HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-10-04, Page 3Mahe the .xxsci first liquid .' Do not put rinse direct irons the package, into the. tub. Mix half a package of Rinso in a little cool water untilit is like cream. Then add two (Vans of boiling water, and when the froth sub- sides, you will have a cleans amber -coloured liquid. Add this liquid to the wash tub, until you get the big lasting Rinso suds., Then soak the clothes clean, •i e') k... ; aesat."'a..:. Jr s ,,a-::y.etesY..I',,•, rrrcw:,; der, Rinso is as splendid for.the regularular family Lux iforlfi a fabricwashins Lever Brothers Limited Toronto Surnames and Their Orion! MITCHELL Variations -Mitchel, Mitchelson; Mich- aelson, Racial Origin—English. Source—A given name. This group of family names, is de- rived from the given name of •Mich•aei, • which, of course, is. Hebrew, being one of the scriptural names•. The meaning of the ,given name. is "like God." R305 Mitchell and Mitchel, of ocurse, are shortened; forms of Mitchelson. HARGRAVES. Variations—Hargreaves, Graver, Con- grave. Racial Origin—English. Source -A locality.. • The family names in this group are traceable to .the same source as that In that period of English history of Groves, Grover and Greaves. when the Saxon and No=rman tongues In the old English speech a grove, or bad just combined, when Normans and "greave" was an avenue 'or path hew - Anglo -Saxons finally 1•o,st their pride in: ;ed, tlhroug'h the forest, though. more race toe pride in nationality, there came about a change hi the type • of given names. This was no doubt due In part to the absolute neces-aity for Mare names, _absolute population was In- creasing and tkie same. torte whtich finally brought about the development only part of which that remains is the ...finally and or family, name for the past participle "graven." , individual also tended to increase the .All of these hse f milytion name's place fall with:, ►lumber of given names. In that period ,,,in the. there was a general turning to the The "'haxgreave" was a woodland path .Scriptures. and to scriptural history in noted for the presence of hares. Per - search. of names. sons who lived at los near Mich places Naturally Michael, ;the name of the naturally were spoken: of as "John ate arChangel, waspopular a enc. And Hargreave," or "Roger de la Har - froth. it naturally developed a surname greave," the prefixes being dropped by the addition of "son." At this later persons helina nee a 1 rae oherdicate than period:, is the South, the linguistic ten -the deny 'was toward a softening of pro- the pieces where they lived rah The ' nunelation and the name became "coney" or "conyng" Mitchel, while it remained Michael in Hence the names Congreve ant Aar - the North, just••as the same word be- grave are virtually the same. A per - came "ditch" In the South and "dyke son who dwelt near ar a gr or a ``•`graver;ove was " In more modern times, a grower, a g Sri the Ndr.th. i family name owing to the reao�rded' evenings, there though somati'mes th s Y has, been a return to the original form may indicate the occupation rather In the case of the name, though there than the pace in which its, original has not been in the case of the word. bearer dwelt. lately it has come to indicate a small clump of trees. The word comes from the soma root as .our moderne'eP'ord` "grave," a burial place, and. as our modern word "engrave." It comes Yroni.'-a verb' meaning 'ta`cut .about the MRS. JULIA ,U During the war, Mrs. Julia W. Hen awarded the British War •Medal, the V the Croix de Guerre with Gold Steal, th Red Star, and the Grand• Cross of the in. connection with the Red Cross. four tines. Mrs. Henshaw is ,also well `• ing world as the author of "Wildflowers; and other botanical works. She' is, a Ti famousfor her huaud-painted -ioutern 'slide VII of Caulfield, B.C.,,was se d was dregene'ed vv,th, i e�gA studs uerre with: iher vrorlt 4885itches glish-speak UNREFRESHING SLEEP If You Are Tired Out When You Arise in the Morning Read This. Raid That Has Lasted Millions of Years. The earth has been subjected to an aerial bombing during millions of years, yet it seems little worse for its hammering. Anyone who ,takes the trouble to watch a patch of sky on a clear moon- less night will see eight or ten shoot- ing stars each hour. It has been estimated that et least twenty milLion•.shooting stars, would be visible to someone on the earth's sur- face if it 'ere dark enough aid clear enough to see then. As a. shooting star, or meteor, has to be a good size to be visible at all at distances varying from forty to eighty miles, it is. further computed that this. mouthful of foots.. number of aerial bombs must be multi I For stoutness, drink less; eat much plied by twenty, making the number less and walk six miles per day. of missiles whish bombard the earth For' thinness, eat fattening (farinao. duffing every twenty-four hours f sous) foods.; go to Y g at l'aex; and • 1i11 wore C 'I14iliIke1471ountains," YE: G .Iietience and is atid,M' Sar day to `S "•L,...m..—_,fir, Little `~tom's '3r of hndiani , ^Y The Nootkas •of ,Vancouver Island are village dwellers. Their old-time rectangular houses of cedar planks formerly stood close to- the water's edge in the majestie fiords that indent the impenetrable 1 mountains and The woman who -is tired out, who' forests of •the inte_rior.., Now their aches all over when she arises, in the eine'', • modernized Settlements are morning, who feels depressed most sof strung neith and. sonrthin bead-like the time, needs just the help that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can .,give her -- new blood and strong nerves., The number of diserdeirs' that are, Caused by thin blood 'Is amazing and Most • women; aro careless abdut the Mountains, lived the elusive hunters condition of; their '.blood,.Quici1ly. nerves aro effected and the' patient be- Stoziies .and, the'n,Blackfeet, whose not comes • irritable, worries over trifles; triadic existence admitted of no fixed does not sleep as ,well as flornieriyand is not refreshed by rest. There May- be naybe stomach, trouble and headache. This Is a condition that calls for. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. • ' Give Dr, Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial and the first sign of new life will be noticed by your'appetite.• You will be hungry bymealtime. As the blood GUARD THE BABY Classified Advart°tsernet t4 e1,13ligee oPPPf'I'ONt]Y AGAINST T VOIDS { IaPt buolneas, (tent ev Oelofwrx XI;trne elate, given hantp, ax111,aa, nor , seek el 'areland llaroot. 11.T. m.yrinuoklok tis Mine lasts' eer r^o ml , rano ttoa � t"i te.. zs (rate. Dr, ki. n0$t1, yrtue, mora emir. wat.iivicaett RANO PRIt�YM2e To guard the baby against cold( nothing call equal Baby's filwn Tw1- 11ts. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will l cep tine little one's attouiaeh and bowels working regularly, It is a recognized fact that where the atom. etch and bowels are in good order that. colds will not exist; that the health of. the little one will bo good and that he will thrive -:and be happy. The, Tab- lets are sold by reedieine dealers er by ;nail at 25 .cents a .box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. . Activity In Gold MIning. As, the prices of commodities fall miles a , second, and think how long even the hardest metal could. stand the friction. When we see them they are hotter than any blast furnace •could make them. Their fine debris falls slowly 'and harmlessly to earth, and adds its quota to the world's bulk as meteoric dust. Cure Yourself. fashion all 'along the west coast of their island home. They have ot:cu- La ed the same coves from- time im- memorial. `e Far away' to the East, across the, t k ),,pY• ♦A' 4SMfl ll4r ifou 4 VAr. 11,014 TON head rpm p wW take ram 1.deteide Mt. W., ^tetwltek rid - weans, loss, WilMM rifidi Makee 'Ern Shine, • solution, half crater and halt household amts+Cala, IS a help to tits# wearer of glasses on these sultry dart,' A Pew drops of this and a clean cloth, will remove all perspiration and steazka. Ask for Mlnard's and tyke no athor. Rats are fought relentlessly on Lone, gold increases in value. At the saute don's Underground Railway; when time gold mining becomes more profit- one is seen special rat-catchers are, able and. the output of gold is greater. sent after it, The rats come out fol; The present activity of the leelemin- 'the grease on the rails. ing companies'1s owing to the fall in rid to the expectation of fur - prices a ther recessions. The mines • in :Cana- da, the United States and the Trans- I- vaal are, producing. eonsjderably more go -id now than a year ago. The ,human body is subject to many Ms, and there are times, of course, when expert medical advice• should be sought. But the following quick cures A cubic foot of water weighs 62% pounds. abode and whose conical' Skin tipis in-: eessantly ;shifted from place to place for the requirements of peace and war. Even at the present day, after the government has' barb -wired them on reserves, their Indian. Agencies and Missions stand in lonely isolation, like symboilsof`the new, restrictions which have not yet won full recognition in becomes enriched it feeds and teethes the land. the irritated nerves, sleep becomes Whereas ;idle Nootkas'depended on sounder and more refreshing, your the deep sea for subsistence -.their worries become less, your work light- foods being codfish, salmon, whale, candle fish oil ' and seal blubber—the res res s' rovers of the prairies eoveted not .g but buffalo meat, which, once avenous appetites,were satis- ey'dried in. the sun or"prepared nniilcan for preservation. If the cared nothing for the flesh of mals, the latter—the Blackfeet cular-loathed all fish -eaters, their estimation was es• "un - snakes are to most white �IN 0TEI+�'aE�1l+l0tIS New Eyes But you can Promote a �y Clean, Maltby Condition OUR Ed/�.�1JaeMurine Eye Remedy �o aa..rV,r Night and Horsing." Keep yoWfer fes Flea Eye Care Book. and a1� Illerlse Exo itcta9Ox Co..9 Call ellio.81r0a1.0100®if er. These are some of the things that these tonic pills do. Try them for any trouble caused by thin blood. You can get ,these pills from, any t medicine dealer or by mail' at 50 cents 1 ft a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine,{.,i. Co., Brockville, Ont. Sea, Monsters' Centuries of Life. With land animals it is coniparatdV ly easy to get information as tti their length. of life. We know definitely that an elephant Will live for nos° than a century, and that a goose ea. survive to the age of sixty. But when wee• comes to fish or to ere tures whose life is spent in the water the difficulty of ascertaining their age 3s very great. Since it le usually the largest .= . malts that live longest, we can assun° that the whale is very long-lived, 0! this facet we have also some deiinit: are not of the "quack" variety, and.) proof. In 1866 a huge bull spern would be ;approved by doctors. whale was head killed. 'In Iants bod dyrpw ns For indigestion eat less, and slowly, found the 1 that it on, Masticate and re -masticate each• marks upon which stW Ch had been longed to a w broken up forty years before. It would seem that this whale had I' t urine been hunted at least half a century I: our bed earl and et earlier, and since the creature must l;. uundrd trillions. 1 up late; indulge, if passible, in an af- then have been of fair size, it is prob How is it that cases et people lough ternoon. nap, and take a spoonful of able that at the time of its death it • lsille, bye this bombing, terrific tIiotigh olive oil. after each meal. was about a hundred years old, , it is, are exceedingly rare? The ins For "nerves„ eat prones; don't Walruses, certainly live to fifty years • war is that filo earth be almost bomb- sknoize; reduce your consumption of of age, and possibly lon.geo, while . a proof so far a:a++meteors are concornad. tea; go for a quiet half -mile walk be-. seal has lived 112 captivity for thirty Its, armor -plate is the thio atmos - I fore breakfast, and use your will- years, The long phare, power, x est -lived •creatures are rep - It has long been a commoareaee ee For a weak client or tendency. to 'tiles, and we are aware that the giant defence that s•andbaS' are more 'et colds, breathe deeply always. Galapagos tortoise hasp a fife extend- ; fccac:tous shell -stoppers than concrete, For threatened baldness wear a ing to two centuries. And since we. and forty or fifty: miles- of atmosphere I light hat; brush your hair frequently, know that the great sea turtles are proves• too much for anything but theand rub In a little olive oil nightly, very slow growing, yet reach a weight meteors. r neuralgia, eat (because, of its of six hundred pounds, we are justified, very biggest ho Bevin 'that, these creatures, to. ; trek about in fileiron)spinach on O. believing a` dawing stick � content of ep Wave g strong, air and watch it rekindle. Titan• Imagine a meteoricstone entering out F y live o b at least a hundred,year( For a flushed . yeti?". meat,• butt illus 1 �. atmosphere at they nate o e an pastry;MONEY ORDERS. . fruit and green vegetables; and drink devilfish, the remains of which have no alcohol. r • at tulles been washed ashore o+n,beserc et is always safe to send a Dominioti keep Cod general, health, es; may' have liven for centuries In the- rasp ass. Money Order. Five dollars Finally, to g costs three cents. fisc cold water•• -Mitre( large glasses Gold, black ablesea daily internally, and a gallon or so ex- - >~ .nineteen Cr pimply face aeoici old h it is more than likely that manatee i America's-, Pioneer Dog Remedies Book on DOG DISEASES and .$oro to reed Mailed Free to any Address by the Author. H. CLAY GLOVER CO.. Ina 129 West 24th Street Now York, N.S.A. Mlnards, applied fre-' quentiy, dries up and removes Warts. • respective modes of travelling ting were as far apart as the f their foods. The coast fish - mild not betake themtselves to ance without their ole -piece ollowed out from the trunks giant cedars; they fished with Wild hemp and hooks made of nil hardwood. They gathered e parties fax hunting the whale, eapons•^•being detachable bar heads fastened to large seal ch floats and propelled by long The whale -hunting songs and is rituals of their chief were, In Ir belief,. no less essential for the -cess ,of their venttii•esome enter - see than the primitive harpoons ey employed: You Never Would "Neon, the new African frttit they're going to import into this country, is ;pronounced delietous'. "My, you'd never think that little word was pronounced that way, would GuarantiedEozema ernedy We guarantee to give you immediate relief fax the worst cases of Eczema or Salt Itlteum. Prompt' attention given. to mail orders. night outlets bottle a dollar fifty, prepaid, C. HUGHEL Co. 224 PARLIAMENT ST. TORONTO► ISSUE No. 89 -'-'aa. ternaily, . itepentaiiee is Brat it matter of: pas. sionate weeping but of serious think- ing. Make Cuticura Your Daily Toilet Soap Clear 'the pores of impurities by daily use of Cuticura Soap and oc- casional touches of Cuticura Oint- ment as needed. They are ideal for the toilet as is also Cuticura Talcum for powdering and perfuming. Soap25c. Ointment25ands0e. Tolenm2Se. Sold throughouttheDeminioii. CanadlanDepot: ane, Limited, 344 St. Paul St., W., Montreal. Cuticura Soap shave rifhoutinuS• i At thetime of the armistice 7.00,000 The, tekimos have been described as Belgian houses had been destroyed, of the happiest most contented folk in Of these, '11;. ! the world. rendered uninhabitable. US havenowbei ct l rebuilt and re- -0 and made serviceable; 1 t<eep Mlnard''s- Liniment Inuits hope* • 1.111, "Attraotiva Proposition• 8• or man with all remise weak.r' newspaper experience) and ;400 or ;500. Apply T3oz 24, Wilmot Publishing Co. Ltd. 72 Adelaide Street West Keep Kendall's always in the barn. 1� strained muscle, a sprung tendon, a jolt or a knock demands immediate attention. A few hours' delay will result in a long lameness—perhaps in the loss of the horse. Kendall's Spavin Treatment has saved more torseflesh than all the other known remedies. Under the name of, 'Kendall's Spavin Cure, it is the forty -year-old standby of horsemen, farmers and veterinarians. Get -a bottle of Kendall"s today. Ask, too, for the Free Book or write for it to DR. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY, ENOSBURG FALLS, Vt.. U.S.A. ‘teemmeeeeemeemeeee UMW SO CW3LJ 11A DU STAND Tells How Lydia E. Pink'b i_,y-�a li ''egetable. Conipo- `d' 4 i.V4oy;,;,,ys.;'. ,a11 AGa 4:4t ..x�ii•1>, x Rives Desert, Que. —'" I used to, have a severe pain in my side. Iwould '1 un- able to walk fast and could not ateuiti? for any length;of time to do myironlog or washing, blit I would have to he, down to get relief from the pain, • T had this for about two years, then friend told me to try Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound as she had had good results. I certainly got good results from it, too, as the last time 1 had a sore side was last May and I have not had it since, 1 am also glad of haveng good nursing for my baby, and I think et is your medicine that helped me in this *ay ."--Mrs. L. V. BunuSD River Desert, Quebec. If :you are suffering from the tortures of a displacement, irregularities, back - headaches, nervousness, or a pain in the side, you should lose no time in trying Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkham's Private 'Text - Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to Wo- men "will be sent youfree up on request. Write for it tote Lydia E. Pinitham Medicine Co., Cobourg Ontario. This book contains valuable information that every woman should know. sg UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,', which contains directions and. 'dos l worked out by physicians h during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Y Colds Headache Rheumatids Toothache Neuralgia ellritls Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Bandy "Bayer boxes of 1`t tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 100 ---Druggists. Iia3 or taction IS the trade n0 Kitts t eVene1t li vteniknow �temr , mantle mAana Ilnyo wcetti 8Ct re. of -Maszeta, 1 mltnurncture, to nwia7E 4 1C'tgleno R1'itih6 LO u mark, tire' ^ "Sayer l:wasB MVO Cotrt>tiany will be etairlpedt with