HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-11-22, Page 1A '9 N.tr. 0 J t 'C Int T H U S. D Q► ( Ali tJ i~ i fir;• " r O.V 1 M 1 .E. 22, (923r edsonable Footwear 'WITH ,THE HOT SEASON RAP- IDLY ADVANCING AND COOLER DAYS WILL SOON` 13E A CERTA- INTY, WE WISH (TO DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO THE FACT TIL.kT HEAVIER AND MORE DURABLE FOOTWEAR WILL SOON BE REQUIRED, WHICH WE ARE IN A POSITION .T0 SUP PLY .YOU WITH. OUR SUPPLY IS UNLIMITED OF ANYTHING IN THE STAPLE FOOT wean Line, We have Kids, Patents, Oalf, Etc., in many of the atest and niftiest Styled that will"�" .suit .toy. Alt our Sandals, Running Shoes and Slippers are priced very low to clear, Get that next pair of Men'sWork Sli.oert. from Us, as we bandelee the Celebrated GRAB SHOE. ZURIC V/..41.1•00/MMOSIM/4404.144/0 WOW Chaster L, Snaith, Pubf Aht ;. $1,25 a Year Tri Ad'l1.06. 140 IN Aa{rira11RS; iµ2 Bd.AX'Bil; 0 ap • THE HOME OT+'; GOOb aligns REPAIRING NEATLY DONE �.o a.a.o.�,.q.o �.a �.�a.�a.o.b•o.c�.v.o.a.o. .o.o. ©.o.o a �'o �_ t:�'�O.OG+'°a^�O'O P �04�4�4044�40�4d4P���dd•, reete etiring from Buse Q r �a ic7, II"eyro'ek ispex ding a. weeks at London. r and Mrs(. Louis Zeller were ay visitors with Mr, and Mins. Fuss. r . ,)'acob Brown, is visiting with. arother Rev. and Mrsi G,. Th. n, Tavistoek; ..and Mrs'. Ed. Brand of Lon - Were Sunday visitors at the of Binet: G. Hees,. wfilr and• Mrs. Jas. Green of the Parr'Lixie, have moved, their house- holgl;effeets to Exeter, Where they halt7e •purchased is property and Will..reside in. future. Omar Denomy„ who conduet- gex�t's furnishing business the pa4 ;five' )yeax a, 'hies' sold out and l f +(last . week for" Detroit, where i`iitends`to stay. John W:eido, ,,who has been Iaundon Hospital taking treat ,ents, the, past few weeks, return 'hx'Qane on Friday evening, mutt improved. in .health. yrs. •Wmz. Stelek had a most neiceSsful auction, sale on Satur- da of her household eff'eets. She, has' this week moved to the liAtear of her• fiwo daughters, Mrs. Aaehler, north of the village, and Mrs. ily, Brown, 14th con, wlx- etre elite will reiside ' in future: �1on't forget the Bazaar given byIxer.:Ladies Aid:, of St. .Peter's. Lart1 era`s Church at"Town Hall Zuzieli On Satnrdaf',I ovember 21th, After coon. and Evening, commene- irifi it 3 p-tril J;uuch 20c. Fancy 'aiicl 'useful articles, home cooking, hmc" niade candy will be sold km auction.lsale is being held en 'eddy Deceni,ber 4th,,: of the > f' ;i;snd cR,nsxstiriy of Lrt • 6v • Starts Saturday, N*vaml Consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishings, Furs, Bugs, .Cloths, Delfwavare, Groceries, Etc. Doome • • I TELL YOU I WILL GIVE YOU- THE GREATEST VALUES—THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN HIGHEST GRADE MERCHANDISE YOU EVER HAI; IN YOUR LIFE, ; �l • o: Make me prove it. \ ` Store Closed THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 1UYenber22 - 23 TO REMARK GOODS 'TO„ ADVER- TISED PRICES and RE -.ARRANGE STOCK BE ,HERE EARLY Sato r ay 4r4 h • • • Ib. 8 J. A. Balmer,t I'M THP. MAN 0.0 I HAVE CONTRACTED WITH 3, PREETER, ZURICH, ONT., Q O WHOHAS OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY. OW i"AIR , v DEALING AND INTEGRITY AS HIS REPUTATION, IN '. P THIS COMMUNITY,, TO CLOSE OUT HIS STOCK. TO . OPERATE THIS BIG^ MERCHANDISE MOVEMENT. I'LL STOP .AUT NOTHING. FAST AND 'FURIOUS WILL .f3EfTHE ti 0. 'SELLING, I ASK THE GOOD . PEOPLE 0]? ZURICH AND IP VICINITY TO ATTEND THIS HUGE DEMONSTRATION OPnQ MERCHANDISE SELLING OF HIGHEST` QUALITY GOODS •4 PREETE;1.•t'S LOSS IS YO'IJR GAIN:' • : T. •A. :BALMER,. Q GI ESTER d ever .e 1Merchant ° .l 4D 40 Closing Out - Quitting Business at ZURICH,—ONTARIO • SEE POS'TERS b#+a➢•+1++:+4 +44+. ++++++.4444•++++ 4•++++++++ l'++ lel ++aH'++++•H +4+ 4.4 +4. ' +f+++++•t••l•++•l•fi,+++ _ c11110` � y • Phone 59,. ZURICH Produce Wanted Bring us Your Alsike and Clover Seed. We always pay the qe highest Market Price according to Quality o L�•!� u� .IG�i��. a.Ci�e,�a' r�'..•�a� `�.,,�„�C.i'aGr�i� .•tis.�•e`ay��l Cl, "�” •G+%!.•r� a �it �}. t - � Baa Q e dare *e r vv e ms;. t.Aco '14, Hay T'ownslup; the pro perty'.of the estate of the late Bent lin. Pfile. There+ is on this prexuises an excellent hardwoon bush="of 40 acres. ( The two large .motor trucks that have''eon;veyed the gravel, from the lake on -the Zurich Roadjas far• as Hensiill, left fox'» their home at Stratford on Satixrday. Practic- ally lin the gravel has been hauled and by the use of this ,splendid pro duct,• the road to HenSall'sohuld be much improved in future. r I3I3LE ',SOCIETY • Don't forget the Upper Canada Bible Society meeting in the Town B'a11, ;Zurich, .on Monday evening, Nov ember 26th'. Rev. B. Bowen: will be present and will deliver an illiu'str�tted "lecture":with lantern sl- Icikes. Rev. Bowen( ie no ,stranger in oixr ' midst, and those who have heard.; him once, always welcome his address. Wye herewith publ- ish the Secy-Treasures+''s report of what the Zurich Branch' of this Soc- iety has don in the past 'ye xr ;— T1ie,Annual Meeting,of the Zur- ich Branch l3ibie Society was held in the Mennonite Church on Nov: 2ud, 1922. The meeting was op- ened by the President, Rev. T. 0. Litt,. with 'song and prayer. ° The :scripture le.ssou wale based on the 119 Psalm. The minutes were re- ad and approved, , The electeion for the; ensuing year are follows; President—A. Meliek; Vice -Pres. 1V1xni'sters of the three churches; Secy -•Trews -W, il. Pfile. Advis- cry Mtoubers—R. P. Stade and D. Gingerich. c COLLECTIONS— Plate Collection _ .. $7,06 North Ward , Ori kxa 1VIelick, Lulu Albrecht 35.75 South Ward Lillian Rader, Lillian Rose --_11.40 Mrann.onit ' Church Duvi.11 Gingericix 9.75 Go'hen'South Wm. "Koehler ._ ;c-_, 1.85 Bronson. Line T'h 1c-:ta Oswald Win.Ortwexn 4.95 nabyron, .Lime. SSiOtoh Greb •.,.}_.j • 2.25 Blind Line Peter Schwalm .75 14th eon Samuel Schoch : ... .. .. .. 3.85 5 Dotal ,, $74.41 This amount wa.s' sent to Upper Canada l3ibl� Society, To onto, by W 11. ,Pfile isecy,. iT I • rot tnfa.uts alzd Children, h 1,,,tt Foy Over 3O Yea 111,', A1.WayyS, beets Che DIA Engagement RINGS In White, Green/or Yellow Go] cl Mo un- tings, X20 to $100 HESS the Jeweler PHONE No, 74 Incorporated 181i5 Capital, and Reserve '$9,o6opoi Over 125 Branches TUB MOLSONS BANK!. , Farmers will secure SYmpatbk etic banking at any of our ba' anehes. Careful attention t4 the needs of Canada's ,A.grio ultural interests has always hes en a feature of The Molsoaga Bank. Savings Department*; every rBranelL D,.I>Qiti 1112. $1.00 and" upwards invited. " C. H. JOY Manager Zurich Branch • ®ee•oaaa•••••m®o•••ae•ae►•v•••••►eea••e•e•®oo••• v p Fall Horse Goods • et Tust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen :Eoree 4t: • Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. •a p Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices f' Ranging from $7.00 to ... ... ... ........ ...... UM 4k SAVE MONEY -BY GIVING US A. CALI}. • A BIG Stock of Harness and ':Halters always en hand• Club Bags, Suit Cases and .Trunks at Right Prices. !` PHONE ie9i ,�. • f" z IARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY RIO •II• Fall and +441 'inter } otwear Wet weather will soon be here AND THE 1 ERSON WHO HAS TO GO OUT DOORS WILL NEED GOOD SHOES, TITE KIND THAT WIL LIlEEP THE FEET DRY ANI) COIYIFORTABLE. TRY A 'PAIR OP OUR MEN'S BOYS', 'WOIVIENS AND MISSES' WE ALSO HAVE AN ASSORTMENT 0E" WOMEN'S, GENTS' AND GROWING GIRLS SHOES ON OUR SPECIAL SALII RACKS, AT A BIG REDUCTION TO FORMER PRICES OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE IN RUBBER FOOTWEAR AND RBUBER i•OOTS Repairing' done by the very latest methods 0. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS ZURICH ONTARI'. ,1> • •'D +sir' •°F'•8'i' •"i»•1•'II'i.•3"II.hr'F^'E'.G`.gg"1°•$ F•^N++•F•++++•i"; 4.4":+4, I Fall and inter Goo The Season is now here when yor require heavier Clotting to keep yourself warms.. ITA\ E 1..T IN GOOD HEAVY WOOLEN UNL :RW !'AR, PI,A .NELL'I.1 ES, WRAPPERET'TES, SWEATERS, RS, "E C. ALSO A GOOD ASSOI:TMENIT OP ALL, STAPLE GOODS.. WE HAVE A GOOD LINE OF MITTS A.NW GLOVES AND H1AL TERS AT SPECIAL PRICE, CALL ANI) SEE OUR GOODS. 'THE STORE WHERE YOU ALWA.iS GBP'9i7UR DIS- COUNT' WHEN PAYING CASH, Good bright dried Apples Wanted R. N1, DOUGLAS G1,µNEI'?A9.. MERCHANT E3LA 01. •r 1 4