HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-09-20, Page 10, . 1��tSL ITB and anger. Turnover, and Special inducements to the Cash buyer, Our Motto for Pall and Winter Trade WE REALIZE THAT THE BUYING POWER OF OUR CUSiTOM- FNS IS NOT`,AS GREAt1` ..A.'3 IN YEARS GONE BY. $O WE WANT TO GIVE YOU LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES IN GOODS CONSIST- ENT WITH QUALITY AND SERVICE. HENCE OUR Ziorcr0 The first hint of cooler Weather 'sends the prudent housewife hurrying to the Store for waiuiea Dress Material, Underwear, Sw- eater Coats, Cashmere .wd Wool hosiery, Etc: We ere sure You can .make a very satisfactory 'choice from our display of new Fall end Winter Goods Sweater Coats '.At remarkable low prices. They carne in all wool heavy weight, Pullover or button, style, in wear. 12 only, Neje liens Overcoats to array of colors and patterns. hand. NEt>>EuT STYLE, AT OVERCOATS Monarch Yarns Again in Stock m leading colors. We carry Monarch Down, Dove and Silvertwi.st r • UNDERWEAR LENNARDS UNDERWEAR FOX; WOMEN AND • CHILDREN This lima is giving extra satisfac- tion to our customers. , It is a. rmgar- ent of part woof and cotton yarns will rade and finished in low neck land short sleeve, or no sleeve, as Orrell ,as •in: long sleeve .style. , Pr- iced from i35e, to t.L75 a garment sT.G AS Produce yVarited RICHT PRICES. SEE (THEM Celery! Celery! No.I QUALITY FRESH CELERY i4EO:R SALE, GROWN IN :OUR QOWN GARDENS. LARGE OR. SMALL ORDERS FILLED PROMP- TLY 48/ St_N ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Miss A.41-11 Wetmore visited with hisnds at London last- Mr astMr and Mrs it, F. Stade tri' gun day visitors at Dasli.woot 4 Mrs. T. 14, Wuran *pent i' past week with relatives in SITzrd Messrs X. 0. Milliken a ' I I*I, t{. il:esray,, were Sunday visitor , . t Ex - €:ter Iris and 'Mrs J. S w ai t of ii trait are visiting at the bomc'i' Mint ,ind Mrs John Fina iE` • - Mr. and Mira Moyer of th4", k hasp os Road, spent Sunday wit, :Mr. and 1\Irs kid. Huhes, i3alaylly .Miss V. V. Si&iert•, the Z ''z hxtlli lifael�, herr opened up a ,fa'xxrs.1 rr'ay of fall and winter hats, .ince, vritee the public 0, comt-. .and z ,YiD ret arae �.. l4; Mrs. Louis Pnuig ;.is &pi, ' ng a fe\v days at 'Detroit, 'be- ing to visit her sister, 'Miss iza. beth Truemner, who had tli Tor'tuno to h..Ve ht.r leg Try itiur ci when) an auto st'.ruc,k her R It EVERY TOWN AND V 1 pWAGE NEEDS FIRE PROTECT i'N Many TJiliagt?s. anu sniilt tiers throughout .Canada Bare in t$ ; =alae position to -day with respee Eti 'ire protectionor lack of IT pro- tection that the Ontario 11.11 ;e: of Ailsa Craig wits in before:.fire o Iivlay 7th 1 t, which u tp ou,: twenty 13'uildit,igs with. a 110 of ;.100,000. The day after • th fire the village council met in • sioi, :end decided to' prout.re ad3 tate apparatus to i.,rotect the place a- gainst the recurrence of such' idas- aster.. It is 'easy to be wise xatfter the event. Ten thousand doiiars expended before the lire Would probably . have saved all the loss The,'lessoni to be taken to heart by the authorities of every town 'ai,1 'village in a sin ler position, is that 'be safety of life and property de- mands that an adequate wate;r sup- o'y be prov'rled to cope 'a -it?: -a large fire; that up-to-date fire- fighting apparatus be ,available; that a force of firefighters be on- ganb ed and trained ; to handle.the apparatus; and that the time tto attend to those matters is before, not after the place i"s detasted by fire,—Toronto Sa.t'urday Night 0CTOBEH TROD ...ND GUN Phone 67 One of the treats in store for the sportsman in Rod. and Gun in Calk adi:. in; the -October issue h a• 'story Zuricli's Gara:e We are again handling the Battery I$ IN NEED OF A BATTERY BETTER CALL AND SEE US WE MAKE A SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLI) BATTERY 'CTEI GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO CO1VIpARB WITH ANY OTHER 1. QUALITY AND SERVICE CONSIDERED We also handle the famous TJ. S. L Battery A COMPLETE' LINE OF DOMINION TIRES AND :TUBES AND GEN - VINE FORD PARTS .ALWAYS ON' HAND NOW IS THE 111111E TO HAVE YOUR,CAR REPAIRED,. OUR 'OLICY XS FIRST HERE, FIRST SERVED, COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. WE ARE EXPERTS ALONG ,THIS LINE AND CAN ATTEND TO YOUR NEEDSAXY ACTYLIN WELDING BATTERY CHARGING BATTERY REPAIRING- H. EPAIRING fid. Mousseau Zurich la 09Al0•85ilee 58eeetitii•9afto4; rndoespotpoosoogiocesesitegQioi9tl e o a EVETROUGJJJNG 9 1And General Tinsmith Work y iAs Our Mechanic is -again able ..k ti aR I do all kinds of outside work, we are 0 i in a position to fill your require- nien.ts in all kinds of evet I roofing and general tinsmith, NOS, IS Tip rpm TO HAVE -� ' ' ,� L ,Gills NORZC I)O,t�,;ts,.:InF1+OR,€ THE COLD h011'OH ALL WEATHI� SETS faq s civ SA.TISPAOT1U1i IS THE MOTTO THAT WE ALVA 114 � MAIN- * _ Allkinds f Sin 0 and •Heary Hardware Always on hand 6. !pF 1ST p EE E LO 411040 64ke11004,4I6ti 060,1tI IN14itr6Aitllr iN146400 1001/.00ealt ite by Ht. C. Duffus on "Bear Hu itin up Bute Inlet, :3.C. Which. is writs.;` ten. in a particularly readable:man: n,er.. Bonnyeastle Dale has..a good article on the "Virginian Deer of Nova Seetia" while irate st- '411'4 lace,:emit o6'.a '.titin" day's, tritin. a canoe is,•'contribnted by'A. Da id .Frazer;. E. P. GG and has in =stops of a fishing tr•iTj in the Rockies while F V Williams and 1VIartin Uun ter have two' ,good stoiios iii this issue, Guns and Ammunition ill, pa.rticular'ly well fi! .ed With artier lcs by men such .n A A Harness I!(. T D Francis, and R Leckie -Ewing, al well known to Rod and Gin re- aders. Robert Pace .Lincoln, 3,.'V Winson, and F.1I, `Vaiker have,,;o- od departments, while ''Along the Iiappline," edited by M .G Bale's, opens again in the: October iSt'ue. Particular attention has been paid to the several iliapor'tant trap sho- ots of the Dominion, and accounts of thsJ3 0 R A, the .Sisley Teatnalr England, a write up of whirl''; is given by Major Crowe, the M$rit-1 ince Trap shoot, ;and the 0 R Aare all contained b, the October issue LETTER T.ER PROM TUE WEST Mr D D'Arcy, Sask., Sept ath, .1.02:4 G. I1n1't% nail, Zurich, Ont ' etr Father;--. I i.'eeei j ed' your lett r.:. of Mg, rvi11 bile in Manitoba I think they . i11"',.:be :tc.Yrly ni, threshed r;ut I hove everythi;;b cut bat the oats, which .j ill, -be ready in a frac day, jj,�, •r 1 ha,'e, mostly all ui, Mil to slbol,, tall,'that. is set up is rjinat ;thi ,,wif,: stook -d in - hat' sr,rare tirnn,nnd ;)fill 11c, busy stooking the bigcrest 44 of this week, have not, bird any help this fall. fa'c'e on tioi "• it ,nyself, ii' stages are 5o laag#r ti1d grain prices sr+• low that if , yo hire hien- hells the crop all goe to the biped men, i1'ag ase lt per day out night be highs 3 la£ for ' the tired of the season. Iii cox pcet to get tniev.shcd ;n a fou'ii'9 o 10 day 6, we,:i tiler lu i mitt i ,g. - Our crops aroanu here .uer:cry good but will not be a bump 1r as Was expected, solve arra fr.Uo 1^a.nd others 111t-trt a trace of 'Li•tck, �'u:it. I have ;13., acro of "rot. t° MI- eat, 1 Prop.S. at rt,i. eat, 10 barley, .5 syr and 3rl . of oats, i\Iy crop is not fri,+t't ; but. is slightly 'misted, .int figurinig on owetting ::ttmincl t.6 to il0 blahs's,of Wheat per acre, all the 1£ ' , , is good crop. The putaroc~s end gar,_ den, stuff i5 good i. r pl.ti?te :"!4 int conic for the tut ns Thiel sir Ai a good crop, anti jvillg et .,;oo.l t'et;d frri' 'tlie' cattle i1 T can get �'aro�trl d to tot it before a il ost, 'W c tav'e hfad at good dry harvest bit i'.the weatlu r looks tis it it might c liege-. and freeze r b some of these )19r1t ltq, Will close, we arc all well II lying OM 'will find you tits' st,1 t. I have chnngec1 my poqoflic,, Ad- drett rti.y letters t1 1,"Ar �v rry. Sask. Vein' ,7en,.- the 3rd,' and in classier jt••1il �a� this .is a tato harvest. 'E•ciy rs in: full sjr it g and threPhing start aro-and here this week, { Tr c 1e £L) LOCAL MARKETS (C4rrectc.d every Butter... 16.11...... ...... ll.ried apples per lb Dutch setts per 'lb. Potatoes ,per bag' ... Wheat per blithe' Oats Flour per cwt Brans per ton Sliortsp er tons Hogs' cwt, Wednesda.y). • ." 7c 5c .. 75 .. 40 8.06-3,75 21.90 • ..30.00. :....... 10,;00 Case & Son IFJENSALL DEALERS IN Four, Bran, Shorts, Feeds, Salt, Coal, Coke A Car of Cokearrived thils -week and can accept orders Ott $!14,00 per Ton, - Also expect other grades any time: We will be pleasedto hitvet all our old Customers. as well 'a5 new Ones. GIVE US A CALL THE at Sh ppe A choice Stock of New, Fashionable Millinery has Leen, opened In ZURICH } BY Vera V Mend :The ladies .;of the Community are in.Vited to call and inapt -Pt it as there wilt be no fawnsOpening,.. EACH': REFLEL 1 S Tri% GLOW OF AUTUMN IN 13,1.W W N AND REDS, IN. DULL GRATS, LAUREL L GREENS, AND THE ARISTOCRAT IQ BLACK Prices: will Le *most reasonable • and satisfaction assured LEAVE 'rORLT ORDERS EAi'ii.P TO INSURE SA1:ISFAC'.IION Diss :Vera Ve' Siebert. ZURICIi-•--ONT, Thursday t opteiub `il le0th,' I923 • Thi store .14 .44 is Lib r l adi Radio season is now on at itbest Hear latest music, Lectures, Ser mons,.Market Redorts, Bed time Stories for Children. tldien. Thzs is a re- ality not a dream Hear it at:.. ur Store: 3.39 to 10.30 ani s,,0 to pm 7,39 to 12 Daily. We handle the fam'ous_and n oder. ate priced line of sets, narkely of CROSLEY MFG. Co., Cincinatti, Oho WE INSTALL: Al.L SE'T'S, AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION- ASK ATIS `A.CTIONASK FOR PRICES MELleKee RAUN PHONE 63 5'/2 Per Cent. Per Annum Payable Half -yearly. rlwertrude Wener ,1s visit- ring ,at''.London Mrs `J.18. Green of the Parr Line who spent the past week at Lindon, has returned to her home Z Mrs. Jacob Rader of Dashw ood is visiting relatives kn town Miss Idai :Routledge '4 Hyde Park, and Miss Florence Elliott of Amaranth,. Man, are ;sper,cling the Week at Dr. Routicdge's Eighty -pound steel rails will be laid on the Huron and Bruce sec- tions of, the Canadian National Rail- ways line between Denfieid and ;Centralia, a distance ,of 16 • miles in, the course of a few days;. The road from Hyde Paris • junction to ,Denfield is already laic •'with the '0-1b. rails, and "it is expectedrthat the road, as far as Centralia will he equipped before cold wea- ther ses in Elfortts will be )made ou the part of the maintenance of way depaftn'ient to lay the hektvy rails as far as Winglitann before the fall of 1024. When. completed the heavier engines: will be able to run o ver this line... , BIBLE THOUGHT ....FOR TODAY IItb1' 33 a,c4,t W,Ntfi ed nitl prone a 1 rteea*A hb,rlitag rn at'ter genre il(i1=..-ir w-y---,rrr.,r;�. They Helped every ono his neigh- bor; and every one said to his u brother, Be of good courage.--ia, 5 }i1;G ' For he shall ct gi'v'er the needy when, he ct'ieth; the poor also, and 1' hilar' that oath no helper—P:3„1"2;12 Make- nim tc, undexStand the way of thy precepts; so shahs I talk of thy wonderous works—PS., 119;27 Buy the truth, and seri it not;, also wisdom, and instruction, and tindersta ndin g—Pro r': :.a;25 Though 1 bestow ab any goods to feed the poor', and. though 1 gilt my body to he burned and have not charily, it iirotateth rile nothing w 1 Cor,, 13;3 Thou madest hi'sn to have domin- ion over the works of thy hands: thou hast put all things under his fe- el P. $;G There shall be no light there;and they need no candle, neither tit? light of the. •sun; for. the Lord God. giveth them light and they shall 1 ci„n fat' tiwer and ever—,.Rev, 22.3 ririvKlroo ON CANADA 'TRUST CO, GUARANTEtED'MORTGA..,E CER- TIFICATES. 51/4 Per Cent -• CCanacla 'Trust Co, Guaranteed Certificates and 13uron and Erie Debentures are Protected by Assets of oyer $25,0.00,000.00 $100 invested in. Canada Trust Col',, Guaranteed Mortg- age Certificates in twelve: months will l earn for you $5.50. $1,00.0 in twelve months will earn $55.00 , i $+100 invested in Huron' & Brie Debentures in twelve, months will .earn for you $5,25,.$1000 i,n twelve months„ will earn. $52.50. LET ME ARRANGE AN NVESTMENT FOR YOU NOW, Andrew F. - Hess, - Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WILL? DB. JOHN WARD Painting and Paper Hangin Chiropractic and .l iectriea Treat- nients.—Byes Examined Main St., EXETER, Phone 70 Consultation and Examination free AT WALP.&ER HOUSE, ZURICH Every Wednesday:, 10 a.m. to limn. 8-22 I Ann "in a poisition kind of paper hanging, graining and decorating, Eiekmeter, Zurich to do am!, parotin . 4�"...4.4-1.0-t.X04.4.4.•F.++++•l'+++++++ ++,641« e'6++++ '��+.*�" ++++�i'r�II�4•+�h�h,�t 4 HERALI) OFFICE • l ;'., Do You ..,° 44 --i tTHAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR + -r - GOOD PRINTING• 4. THAT' WE CMS' SUPPLY YOU WITII PRINTED WEDDING att• ' A . INVITATIONS ANI) ANNOUNCEMENTS 31: .q THAT WE PRINT CALLING+ CARDS;: STATIONERS SUCH • AS LETITERHEADS, .BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND :- STATEMENTS , TII.:l.T WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUIFAC1T 4 Moms OF COUNTER CHECK 1300.1(5, AND CAN SUP- ` .3 PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF C'.EIECIK BOOKS + THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENV - 4 OPE S IN' ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARSON OR ' 4 + TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING .q TAGS, 'MEMORIAM ST- . . 4e• A.TIONERY, NOTE 1300IKS, RECEIPT :LOOKS INTWO , 4§.. SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC.::.., SIZE INIC r• T"Hz�,T WE .PIF, YOUR ORDINARY POTiTI.E "y, WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN 1tI( FOR 3e. LARGa- 4. GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER, REDUCTIONS, j r L PRINT POSTING EILLS,. AUCTION SALE POS- I' r. I'.FIA I'rr y;yW-, �y 7T���jjyyy'-{}) yy; T yyyy �y • ,r'ERS; MERRLAlr7TIILE O.h7 yG '�' PRINTING t POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL NG OUR SPECIALTY i its ++++++++++++++++44,444i4-1,++++++++++++++++++4: +++