagis are on the decline we copilot report 'such of &nee as our village ie progr.1.4lil]g and on the boom. The past week bug inesst ransaetious are;—Mr, Ryi, Eicknr.eyer, our local paper /meg er has leased the place of bugines next to Pfile'is shoe ,stare, whore he wiil put inn a supply of wall poem ole. Mr. Fred, Thiel our harness maker, has purchased from data. Thomas Johnson, the vacant lot op- ;poeite the Molsons :sank, and we believe intends to ereet a residence and harness shop building. lila,•. W, H. Pfile and S. ,Deitz have ex- changer', lots, the former getting' the lot next to Mr. M. 1Vlefdinger`s while Mr. Deitzg eta the vaea.nt lot opposite the 'Commercial hotel, and erect a building thereon for doing general woodwork, etc. LATE SOPHIA CtIJAPMAN There palssed away at her /tome Bronson Line, Hay a2'pr_i on Tirurs day December 6th, Sophia Chap- man, relict of the Late John Gx'ey bell, at the age of 84 years, 1 month and 21 days, Deceased bad not been, well 'for about a year and her end came not unexpected. De- ceased was born Norfolk • ;County County,- England and conee to antt'da when a gi.ri, having lived t the place of heir death for a out fifty-five years or all hertife. er husband pre -deceased her bout two years. • She was, a fine ld lady, loved bey( all who knew er, and i.,+ :survived by one son,, oho W, Greybeil Of Dashwood; four daughters; 1Vtrs. •'Durstein of Saginaw, Mich,, Mrs(,.Ooo1r, •o Hen-. ell and Misses Evangeline, and sther Greybeil at home. The re rteains were laid tc}� their l-ast rest - g place le the Evangelicalceni- tery oh Sunday, Rev. W( Yager tticiating. The funeral . Wise Iar- sly attended, a PHONE g5' II.1iN SALL -17 b y e -e . ._ .. ...... Dr. 'H. H. COWEN f J le D. 4., •33.- D. S. DENTAL SURGEON- -, At McCoriniek 731oek, Zueich, eve ery Thursday and Saturday. Main Office is E in HAflTLI+1.I.B'S lltOCX, D $HWOOD°g I A good cow must be capable of handling large amounts of roughage. Provided with plenty of high quality forage she will.prodtrce much more economically than when fed grain to balance poor hay and stover, Silage added to a ration has been found to reduce the cost of producing 10+0 pounds of milk front twenty ti.•: to seventy-8,ve cents.'. in an Anrorio..0 experimerit, twelve cows were divided into two groups. One group received silage and legulue, hay, the other the same roughage allowance with grain in addition: , The second group pro- duced more milk but the first enc dltl very well and eaelly excelled the first from the'standpoint of ecouotui• cal production, These facts are not meant to indi- cate ,that, it :does not pay to -reed grain but to showy the importunes of Plenty of good' roughage,. The World's Bigge,gt Rog. Newv Zealand has produced the big. gest hog on record. - ''Belly, the iit•oridis Weeder.I'ig," as the animal is adwrertized, is •a tw eeyear-old Tann wortlt-l:3erksbire cross, weight, 1,058 pounds; height, 3 feet 0 inches; lerigtlr, 8, ,feet '9 inches; girth, 6 feet, and lle 'le still growing. Keen those lamb a coming, reed Tire awe. eeetteteleg ry 40.44:+3 u3ixii, k 1 �.`, A:11.0 l UI 1131111Oli ill@@IV iOVI pim@mu yI Y@ luapmlu u, imuoiu nimm N mu a mmuwmm�i 4001009lcf yoriat'antrfedieinakli Ay'eOefablerrepaaratiOnhrASI,I ksrmllatin t— dteRguta,;11l :,i,intitteStoinadisandBovetsal hetebyProtnotin Shof; GfteerfainessandRest,Coreakd 'ite.ither Opi_um,Morphine nol Mineral. oT NARCOT1e 0 d.D�',5AA11!1EG,PlTGfl6lt o ; Ileapeoz° l , Pumpkin :Smit Sr.nra •liZileS'alts AnfoSrod e petmau6 I liiCtu•Lanalesmla l+r Ilfrot Sean i� �/ariTed.Suym' I ly�r,�nelav- stn a onan idafrit0et, ulitemedv for �eand pFever.'ishness and Jfoss of 5xteE1' ''tesultingtherdfam inlnfamcy xac-Simile 5i$n of 'lire ci7TTAti C0?1OA ' MONTREAL,P Q• ,Eft �i'><uott t1 o,til ? � 3S.'Doss CA'STO RIi For Infants and Children. Mothers tKnow That Castoria Always Bears the Signature of IR Use For Over Thirty Years CASIO IA ar Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEN! YORK CITY. If Yor cannot afford a Ford why not buy a nice Rubber Tire Buggy HESS sells them REPAIRING Painting, Fwd. Car, One ^oat, $15.00, Two Coats _„ :. $20.00 iCovering Ford Top Good Material .. $27.00 Changing Ford Curtains to open with Doors___..._ .. $5.00 Painting Buggy ' •• $8.00 IF YOZl''WANT • SieRVTCE,`'WE-HAVE IT - WE BERUSIIEU YOUIt BUGGY WHEELS: Fe Mille eS s & CON j7 Zurich +++++++4++++++++++++++++++ -H --:i fia�++F "1-1 S+++'i>•+1,+.P•+,•.rd Laths Shingles Lumber Everything in Combination storm and screen doors made to order, I •Lumber and Building Material Custorm1V4''orkeu>`cic 11 Always in the marliet fo'r saw logs *k 4 4 f O4+i+4f4++++4.4•4444.•444+++++++++4.4•44f.44.441 c. nom, PHONE 9 BFL11SCB2t. z u Pic ti +i+ +l. +—* + 4' + + + + 4. 4. 4, + * 4. - 4 4 4. 4 ILOOKME Five Good Reasons IWHY Wil CAN BOLL SUITS FROM T$10 TO $15 LESS THAN OTHERS, 11. We stock our own goods. 1 ,4.a. LOOK 1 4, .y. 5. We guarantee ,satisfaction o money refunded. Our Suite are made by work- manship, second to none. Have only one price for melt- ing eking Suits, The -very best linings put in all our garments. 'Yr H. HOFFMAN 'TAILOR AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR (DAY AND NIGHT PHOuNE Nee 86 l�' 4, . ,l, 4, . ,t, ,l w-4 _ ^i+ +k+ + 4. 40-4 ,l,"».+k- .t, 4+-.-l+ * ,r 4 •1