HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-10-04, Page 1r. r9,13°,'n1,1- X)CIV No 13 ''...maecoompanimummomiawasor.sion*Itiongism .StbF Fwr ZURICH, THURSDAY MORN wrrri ,THE HOT SEASON RA.P- IDLY ADVANCING AND COOLEE .pAYs WILL SOON BEA CERTA- INTY, WE WISH TO DRAW YOUR ATTENTION' TO .. THE PACT THAT HEAVIER AND MORE DURABLE FOOTWEAR WILL SOON BE REQUIRED,e'WHICH..WE ARE IN ..A: POSITION MO sup PLY—YOU' WITH. OUR SUPPLY IS l'NTI IIVIDED OF' ANYTHING IN 'THE STAPLE FOOT - wear Line, We have Kids, Patents, Calf, Etc., in many of the atest .and xiiftiest Styles that:will ,.eitit Yoy. • .A.11. .our Sandals,Ruuning Shoes and Slippers are plived very low to clear. , 'pet that next pair of Men'sWork Shoes from. Us, as we bandel tile Celt:orated GREB SHOE. , rilLI 0 1AL H I E s THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES . RE:PAIRING NEATLY; DON4 L --- gala II Wailer is visiting friends Y1 ,..te011 of Iry visited town the past few Tanis and Mr Sam Hol- chanere .are visiting G Holtzman ' echtel of New,. Ram- at the. Evangelical past .week Sam Livingood of :spending the week re 0.0 T - .7',.?..,!::7".2,-•;",r5'327%—?.W.**.G7*,.::i''',-a%v '47 .0'1.-G,,` day: thc bti era nal ..1"`••;‘' of fh• Mit:lef.,;Icaollei of Kitch.- tr o „. ld Zurich accru- \e irb 23, este-i'I.Saiiith, Publikirlat $1.25 a Yoa I4,014114011ki $1, / AR ARS', $I.AX 1111 ORARG41:1 w+, 4*, I 4.01 Win Kr! , 119 lu 11 19)11 et :J • Firr , Bracelet and 'Ribbon Wrist Watchet LET us SHOW ):01,1 OUR NEW FALL LINE Col? THESE BEA-% trTIFUL AND RELIABLE TIME PIECES. PUT VP IN 1 5 aBwzr.4, GOLD *FILLED OASES, RIBBON AND D.RACEi.,ET, FULLY GM -A .ARANTEED FROIVI $12.90 TO WM) NEATLY BOXED Ut ea i Value is otto kr--claME--artafgfge=-..ellaIRMY-7,102atiMee:7-1KOWeert--W.YEX<MTIAIN We look forward to see,in tiring the next C 013 ple of weeks' time. hfsiis a time well and appropriately sp !IVA arge, well assorted stock of Fall. Goo markeddown to the lowest notch 40 friends., again Fortnuat site t;:),Wbfit W•.H. e.• 4'I`Tho spent tne.. padt . „. eturaed with, thetin. ....5...erspr.11, Hof IMan, L Woflf 6.pc.'johii'','Deiclr.ert left on Vedneed y morninge to attend the EOi'.1tojr.Ja'sc,ball game at 1,:tft. t e'afterliVon . CaP i, ,rhAtteauagurdono4mrowls4mx...4mtwArmusvene.d.o. It'scerPr'4'eci.J85,5 1.1`;and .-ReServe $9,000000' ,rer 1,25 .•.3rgiaches -$* Tut Re-ceiVed a large numbre. Genuine WoIen orse t'r Blankets in AB sorted colors Size 72x84. t Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices Ranging from $7.0b to ' SAVE MONEY BY GIVING ITS A. CALL'. A BIG Stock c••• Harness and Halters always on laax.d. Club I3ags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. ESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY PHONE in ESS The Jw"r a PHONE No. 71 ,W:i44k0i140t...4,4.ibe004,414404404•4'§0.00.4'44`.*Vn, 41.1 fr- 4:tc ao axo all Horse. "-I. 4. • ds at prices what 'A cordial invitation is extendended to You to come and 'see we have in store for you NEW VELVETS Have several pieces of Extra quality Silk Velvcia 33 inches wide which will make Frock, Cloak or any other Velvet Garment - ALSO A SPLENDID LINE OF VELVETEENS IN ALL alit LEADING SHADES NEW SERGE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTME/slil OF N-Elv szians TOR FALL IN ALL THE c POPULAR SII4DES. SEE OUR RANGE AND ET OUR PROCES -P. • a . splendid KNITTED WOOLENS 'If Price, Qttality and Novelty interest you, see our ex- tensive link of Ladies and Mens Sweaters, Ladies Sdarts, Mens Scarfs, Child.rens Toquks • CARHARTS Overalls and Smocks, every seam Doti- V .6 bit Stitched, .every button re:-enfoced - HATS THE NE \V HATS FOR FALL ARE JUST A LIELLE BETTER AND MORE UP TO DATE THAN peEVIOUS Y.EARS. OUP. STYLES SA.TISFY MOsT MEN BECAUSE, THEY ARE - STYLISH, V GOOD LOOKING AND COMFORTABLE. ALSO A FINE LINE (:)1 NEW PALL CAPS BOYS St ITS 4 46 A. fine Range of Boys Two Bleomer Sluts just arlived, and they lare lia Vie them in different shades ranging in price from 453 to $12 • • .OVERCOA_T-S P P.A P .1) ,,,.. sure worth coming toV . gee, V w qe Almost every coat in our Store is Something New hacynrreiffaeitiennetwanadrAtdheincellouttssaoinleof,vtehreyves2.- 15 latest Colorings. Be eure and see our lin• e. T eppy models , , vp ,:o10,F++++404-44+444.444444+44444,44.+4.4.+4.444-44-14+4.+++++++01.1,t++++++++++++44+i444++++++++ i,p • P I . 4 E TF,-,,Fz if! 40 4-0 J Phone 59 ZURICH Produce Wanted Bring us Your Alsike and Clover Seed. We always pay the highest Market Price according to QUality .e, 04.9_4 • • 1-.‹...;Yi..titT ed_e. • ‘"••4" •",1...5N; , • Subs riptionsf received at al Brauchas for the'lew Dominion of -Ca -pad. Loan Victory Bods maturing on 1st Novel -ober 'may be exchanged for bonds of the new loan at an oranch LOIS Bnak Full inforniation and •applicat- ion forme on request eC. i41,. JOY. er Zurich Br rad, Las Fart, ing the v• all c ,sood clear •atm° fzir!' - ham .Tubil ei t of th eeted. that 1 foe gest' . 61n5ilal ly to ij. was, excepti winning h.Fall Fair •ay will again go down "I most successful Fall Early in themorn squall passed over 'd it looked like an this however wile d by noon the 4.d d with the nice warm t made the beet kir • erne time.• The d headed by the , paraded after din- • ow grounds where one array et exhibits gr - yes of the spectators, 'r:been seen here. W • saying .that the larg- was present. of any , t, whieh helped great- i.it the fine success it Fanners' Trot race was elose by the three xorses, as it was nearly a neck- to- •eek affeir all the way a- round The black steer hitched na the top baggy by Edward • Thiel eawed immense excitement, after- wards it was engagic.:d in a. war contest with eight boys and won out, The day ended with the Illiant concert in the TowrIHU in the evening rendered by the Zurich tramatic Club, which is a credit to these young people for playing their characters to ably. •The Piest Special prim for the oldest -person attending the fair Was aWarded to Mrs Parsons of BlYfieldt 'ahoe being 89 years old, afterwards our old veterau, 'Gottiieb' Memel, of Zurich was pre- seritEd •hateing lived 93 years, Anti 'was uwArded a special prize by the 6.7(1eir..5: Cnclucled on Page 4) U AlwaYs bars ArrA • thw, Aar- tlkaastk • .ant -a d Chlidren t'1VeVi.,t;e0 „,. aly.m..o...••••••••• iz,+.14++++4++++++44+++44++++444++++++++++++++++++444.4444k• 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. • Wet weather will soon be here AND THE IERSON WHO HAS TO GO OUT DOORS WITeL NEED GOOD SHOES, THE 'KIND THAT WIL LREEP • THE vEar DRY AND COMFORTABLE. TRY A PAIR OF OUR MEN'S BOYS', WOMENS AND MISSES% • WE ALSO HAVE AN ASSORTMENT OP WOMEN'S, GENTS' AD GROWING. GIRLS SHOES ON OUR SPECIAL • SALE 'RACKS, AT A BIG REDUCTION TO FORMER PRICES OUR STOCK 1S COMPLETE IN RUi311ER FOOTWEAR AND RBTJEER 00S‘ • Repairing done by the very latest methods .0. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS ONTAMO ZURICH 447 455.55,4544.454454.4555, LSUP Li Fd • We have a full -line of School Books in ' stock. Large and small drawing books, exercise books, scribblers, paints, crayons, ; hard slate pencils, slates, school bags, and lunch boxes, etc., etc. Highest Prices for Farm Produce R. N. D OUGLA.,. GENERAL 11118RON A NT PHONE 11 -97 ,A