HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-11-07, Page 1Vel. XXLV No. 18 Z U.13 1CIH THURSDAY NIQ,, MOH ' � A1�VEMB.ER 8, 192 , Cheater L. Sm-ith0 Yubilahlist $1.25 a Year IA AdlilfaaN1 'SeasOnable :FOotWear WITII ,THE ROT .$04,SQN:004 „IDLY ADVANCING ,,4.N COOLER DAYS WILL SOON BE A CERTA- INTY) WE WISH'MO DRAW YOUR ATTENTION ri.i0 THE F.A.CT • DURABLEIOOTWEAR WILL SOON BE REQUIRED, WHICH WE ARE •IN A POSITION TO SUR • RIX ' OUR SUPPLY IS, UNLIMITED OF ANYTHING IN THE STAPLE FOOTe.I, wear Liiiee-We have Kids, 'Patents, Calf, 1.3tc„ in many of the atest and niftiest Styles that wilt suit. YoY. . All our Sandals,Running Shoes and Slippers are priced vary low to clear. Get that next Piir. 6.V1VIen'sWork Shoes fro -111.11s, as we handelee the Celebrated GREB SHOE.; THE HOME OF GOOD PFILEI ZURIC SHOES REPAIRING NEATLY DONE LAST VVEEK'S SNOW F REMINDED US • That Winter is coming. That Thanksgiving is ver near. That Christmas is well on the way. leo, its time to be getting ready. So with all that to look forward to wee want you to be sure and look over our splendid assortment of Winter Appirel ,fpor Ladies, Misses, Men and Boys. War clFritz Spending the it at Kitchenei• and Guelph.'" r.' J. Preeter, who Ispent the Week at Kitchener and Strat- :returned hoine on Sunday. Psa", V. Siebert was a week -end a" Or- -with friends near Ilensall. 6tic.Eo„ to report that Mr. Ply; hardt is able to be up and a- arry e and .:Elmer '0,ins left for Kitchener where will aook for positions. vs. ,Zehr, 'who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chris Sch- ,tzentruber; Bronson Line, re- ed OD -Tuesday to her home at C. Fritz had a gang of men last Friday in taking up his 'field'. of celery, which was of ,Pd.' quality and Mr. Fritz found ,Ody sale for this marketable pro - et, :-..fTbe fine Indian Summer weather e latter' part of last .week, was wed by four day's, rainland mud and the. soil is now well isgturated And eoolclet weather will so 4; be eeiPing. I Mr.,;ancl Miist j. 13. Levis at tend - ea, 19W1 suPper at Zurich on Th- ' isday evening, last and on their hanksgiing wj.11;4 be observed aift'.'19ditt.ert',lienodYivnt'ionugrs7.ale.: -A-tiont.''by observing this; oc, • Et?:, Ladies' Sweaters • • A NEW SHIPMENT OF LADIES' SW,EATER COATS IN ALL ITHE NEWEST SHADES: SEE Orli ;4 • LADIES' PULLOVER SWEATER 100% wpm) Am $3 75 • 4.0 4.0 • OVERCOATS NOVEMBER' IS THE BIG tIONTII FOR OVERCOATS AND NO EFFORT HAS BEEN SPARED ITO GATHER THE BEST OVERCOAT, VALUES IN THE TRADE. AMONG THEM BEING THE BEST LOOKING AND THE BEST WEARING GARMENTS OBTAINABLE, AND AT PRICES WHICH COMPETE WITH ALL, Remember, Good Clothes are not • necessarily Costly" • Wool Flannelette 131ankets, Grey or White with !pink or 13lue Bpr_ Blankets of the very best wool in different colors and GROCERIES Castile Soap, 7 for , Special 13rooms, each _ 25c Y r, and MIA Thomas Consitt of near' Znrich, announce. the engage- ment :of their younger daughter, Annie Pearl, to Clarence Parke ison sell, the marriage to, ;take place the latter pa,rt of November. IThe Big Sale. at Denonay stdre whiCh started on Saturday, has measured up tot an,d beyond ali•expectations.. Piles of clothing have been, turned into, cash 'and ,only tlaree more days ends it Take advantage of these bargains See, their adv. on page four. HURON MEDICAL ASSOCIATION There Was a very full lattendance for the regular quarterly meeting of the Huron Medical Association .which was held at Goderich. Pap- 'erS' 'both interesting and instruct - IN* were read isby Dr. Milne, Blyth Were appointed as follows; gha• rri;' vice-pres. Dr. Margaret gal - '04 • lreKeY, Seaforth; Dr. Calder, Wingharn; Dr. Macklin, Goaerich; Did' Moir Herman and De. meRne., Brims*: A vote of thanks was tendered to the retiring president .recy-treasurer, Dr. WI, RITMO* of Zurich ,for their !services (1141-1.4it !the past year. CO RIVEAU—BEDARD Very pretty autumn wedding, tO. •place on; Tuesday morning, •Xehr Drysdale., when Rev. • er A. A,. Rondott united in the y.,:Ilends. of Matrimony, Mr.Leo Corrilfeau, son. of Mr. and Mrs, Frank ,Corriveau, of Drysdale, to 1Misa .Annie Bedard, daughter of Mra. Sinton Bedard, Salable Line, Stanley Township. Tho ceremony was .wituessed by Mr. Oliver Ettie 0.114. Leones Corriveau. The Wedding. dinner was. partook at the DIAMOND Engagement IN GS In White, G-reenlor Yellow Gold',Moun- tings, $20 to 100 HESS the ieweler der, 10-4 11-4 12-1. A eVening was, Spent at the home loYable evening was spent in 'sac- firie.e.'farrn Drysdale, Nvhere they* • eopvte reside on, the. grooves J. 1 --)RE phone U R. 1 H Produce Wanted Bring us Your Alsike and Clover Seed. We always pay the highest Market Price, according to Quality g. haVe the beat wishes of a large cir- ASTO-R IA or infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Atatays bears itott 4444 Incorporated 1855 Capital .and. Reserve $9,000008 Over 125 Branches INKSONS BANK Farmers will secure sympatla. etic banking at any, of our ler, anches. Careful attention to the needs of Canada's Agric- ultural interests has always be- en a feature of 'rile Molsons Bank. S a Yin gs Departments at every, '111173142.! h. DePaaits- $1.00 and upwards invited, Manager Zurich Branch oi Fall Horse Groods • • • hist Received a large nUmber of denuine Woolen ifE one Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush •Rugs, priees Ranging from $7.00 to $13.04 SAVE MONEY BY GIVING 13S A. CALL. A. BIG Stook of Harness and Halters always on hand. Club 13ago, Suit Cases and, Trunks at Right Prices. - 'HARNESS REPAIRIA A SPECIALTY PHONE 1.02 THIEL ZURI01-11 • • • • • • • • 4. Fall and Winter Footwear Wet weather will soon be here AND THE IER.SON WHO HAS TO GO OUT DOORS WILL NEED GOOD SHOES, THE KIND THAT WIL LREEP THE FEET DRY AND COMFORTABLE. TRY A .PAIR OF OUR MEN'S BOYS', WOMENS AND MISSES% WE ALSO HAVE AN ASSORTMENT OF WOMEN'S, GENTS! AND GROWING GIRLS SHOES ON OUR SPECIAL SALE RACKS, AT A BIG REDUCTION TO FORMER PRICES OUR STOOK IS COMPLETE IN RUBBER FOOTWEAR AND Repairing done by the very latest methods SHOE MERCHANTS 'ZURICH ONTARIO • Fall and Winter Goods The Season is now here when yor require heavier Clothing to keep yourself warm. WE HAAB IT IN GOOD HEAVY WOOLEN 1JNLERWEAR, FLANNEL7.111.2S, 'WRAPPERETTES, SWEATERS, ETC. WB IINVE A GOOD LINE OP 11IITTS AND GLOVES AND HAL TERS AT ,SPECIAL PRICE'S. C.I.LL AND SEE OUR GOODS. THE STORE WHERE YOU ALWAAS GtIr Jun COUNT, WHEN PAYING CASH. Good bright dried Apples Wanted R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 - 97 SLAP< • 4