HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-10-04, Page 5Tlauredaaj Oetebcr ith, x'123. BVSINESS CARDS rroildtoot, E inaran , HOLMES. 13e,nristers, Solaeltors, Nutarlee, ilStrelii, Etc. Office on tlae Square, llnd door ' froxu Hamilton Sty G cl erieh. .Private funds to loan at iteetest rates, • CtiVa+ Proudfoot: K.C. J. L, Killoran ' D. ET. Holmes. • air. Holmes will' be in Hensen on Friday of each week. Andre* F. Bess, Township. Clerk issuer of marriage 'licenses, Notary r'!ublici Conimisoioner, Fire aid .tout- irmobile Insurance, Representing flares and Erie Mortgage Corpora- tion, The Canada Trust Co, Zurich, Pasterd°r • Dr. G. I..Smith L.D.S. (Toronto.) 10.D.S ('Chicago) J DENTIST AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICH, EVERY WEDNESDAY MAIN OFFICE -- HENSALL -T-A-CS-N��E_EryZ OSCAR KLO1'P '-� Graduate Carey .M. ,Jones 'Nat- ional School of Auctioneering. Try, me for Registered Live Stock; 1(,&11 Breeds). Terms' in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice harms for sale. Will sell anything anywhere. Phone 18-93 or write, Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer Licensed • Auctioneer for County IA Huron. In a ` position to con- duct any auction sale, +regardless as to size or articles to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for services. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood, Phone 31 r 13. Mfg MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest. Cash Price for :•Woui,',.1. CASH FOR SKINS & H1DES Deichert Valltlemeromommarmantoometeraewooramamorransge ZURICH LIVERY I am in a position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire.. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. .THIEL Phone 53 Zurich, 15. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate of. the Royal College o7 Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- Itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at ,Zurich every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY !Toni 10.00 snits(, Until 5,00 p.m at the cop - House. Maiiu n Office at azeter, Ont., Phone '34. -19 L I V E IJ WANTED D t'a'ken every day till 3 Octock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning listen Norought in. !Highest Cash. Prices -*CASH POE-- Crearrl and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich xa+ Lill &WinteryDeliYeriei$:1923 ANTHRACITE L.A.C;KWANA. COAL +0OK1;-.Just • arrived car of 'very high grade Coke for Ranges and ' Furnaeers OFT COAL -Now in Stock, car of high grade West Virginia Lamp: 33OUL1 TS -NOW on the way, ,car of• our Bonlets tor Ranges mud Furn- Sates, These are welt• known sand give good satlea.etion, ., ALBERTA .00AL-Expect :soon, Two, Card of Alberta .Co.'tl »efie 00eriSt01C s IlOA'11 & PRODUCE M1,R0 lANT Phone'. Office tflw house 191 ;+Dfiilca&rrCoal Yards, Brock Street, i :1w ' . f :' N' ` 'r seeress -ire? - PVT YOUR Wants, For Safe, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN '.r,I:IIS COLUMN FOR SALE IPool table in good conditfi Apply to M. 0. Unlike/1, tfia NOTICE • In, future wee ,vaii operate our cider Mill aria apple buttLr cooker every 't'ues.day. and £'ridnty of etiela 'week, until Nether note*. Make arrangements by Hilt w to have your work dol>ei 1F, 0, 1(albFleisc,,., ZL,ricli tf13 FOR SALE Two ,good grade .hollers, with calf, due in September. Also a litter of small pigs 5 weeks ald, Hr. Steinbaeii t15 FOR SALE Some fine canary , birds. Gu- aranteed to be good singers, Ap ply. to Mrs .Henry Brown, RA, 1, Dashwood' COAL FOR SALE II have ordered a carload of the famous Alberta coal ,and expect Tame in the near future; Send in your orders at once to --Louis .Seh ilbe, R,R.2, Zurich, phone 3-9•3 CLERK'S NOTICE OF .IFIRS'T POSTING OP VOT'ERS' LISTS VOTER'S LISTS 19x3 MUNICIPALITY OB THE '(.OWN- SHIN OF I[Ay NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I havo complied with section 10 of the Voters' List Act, and that I have posted up at my office at Zurich, oris the lith day of Septem- ber, 1323, the list of all ,persons en- titled to vote in . the said Municip- ality at Municipal Elections, sand that Such list reaming there for in- spection and the last day for ap- peals being the ath day of October 1923. And 1 hereby" call upereall voters to take immediate proceed- ings to have any eirors, or omis- sions corrected ac.:ording to law.: Dated at ' Zurich . this 17th day of Septemter,. 1923 ANDREW F. HESS, Clerk, Township of Hay Zurich, Cents . NOTICE. CIDER - MILL We will operate our cider mill every Tut: .ay and :ihursday of each. week, 1'X NNO ST'EOKLE, Bronson Line, Staniey..Pnono 6-98 t15 BRICK AND FIELD TILE" FOR SALE . I have made arrangements with Mr. Alex. Mousseau. of Zurich to sell, all sizes of field tile and brick, These will be delivered. by me at his yard in Zurich. For parties' ulars either phone or- call on Mr. Mousseau or myself, -Aaron Wein, Tel. 13. Crediton;, t14 FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 50 acres of good farming land, ; being Lot 5, Con cession 17., Hay Township. There is ol/ the farm a good veneered hotise, batik bairn With concrete st- ables and foundation, also li fine young orchard. For further' par tieulaxa apply po John . Becker, E,, R. No 1, Dashwood, Administrates of estate of Wan. Heckman. tf6 FOR SALE For quick sale, a Waterloo sep- arator with cutter 36:48 in. In excellent condition. Formerly ow red by' Jas, Overholt. Must be ,sold at once -=A real bargair; For Wither particulars and te'ans ape ply to J. Preeter, F. C. k'albfleisch R, F. Stade., Zuriehr Ont. In .renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers remember the Herald Office is agent for most of them and in some eases can save you as much as 50 cents on a single subscript- ions cincE I, have taken out License for Auctioneer tor the County of Hur- on, and ane ina position to con- dlact sales' by auction. • Give In a trial and 1 will assure yon, satis- faction or no charge. tf-29 Janos Denonaey, R. R. 2, Zurich, Phone No. 10-43 Dr. It f. COWEN L. D. S'., D. D. S. DENTAL 'SURGEON At McCormick Block, Zurich, ev- ery Thursday and Saturday. Main Office g b b young couple left by Motor for, points east, the bride do"i"riling• a smart . navy blue broadcloth etdt with 'squirrel -collar and hat fry' match to ;rtravelling. On their re,.! tarn they Will make their home in LOCALrows Miss 'Minnie Uttley.lis visiting; a Dashwopd ,Mr e ad stun 0 Frits til' wood a r+'iti i, on Istitil. Ws Greta. Sts;,• left f where she will likely rein winter. • • Me and`Mrs E E 'Wuci bneiness trip to Kitehe Tovt nto this week • Mr eV J3.eawn, c l Ataili visited at the hoene of J week Miss sGrace Turnieili of Bond visited Mlss Do1,01 0.^01., the week•eua Mr and Aire Jolin Bell`_. Were Sunday •'visitors at :t of -Mr and Muss Sol Jacob Mr and Mrs Flank No of Louuon, .silent Strudayy home of ML''s :3 Raui.iie ]L and Mrs W .Elsie a1 ter of -grand Bencl spout S the* home of Mr'.anis lila s;, tiey Mr and Mr:a F: W SiesS Kitche,>er, spent the Week" the'1.•ttter's parents, Mr' a Thomas Johnston Mr and Mrs Sailing family of Mitchell, Wee( visitors at the home of L Krait - • The Zurich Dranaatii; been asked to gat:-: they iTl H d on October 3rd. Mr and Mrs Soni Oli+* clrexi of Kitchenee' visa days at this home of Mr C Fritz Messrs W 0 Callfas, :.Aif: W H Nilo and Herb Mohr re on business to Londot day Ws .0 ITeyrock, who s past few months at Lord Grand Bend, has .returned."ti: horse here . Mr a:id Mrs Wm Gres:, mad. le of .Stratford, were Sunclay zris at the hoiiva of Mr and 1Vtr'.s J :131 r ',e f�ii FJli^ Detroit, Lor the. 'lustre <i and fatmires ZC7RTC°1J 11Ftl,al;r> MOLAL NE Pa, { Mr `. -Cooper' of ,Clinton was in the 'village o11 Tuesday Mr Roy Foster of Kat:112n0r .15 visiting with relatives lit rt: Mose Vora Siebert made ++i busair- ese trip to London on Mcnday'. Mr and sirs Ed. Neon and family of lvtitclrel'l. :spent Friday in fOWil Miss Inez • Y unng baa(. is .spending e: week at Kitchener Mr Theodore Keller et London • eijtllis .was a week -end visite): with hi$. Grand Fritz assail mine Clition • time ugh fity, re: th Mr and Mrs Charotfe and `Mrs Burke of Mitchell spent Standee -at the none of the leiter •s "l are its, Mr aiid Mrs. "am. 7Jtl.i' y Dr John lfa;•a'a of Odic igo,w110 has been vies t❑e et , the H:igen home on the Prine. left op Tues tray last for to ecfly M:• S E Panst' dndl tonally sire this week xn0,i ., l:li'n ufee s .frons,,.. C:4c'dericll to 1 indcn"whdre' thew seiiclr ta.'lutin air and .Mee 'vV 1i':F,iskbcixrer°' daub atc;lr Mise Hazel of ti,tr t10 i, week -end. visitora •at the horse o' Mr and Mrs W H;Hoffman 4 Mra C Cray and; son':(?r ilii, 1411 s Queeni ''Richardson, Miss 1< :Dodd- all Do.d ]al'l of London, were. Sandey. va - itors at the home of M1 Mn limey Brews, 14th eons €in• . Mr Henry H'1wa1d is movinghis effects Lao part of the house oc- c i i+d by Mr 1) Gaserip._ Hr, E. E'kn,erer is moving their effects into Ml Morris Webe i•'s xrsidenca :1n i•Mr Wm O'I3rie.n is .moving the. rroduce business from his reside shoe into the building:' purchaser from Mr A. Foster Mr Samuel Deal.,our local- porter contractor has just el a deal for a new metal barn Mr. Wm. Taylor of Stanley, i place the one destroyed by'; a' few weeks ago. The new' ueturo nil' be 50x70 feet, and/ outside will bee entirely cci with metal, the Preston Steel !supplying 'tlie material Our local postnadter is e laining of people using abr ions for places where enve'lo, addressed to, as for exempt Toronto they write Tor. Th' ould not be done .as your 'lett generally go to the Dead. 1. Office and not reach its destin See that the address is well' led, written plain and it will ltd intended place BROWN -CR ANT At the home of ;t1,he bride's p tints, Mr. and Mrs Alexander Ciro Wellington •st, north, Lr,.ia or, .•:» Wednesday, September 213tH, at o'clock, a pretty marriage to place, when theironly den ryhtet; Madeline Hilton, was united in mere riage to Frazer Charles Brown, rt Detroit, by Rev D 0 Mactxregort The house was beatitifuily deemed ed with pink and white asters, mums, x1.40111111 lea:;es 011d fraena lighted candles. Miss Mildred Brown, of Kitchener, silt r of the groo;t,, played the wedding n1ni 1 and Melvin Brown, also of Kitcll» otter, sang ".Becair,ye,' The hridc ;ch„ was given in 1'n,Lar'iage by her faller was clamming an elrarupngii g0o..l;,•,;te with pearl ornament sad c'arried .a shower 'boacluet �o esvis tart roses. Following• th r'e'c n ony, a buffet lunch vva.s Hexa .,• i. s'1 ewer the assistants Steel+ Miss Leila Siebert and 1tiliss Merle, ?rooter' of Zurich, cousins of tl1t' room, Mrs Clrant, mother' of the ride was becomingly ° gowned ..lack satin crepee, • Latter the. parents in town Miss V Wbitesscjea. cif Hest:mil, ,'isited with Mabel prceter • aver theWeek-end Seine colleges :should offer a co- urse ir1, Dcunestic Silence • for Women • Mr' Oliver Johxlston of Godericli spent Monday With his •lirothe1,Mr. Thomas Johnson . Mr Cecil Uttley spent the week end with his 001251r] Mr Percy Eine Grand Bend Mr' and Mos J H Sicaanon. of Lon don, spent Sunday with Mt and Mrs Alegi: Foster .tr Sohei t Eisi: n,ra +ia of I ii•- chener .ip nts,Sunday at his home on. the Babylon Line 1\IesSeS • M C Milliken and 11 G Hess, were Sunday visitors at London r+R ascus are ., , y'oti a married. r11ai1?. Nossah, Judge, ah earns mahown 1 ring+," e Mr and litt-s Dunixrt fund iSliss I' fie. Brenner or Kitchener spent. few days lane last week. 7:i11 I'allrin cV'eseloh, who has re- e��i studies at Londc.n, spent the esti e -tend at her home here Mr and Mrs B .Millileen of Park,• itis were visiting their son, Mrs T C h1ali,kenj1 over the Fair Mi Cf ,Iicjltzman, Mrs J•13 ,Dennis arse[' lVa Sats Holtcui,crn were Sun - at Kinciirciine Mrs 11 Diehl anti son Oiri •of Clinton, were visitor's at the home or kir and E1Vtrs J Albrecht on Friday ; ' 'Messrs Rfy'a; Brower, Frank Sie- bert of .D croft,. auu Babe Siebert of Kitcilenei were in town an Sat suede• • 1111 W e S Johnston, Mrs A John- Mise aton, Peai'l Johnston and Mrs Peed. •Hess were 'sesame at Sea- tort.h on Monday . I: and Mrs Edens, s, Lcrd1eis of. Kitchener are' visrtine. et the.lioiln;a, of the l�+ttet a`)saent:s, arlr and M1e, E; Dters, lLt5 ?[,p., for a few we- ak*. L. { nee diad e. te.i' Sept 30tJi, the lassie irons the north; going' to; Londors; w-'arriye rat �Hensall 'station at' 3 3;s• it tis;:; 'The_ bus goilig to Hen-, gall Will as ai” eo•neeauence, ieai ( � ben: an hour •curlier, or at 7.30 The merchant who doesn't ua,1 41ie meal paper to.invite business. encouraging furtheer enc.rouch- n.e+1i: of the mail-order and. Lias no right to expect co-operat ion from the press, in urging the people to buy at barna • HAY COUNCIL. The regular moutniy session of the Council of the T'ownship of Hay as held in the ''Gown Hall, Zurich p Monday, Oct. 1st. All members ere present. The minutes of the .s'ious meeting' were read and epted grant of $25.00 was made tow - the. ZLii.h Agricu'tu,al Soc.ety o the Zurich .School I'au', and ,00 to :the Dashwood School Fair 1923 - By -law No 13-1,123, re Stanley~ drain. Was read the third' time finally pissed he' Township. engineer ,twill be acted to make an seem rel- ig to' the ditch leading to unci ding away front the big steel, dge on Gees. 4-5 Tho following eccou1ts were seed,• 141rs DI Weber, re 'i..t ys i s, $10.00 It P.atterion, plans for Wedges, c. 50.00; ditto, plaits,. repoeteeetc e'Schwalnr Drain. 1u2,00; Township 'lerk, by -lawn, , etc. • re, Sob waim Drain '10.00; Alfred Taylor, cement work culvert road 15, 45..ss; London Bridge Works, iron for culverts 26.00 Cf.N.1i freight on iron 2.00;Marg- Tet Johnston, 1st award Soldier's Memorial 27,51 ;• Margaret garet Douglas lod' award, Sol. Memorial 16.50; Hazel Thompson 3ru award ditto 1 1'1.00; N Stanlake coinlnissioner, rd 1, 25.1400; J Canlpbel ultto, 14; • (18,30; J' Pfaff, fenceviewer fees 2:00 J Eckstein, ditto 2.00; 1=I Steinbach ditto, 2.'00;; 0.II Smith printing c vc,ters' lists, etc. 199.00; 0 F Hey, voter's' lists, etc. 199.00;. C F 'Hey, coin, rd 6, 25.00; •N Serena, cleaning ditches 289.84; 0 Aldsavorth, Com. rds 2, 3, and 4 297.10; W Dearing Co'm. rd 5 114.15; Wm Pfaff, rd wrk No 5, 3.751; J Penh.a.le ditto 7 0; .Zin'- ich School Fair grant 20.00; Dash- wood School Pair, .grant 10,00; Zur- ich Agricultural 'Society -grant .25.00 W E Pfaff, cement for culvert rd 15, 28.31; Workmen a Ccrnipensation Board, asst re telephone 13.12; Str•- oanberg-Carlsan Tel Mfg, Co. sup- plies 46.'!2; Northern Bike. ,Co., .supplies 5.42; Bell Tel, Co, tolls and Directories 218.20; 1f 1,1Tcrsaac, ex- press, tnesstienget', salary etc 451.08; M G Delta, salary 322.50. T11e conmrii1 .adejourdn do meet again on Monday, November Stli, at ,30 o'clock., p.n.". . .a. F:• I1tiss,' Clerk Detroit: Guests were. presu;at from HA1.1TLE113'S BI.001., DAS1I'WOOD 'Detroit and Kitchener 1 110111 10 0 ulauwa 1 Ilwwlmnllmam _—_; 1h sio mein Npplll n 'NP rnt lI f esiapr aolyMeaic inofltl w I�Ai *eable partM sjmitatin the1y $ tl thStomachsOndBoweso w1Mein min 11 11 1, TherebyProitiotin tligesBoi �' GiteerfuinessalldBCSt•Ca►tains, !' neither 0�p1,i,atn,Marphine no i! Mineral. Now NAUUOOTIG JIedJ9,eot'Ol Bi 3%7,p1TClli'2i 'enact I II Punrp7rin dratb Rochelle Sib • III'Peppermint r' jlrCartarratoSdin (loin Seed• Glarrfrerin{?'r+7' IffintnrjJW 1Jlia1'O11' l' GmBa�sti7hpea1,0 Raif m�fa oaJau]j and Ir1d �r'eSadliaixac®oo$iElPory„ti • glimp— OuALCR J For farts and Children. Mothers Genuine Castoria ' Always Bears the Signature offl � Use For over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. 'r^.. ^eee grairtSffitawaszEmegzessimP If Yor Cannot afford a Ford why not buy a nice }rubber Tire HESS sells them REPAIRING ParotinF n g;. o ;;far O .� iC.overiti �g d k ord '1*n m;-il •, +bsllt;._, op laoodhI r 1 r" $27.00 Changing Ford Curtain's to :open with Doois....:,. Painting Buggy . IF YOU. WANT SERVICE, 'WE HAVE 1'T WE,RERUBI3ER Y0iJ1t BUGGY WHEELS. 55.00 58,00 F. !fess & Co. Zurich +++++4..e++++4.44.44+444-e+++.1-14 i.g!•p.+4•+l•'i•!:.'g,.g'4.4 !?43• '1••i•'e+++'1"F s -e e+e-ere'> ++++ip'.1"I'1h`II•'D•+ .+.g..g.,t, (Lumber Laths Shingle .1°Everything in 4. Combartaticn storm and screen doors inc de to order w fi I Lumber and Building Material Cus1om:,Work ctvrE` f(daily +.t�.iways in the market for saw logs ; PHONE 10011,414611 F.r.1,1..?^.p•y4^4r^C•..'3++fi•+h'•+!^d•-r,4•4.4 •4 .; .++44+441+*+ 0 ILFISCR a' Z U I C II 4.-•1' 3•- 3•-ri+ + + 4 3+ + + +-•-+3+--�+ + •1+ 4 ri+ 4-+-* Five Good _Reasons 4. WHY WE CAN SELL SUITS FROM $10 TO $15 LESS.THAN 6 -VIERS. 4i. We stock our own goods. 2. • Our Suits are made by work- manship, second to none. `1r3. Have only one price for suit lag' Suits. 4; The very best liniibs put in '1 • all our garments. 5, We guarantee ;satisfaction or money refunded. +i+ � I I� iw TAILOR AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR,. DAY AND NIGH 1" PI10ttNE No, so t j i ; y•l " .•,-+ + +-+-+r-+-+ ,i, .iesea-.+ .1.'.+w..