HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-11-22, Page 8SMALJ PROFITS and a Larger Thrnover, and Special inducements to the Cash buyer, Our Motto for Fall and Wiiiler Trade WHREALIZE EALIZE THAI THE BUYING POWER OF OUR CUSTOM- ERS TS'NOT AS GREAT At3 IN YEARS GONE BY SO WE WANT TO GIVE YOU LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES ,IN GOODS ,C'ON'SIST- ENT'WITH QUALITY AND SERVICE. HENCE OUR MOTiTO The First hint of cooler Weather sends till prudent housewife hurrying to the Store for warnaea Dress Material, Underwear,' ' :Sw- eater Coats, Cashmere and Wool hosiery, Etc. We are sure You can make a very satisfactory choice from our display -of new Fall and Winter Ci•oods Sweater Gnats At remarkable tow prices. They come irs 1:1 wool heavy weight Pullovtbutton :style, in great array of clors and patterns.. Monarch Y arns Again in Stock in leading colors. We carry Monarch Down, Dove and Silvertwiat r UNDERWEAR LENNARDS UNDERWEAR FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN This line is giving extra satisfac- tion to our customers. It is a gar- ment of part woo', and cotton yarns . we11 made and finished in low neck and short sleeve, or no sleeve, as well as in long sleeve style. Pr- iced from 85c. to $1.75 a garment OVERCOATS 12 only, New Mena Overcoats to hand. NEWEST STYLE, AT RIGHT PRICES. SEE (THEM Celery! Celery! No.I QUALITY FRESH CELERY LFOR .SALE, GROWN IN OUR ,;;O WN GARDENS. LARGE OR, SMALL ORDERS FILLED PROiltP- vJ. G.ASCH Produce Wanted SON Phone 67 Zurich'sGarae BATTERIES! BATTERIES! We are again handling the I.X. L. Battery IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY BETTER CALL AND SEE . US WE MAKE" A SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATTERY WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO COMPARE WITH ANY OTHER s QUALITY AND SERVICE CONSIDERED We also handle the famous 11. S. L. Battery A COMPLETE LINE OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES AND GEN- UINE FORD PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND NOW IS THE ,TIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR . REPAIRED. OUR. POLICY .IS FIRST HERE, ,FIRST SERVED. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. WE ARE EXPERTS ALONG THIS LINE AND .CAN ATTEND TO YOUR NEEDSAN.Y ACTYLIN WELDING . BATTERY CHARGING BATTERY REPAIRING H. Mousseau Zurich * ' osl im00000socoaosooecogl eseobe.5ocootee•••••••••s• • • • • EVETROIJGIIING • • • • • • And General l Ti smith Work • •. s Our Mechanic is again able to•• • • 'y • " Al kinds of outside work, we are 11 A i • •• -. r position to fill your require I • • .e tits in all kinds of eve-tr ou _ hid roofing and general tinsmith work. k, . THE ?TME TO HAVE THIS WORK DONE BEFORE • r rHE COLD .i:iOITGH FALL WEATHER SETS Iii'' ••• �A.1'Z,.FACT'... • , Iv�i is THE MOTTO r1I,12 WE ALWAYS M.vIN- . T AIN% • • • • • •• •. •'. Always on hand i • • m , INEID C�E&WEID.;I- EETER B O� i..CK J L. ZURICH • • • 00000400•••••••••••••••••0000.0000•••••••••••• ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST' THE Mr. and Mr..; Joseph 13aeelaler, f of in iTavistock, visited rolativ��s in this vcity over er Suiaday,. Mr. and Mrs. Dan, Melsaac and family of Crediton, were Sunday visitor•s with Mi.. and MrSi. • A Melick. 1. Miss$ Mary Walker, 'a former tea- cher of Zurich Public Sclioo;l 'new teaching at Kitchener•„ visited with the Misses Lamont over the week- end. T. L.. Warm, General IVlerchant, is now handling Fair:Eel s London Bread. -16 different varieties. This bread has been highly ,recomnaen- cled as "London's Best" and is now being brought within reach,of everyone. i A GREAT STOREY YEAR A golden sheaf of Stories its in preparations for 1924 readers . of The Youth's. Companion. There will be stories' of Western ranch life and thrilling adventure; stories of gum- ption in getting a job and raakih ' a 'success at it; !stories of lively s "p' rimmages on the athletic field --fob ball, bas,.nall, stories of girls '� school and college and working,„- their orking.,'their way in the 'world of business; stories of the old farm folks down' in, Maine,, told by Y .Aa, Stephens;' stories of Caleb Peaslee's shrewd•;, ness and `horse sense; stories of re-, sourcefulness and pluck in +situat-. ions of clanger and extremity; 0=: oriel, of the sea and of the mounta ins—stories to please every fancy of old rteaders and young, for re-;'. aders who love the story of char- acter and for those who like best the story ofswift action!. It will be a great year in the history 'of The Youth's •Comipanion The 52 issues .of 1924 will be cr- owded with serial stories, !short est- ories, editorals, poetry, facts and funs Subscribe now and receive 1. The Youth's 'Companion' -52 -is- sues in, 1924. 0 2. All the •remaining issues of 192,33 3. The Companion Home Calendar for 1921. All for $2.50. 4. Or include McCall's Magazing,, the monthly authority on fash- ions. Botli .publications; only $3 - THE YOUTH'S COMPANION • ,', ,Commonwealth Ave.&St. Paul St. 3#oston, Mass. Subscriptions taken at Herald of-•, • fice: SPORT NEWS Wle are in receipt of a • clipping from the Galt 'Reporter of which we quote the following account re= garding Mr. Clarence Hoffman, who we, all know well in this vicinity, and have sgreiat reasons to feel pr- oud of {this young roan front' ' making good in Galt, and vie are suret hose interested in ;spoils will bear is ;ups on this remark.. "The outstanding feature of 4n summary of the averages is the all- round performance • of 'Clar. rlof furan, who started' : the season in right , field and then iiaoved into third base. The former Zurich boy leads the tealin.in hits with 46. -Re collected the most two and .three base drives, Kith 6 and 4 respect- ively and also had the most -sacii- Tice hits, 13 in; He leads the team in fielding :with: the fine av- erage of :963. Wilber - Kress was the leading batter with the aver - rage of 337 for tile season with Clar. Hoffmann next with. 32.3, while Ol- iver was the only other Terrior to bat 300 and he had the even num- ber." ' Wo also ;notice that this ac- tive young' man heads the pitchers list with 1000 per, cent., having not_ lost a single game. i • AUCTION SALE OF 'FARM AND .BUSH. On part Lot 8, Con. '16, Hay Tp; On Tuesday, December 4th, 1923. Commencing at 2 o'clock, pl. ill. Part(Estate of the Late Benjamin +' le. - The farm- cPfionsists• of 7 ,acrle's, about10acres hardwood tbush, bal- ance. good pasture, well !forced with. barb wire fencing, watered, by .4 good neverfailing well. This anbe would I excellent pastiue (turn as the water supply is the very best, TERMS OF SALE 10/ of purchase price on day of Sale Balance will be arcade kno at time of sale. For further par- ticulars apply td; T. H. Pfile; Mrs. Benj. Pfile; Urban. Pfile; Pearl Pfile; Executor Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. - BLAKE. The regular meeting of the Mil-. nsion Band will be held in the ch- urch :on• Saturday Nov. 24th, all members are requested to be gimes ent. Miss Finlay who spent the last few .weeks at the home of idi-. and Mrs. Win, .Fni.lay, has returned to her ho;ane. " Messrs, John Hoy Sr„ and Writ Hey of Zurich, spent Monday with friends in the 'village. Mrs.. Janiziis at present visit- ing: friend's at New ,hamburg. Mr. Jnn Johnston,'who hia,sispeiii: the 'summer out west, alas r,teturiied heir' e, Miss Laura. Oesch spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs,, Sant Oesch. Miss. Margaret Dot glas entert- ained a nannber of her girl friends on Friday evening. Messrs Richard Denomy ay nd Harold Johnston left last ,wee!: for Detroit, where they have (securer! .good positions+ ui 18 ALWAYS AT 'YOUR SERVICE FOR FINE •MVIILLLf 1 RY AT ZURICH BY E. Vera V., Siebert Our Trimmed Hats are out of the !ordinary in richness;: of trimming, and Pleasing Style Touches, and a visit to our Showroom will convince you of the Latest and Artistic Sty- les : we are showing. WE ARE OFFERING THE. PUB- LIC A SPECIAL DISCOUN'I.I OF 25 Per Cent. ON ALL TRIMMED HATS -IN ST- i OCK, GET YOURS EARLY. Miss Vera V. Siebert ZURICH—ONT. WANTED Keeper and Matron - (Man and wife) to take charge of the Huron County, Home and farm connected therewith, near Clinton.' .Applic- ations, personal preferred, to be Made to the undersigned up to December • 3rd, 1923. No Application necessarily '.ac- cepted,. - John Torrance, Inspector County Elgin, i Clinton, Ont. FOUND In Zurich; a ladies' ,Scurf. Own er kindly call at ,Herald Office, LOST In Zurich, a blue lantern. 'Finder please .return, to C. Fritz, Zurich!. ee. NOTICE.' On and after December 15th, any accounts will be ready' for such parties having saa ae with me. 1'y call and settle. Fred. Thiel, Harness Maker, Zurich, Ont. tf20 BORN Dixon -1n Stanley Township, on No t,ember 17th to Mr. and Mr's;. W.. H. Dixon,- a ;sons • Armstrong—In Stanley Township on; November lsth to Mr. and Mrs Archy Armstrong, a son. A Farmer Who Gave His Health for His Son John is a big framed, heavy-h..nded farmer,with:a 'gentle voice and grey eyes that beam out hopefully at you. from behind steel -rimmed spectacles. John wanted his boy to be a doctor, so he worked hard, early and late, cultivating his rocky acres to save the money. He got run down, had two or three attacks of the 'Flu—until he got so weak he couldn't work and after some fainting spells and en- forced medical attention he learned the dire news—tuberculosis.. If Mrs Sohn _ had been living probably he oufood.wld have had better care and better He was received at the Muskoka Hospital for, Consumptives and now with skilled medical and nursing attendance, and the wonderful air of Muskoka to bring health to the tired lungs, ;ohn is actually getting better,. and he is an :enthusiastic booster for the Hospital. Tie believes he is well enough now, after ton months, to go back to the farm, but on the doctor's "advice" he isstaying"onto make sure there will be no relapse. There is a lot of lost time to be made 'tip on that farm, but anovii§ he can still send his boy to ELIle e. Coftrlbutions to aid Muskoka 13°5 - in its work may be sent to Hon. ToW.t oAn.to Charlton, 228 College' !street, ,. J BIBLE THOUGHT ,—aFpOR TODAY Bina• $, laeritZ71:136x+in vr.'" 7iaiaursda 't November 22xad, :192.1 The. store With the Liberal Cash Discount With Winter lionaing Brings to;, Your mind the need of A GOOD STOVE We have lust what you want in the follow.. ing popular makes'—DohertJ 9 Happy Tho. ught, Harriston and McClary Also have a full line of Heaters; 3 good second hand Base Burner heaters at a Snap. How about that furnace'you have J been thinking of? We have it! The Pamous Ali Oast,Non Bolted •IDBAL FURNAOE GOOD 'SUPPLY OF SHELF: AND HEAVY HARDWARE' WAYS ON HAND. Furniture to Suit yen Needs L- tFOR LIVING - ROOM, DINING ,ROOM, BED' ROOM; PARLOR OR KITCHEN. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. MELICK& BRAEJN PHONE 83 To •Holders 91- 1923 f1923 Victory Bo TO THOSE )VHO WERE TOO LATE T0; .CONVERT THEIR 1923 ., VICTORY BONDS. INTO.:THE NEW :DOMINION OF OAN ADA REFUNDING LOAN I BEG TO .ANNOUNCE (THAT ALL ORDERS FOR. THE. NEW ISSUE WILL BE PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO IF HANDED TO ME AT -MARKET- PRICE. Orders also taken for fol1o10.n. at market prices; - 1924 VICTORY BONDS. 1927 VICTORY BANDS. 1932 VICTORY BONDS, 1933 VICTORY; BONDS. 1934 VICTORY BONDS. 1937 VICTORY BONDS. Or • any issue of the Dominion' or Provincial, : Governments: Also Huron & Erie Debentures and Canada Trust -Co„ guar- anteed mortgage certificates. LET ME HAVE YOUR ORDERS. MY MOTTO;—"SERVICE AND SEFETY. Andrew F. Hess, Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WILL? mamoommammumentuoal Painting and Paper Hanging I Am in a position to do any kind of paper hanging, painting . raining and uecor a tang. Price for hanging paper, 23c. a Your 11. Eickmeler, r Zurich "SR. JOHN NVARD. Chiropractic and Electrics;) Treat -A' rnents.—Eyes Examined Min St, EXETER, Phone 711 • Consultation and Examination Freer. ZURICH AT WA::LPi+i;R HOUSE,ZLRIC°13 Every Wednesday, 10 a,in, to 4,p.;mi •Tg.:2:�; o. "+•i.++...1.*h ' y3• +i••1 +++ 3.+4:++++4 "'r4•'i'+ ++++++4-++ +++++'IIS+ Do 'You •- K_ ti 4 THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR ,r. Well done, "good and faithfulser viont; thou !last been faithful over a hew things, 7: will make theeruler over many thiu;gs; enter thou into the toy of thyr Lord—Math. 25:23. Silver a'nd'gold have I none;but such as' I have' give thee; In the nianle of Jesus: Christ of Razor- eth rise, an anfd walk. +—A+ , • A scorner seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not., belt knowledge is easy unto hirci that understandeth. —:Prov. 14;6. , - There isi gold anda multitude of rubies; but the lips of 'knowledge are a precious jewel,—Prov. 20;15 4^•- M Tho11 wilt Shew ;rue the path of life; in thy presence. as fullnes's of joy; at thy right hand then: erre, pleasures for e•vernaore—I s. 1;11. lhi GOOD PRINTING 't* . THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING •• ; INVITATIONS AND ANN O7.I,NCiMENTS •' • + THAT WE PRINT CALLING bARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH 7l, AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND •'�xa` N. STATEMENTS "-F . .' THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO -LEADING MAN /FACT ''r'' U.P.ERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY' AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS 1. THAT WE CARRY IN 1STi3CI WRITING PA.PIFRS, ENVEL- + Ol?ES IN ALL SIZES; CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING' PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM. ST- + ' A'r'IONLRY, NOTE BOOKS; RECEIPT I300ICS INTWO !+ SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. TAIT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY •SIZE INIi1 BOTTLE + WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN' INK FOR 45c, • LARG- ' . GER 'QUANTITIES' AT BIGGJlE REDUCTIONS THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION •SALE POS- . ,',l.'•ER•Siti 1V3:BRC'ANaTILE POSTERS AND ALL G ^NERAL PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY ++++.44+++44+4.44+++++++++4,4-4++++44+4.4++411.++4,t+44+ • 4 •: