HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-09-20, Page 9• o ` 4Z.11t�®''����®,A • • • -AND THE WORST IS YTS T TO COMFE Eider Down, Poison all Canadian Industry all content. Iron Chrmk•,. removes the head, tail, fins; Tie First Lifeboat: The History ®# ' ry uYRllrie., of nesting It] aces being strictly fozbld- Sockeye.salmon bred solely tri By W. D. Burdie, Secretary den. Uader such protection the birds The Pacific Ocean &lid the lar93 tho riverwhere they were hatched, ,is Britleh Columbia in the Naris Skeena rivers in Catza:da along Its 7,000 miles The female deposirts her eggs in FI bed; , One of the most valuable remedies of coa-sitlluo, abound in' fish of all made by her in the grtavelly bottom at the rate of 60 fish per minute. klads;' of,which themost noted I,s•. sial-' of the stareani oa, lake, which axe for - - mon of various varieties; bred in Bri- trunci by milt from the n'iale and pari' n' tia1h,Colutnbia rivers. thine, covered with 'gravel;, Shortly bbta.iur- the,highest price on the nla,rl{et. In migrating from 'the I'n X876, three sma11 cizunsries were after both mala and ,female dda, „ was called "Jesuits' Powder." The (,barna es!tabllslle'd on• this F ""'ser liiver, atad Tlve 'average alone froarl deposit of sits+, who, trim It by hon and remove ^ d fl later. oantl�ei es wero es±tabli.shl ed at agger to .hatching the fry is about 160 $200,000.oblely on account of the eider various. points• along the coast of Brl-. days, through slight differences in the i y tis±h Columbia and Alaska. All grades sp+ecie±s, and teniperatirre of the 'water the -Gini of `Ge'o'rgia +b 49th poral- of saiitzon 'ivere.'put up, but the name, influence' the development, lieved. by it during a bout of fever. a P asls'i• River Sockeye salmon main -I after hatiihing, the young sal- • tained its rorlUtattl'on , of being the ,.Soon mon drop down to• the sea, where they manufacture of :quilts, comforters; choicest food of its kind, stay, until: matured ..and ready to re- of the water, and as he talked to the "Tai former years there was only a produce their species,, which usually the United States, and are Captuzyed, market demand for the "red-fieslied" o'bcurs in about four years from birth. _ and sent it hometo Linnaeus, the re sainion (popular prejudice having fos• I, The'retu•fm of s�imon.,to the Coast sized steaks to fit tliro various s4zed tored the preference), but since the waters. usazally follow ' in sequence; C3I:ifEC+1l13E)1'S. s'unplles of sookeyerd±ecroased on the Sp •lug •s±almon fishing' begins in ed itself, Arriused by its antics he re- Fraser River, in ever-Inereas'ing de -I March; So•ckeyye, in this north in June, trade name for this grade and quality mAnd has arisen for Cohoes, Pink and and in the south in July; followed by Y r" Chums, ald'of which form an attractive') C'ohoes. Pinli✓s, and Chums in the or - Titre -steaks are then conveyed to the and highly nutritious''erticle of food der named, the canning. season lasting it is probable, as a result of the iuves- and a,re being packed In greater qu'an- I about four montths. Propagation by 1c11aaice meeting was the self-righting tri,tieis. means of hatcheries 'establish±ed on . fax in cress's+ of anyother d�ascriptlon.. There are five'distinctspecies of several .salmon rivers is largely adopt- The attention of the Indian autho'ri-1 sralmon on the Pacific Coast, viz.: 1. ed as `aaz aid to the natural method. by operatives using gloves kept Sockeye, deep red- in color, weighing When.. the- seasit'n for canning opens e, about 7, pounds, rich in oil;, 2. Cbdro'ok the risen Are caught in traps, seine and NVha•t lis had dds±covered was that or Spring, bright red in color, weigh- gillnets, delivered t0 the cannery, , and inieri'ox in quality. to the British Co- ing from 8 to 80 pounds, moderate oil immsdi-atsly processed. .Hand labor :°. t content; 3, Cohoes, lighter re'd. in :has been superseded'by machinery In delivers the steaks with the backbone' color, welgli.l�ng about 8% pounds, ami. the various processes•; the latter has -, 'Less Void content; 4.. Pinks, prole in proved to -Ue much znore speedy and could iioat only with its. cohvex-sur- Color, weighing about 6 pontnds and. PfI•cie'ut. • The fish is thoroughly wash - trade name: "Alaska, Reds;' light all Content; 6. Chums, Pale i'n'' ed with freph spring .water, .A. won - fibs quinine -bearing country was color, weighing about 7 pounds, light derfal automatic machine, called the, Eider Down, Poison all Canadian Industry all content. Iron Chrmk•,. removes the head, tail, fins; Tie First Lifeboat: The History ®# ' ry uYRllrie., of nesting It] aces being strictly fozbld- Sockeye.salmon bred solely tri splits the body down the belly den. Uader such protection the birds steed pads bend Caiw % liave'.brought to light the pas- ,is Britleh Columbia in the Naris Skeena and removes the entrails and blood Oneofthe most extraordinary cases , One of the most valuable remedies ' o£.p mon died• exposure during a second period of high winds succeedd• • •the and Fra:stlr Rivers articulari and e p y, at the rate of 60 fish per minute. of what,may be called.an accidental i discover Ye 1 ed is quinine. The drag - recognized as being supreme in quali- ty,: and Water undler heavy pressure i�s forced, into the careas�e during this. invention is that of the liftbo'at. A man named Would+have was out walk- has been known. since 1655, when it • •; bbta.iur- the,highest price on the nla,rl{et. In migrating from 'the process, The carcase then passes- to the butch- n' , Ing ante day when he was- asked by an „ was called "Jesuits' Powder." The (,barna perilously loadadt which bobbed about `help was .at hand. i like leaves autumn gale, ,nears The soorrn raged, laze boats were . oc n as to tiie Fraser River in Southern sits+, who, trim It by hon and remove ^ d fl old woman to het ns...,iL' . p r a can of water which. she lice filled b mean s h•as been.used in England since g UK Chia lesll, being $200,000.oblely on account of the eider British-Colupibia, which empties into p o any agments of fin's•, etc., which i y considerably re- • the -Gini of `Ge'o'rgia +b 49th poral- ln,ig+ht have' escaped the Iron Chink. It "0f 'a broken. wooden bowl. lieved. by it during a bout of fever. The nearest land was, nearly 2,000 ; though the 'anxiousT watchers' on the s- 1efl, inns voclr�e}'o p�as�s through the. th is. then placed irr the fish -Cutting ma-'{ The bowl was iioating -on the surface „ Two French astronomers encounter- manufacture of :quilts, comforters; Straits' of "Fuca and Puget. Sound in chdne where b a series, of circular re-, y of the water, and as he talked to the ed the bark when travelling in Peru, no attempt has been made in Canada the United States, and are Captuzyed, volving . itndves It .is, cut luta properly ;woman, Wo'uldhanne turned it over _ and sent it hometo Linnaeus, the re w packed, and s•oTci under the name of sized steaks to fit tliro various s4zed with his finger. It i mmediatel g y right- "h.o~nmed botanist, who named it Cin - C3I:ifEC+1l13E)1'S. /c S'oCl e 1 , v ce Salmon," h, Y S the recognized Call. ed itself, Arriused by its antics he re- chona in h'on`or of the wife.of the Spon- The industry can be made a per- trade name for this grade and quality Canning`:Operatio peated the .performance; then it strucl� him, that he had made. awon-• ish Viceroy Of Peru, who, when ill With fever, derived benefit from A Salmon..ns.• afIts s eciai doll p qualities are the deep red Titre -steaks are then conveyed to the derfutl discovery. The result of his great it, 'the drug being administered by a it is probable, as a result of the iuves- color• of the flesh and richness in od'1, filling tables, w'here,'if to be hand fill- 1c11aaice meeting was the self-righting native who knew its medicinal value, r ` fax in cress's+ of anyother d�ascriptlon.. ed; they Are carefully placed In •aanG lifebo•at,• which wasp designed by him The attention of the Indian autho'ri-1 .4 The"'Red" salmon, caught and pack-, by operatives using gloves kept on the, lines of the broken bowl. •ties baing drawn t'o Cinchona., It was e, ed in Alaska and 'giberia, is dosti, Y scrupulously clean; or to a fillingma- NVha•t lis had dds±covered was that `shipped there recklessly, add there bil inieri'ox in quality. to the British Co- chine which, by means of a plunger; ,anything made of floating material were fears, that the supply would be it -, of the "rai.ii-brees.". - The tropical in- p lumbia sockeye, although it iq some delivers the steaks with the backbone' arn,d shaped like' one half of a basin exhausted; definite steps, however, p , , tentialities increase the more exten- times wi�angfudly labelled that well- lengthwise of the can, which holds' the could iioat only with its. cohvex-sur- were not taken until 1859-60. a new supply. The second collectionIs trade name: "Alaska, Reds;' flesh in p'ostit•ion and make,$ a firm face downwards, A boat made on fibs quinine -bearing country was , , madness and then. death. Their bodies were committed to the deep within a' into. Canada must be label:- package, these Lines cannot u side down p divided up amongst several searchers, this year used an old-fashioned side- Led as such ; the ward .`'So.ek+eye" on• The only foreign ingredient added for more thank an i:netant when it i and dlfferent species of the drug were !n Europe has, been practised for many the babel being forbidden, by the Cana- to canned salmon is- a suitable quam arty of salt (automaticall turned over by &.heavy sea.. '1 ^ "'ficli�ty ' •shdpned' tb Kew, but with great dif- Her �1T1C1' duan GoYerument. Y placed while the can is being filled for seasoning ) " ti " If we could level up prop.uneiati owing ',to the- obstruction of the Peruvi�aai Government. woman not only looks nibre ,graceful Return to Hatchnt0 Grounds: pusposesF i' We would get over roost of our Scorch mhrosro are soft, restful colors, and good i , protected in the nesting seasions, even All salmon spawn in.oraeks, riven The filled cans are then examined dlfficult>.es," Says a sdientist, � qJJ or Jakes; and tt peouliarxity, of nno,•t of. 'th•e ,, .,- by experiemed, ins actor • h' throw p s who hro�v The ii in r "' h est ee sehatm pipe was Oatmeal is responsible for more de- sliede�s irequ�ent'aig thla ' Pac:ilo . ,.. -_ , ti' t .cart cans allot do'not come a •o . n t ,stand. 'made ii 1}2 ' iii',- 1 3 by a .Hungarian" shoe= fectivE ;ta$t�i "thitti••.sither•whte flour k Eider Down, Poison all Canadian Industry a ci rin :paCkiug and weight. •':maker, who -wag. a clever wood carver. 'or rxec, Investigations carried on by several tho.d'isebarging of gun's in the violulty you me r Diel S co fro lane ornithalogists In the Gulf of St. Law- of nesting It] aces being strictly fozbld- That it is,�-to longer summer? The poppy petals, drop and blow And only the reuce and more northern parts of den. Uader such protection the birds steed pads bend Caiw % liave'.brought to light the pas- become exceedingly tamie and dive ., Awkward and ugly Under the ,vine. s1b11Ity of an industry of Considerable -Around Itaiituan Itabltations as fe ,111IM- ' o£.p mon died• exposure during a second period of high winds succeedd• • •the mugnaudo, in tine produetlan of elder ly as,, barnyard fowl, An Idea of the the maou sent down, 'a broad pencil down, Thousands of eider ducks xnestvalue • plaead on the eider duck in dreadful de'ath's of the. Indians. on th•e rocky athores of the Gulf, of St.'� the6e oountdes inaY be gained from of Light; dis'clos'ing two little lifeboats, Lawrence and northword while a few the fact that riot .long rtgo an island q sCatt'are•d breeding places•aro also to Off the coast of Iceland, eight sgiiara perilously loadadt which bobbed about `help was .at hand. i like leaves autumn gale, ,nears The soorrn raged, laze boats were be found farther south, and these nest- nailer in extent, sold for approximately- " ing ;grounds ,provide a potential source $200,000.oblely on account of the eider the fate, of .IMos±es, who only looked up- of,: supply'of down which Is in denma•nd down produced there. of an insect. In continbree. The down Is valued highly and the his' stall; the compass was useless•, and 7'he bider due is an insectivorous prices: range from $2.50 to '$5,00 €t The nearest land was, nearly 2,000 ; though the 'anxiousT watchers' on the bird whIch, in .addition to its protec- pound, It is much sought after for , Ab iga U Cresson.. tive virtues, -can be made to provide manufacture of :quilts, comforters; i a 'direct and hands'o'me revenue. Yet .the etc., owing to the fact that it combines a ' hopper or cuckoo -spit. It lsy . in fact, no attempt has been made in Canada a minimum of weight with a maximum to bits against the rocks., to exploit the thousands of blr4 , and 1 of warmth. Each nest, it Is estimated, w Opportunity exists for the building up, supplies, slightly over an ounce of A of an Industry, which, with' the ode -1 down' per season, and at the present C3I:ifEC+1l13E)1'S. quote protection' of the birds, would price's 'should produce from 30 cents .± be perm'anent,' arid, In fact, increasing, to 50 Gents, worth Of down 44th year. 4 The industry can be made a per- Under existing laws. eider ducks in This is the sap of the youtung plant, wrorI.ed`up by' the insect; which sucks manent one, because it is not neces• Canada are partially protected by D0- A nary to kill the birds' to secure the minion and provincial authorities, and -r down which in such demand. In it is probable, as a result of the iuves- '' .is fact, where the most down Is collect- tigatlans• 'which have been conducted,, Than, in the darkness began a ed it ds found that the birds. Increase that complete protection will be ex - I good not despised, but a green or blue is useless, In numbers most rapidly. The ducks tended. Strangely, the pons billties• .4 pluck the down from their, bodies to of developing a valuable' industry have. "w line their nests, and it is from the thus far been neglected by residents twenty -fours hours nests ,that it is, gathered, Two colle'c- of the shores of the St. Lawrence Gulf makes a•sort of velq: The same_ thing occurs 'in the Case tions of 'down are made each year, the and along the Arctic coast who have A first being. made shortly after the in the elder duck, a valuable resource, -, of the "rai.ii-brees.". - The tropical in- p nests are built. This procedure does to some extent unique, In that its pa- , not interfere with .the hatching of the' tentialities increase the more exten- elects ,are .also of thus aphis etcher; ,but laurger and more`num'erous, so- their eggs' as the ducks immediately provide s4vely it is exploited, beginning of ±their' •end—which was I I a new supply. The second collectionIs ring to realize the, importance partanGe of Col- ors in the sale of their Red attack +tin the tree causes the strange made after the 'eggs are hatched Most of the successful women riders , , madness and then. death. Their bodies were committed to the deep within a' and the nests abandoned for the sea . at the English Olympia horse show " son., this year used an old-fashioned side- w Tho conservation of the elder duck saddle. Only four of twenty-one coact - !n Europe has, been practised for many petitors rode astride, Princess Maayr Then,'BrIblish members of the years, and has resulted in the build- as a leader of fashion, rides. side. Her �1T1C1' Ing up of profitable in'dustri'es in many saddle,' and others point out that a a locations,, especially ' in Iceland and woman not only looks nibre ,graceful " Norway. There the birds are carefully riding in that way, but needs to be a mhrosro are soft, restful colors, and good i , protected in the nesting seasions, even better horse -woman. v 1 ORIS YT The Gray,. Day. qJJ - +•Crta fvC: •' N ,r nr yq,c vc>•y�*bTo-d sir To-day is a ragged wanderer From November's ca.lenctazt- A R. OtY It , I s never- a September � v-•-- ibe d n r a °a The wind blows raw, •M The leaves whip and turn The trees bend In agony' A And rain drips ceaselessly y 'I Iteard a very woeful tale; „ • From a gran sky. . . . lardMr. Billy Coat, 'About 'a big -long-necked giraffe Out Out in this Vito has a quinsy throat. poppies nod 'That's nothing! There's a centipede, Scarlet, Erik, golden Trying Mr..Pig, "who mourns to manic uta remember 3eoause he has a hundred feet, That it is still end every toe has corns." A lou way to winter, g Y er, ;. The cornflowers ora blo'wat and browsy, The scarlet pimpernel, found In And the hydrangeas most. English Sweep against the grassy ng grain. field's,, . shuts its ., .. , )Ptak Vvhen tli- sky gets, dark and moo rain heavy to hold up their heads. ;load,• Thus it bas earned for itself '.. :vo, if isn't winter ye.t, • ' , he v•:'4iEBIFb9• p s is is e»r?za�0 ley ttiaatr• to e.s a ci rin :paCkiug and weight. •':maker, who -wag. a clever wood carver. 'or rxec, Glass.,,.emind ---,-.-- you me r Diel S co fro lane Ihs enItylyea ss ago Seventy years ag•o David Diving- Davi Li P r*,A" -.-. � � • Indian 0 Adrift � 0 si That it is,�-to longer summer? The poppy petals, drop and blow And only the stone discovered a "rain-trde" which !�B steed pads bend shaw'ered a quart of liquid from Its . Awkward and ugly Under the ,vine. leave's in about an hour.. He did not kno-w. the 'caus:e until It was discover- Through a rift in the storm. cloudz titre enshrouding gloom, at izlt'ervals i ' o£.p mon died• exposure during a second period of high winds succeedd• • •the It is a sign it ed -that . the so-called rain -trees of the maou sent down, 'a broad pencil their �commend'ers straining their eyes bad storms dreadful de'ath's of the. Indians. Summer has fulfilled her Eur pose; harvest hurries. tropical regions belongedl . to Tarn, of Light; dis'clos'ing two little lifeboats, far the ship lights that would mean Even then,, with the lon geci�for land Tlzs winds' were baffling, Using in- The - families., atnd that the cause was not perilously loadadt which bobbed about `help was .at hand. i like leaves autumn gale, ,nears The soorrn raged, laze boats were within thea Vision, 'they almost knew constant Ia ddreotion, sand strong '1 Oh, let as df�aw the curtains: 1 ofveg•etable •origin at a1±1, but the work a s � crippled steamsSiip, wallowing,, decks swept from cliff -Life sutnadts of waves the fate, of .IMos±es, who only looked up- enough at times to force Smith to reef ,, i I And forbet. of an insect. awash In, a trough of the waves'. to cavernous. -depiths, ead'up again, But P on tris Promdsied-Land, foe` the tveatch- his' stall; the compass was useless•, and Perhaps the sun will shin p a3 • gardeners, p Most en�e'rs especially those1•o-m'orro'w', who grow carnations; aro familiar The nearest land was, nearly 2,000 ; though the 'anxiousT watchers' on the emits reefs around the island nearly wrecked them; 'and they were saved in squally v,*ea�ther made steering by earn sitars frequently an impossible feat. , Ab iga U Cresson.. with a little green insect called ar frog- miles away, across a wilderness of poorly provislioned,� exaft soanned the 'the nick of time from being g smashed ,and After`tv*1ve days, water gave out _ - a ' hopper or cuckoo -spit. It lsy . in fact, waves, along whose crests• ran ribbons. - of the -eerie witoh fire of pho'spho'rus, land horizon until night gave way to dawn, drawn to day, and night, came to bits against the rocks., entirely, . Henceforth, for fourteen Colors That Attract a ItisLd of aphis which has developed a remarkable projective adaptation in pverheacl the mystemdous radio wee ' ± sl�iwly once more no heartening bulk , Chief Officer Smith had, a harder • tale- to teQl wheh he brought days, the men had only such water as game to them in infrequent showers. C3I:ifEC+1l13E)1'S. „ the form of the spit.. whIspering•messta es• of cheer and sue- car fnoain s vessel less than 300 Tresis appeared in the dista;rioe. yet, lessr than 300 miles. away, the .finally hlis •crew to safety at Mauritius, after a. { ` What seemed to them the most trla• You ,may pack pills in a pale blue This is the sap of the youtung plant, wrorI.ed`up by' the insect; which sucks awe but it groped in -cin for `the y, 1 Y ..• Txevern and the Treg+enna were send- twenty -five-day fight against ' over- whelming odds, gild occurrence of all was the death of! an Indian; the chief, cook, Allchin, wrapper, but if you sell chocolates the best eodors for the covers or boxes it up so grgedily'thait thesurplus oozes through its delicate s:k:'in•. Thos fluff d* r ai>tennae• A giant wave had attended to that. Ing out rea,s,sirrang cradle's! The rain that had brought some re- Rain bald addled to the discomforts; lief to the captain's boat was• not wlitose Life slipped away canny ane hour before they heard the Welcome hail are rod, orange, or bright yellow, A rich brown is to be r overflowing, is• lashed into froth by the Than, in the darkness began a en- the weather tiva&, as the captain said, 1 countered by Snaith, water rations be, I of two Ione fishermen, who took them I good not despised, but a green or blue is useless, creature's "tail:' T11e whi% ed•u li pp p q staugg„le, which adds ,another cep -c' of bravery to the annals the dirty, and it was impossible to keep ; in, re ire I g du d to; two teaspooufn'ls every through e Intow and acted as, pilots th oug th., Indeed, these colors will actually de• u%d finally surxounds the creature's body and of sea.. "O,ur oars! .It's arms and ash boys, , 3 , in sight ofaane another. At length, at ter five days, of hide and seek, they twenty -fours hours pass'age between the reefs into the ter a purchaser, even though the con. makes a•sort of velq: The same_ thing occurs 'in the Case O ordered Cecil %linter, captain of ails lost each other oomptletely. In s iLtt�' of �varndn st fo'ur Indian g i menaberst of the crow, of Bale' du Cap. it was 4 o clook in the moaning when tents of the Iiackage„ase of the highest Standard -, of the "rai.ii-brees.". - The tropical in- p steamship Tre"vessa, 5,000 tons±, which stalled, May 15 from The Captain kept his, course. A + under cover night, drank sea water. That was, the the hail of ante fishermen brought hope Manufacturers, are only y just begin elects ,are .also of thus aphis etcher; ,but laurger and more`num'erous, so- their -Australia. „ „ Our cels, echoed J. C. Stewart stretch of three days calm weather permitted hint to make good ptragress, beginning of ±their' •end—which was I I to despairing h'eart's.. It was #tve ring to realize the, importance partanGe of Col- ors in the sale of their Red attack +tin the tree causes the strange .Smith, chief ofifl'cer oaf the Trevessa, but acoldent after accident befell. Tlie , , madness and then. death. Their bodies were committed to the deep within a' hours later that they reached the shore, wares. and orange are warm colors; t1bey ex - and, at times, be'neficiatl'"radn,,, ani the grin's• fight which ended 1easly a moitith fateir at R'odrlgu�ee and auri- stepinast was• -Host, .somiethiug happen- st few haters of .o'ne anathea. Sc completely exhausted tivete the cite enthusiasm. alis way on, ed to the ruddor, one disaster atter an. Then,'BrIblish members of the survivors, that they had to be carried Green is, an excellent color for the Her �1T1C1' I ;' But the Indian Ocean lived up. to its other delayed them, Two :na:tive fire, Grew died 03 exhaustion during . a from their boats on stretchEsrs, crying walls of a room, so ds n Pale End good � ' When o,n •the wo'ods� rhos earl' frost sdni�s+tar reputation aria claimed ten -"---""'�"'""�°"" unashamed, and utte±t^ing thanks to mhrosro are soft, restful colors, and good i , _ --- Y Let fall its spangled cloak; lives, before the survivors were `pick- A dryad left at, basalt of da,y. od ftp. Each in lids' tongue, fed• there t Her refugee in the ozl, were several national•itlesl in the .crew, And: hi'vering in the 'chilly breeze begged first Boa• water, and, then for a That swept the countryside:, Priest, They had fought the sea and their bodies cod's Lay'down,upon a mossf bank wont' and craved Attl:oag the an'd. •dled. benedietton at water and their souls .fern's his 'grace. The saiinac berries are her beads 11nCCnStCi011513' Sa11111P� ,away ' r61n Of-' coral round and red, help Chet was ltasteningwto diem , mill . itost The go�ldeurod was coats• alis phallus and. south, --the two little boat- loads -of meta stlbsfsttd for nearly' a That graced her russet head. ceeds. ,Thee aster with its fringe displays i momth on one b!seii't amen the lid, of a . [ t • The -remnant of her gown, c�'arette tiil�ful of condensed milk The withered leaves -beneath our feet daily, then' water rattons .being doled. Are all her sandals brown, out by the teaspoauful —MI Irving. } The T•revoosa, an ox -Garman s�teanu-� ~ em of 5,00d,tona, belougl-fig to the illain JJJ 0, Steamsiiip Company, bound fol Eur " � t' the, veas'sel, ratdL cast off froiu the. !e• x' l) • �) t shore. olive, hnid t oval ed about 1800 nittlso3 tris journey whets she •entcounteretti r j ad injustice, tho crew arose against � -« heavy seaas; shipped more water urian Y� \ eighteen loyal sallow into a snra.11 hex' ;punipa could' hastdle, and In `s•pite' boat, which they hunsanely stacked trf the VaU,aiit efforts of tho orew, it l with provisdoans, and load -a; them to ' wa,s soon f6und that it was a mare matter of time before the soorrn would I i tb.e,r fate while they themstelves stalled oanquer in the struggle• C ,back to their Islarnd paradise, C �, S.O.S. tnessrtges, 'giving the Treves•. ti's positicin, were sent out just as the; Vadar,unted., "Breadfruit Bllglt” took - shop wast abandonied, at :2.15 'o'clock, htdurtio ad Aburdum,. in the wo�rri!.ng,"replies of 0.1€. bedai.g ll'il+.tit man --"My Frits was sucoeestu!'rocetyeci froiil the.RUIlic la;tid •tjwo n'n• 1:, With. fihas exemCises•, ifiid was reduced to IrmzrWh vessels, but : it was, not iossible I a hitjedrerl and 'tweli±ty pouinft,$ Itto,wait far pxotrnls ct aid, Se'colid Nati--"1VIii1e' & sled a,nd ware This two Small boats itcpt togeiiler � reduced to teams=," all ;n±ight, h-Mling trach other through i i God aloud for deliverance. Their flr'st fol the eyes•. You do not want a wall request was for water; their next, for which (3oirstaantly attracts thte eyes, but a pz'iest, you do want war-ntt bright, striking Lieutenant 'William Bligh-•'-(`Breach- Calory to attract purchasers to goads fralt Bdigh" as. lie was commonly tall- d'fisplayed in shop windows. ed, on account of his discovery and Notice, too, the t'natlter of books-•- 1 tra.nsv:aittuigof this edible• growth how marry are bound in red and how ' from .the lts-ltand-, Ito expld.red) was a brilliant are the -wrappers in which, ±moott teckla:ss voyager of the e;%ghtaenhU are shown itowad•tys, The sales-. century. His sliccialty s•eoms to have man who studies colors anti who un - been l•s•la•nds, a.nd on one of these be derstands thorn is the ane who site. I made a somewhat lengthy vta,y_ kris ceeds. i crew, rather 'a desperato lett, Mingled 6—-- with w ith the island women, and when ! Bligh Iut last ordered that they set sail lin th'eIr mother shi„t, the Bounty, the ♦ crew refused. ~ Always a douiiaesring soul; 13aigh 0, foresed !hetet,, on pain o;f death-, to board " � t' the, veas'sel, ratdL cast off froiu the. !e• x' l) • �) t shore. 1lectabl+e Rankling under wbatt they colisider. r j ad injustice, tho crew arose against � -« 'him, tine tuutin±eers putting 131,11gh and Y� eighteen loyal sallow into a snra.11 boat, which they hunsanely stacked with provisdoans, and load -a; them to ' i tb.e,r fate while they themstelves stalled ,back to their Islarnd paradise, Vadar,unted., "Breadfruit Bllglt” took - comtnand; doled out the fotod by mouth - i full the water I z careful quantities, Tho bifference. and directed the str-ering of the frail ECd110111te 1.1 Wife "'What's th,q dig-, craft during the three months they feronno If l make your .sillrts. 'or y'o'wl' I1 tossed 'at the 1110-reY o -f akar olenlcitts buy 'them at the storo,Y" in the groat gray wwte of sea. Tlubby-•-I'The fit," ,' i , + l w � W • ". \ . ♦ , ,