HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-11-07, Page 8PROFITS and a Larger Turnover, and Sjeoial iriducernents to • the Cash buyer, Our Motto for Fall and Winter Trade 11.1- 4 . 4 4 41. 0 •e" ..1!1 WE REALIZE THAT THE BUYING POWER GF OUR CUS.TOM- ERS IS NOT AS GREAT AS IN YEARS GONE BY. .50 WE WANT TO GIVE YOU LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES IN GOODS CONSIST ENT WITH QUALITY AND SERVICE. HENCE OUR MOTITO The first hint of cobler Weather sends the prudent housewife hurrying to the Store for warmer Dress Material, Underwear, Sw- eater Coats, Cashmere and Wool Insiery, Etc. We are sure You can makC' a very satisfactory choice from our display of new Fall and Winter Goods ' • Sweater Coats At remarkable low prices. They some in all wool heavy weight, Pullover or button style, in great array of colors and patterns. Monarch Yarns Again in Stock m leading colors. We carry Monarch Down, Dove and Silvertwist • UNDERWEAR LENNARDS UNDERWEAR FON. WOMEN AND CHILDREN This line is giving extra satisfac- tion to our customers. It is a gar- ment of part wool ‘a d cotton yarns well made and finished in low neck. and short sleeve, or no sleeve, as well as in long sleeve style. Pr- iced from 85c. to $1.75 a garment 4 OVERCOATS 12 only, New Mens Overcoats to hand. NEWEST STYLE, AT RIGHT PRICES. SEE;THEM Celery! Celery! No.' QUALITY FRESH CELERY FOR SALE, GROWN IN OUR QOWN GARDENS. LARGE OR SMALL ORDERS PILLED PROMP- TLY J. GASCI:10 & SON Produce :Wanted Phone 67 urch's Gara • . ' 13ATTERES! BATTERIES! We are again handling the I.X. L. • Battery IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY BETTER CALL AND SEE US WE MAKE A SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE. ON YOUR OLD BATTERY , 'WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO COMPARE WITH ANY OTHER L QUALITY AND SERVICE CONSIDERED -We also handle the famous U. S. L. Battery 'A COMPLETE LINE OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES AND GEN- tINE FORD PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED. OUH POLICY IS FIRST HERE, FIRST SERVED. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. • WE ARE EXPERTS ALONG THIS LINE AND CAN ATTEND TO YOUR NEEDSAXY ACTYLIN WELDING BATTERY C.:HARGING , • f BATTERY REPAIRING • H. Mousseau Zurich ' '.''..""'Y'' " .7.47,77.7:'1'4-4-.."..",7, ';',,:..,•''''!',,,',...'.'",... ,,,, '''''''''".."`"7-"", ' • "•,,,,". ,. . , . , . 111R10,1* /lett ALL) Thtirscigy, NoVemb1^ atill 192$ VVATCI-1 THIS ADD! Clothes to Fit You Prices to fitoii? Pocketbook Some °lour Strontfoints:-- NEWEST'FABRICS i1 .EST grALITY KNOWING -410W W OU1' XFE; D PIT FASHION PLATES •THATAEOAL-WA.YS AHEAD BEST LININGS AND FINISII1ZIGS. HIGH-CLASS WORXMANSIIII? IF YOU APPRECIATE THES'E. IMPORTANT FEATURES GET IN TOUCH WITH US FORYOIJR NEW SUM .Suits and OvercOats to Measure From $23.00 $45.00 WE ALSO DO DR Y CLEANI PRESSING " AND REPAIRING. YOU WILL iKE OUR WORK ailor9 Zurich E. E. Wuert ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST THE Drs. A. J. MacKinnon aild P. O'Davyer operated on Missis R '- a aleen and. Pearlie Sararas op Fri: y Shoppe.,. for removal of tonsils, and the.dp,-• eration was successful. .';•.2.e... iS14•Wa- “ Y. 0, &..t. Yuun SERVICE FOR FINIE: MILLINERY AT Miss Vera Siebert, our local liner, is holding a special 25%.:re- cluction, Sale of goods in stock. .,; „;. • Mi and Mast 'Argo. Beaver( pf Ilensall were week -end visitera with their friends in the village ancl:on the 14th cont They' have recently been on a trip to Saganaw,' where Mr. I3eaver's brother, •• Peter Beaver resides and is !suffer- ing a severe cancer in his face.. LAST WEEKS. ITEMS Owincr to ow: almost inability get out Ilia Herald last week, ornae- ' • ceunt of the publisher sutterin,=,.; severe cold, we oVerlooked the tot - lowing items; • ..• ZURICH RV Vera V. Siebert • Onr• Trimmed Hata. are out of the ordinary in :richness of trimming, land Pleasing; Style Touches, and a visit tuonaa•Shuwaloom wil4 convince you of the Latest and Artistic Sty- les we,. are sh.uwing. Mrssrs. L. A. Prang and ggyitz: were to „London on Wednestl'ay', Mrs (Dr) i31.A.Cinpbe1I Toronto renewed herZdriehfrienas neve the past week. • Mr. and MrTL Herbert W. 11'PtF and family abt .London, were ara. ors with. the, fOrMer's" 0. '1Iey,Babylon . Line;. the! '7.fast week. • , Rev. H. Rembe, -eoriducteddivine services in the Lutheran chnrch, Stratford on. Sunday ad as a enn sequence there *as no serVicesin the lecal- Lutheran Church here. -oeseeeseomeeeloost eostassaireasessesseeseseineeese*,. Mr, Wm, Walper, over 1011 baker has exchanged his farm in Tucker - smith, Tp, for a 1.arm. owned Mr. • Thos. Webster, near Seaforth. Po.ssession given ih, the spring. .The large fowl .supper givenin the Evangelical church property,. on Oct. 25th, was 4n every way ... decided success. A large, crown partook of the abundance of geod things to eat and considerable waa left over which was then auctioned off.. .,The entire proceeds amount- ing around 0289 will be useOto good advantage for maintenancepf the local chuach. The progratnane was Well received and .,every inlxii-, bey commanded attentiOn,P 'St t ibly it would be ,in order to 1 ice comment on the splendid \select ns „a•ivexi b,y the Zurich Ladies (4. A•r- tette, while the little folks gave some good numbers. • Z. P. S. SCHOOL. REPOItt. Room III for the month of tober. • ' '• • WE A.RE OFFERINGr THE PUB- LIC.' A. SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 25 Per Cent. re.• ON ALL TRIMMED HATS IN ST- OCK, GMT YOURS EARLY. • Miss Vera V. -Siebert.' ZURICH—ONT. EVUTiOUGHING: 1 / . . And General Tinsmith Work : . . - I As Our Mechanic is again able to 1 : - • : do all kinds of outside work, we are : : • 3,0 in a position to fill your requjre- i • 1 merits in all kinds of exetrotighing : 1 TS • roofind and general tinsmith work. • b • I NOW IS THE trim, TO. HAVE THIS WORK DONE BEFORE '4 THE COLD ROlIGH PALL WEATHER SETS IN• • : I SATISFACTION IS THE MOTTO THAT WE ALWAYS MAIN- I to No. T AIN. • • All kinds of Shealf and Heary Hardware ; • • • . Always on hand : • STADE & WEIDO 1 : pREETER BLOCK - ZURICH • 40•0•0000•••••0060040600•0••••••••••••••••••••••••• Jr. IV—Mervyn Schwalm 89%, Dorothy Zettel 82, Dennis Beard 80, Clarence Farwell '18, Stella:tat- lias 78, Lawrence Howald 75, Willie. Leibold 67, Elzar Moussebu Edward Brenner 51, Viola:Stelck 50. Russel Ducharrne, Willie Neel'.• Sr. III—Rose Leibold 00, Thah j Sararas 79, Goldie Uttley 76, , ranz Kocherris 71, Lawrence Schwalm 70 Eleanor F1:ischaw..1 69, IVElfred Ut- tley 63, Ruth Waiper ,56, Floyd Foster 41, Wilfred Ducharnie '35, Earl Thiel 34. Two -dollar bills have been ,azh-. °lashed it the United States. Four newspaper proprietors in Welland County have made assign - in the last few months -' For 192'1 the Hu-on.Conity rate of taxatian will be a -1-4 mills on the d.olIar, which will raise the Way Num of S136,004.48 ar, IIIMINIMMONMON100411.11110. 111011 The store with the Liberal Cash Discount • Radio Rad Radio Season is now on at its best Haar latest 'music, Lectures, :§ek- mons,. Market Redorts,, Bed time, Stories, for Children. This is aire- ality not, a dream. Hear it at Our 'Store: 9,39 to 10,30 a,m; 3,JO to 5 p m 7;„30 to 12' p. mr. Daily. We handle the famous, and, nioder- ate priced line of sets, narnely.:of CROSLEY MFG. Co.,'Cincirratt4 Ohio 1 WE INSTALLA ,. LL SETS, AND GUARANTEE sAilskAurioN ASK. FOR P:R.Lems IVIELlek&BRAUN PHONE 63 1/4 ,,,s1 • 1 at NOTICE. BOARD OF HEALTH ' Towndhip ot Iray. County of Ruffin A. Special Meeting ,of the Board of 'Health of the 'Township of Hay Was held on Thursday evening, ' Nov. ist, 1923, to consider the epi- demic of Scarlet Fever which has broken Out in the Township. The .folloWing resolution w a s passed at the meeting; Moved by Mr. A, Heideman, Sec- onded by Dr, A. J. MacKinnon, owing to the 'ontbreak of Scarlet Fever in the Township of Hay all Boards of Trustees o f Publit and Separate Schools n the Township and all residents of the said Township be notified and ad- •vised through the docal newspaper, :that no child of school age.. shall return to school after am absence of three consecutive days A:ithout a certificate' of geed health freraa ably qualified physician,'." "That this regutation shall rema in in force until ,further notice. And that a copy of this resolution shIall be forwarded to the Secretary of each Pablte and Separate SchoOlin the Township of Ilay.". Carried. • The Board of Health also advises that ,no person should expose them qelves unnecessarily or mix with person s who are recovering , from an :attack of Sbarlet levet. • ;The Public •Health .A.ct. provides tlfat "Fhenever any householder toprg •Cfl., has reasons tb suspect that any person within his family or heaselreld, or boarding or iodg ing with him, has any connhunica ble .disease, shall within, taxerve• houra give notice thereof to the see rotary of the loci iBoard of Health or to the. Medical' 'Officer of Health of the. Township-. ' • Section 111, Clause 1, of the Pabde, Health Act provides that "Any person NAtho contravenes these retultittope ahail incur 'a 'pawky .ribt .less thaA $25.00 and not more HI—Bruce Koehler 60, Grace. Ko- ehler 68; Leeland Willert 67, Clare Mellick 44, . F. M. ICalbfleisch, teacher. Room I • 1• . Jr. 11,7 -Hugh MacKinnon 731, Vi- olet Sawaini 704, Ivan Willes 680, Harold Stade and Margery Gazelle. 036, Hyaline Ayres 504. i• - I—Earl Plaxbard 554, GladWin Melich 533, George Dricharinel 410, Gordon Howald 372; Albert blech-, ert 209, Antionette Greiner 205, • Se. Pr.—Flossie Stelek 337, Roy Smith 314; FlarVey Clausitis 225,I1ar ry Foster 201, Hazel Uttley 102'; Ar- mand Grenier 117, Stewart Thiel 84. Sr. Pr,—Beatrice Ga.acho 102, Ste wart Koehler 100, Dorothy Stelck„ 173, Quimbe Haas 170, /Vfargar(11Tab eror 162; Aliee Dech.er 161, Graee• Wolper 148, Alwyn' ..ltat,thtig. 195, Al- bert tiobold 95', II ()No Zel teVf 57, :Rota rLeiohaue Sir Charles .Thiel Gj. Koehler, tet4dhor. • To- Holders of. • 1923 Victory Bonds Tt inios.B WHO WERE TOO 11.A.TE T0Qba•TvErtar THEIR vAbleiltv 1.1011Ds INTO ,TEWNEW:,'-DCWINION CtLOAlv. :•:"ADA•ItivivtwoiNgc411.4,0A-N 1 BEG:47TO- "ANN OUNCE. THA.T. ALL ORDERS FOR THE NEW ISSUE VILL BE PROMPT]Y ATTENDED TO IF HANDED TO ME 4,T MARKET PRIM Orders also taken for followin,r at ruairkk prices,;, -- 1924 VICTORY BONDS. 1927 VICTORY BONDS. 1932 VICTORY 'BONDS, 1933 VICTORY BONDS. -- 1934 VICTORY BONDS, • 1937 VICTORY BONDS. Or any issue of the Dominion or Provincial Governments. Also Huron & Erie Debentures and Canada Trust Co„ guar- anteed mortgage certificates, " LET ME HAVE 'YOUR ORDERS. • INi? MOTTO ;—"SERVICE AND sEpiErrY% Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WILL? • Painting and Paper Hanging I Am in a position to do any kind of paper hanging, painting ilraining and aecoraung. 'Price.ior hanging paper, 23c, a roll. IL Eickmeier, , Zurich ... tf-31 DE. JOHN WARD art oast avia...••••••41, Chiropractic and Electrical Treat. ments.—Eyes Examtned Main. St., EXETER, Phone 70 Consultation and Examination Free, AT WALPER HOUSE, ZUlgICH Every Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 4 paw., • than 111'400,00. ' A. P HESS, Seoretitry, nottra o t Xea1th, 'township of 1)ittocl dt Zurioh, Tov 2nd, 19/3 '.:.+++++4•004-14++++++++++++++*+4.++++++++++++++++++++.1k., 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 44 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. HERALD • Do You Knovata THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE • . • GOOD PRINTING THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED, WEDDING A., • ,H.1 • INVITATIONS AND. ANNOUNCEMENTS. t THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, .SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND • ' ,ISTAMEIVIENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANURA:0T .• • URERS OF COUNTER CHECK XOOKS, AND CA StrPa .r• 'PLY ANY QUANTITY' AND ,SIZE OP CHECK BOOKS •'' TI1AT WE CAR,RY. IN STOCK WRITING;.PAPERS, ENVEL• - OI?ES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, OABBON Ott 1••' TRACING PAp1111, SHIPPING:TAGS, MtmoRtAm ATIONERY,. NOTE 130010,,RECEIPT ROOKS INTWO • +, • SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC4, ETC. ' THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE' tNI, ECITITDE • 'At WITH GOOD POUNP,tA111 ••PEN /XI( .1140R 5e: LARG- GER QUANTITIES .AT :RIGGER REDUCTIONS 1^, 4* THAT WE PRINT' POSTING BILLS, il.fortIOX SAM PO - 'MBS( MBECANMILF,1 POSTtItS thfl w.4 'Gli$EitAt , PRINTING 'Otitt SPBOIALTY • ;444,.4.+4.1.4,4•4 -t,++++4,44++++40+++++++.44-14++++4.+44.1,44-:1,